

Chapter 7

Part Four

Slowly he shifted Gavin to one side.

I scuttled over and pulled at his robe so he wouldn't forget me.

His glowing eyes rolled down.

"Yes," he asked.

I bashfully held my hand up and looked at my feet. I was really embarrassed to ask but I was scared.

His hand enveloped mine. I clutched at it, feeling much better. He was our Guardian. He would keep us safe.

I beamed a smile up at him and paused. He stood looking down at my smaller hand in his, as if still confused.

"Thank you for coming to get me. I was really scared until you came," I gleamed, "I feel much better now."

We started walking through the woods together. It was still scary being in the dark, but his hand holding mine made me feel much better.

"Since we are friends now," I replied hoping that we could be friends, "You can call me Kitten too."

The man replied, "If that is what you'd like."

I nodded. It was. I wanted to be friends with our Guardian.

Hand in hand we walked, and it felt like forever.

Every once in a while, I would chance a look at him. The past me kept wondering what his name was, and if we could stay friends. It was all very innocent. However, the present me knew not only what his name was, but that he was a Vampire.

Vampire's drank human blood. What sort of friends could we be?

I tripped almost falling on my face, but the man quickly lifted me up by my arm.

I bit my lip.

I was embarrassed because my feet were hurting so badly now. I didn't want him to think I was a big baby, but I didn't think I could walk anymore.

He caught me crying. I clumsily wiped at my face. Pushing out my lip, my smile turned down wards. I thought he might have been mad at me.

"I'm a big girl," I protested.

"Being a big girl," he questioned, "what does that mean?"

My lip trembled.

He wouldn't think I was a big girl if I told him.

I looked down at my feet mumbling, "I'm not a baby."

Sweeping me up into his arms, the mysterious man hoisted me up on to his hip.

Tired, I wrapped myself around his neck, burying my face in his hair.

"Is my mommy ok," I asked him, "I don't have a good feeling."

The man didn't say anything. He kept walking. I squeezed him harder, swallowing back my tears.

I knew without him saying anything. She wasn't ok. My daddy wasn't ok either.

We walked for a while until we came close to the house.

He paused just outside the woods.

I turned around in his arms wiggling for him to put me down.

"I can't see," I said anxious.

Kyung grasped the back of my shirt stopping me from running.

I turned giving him a strange look.

Did he also feel the strange feeling in the air? Something was weird.

On my tiptoes I weaved from foot to foot, trying to see through the trees to our house.

I didn't see our parents. No one was calling our names.

In the pit of my stomach, dread bubbled up making me feel nauseated.

"Mommy and Daddy's not outside are they," I asked carefully, looking back at him.

He sat my brother down, Gavin sleepily wiped his eyes.

Kyung looked straight ahead as if the trees didn't impede his line of vision.

Darkly he answered, "They're at wrest."

I looked up at him confused. In my child's mind I thought maybe he meant sleeping, but that didn't sound right. Mommy had said she was coming to get us. Why would the lights be off? Why would she be sleeping?

Suddenly there was a noise. It was the sound of someone sliding the glass door open.

I ran excitedly thinking it was my Daddy only to halt in my tracks.

A shadow emerged from our home, but it wasn't my parents.

I knew what my Daddy looked like and this wasn't him. This man was shorter, his skin paler.

The dark hooded man paused, his hand still on the door.

He turned and our eyes met.

"Well," the man replied, "It looks like I missed one."

My eyes were huge as I struggled figure out who the man was. Why he was coming out of my house?

"Who are you," I asked alarmed.

"My! My! Aren't you an inquisitive little girl? No wonder the woman hid you," he jumped off the porch sauntering closer to me.

I backed up a step, knowing that this man wasn't good. I felt an aura coming off of him that gave me the chills.

I looked on through the eyes of me as a child and something felt off. Somewhere I had felt this before…but where?

"My…mommy," I asked carefully, "do you know my mommy?"

The moon broke through the clouds and bathed the strange man in light. He dropped his hood smiling as he did so.

Both the past and present me stumbled back in shock. As a child I didn't know who or what I was looking at. As an adult reliving this, I realized what was wrong, and screamed.

It was the hooded man! The man who had killed Ashley and Sarah! He was coming out of my home.


I looked back at the house, all the lights were off, and I knew. I'd always known.

They never had run away. They were murdered, but why? Why didn't we find anything? How was there no evidence?

Blood soaked; the man ruffled his curly blond hair. His mouth was covered, as if painted with blood.

I stared at him in horror. The only way to have blood like that was to have hurt someone.

The Vampire grinned at me, his white teeth sparkling.

"Now why, I wonder, did she hide something as precious as you from me?"

I stumbled back and fell.

His laugh raised the hair off my skin.

"Oh, you are far more fun to play with," he joked, "You might not be my type, but I can make exceptions."

I screamed a blood curdling cry as he ran towards me. When I had thought that he was about to eat me, I didn't feel anything.

I opened my eyes one by one to find the Vampire had stopped just a mere foot away from me.

I scooted back on my butt watching him as he stood smelling the air.

The smile on his bloody face dwindled. Quickly confusion covered his face and he looked around in a panic.

"Who did you bring with you," he demanded looking around.

I didn't know what to call the man who had helped me. I didn't know his name at that time, but I knew where he was.

I ran into the woods just as he came out of them.

I slammed into Kyung's leg, gripping on to him, and trembling all over.

With my eyes squeezed shut I whimpered, "He's a bad man. He's a really really bad man!"

Kyung's hand reached down gripping me. At that time his hand was practically my whole shoulder. He gently squeezed, and I looked up at him.

His eyes were dead set on the hooded man. Unblinking he handed me my brother. His eyes were glowed with a fire that scared me, but I knew that they were not for me. He had murderous intent for the bad man.

"No," the man breathed behind us.

I turned giving him a mean face of my own. I wanted the Guardian to eat him alive.

Shaking his head, the other man quickly backed up alarmed.

"This isn't possible. How did you…you can't…"

My parent's killer looked from me to Kyung as if confused and terrified at the same time. I liked that look on his face.

As a child I didn't know Kyung's name, but as an adult I did. It was Kyung who'd taken us from the woods. My mother had called Kyung just like Nana had said.

"Kyung," the other man screeched, digging at his air, "You're not supposed to be out! You're supposed to be imprisoned!"

"Why," Kyung questioned, his voice holding untamed anger, "so you can do as you please without punishment?"

The other man crouched, flashing his fangs at Kyung. He looked like an animal.

"Punishment," the Vampire hissed, "you think that was punishment? Well you've not seen anything yet. I'm not the same as I was before. Our kind has grown strong in your absence."

His dull glowing eyes fell upon me and he sneered.

"Are you keeping a supply for yourself, is that why you've attached yourself to them?"

"I've attached myself to nobody. It is them who's attached themselves to me."

"Well then I'm sorry Vampire," the killer grinned cheerfully taunting him, "Then you're down Two. They're no longer breathing."

My stomach squeezed, and I wanted to be sick. Was this really how my parents died? Did he do to them what he'd done to Sarah and Ashely?

Kyung made a noise that chilled me to my core. If I had thought that the killer sounded like an animal, then Kyung was a beast.

"Does your so-called counsel know what you've done," alleged Kyung stalking closer, "I don't seem to remember them taking kindly to human killers. Wasn't that why you locked us up? True Vampires were a danger to our existence? Wasn't that what the Counsel tried to say?"

The other man laughed as if what was being suggested was ridiculous.

"True Vampires? There aren't any more of your kind Kyung. The Counsel made sure to lock your kind away. We didn't need you anymore."

"You tricked us, hunted us," challenged Kyung, "We created you! We gave you life!"

"Your kind sat on your Thrones long enough! It was time that we took the lead! It's no longer a crime to kill humankind. We just need to be quiet about it."

The man's eyes rolled with behind it.

"You want to talk True Vampire? True Vampire's kill humans. We FEED off of humans!"

Kyung laughed as if the man were insane.

"YOU were human! You're basically eating your own kind."

The man roared, "I'M A VAMPIRE!��

"You might think you are," Kyung taunted, "but you'll never be a TRUE Vampire. You'll always be a MADE Vampire."

The Vampire snarled.

"If you think there isn't a difference then please," suggested Kyung, spreading his arms wide, "I invite you to give it try. It took far more than just you, to imprison me. Let's see if you can kill me."

The other Vampire came at him so fast that I wasn't able to see it.

Kyung flew back hitting a tree.

Blood oozed from his lip.

I gasped, jerking my brother to my side. I looked on terrified.

The killer laughed, his voice echoing in the night, "Oh how the mighty have fallen! Did you think we were so weak that we couldn't beat you? All we needed was time!"

The man came again only this time Kyung grabbed him by the neck shoving the other Vampire to the ground with one loud boom.

"I was counting on it," Kyung breathed into the Vampire's face, "Did you think I wasn't aware of what you were doing?"

The other Vampire somehow quickly latched on to Kyung, his nails digging into his arms.

"It's too late for your kind," the man squeezed out, "we've grown past your expectations!"

I loud snap sounded, and I looked in horror as the Vampire broke Kyung's arm. With his arm broken the other Vampire grabbed Kyung's neck.

Hissing into his face the Vampire backed him into a tree.

"This night! I will prove to you that I have surpassed the great TRUE VAMPIRES!"

Kyung laughed, spitting blood, "That isn't how it works."

Suddenly I looked and my mother stood in the door frame of the sliding glass door.

I looked on at her feeling a burst of relief. She hadn't been killed!

She called my name.

I chanced a glance at the two fighting. It seemed like they hadn't noticed my mom.

I picked up my brother and ran.

I wanted to collapse in relief when I got onto the porch.

"Hurry inside," she cried looking behind us at the two Vampires, waving me in.

I rushed inside putting Gavin down.

The house was eerily quiet. As if something in the air had changed. A strong smell hit me, and I rubbed my nose. It smelt like pennies.

"Mommy what is that smell?"

I turned facing my mom. I wanted her to hold me and reassure me that everything would be ok, but now that I was inside, I could see her.

I blinked in shock.

"Mommy what happened," I cried reaching for her.

She was covered in blood. Her neck was oozing, staining her blue shirt. Her beautiful blonde hair was now dark, stuck to her skin, and clumped in blood.

She stepped back with a worried look on her face. Waving me off she shook her head.

Something was wrong but I couldn't place what.

"It's ok," she replied attempting to ease my fears.

"Mommy is that blood?"

She winced shaking her head again, struggling to respond.

"Mommy will be ok," she replied gently.

Gavin started crying rubbing at his eyes, hollering for my mom, but strangely she just stood there.

Biting her lip, her hands clutched at themselves. She just looking at him, her face contorting in anguish.

"Comfort your brother Kitten," my mother requested, her voice choking up, "take him and hide for mommy. Can you do that?"

I looked at her strangely. Why was she asking us to hide?

I could still hear the two men fighting outside. I looked across the hall towards the sliding glass door, worried. The two men were fighting, their blood slinging everywhere.

"Circe! Hurry! You don't want him to find you!"

I faced my mom knowing exactly who she was talking about. It was the hooded man.

Grabbing my brother, I followed my mom. We moved towards the hallway and I paused. My feet came to a halt.

"Circe," my mom yelled worried.

Her hand reached out stopping just before touching me. She jerked her hand back.

"Please! Don't look…"

I looked down the stairs towards the front door. In the dark I thought I could see something.

It was my dad. He was laying in the floor with something all over the floor. Standing next to him was another man.

I felt numb. It was like my mind couldn't process what I was looking at.

Why was he laying like that?

"Circe," my mother's voice wailed, "Please don't look!"

I couldn't help it.

My voice breaking, I cried out, "Daddy?"

The other man turned to face me. Daddy was standing next to the person on the floor. My eyes bounced between the two. They looked like they both had the same clothes on.

Surprised my dad whispered, "Kitten?"

"Daddy, what's going on?"

He looked down at the man lying in the floor and stepped over his body.

"Follow your mother," he urged coming to the stairs.

"But," I looked from him to the body very confused.

My Daddy jumped in front of me blocking my view.

"Kitten," he asked, "look at my face. Don't look down there. Ok? Follow your mother."

"That man down there is hurt," I cried, my heart pounding.

Shock was taking over. My words were starting to stutter.

"Don't worry," my dad reassured, "I'm helping him."

"Is…is… that… why you have b..b…blood on you," I cried feeling something horrific dawning on me.

My dad looked over my head towards the glass door.

"Go now," he yelled, "Go to your mother."

I ran. My Daddy had scared me.

My mom was waiting for me by her bedroom door.

"I'm sorry honey," she cried, trying to smile past her tears.

Kneeling in front of me I could see that it wasn't just her neck that was red, her face was black and blue.

"Mommy what…what's…. going on? Why is Daddy…why are you?"

"I'll be ok," she replied as my lip started trembling and I couldn't talk anymore.

I knew she was lying to me. Something was very wrong. That man in the floor…that was my daddy…but my daddy was also talking to me just then.

Pointing towards her closet she gave me instructions.

"Mommy needs you to be a big girl and hide in the closet with your brother. Ok?"

I nodded. I walked into my parents' bedroom giving her uncertain glances as I went.

Indicating the closet, she said, "Get inside here and don't come out until mommy's friend gets here. Ok?"

I opened the closet and put my brother inside, he was sobbing loudly now.

"It's…it's..," I couldn't even finish talking.

He was looking at me like I was sacring him.

Trying my best to form words I asked, "What's… wrong?"

"I want mommy."

My mom quickly spoke behind me, saying, "Tell him that it's ok. Mommy said to stay with you."

Scrunching up my face I looked at her confused.

"Why can't you tell him," I asked angry, starting to yell at her, "Why can't you tell Gavin yourself!"

"Get inside," she begged desperately, "Please! Close yourself inside! Please do this for Mommy and Daddy!"

Facing my brother my heart began to pound. I was terrified, upset, and angry.

Why wasn't my mommy telling me what happened?

"Gavin," I demanded angry, "don't you see mommy? Why can't you see mommy!"

Gavin huddled against the back of the closet shaking his head.

My vibrato evaporated. All the blood drain from my little body, and I turned back to look at my mom.

"Gavin can't see you," I breathed, "Why…why can I…"

She looked pained as she whispered, "He…just…can't."

"Why," I wailed.

"Only you can see me now."

I blinked, as tears started to fall down my face.

I realized in that moment what she meant. My mom had scared off all the scary things before. It was things only she and I could see. Gavin and Daddy couldn't see those things.

"It's ok to be scared," she replied, reaching out towards me, "We all get scared."

My lip trembled and the corners of my mouth turned under.

Apart of me even as a child knew what was happening and my soul ached with such a pain that I thought I would shatter from it.

My mom pulled her hand back, hugging herself. She bit her bruised lip trying not to cry too.

"Can you be strong for me," she plead.

I shook my head. I didn't want to be strong. I wanted my mommy.

She stood up and I reached out.

My mother didn't move in time and I moved through her.

I looked at my hand in surprise. She was…my mommy was one of those things…

"Mommy, you're so cold," I whispered still looking at my hand.

I couldn't feel her warmth anymore.

My mom moved away, her face painfully filling with tears.

"I'm so sorry Circe. I really am. Know that we love you."

Still looking at my hand, I started hiccupping from the sobbing.

My mommy was dead. I realized then that my daddy was dead too. That had been his body at the door. The bloody guy had killed both my parents.

Quickly I pulled the doors to the closet shut.

Clutching Gavin to me, I trembled from head to toe, praying that the man with the pretty hair would save me.

I'm so sorry for such a sad chapter. It made me sad to write it.

Hopefully the next chapter wont be so heavy.

Lots of love to everyone still reading <3

Lynzie_Leecreators' thoughts
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