
Murder or Death?

A lawyer was killed while supporting his friend who was suspect for 5 murder cases, his friend was proved to be not guilty. The lawyer was later killed, who killed him and why? The secret is still unknown.

Midnight_games101 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

His life

"my childhood ended the day I was born, my mother died in a car accident when I was 2 and my Father, he was an alcholic used to beat me up every night..."

Ryan read the whole book, he started crying. Lucifer and Aiden walked in the station, they both were confused.

" Why are you crying Ryan? " asked Lucifer.

Officer Aiden saw the book and understood everything

" LUCIFER! " said Aiden.

Shivers went down Lucifer's spine, he knew he was done but for what reason? He started sweating, he slowly turned towards officer Aiden "Ye.. Yes sir?"

" Didn't I tell YOU to read the Book"

Lucifer opened his mouth to speak but before he could Ryan started talking

"I feel so sad for him 😭 he.... He had such a sad life"

Aiden looked at him and told him to explain what he read.

"His mother died when he was 2, his father used to beat him everyday so at the age of 12 he left his home, stayed homeless for 2 years, then his friend's (Edgar's) father provided him shelter and basic necessities. He got scholar ship and went abroad to study. He came back with lawyer's degree, fought many cases. He fell in love with this one girl Ellen, who broke his heart. And then he started to fight Edgar's case. He won, but then in the next page also the last page he wrote this couldn't be happening it's a lie, no I am going to fix it. And then was killed the next day". Ryan was still crying.