
033 checking in

Audrey was glad to have a weekend away from work and motherhood, in as much as she enjoyed spending time doing the things she loved and spending time with her most favourite person in the world, she felt like her weekend off was well deserved. She dropped Zane off with his grandparents and drove straight to the airport.

Charlie was already there waiting for her so they'd go check-in together. He was glad for the opportunity Audrey gave him to connect better outside work with her, he wasn't going to gamble on it like he did with Chloe who won't still forgive or talk to him.

Audrey. 'Hope you haven't been waiting for long?' She said, surprising him.

Charlie. Turning around and smiling 'not at all Audrey' he smiled at her.

They went in together and waited for the boarding-in announcement. After what felt like forever, they were finally on their way.

Their journey was smooth and Audrey was thrilled to visit her home country again, she excitedly told Charlie stories about growing up in Canada.

The wedding was taking place in a beautiful resort, Audrey was surprised to see how much had changed in close to five years since she left Toronto, the resort was so beautiful she kept staring happily. On getting to the reception, she got angry when the receptionist told her there was just one room available.

Audrey. Angrily 'don't tell me to calm down Stephen, I called to check again yesterday and told you we'll be a little late checking in and you assured me there was nothing to worry about!!!'

Stephen. Calmly 'I'm sorry ma'am, I just resumed my shift, I'm surprised and really sorry ma'am, I assure you we'll have a free room tomorrow' he continued 'if you want, we can change the bed in your suite to a twin bed if you…'

Audrey. Interrupting him 'are you fucking kidding me? A twin bed?'

Charlie felt the hand of God in this, he finally had time to really spend time with Audrey with no interruptions… he was about trying to convince her when he heard a familiar voice.

Nathan. 'Oh hi guys, you finally made it' he said, smiling. Nathan didn't know Charlie was Drey's plus one but he wouldn't let his presence stop him from winning his girl back.

Nathan. 'I couldn't help but hear about your predicament D, I have my room all to myself, I won't mind sharing it with Charlie until there's room available.' Nathan added

Audrey. Relieved 'really Nate? That's really wonderful of you, I appreciate it, what do you think about that suggestion Charlie?' She asked turning to Charlie

Charlie, seeing how happy Audrey was at the suggestion nodded and said it was a great idea, he turned and saw the smirk on Nathan's face then it dawned on him…

Charlie. 'Fucking sly bastard' he said under his breath.

Audrey was settling the reservation issue with the receptionist, while Nathan was trying to call a bell boy to help out with their luggages when both Audrey and Nathan heard a very familiar high pitched voice.

Sophie. Surprised… 'as I live and breathe!!! Hello Natey boo, I had a feeling I'll see you here this weekend, I hope you're finally over that loser and you're giving me a very hot and fantastic weekend!!!'