
005 The revelation

Audrey was already 7months gone in her pregnancy, she assists her Aunt in making scented candles and deliver them to different departmental stores for sale. One time, her Aunt went out of town when a big order came in, there was not enough to fill in the order and not enough materials to complete...

Audrey had to travel to Toronto to purchase more raw materials for fresh batch as the last time they ordered, the company got their order wrong...

Aunt Lucy. Concerned... 'if I could drop everything I'm doing over here, I would have done that Drey, I'm so sorry for putting this responsibility on you in your condition.'

Audrey. Smiled 'it's fine Aunt, I thought about it and I have to go myself, especially to correct the last shipment they sent...' sensing her Aunt was worried... 'I'm glad I don't get sick like I use to Aunt... it's just a day journey, I'll make sure to get enough rest and be back tomorrow.'

Aunt Lucy. Relived... 'ok pumpkin, take special care of yourself, infact, take Nancy with you to reduce the stress.'

Audrey. Laughed... 'I don't have to Aunt, I promise you don't have to worry ok? Bye... love you...'

She immediately interrupted the call... she smiled to herself and prayed her journey goes well without any interruptions.

Her flight to Toronto went smooth, she was happy when her flight was upgraded to business class, at first she was a little scared as she wasn't really supposed to travel with how far she's gone in her pregnancy but she told herself to put on her big girl pants....

She got to the factory and finished business there on time, she decided to take a tour around town as she missed the city so much!!! Then boom, her work wife...

Angela. Surprised 'as I live and breath!!!' Looked closely 'Audrey!!! Wow.. in the flesh!!! What happened to you?'

Audrey. More to herself 'Fuck... hi Angela, its been a long time, how have you been??'

Angela. Blinked... 'I've been fine how about you?, hold up... you've definitely good too... ooh girl, see you glowing...' grins 'when Sophie told us why you skipped town, I was a bit skeptical, seeing you now? Girrrrllll you're glowing.'

Audrey. Frowned.. 'hold on, what did Sophie said'

Angela. Rolling her eyes 'come on girl, you know I don't judge, your choices your business what really shook me off was as close as we were, you didn't even tell me about it before leaving...' She paused 'I never believed as in love as you were with your boyfriend, you could leave him for another man... figures; guess it was cos you were already pregnant...'

Audrey was shocked at this revelation... how could Sophie say any of this when she was the main reason she left? She was sure she planned it with Nathan!!! She was furious and decided to confront Sophie so she went to her former apartment and found out from the doorman that Sophie moved out already... she wasn't going to let it go, she went to sophie's working place and discovered Sophie resigned two months ago... she totally lost track of time, walking aimlessly, her mind was faraway, only her body was present she had regrets, wiping a tear from her cheek she immediately sighted a familiar face not too far from her... immediately memories flooded in... he was look soo handsome as ever... she immediately felt sick to the stomach... she couldn't move at first when, she finally got herself together, he was looking at her... she told herself to run away!!! Seeing the next taxi, she ran in..

Audrey... panting 'please take me to the airport!!!'