
032 Family time?

Audrey was looking forward to her little road trip to Glendale with Zane, the fact that Zee keeps reminding her every second she spends with him made her wish Sunday would come sooner so they could get it over with. It was their first road trip since they got to America, it was well deserved. As she zipped the bag she called "bag of necessities", she heard the door bell ring, it immediately made her jumpy as it wasn't time for Nathan to arrive. Moving quickly to check who was visiting on an early Sunday morning she took a glance at the time she was surprised as it was indeed time to leave.

Audrey. 'Shoot!!! It's 9 already. Zee, it's time to go.' She called out to Zane and immediately opened the door for Nathan 'hello Nate'

Nathan. Smiling 'hello Audrey, you look lovely, are you set to go?'

Audrey. 'Yea' she motioned for Zane who was already running to say hello to his dad.

Sunday with Mr. Stewart and his family was enjoyable, Audrey was pleased and shocked to know the 'Besty Hoffman' was Nathan's mom. They were all so welcoming that it was a very pleasant experience as Audrey was hugged by "the Besty Hoffman!!!' No wonder Zee was already doing great things at five; he apparently came from a family of greatness. She saw Nathan in another light and was reminded of her former relationship with him, she immediately decided to brush that aside and enjoy her day.

Zane was playing with his dad and grandad while Audrey was in the kitchen with Besty and Chloe, she was smiling while looking at Zane from the kitchen window and from her own perspective, Zane didn't look shy or withdrawn, he looked like he was having so much fun.

Besty. Smiling 'I know that look, it's a look of happiness. It sure looks good on you.' Paused 'I'm glad you could make it, it's really lovely to meet you.'

Audrey could only blush and smile. She felt like she was back at home with her parent, the smell of freshly baked cookie filled everywhere. She was happy she tagged along as this beats rewatching episodes of stranger places.

Chloe. Interrupts her thoughts 'here, take a cookie.'

Audrey. Smiles 'thanks Chloe...'

Chloe. 'I see you're having fun, don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything ok?'

Audrey. Smiles back 'sure, thanks Chloe.'

Besty. Calls out to Chloe. 'Go set the table baby.'

Chloe. 'Is brunch ready mom?'

Besty. 'It's almost ready but go set the table and slowly too. I know your dad will be here any minute to complain about how we spend all day teaming up against him instead of focusing on the food.'

Taylor. Suddenly 'you got the words right out of me woman!!!' Smiles

They were all shocked to see him, Audrey didn't know the right way to behave around them she just feigned smiles.

Taylor. Laughed 'there's my girls, what's keeping you? Papa is hungry.' He smiled at Audrey 'it's nice having you here ones more, I do hope in future you'll join my team and not my opponents that's always teaming against me.'

Audrey. Laughed hard 'sure Mr. Stewart, I'll keep that in mind.'

Taylor. Shaking his head in disagreement. 'Call me Taylor or papa or pops my darling girl, Mr. Stewart is for the office and you are one of my girls.'

Audrey. Smiling warmly. 'Ok pops.'

Taylor. 'That's my girl.'

Just then, Nathan carried Zane and ran frantically into the kitchen, they were all shocked as he was visibly shaking

Nathan. mortified 'I don't know what happened or how it happened, Zane is bleeding.'

They all rushed to where he was standing. Audrey immediately carried the crying Zane while Besty was trying to calm sobbing Nate and find out what happened.

Audrey. Trying to stay calm 'where are you hurting baby?' Checking his body for visible injury

Zane. Sobbing 'my knee mom.'

Audrey. Bending over, she saw a little bruise 'here?'

Zane. 'Yes mom...'

Besty successfully calmed Nathan down while Chloe brought out a first aid box and administered treatment to Zane. Audrey decided Nathan was an onion as it was her first time seeing him in this light, she'd like to make fun of him on this matter in the nearest future. The rest of the day went well, they stayed for dinner. After dinner, it was time to say goodbye.

Besty. Hugging Audrey 'Thank you for bringing Zee over, i hope we can spend more time with you both in future.'

Audrey. Smiling 'thanks for having us.'

Taylor. 'As my girl, you know you're welcome here anytime right?'

Audrey. Smiling some more 'yes pops thank you so much, I had so much fun.' Hesitated then turned to Besty 'if you won't mind, can Zane spend next weekend? I have a wedding to attend.'

Besty. Excited 'sure!!!' Hugged her again 'I am delighted to spend time with him.'

On their way back home, Audrey kept hoping she made the right decision saying she'd leave Zane with his grand parents but it felt like the right thing to do and the only option she had as it was better this way than leaving him with a seater. She didn't know when they got to her building as she was still lost in thought.

Nathan. 'We're here D.'

Audrey. 'Ooh!!! Thanks Nate' Smiled

Nathan offered to help carry sleeping Zane while she took their bags. The day was eventful that she felt exhausted and ready to just go to bed. Nathan dropped Zane in his bed and tucked him in, coming out, he saw an exhausted Audrey.

Nathan. moving close to her 'thanks for the wonderful day, I'm sorry for not paying closer attention and letting Zane hurt himself.'

Audrey. Smiling weakly 'it's inevitable Nate, don't worry about it.'

Nathan. 'You look exhausted though.' He moved closer and held her shoulders massaging them...

Audrey. Moaning and closing her eyes to feel his gentle hands on her shoulders 'yea, tell me about it...'

Nathan moved his hands more gently and placed a kiss on the nape of her neck. Audrey couldn't help but moan some more... it's been a long time she felt this way, her nipples were already growing harder and she felt like they were trying to move out of her bra. Nathan immediately turned her and gave her a warm sultry kiss, moved his hands around her body and grabbed her ass closer to himself, Audrey moaned louder as she returned his kiss and combed her fingers through his hair. Then she remembered!!! And immediately pulled herself together, pushing Nathan away.

Audrey. Avoiding to look at him in the face she said slowly 'Nate, no funny business remember?'

Nathan. Hornny and disappointed 'yes D, no funny business.' He immediately left her apartment before he changes his mind and is tempted to continue from where she stopped him.