
030 Maybe it's for the best

Chloe led the way, she was a little bit unsure if she should make the request from Audrey but then if she doesn't, she knew it'll take ages for Nate to finally ask her.

Chloe. Nervously 'so Drey, I was really excited when I got to know that Zane is actually my nephew.' Paused 'I'm sorry if I am being a little forward but I think we'll like to officially meet him too.'

Audrey was relieved she thought Chloe wanted to talk about Nate yet again, she was glad it didn't go that way as she didn't want to discuss 'Nate' till she knows why her feelings are all over the place whenever the topic arises.

Audrey. Relived 'Ooh, ok...'

Chloe. Cuts in 'really? Wow!!! Thanks Drey I was scared you were going to say no, mum will be really excited to hear this.' Paused 'how about dinner tomorrow?'

Audrey. Frowns 'woaw... slow down Chloe, you really need to slow down!!!'

Chloe. Soberly 'I'm so sorry but I really think you should let us into your lives.'

Audrey. 'I'm not trying to dissuade you or push you away but sincerely, I think this should be a conversation between me and Nate.'

Chloe. Smiles... 'yea, sure I'm sorry if it feels like I'm over stepping but do you think Nate will come around to ask? Nate is always waiting for the 'right time' and passes out lots and lots of opportunities.' Paused 'I'm not about to leave this up to him...'

Audrey. 'Yes, I understand that but I still think he should be involved in this.'

Chloe. Sighed 'this is coming from a good place Drey, I think you do need as much help that we can give, I can't imagine how you're coping with work and all....'

Audrey. Cuts in 'NO Chloe, I don't appreciate this... I can assure you that we've been doing very ok just the two of us. So, I think i should get back to work.' Turns to leave.

Chloe. Tries to stop her 'wait Drey, I think you're getting me wrong, I'm really sorry for not communicating properly... what I'm asking for is just that you let us get to know Zane and spend time with him. Please... sincerely, if it's because of the weird vibes between you and Nate, I really don't care. You're both adults and should sort yourselves out... I just care about meeting and spending time with my nephew.'

Audrey felt powerless, she knew she needed the help especially with Alison moving, she wasn't ready to trust just anyone with her child... at least Chloe was his family and she felt relieved that at least Chloe said she wouldn't get involved with her Nate's matter.

Audrey. 'Ok Chloe, I totally get you're coming from a good place and I do need help with Zane ones in a while but tomorrow is too soon...'

Chloe. Happily 'ok, fine!!! How about Sunday? I'm not taking a no this time...' Smiled then turned to leave 'thanks Drey, I'll communicate with you later. Bye.'

Audrey watched as Chloe leaves, she knew she couldn't get out of this...

Audrey. Smiled 'maybe it's for the best.'


It's been a while since Audrey left with Chloe, Charlie just couldn't stop thinking about her. Ooh Chloe, sweet Chloe!!!

Chloe was the love of his life and their break up still hurts like it happened yesterday. Charlie always thought that they were going to be together forever but things happened too fast and he still regrets why he let her go just because he doesn't want a long distanced relationship. He knew it was time to move on... he finally had a second chance with Audrey and he wasn't going to mess that up too. Just then, he saw her...

Charlie. Smiling 'someone finally made it back...'

Audrey. 'I'm sorry about that, busy day.' Moves to her desk.

Charlie. 'What's really happening? First Nate then Chloe?'

Audrey. 'It's really nothing Charlie, just personal issues.'

Charlie. 'Ooh ok... but you know you can talk to me whenever right?'

Audrey. Smiling 'sure, thanks Charlie.'

Charlie. 'So, sorry I'm inquisitive, it's because I'm worried... what really going on?'

Audrey. Sighed... 'it's nothing really Charlie, I erm just...'

Nathan. Angrily 'it's not nothing Charles, what I know is that its none of your business!!! Chloe is my family and so is Audrey, so kindly mind your business and stop interfering in my family matter!!!'