
026 Match makers

Audrey couldn't believe her ears... then the doorbell rang. She went ahead to answer it, came in with a box of pepperoni pizza then turn to face a scared Nathan

Audrey. Sternly 'Get married?' Pushed Nathan 'no Nate, absolutely not!!!.' Paused 'why should i get married to you?'

Nathan. Nervously 'it's the right thing to do babe seeing that we already have a son together.'

Audrey. Laughed bitterly... 'should that be enough reason?' Looked up and down at Nathan 'I didn't expect any of this from you Nate, maybe it's time for you to leave...'

Zane. Interrupting 'momma?' Sadly 'are you asking daddy to leave? How about dinner?' Frowned...

Audrey. Shocked as she wasn't expecting to see Zane... 'no Zee, I was ern... I mean you daddy has something urgent to do so he can't join us for dinner tonight.'

Zane. Turned to face Nathan. 'Do you have to go daddy? Please don't go, you said you wanted pizza too...'

Nathan. Not knowing what to do or say. 'Ok' with pleading eyes, he stared at Audrey 'let's have dinner together.' Turned to Zane 'I do have to go after dinner.'

Zane. Reluctantly... 'ok'

The atmosphere was quite as both Audrey and Nathan couldn't say what's in their mind... Audrey was furious as to why Nathan would mention getting married while Nathan was trying to tread with caution not to enrage Audrey again. Admist dinner, Audrey was surprised as to how Nathan still remembered pepperoni pizza was her favourite. After diner, Nathan said his good night and let sleeping dogs lie.

On getting back to his place, Nathan couldn't help but replay the event of the day. He bit his lower lip hard remembering how he carelessly uttered getting married. Remembering where he kept it, he brought out a jewellery box, opened it and remembered how he planed on proposing to Audrey before she ran off... looking back now, he wished he could go back in time and try fixing everything, he closed the ring box and set it on his night stand when he heard his phone ring.

Gerald. 'Hey man, I've found Sophie...'

Nathan. Excited... 'Really? How? Where?'

Gerald. Gave a little laugh 'she's presently in Vegas...'

Nathan. Cuts in 'how can I get to her? I need to see her as I need to fix things with Drey before it's too late.'

Gerald. 'Calm down man... I'll send you her address.'

Nathan. Relieved... 'Thanks a lot man... I appreciate.'

Gerald. 'Least I forget, Alex invited Audrey to the wedding, I hope you don't mind and it won't be awkward for you guys?'

Nathan. Smiling 'not at all... I'm glad she did!!!' Excitedly 'let's talk soon bro.'

Nathan. 'Ok, thanks a lot, bye...' talks super Excitedly to himself... 'This is a blessing, I just need to kill two birds with one stone. Oooh D, I can't wait to spend alone time with you.'

Nathan was washing up for bed while planning what he'd do to seduce and make Audrey his, he'd definitely have a face off with Charlie tomorrow he can't blame Charlie for trying as Audrey is a very beautiful woman but how dare Charlie try to covet his woman? Dropping his tooth brush, he heard his phone ringing...

Nathan. 'Hi mum'

Besty. 'Hello baby, how did it go? Did you meet my grandchild? Did you bond well? Did you....'

Taylor. Interrupts 'slow down woman!!! Don't confuse him...' paused 'hi son, how did it go?'

Nathan. Laughs... 'it went find dad, Zane is an amazing child so energetic...'

Chloe. Cuts in 'When can we meet him?'

Nathan. Laughs 'you will soon, I promise... I'll talk to Audrey tomorrow so we can work out something together...'

Besty. 'Please do as family is important... did you talk to her about getting married? I think you should without delay.'

Nathan. Embarrassed 'come on mum, I think it's too soon... I don't think...'

Besty. Interrupting... 'it's not too soon son, it should have been sooner. If you need help convincing her, let us know as we'll gladly do that for you.'

Nathan. Frowns. 'Ok, thanks mum, dad... I need to go to bed now, bye Chloe...' he immediately ended the call before they had the chance of saying something else.

Chloe. 'Mum I don't really know what happened between Nathan and Audrey, I think we have to meddle a little to bring them back together.'

Besty. Shushing her. 'Quietly child, you know your father won't support us interfering, I think we need to find out what happened first before we can try fixing it...'

Chloe. 'Yes mum but how do we go about it?'

Besty. 'What if we invite Audrey over?'

Chloe. Happily... 'I have a better idea mum, what if I visit her at work?'

Besty. Smiling 'I like your plan better baby.'

They sat close to each other and cooked up a plan to try getting to the bottom of the matter....