
Murder Mistress

This murder filled short story is about a lady who has a rather... different understanding of what it means to be a feminist. Will she get caught doing her rather questionable hobby? Well then come and find out. PS I do not encourage the behavior of the main character in this story and I just thought this would be an interesting plot. I honestly have no bad intentions and I apologize in advance if anyone finds something in this story offensive. Also the cover art is not mine but credits to the original artist.

Shanero · Fantasy
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Chapter One: Mysterious Bodies

A large number of bodies washed up on the river banks of a small town known as Falesville. The bodies all had one thing in common, their eyes were gouged out and their mouths were cut from ear to ear in a Joker like smile and they were all male.

"Cause of death... knife wounds. I don't understand! They all met the same watery grave, the same carvings on the face but the method used to initially kill them are all different. John Vandross, Matthew Andersen and Tyler Jackson were strangled, seeing that they were rather small in stature means the perpetrator is smart. Knowing exactly what to use for each victim according to their size and intelligence." Detective Wornheizer spoke pacing back and forth in his office. "The larger males were killed in... gruesome ways and I'm guessing whoever did this was in hurry. More importantly I think the perpetrator is female." Detective Ford, the partner to Wornheizer spoke.

"What? No way can a woman be capable of this. I'm guessing this was done by some mentally ill faggot. Listen Ford, I don't want to hear what you have to say right now. I just want you out in the streets looking for answers!" Wornheizer pushed the younger male out the door.

Meanwhile... word of the multiple murders spread like wildfire in town. Everyone knew everyone so that's when paranoia filled the streets. People turned on each other, accusations became common so when leads came in the police had no choice but to follow up on them even though they lead no where. Little did the backward town folk know that the vicious murderer was the last one anyone would suspect.

"I'm home!" The man removed his coat and walked into his house. "Well if it isn't Detective Jeffrey Wornheizer." Said his wife before placing a kiss on his cheek. "Is dinner ready?" He asked exhausted. "Yes dear... Jane is setting the table." Walking past his wife the detective made his way to the dining room as he saw his beautiful daughter that he cherished oh-so much. "Daddy! You're back!" The blonde ran to her father jumping into his arms. "Haha! How's my beautiful girl?" He hugged his most treasured gem ever so close. "Great daddy!" The girl pulled away from the hug and sat at the table as her mother brought the food in.

"Oh, where on Earth is Jenna!" The older woman yelled. "Calm down, Suzan... she'll come down when she's hungry." Jeffrey or otherwise known as Jeff to his friends and family reassured his lovely wife and soon enough the loud stomps from upstairs were heard, they got louder indicating the angsty teen was near. "Wow how sweet you guys started dinner without me." The black dyed hair girl said slouching in her chair before grabbing some of the golden brown chicken and not even bothering to use utensils.

"Goodness me! Use a plate for crying out loud!" Jane raised her voice at her very different twin sister. "Fuck off." The girl said before standing up with her chicken in hand. "Jenna! To your room at this instant!" Jeff yelled at his troublesome daughter. "No thanks. I'm going out." The girl said as her footsteps and voice could be heard heading to the front door. "Jennalana Wornheizer! Get back here at this moment!" Her mother chased after said girl. "Nah, I'm hoping the killer will put me out of my misery!" Jenna said dragging her thumb across her neck before waving goodbye to her mother. "Oh! Jeff, do something!" The mature female whined.

"Let her be." With those words the married couple watch their angsty daughter disappear down the dark street never knowing if she would return the morning... the conservative detective and his wife couldn't care less, they only cared for their pride and joy, Jane. The more preppy of the two sisters spent the night chatting with her parents before heading upstairs 9pm sharp! To get her beauty sleep or at least that's what she said.

"I'm so sick of this shitty town! Everyone is so worried about what other people think!" Jenna ranted to her feminine male friend. "You know what I think? I think the killer is another social reject who had taken too much shit from the men in this shit hole and now they want revenge." The teen boy took a pull from the blunt before handing it over to his female friend or his only friend for that matter. The alleyway the two were in was dark, they were hidden in the shadows hoping not to get caught because god forbid the pastor's son and respected detective's daughter smoke a blunt in peace!

"Nah, I bet it's one of those inbred retards but Ethan Jacques is always right? So I'll just stick with what you think." Jenna said as the toxic smoke went out through her nostrils. "Hey, look." Ethan whispered as he pulled his friend deeper into the shadows as he pointed at two hooded figures walking into the alleyway.

It wasn't long before one of the figure's got down on their knees. "Gross! We should get closer and record these sick fucks." After those words left the lips of Jenna a loud male scream filled her ears and her eyes widened in turn. From the looks of it Ethan had heard it too.

The two were too far away to see anything but they sure saw the figure that was on their knees spit something out and it landed on the floor. When the male scream went quiet all you could hear was the sound of a pocket knife being flipped open.

The figure pushed the other onto the ground with ease and sounds of groaning was heard. Jenna and Ethan stared in horror, terrified for their lives. It was only five minutes but it felt like an eternity. The figure then stood up and left the alley.

The two teens waited for a while before running out of the shadows and looking down at the pile of blood... next to it a bitten of male genital. "AHHHH!" The two yelled while looking at the horrid scene. If the bitten of penis wasn't enough the face of the male was left in even worse condition. "Call the cops!" Jenna yelled to her male friend and he fumbled in his pocket for his phone.

People stood on the street, cop cars were around the scene, yellow tape was put up and the two terrified teens were taken home in cop cars. It was then they made a silent pact to never leave the house after 9pm.

"We tried to warn you." Jane said to her sister. "Shut up!" Jenna yelled as her voice cracked slightly. "Jane, your sister has seen a lot. Let her be for a while." Suzan said to her daughter.

"Ethan! What did I say about sneaking out at this ungodly hour?!" Pastor Mike shouted at his son. "I-I just wanted to hangout with Jenna!" The teen boy said while shaking slightly as the bloody scene replayed in his mind. "C'mon Mike... he's shaking." The boy's mother tried to step in. "Not now, Karen! This boy needs a disciplining. Take that shirt off boy." The older male said while unbuckling his belt.

The sounds of belt hitting skin and the yelps of the fragile boy were heard from behind his room door for a good while until his father walked out, a brown leather belt in his hand. "That will teach ya'."