

As Martha and her friends arrive at Martha's house, They met Frank at her home, but they barely greeted each other. Then, Frank left the house unannounced which left Martha's friends in question .

What's up with you and Frank? Said Josephine, Oh it's nothing. Said Martha

Martha,I've been your friend for 13 years,I know that face, I know when something is up so it's either you tell me or I find it out myself. Said Josephine,

Okay okay, it's Frank. Said Martha

So what about Frank. Deborah asked,

I had an argument with him earlier today and I think he is still mad at me. Said Martha,

What kind of argument would you guys have that will warrant you guys hardly talking to each other. Said Josephine,

He told me he didn't like the way I spend on my mum, he also said I couldn't spend that same money on myself, so I got mad and acted out on him, I told him not to meddle in my family affairs. Martha said,

But you know he is also family right? Said Josephine

I know I know, I was mad at him at the moment. Said Martha with a sad face,

Um, we actually wanted to say the same thing to you, said Deborah.

What do you mean? Martha asked in confusion,

I mean , we also notice the way you spend on your mum and we couldn't find a way to tell you but since Frank could tell you first, I think it's high time we speak out for ourselves. Said Josephine,

Why was it so hard for you to tell me, I mean I'm your friend and whatever you want to tell me, you should feel free.

So now, tell me what is wrong in me spending on my mother huh? Martha said, waiting for a reply,

You see, that's what we're talking about, We knew you would get worked up about it that's why we couldn't tell you before, but anyways I guess I just have to spill the beans. Josephine said,

We noticed that you spend a lot on your mother, you spent half the money you made this year on buying clothes and other expensive items with the money which could be put to good use…..!

So you're saying I'm not spending my money on someone useful isn't it. Martha interrupted

No that's not what I'm saying, all I'm saying is that, if the way you spend your money on her is equivalent to the way she has time for you, there's nothing bad in it, but she never comes to your shows, she only calls when she needs something, And she only have time for other things like parties and all that, so do you understand what I'm saying? Josephine said,

I think you're right Josephine, I really should call her and talk to her, I guess I had never thought about it like that. Martha said with confusion written all over her face,

We'll give you time to think about it, said Deborah,

Wait!!! Martha exclaimed, I also have something I want to share to you guys.

And what is that. Said Deborah,

(Then frank walked in but the girls didn't hear him)

I think I'm in love with frank. Said Martha,

(And immediately she saw him, she was in shock)

What are you looking at? Josephine asked,

(And then they turned and saw Frank behind them, The two girls then giggled a little after seeing him)

We'll be going now. Said Deborah

What will be Frank's response, does he have feelings for Martha too, find out in the next chapter