
multiverses: the beginning of the adventure

Michael Phillips, illegitimate son of the current head of the Phillips family, a major US conglomerate. he decided to take revenge on the family of the wife of his bastard father and the Phillips family for being the cause of the death of his mother and his lover, respectively. once he carried out his revenge, he was surrounded by another family causing his death or so he thought. He was resurrected by a goddess infatuated with him and falling in love with her in the process to later be reincarnated in a world where his new adventure will begin with the aim of becoming strong and forming his own conglomerate in that world. ------- English is not my original language, I hope you can excuse me if there are grammatical errors since I use a translator to translate the texts ----- OBS: This novel is a fanfic so there will be characters from some anime, the story may vary in some characters from the worlds that the MC visits

DarkWolf04 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The arrival of the Nephilim


Lilith, who had detained Mr. Nishikino and Maki, escorted them to the sofa to sit while she went to make some cups of tea so she could chat with them.

When she finished making the tea, she carried them on a tray and put them on the tables, distributing each one until she sat down on the cabinet and began to speak.

"You know, Michael always has a kind smile when he meets people whom he considers friends or family. He will always try to help people who are in danger as happened today" Lilith began to talk about how Michael is.

Lord Nishikino and Maki listened carefully to Lilith's words.

"But before it wasn't like that, Michael and I came from a big family in the US.

However, when I met him 5 years ago at a high class party, he was a guy who did not communicate with anyone, he had an atmosphere around him that gave off a vibe that did not allow people to get close to him but what The most that caught my attention was the deep sadness I could feel in him. "Lilith said as she began to remember the day she met Michael.

"I didn't know why but I started walking towards him and talking to him. At first he ignored me and only answered simple questions but when I asked about his hobby, do you know what he answered?" Lilith asked with a slight smile.

Mr. Nishikino and Maki shook their heads waiting to hear her response.

"Hehehe, he replied that he liked technology and anime. I was honestly surprised by his response, especially the last one. But I was also a fan of anime" Lilith laughed slightly but of course responding with some false parts.

"I think it's about time" she murmured and then turned on the television.

Confused by their action, they both wanted to ask but Lilith pointed out that they will pay attention to the television and when they turned their gaze they were surprised by the masked person who appeared on the screen.

Everyone heard how that person began to reveal the dark secrets of the family that caused the accident and the connections with other people who had also done evil.

"Over time, we fell in love and I learned the reason for his sadness. His mother died because of his father's current wife." Lilith said with sadness on her face as she continued to watch television .

"But how do you know that it was his wife who caused the death of his mother?" Maki asked.

"Before his teacher took him to study medicine around the world, he learned from his mother about technology. His mother was an expert hacker and she taught him everything. Believe it or not, Michael has an IQ of 250" answered Lilith. "When he finished learning from his teacher and came to his home, he learned of the death of his mother. Then he tried to find out who the murderer was and was surprised that the current wife of his father did. "

Mr. Nishikino and Maki were shocked but then realized something.

Mr. Nishikino raised his hand shaking and pointed to the TV screen "Don't tell me what it is .."

Lilith nodded and replied "It's Michael", it was a short answer but for both of them it was a great shock.

"He locked himself in his room for a year, gathering evidence until his father forced him out and took him to the party where we met" she continued without taking her eyes off the television.

"Over time, Michael exposed many secrets of that woman's family, which led to her decline. However, he was not the only one" said Lilith with a wry smile on her face.

"Who else was he?" Asked Maki.

"His family" Lilith replied. "When we were both in a relationship, his father did not approve of him or rather his whole family did not approve of him because my family's status was low. Believe it or not, Michael's family status was high class while my middle class family so to speak "

"So when Michael ignored his father's warnings, they sent people to hurt me but at that time I was with Michael and he fought against them but in the end they hurt me badly. Michael desperately could save me but did not stop his anger" Lilith said but lied in the saving part because she couldn't tell them that she had died and that she had reincarnated some time later.

Mr. Nishikino and Maki were shocked by what they were hearing but their shock did not stop.

"Michael had an idea who they were but he still gathered evidence and was surprised that it was his father who gave the order. For Michael, his mother and I were his world. He had already lost his mother so he could not lose me For this, he exposed his entire family and also destroyed them "said Lilith

"At that time no one knew that Michael was the one who caused the destruction of both families but we could not stay in that place forever, it was at that moment that we met Nephilim" Lilith said with a slight smile.

"Sister Nephilim helped us leave the country and we came to Japan to start a new life"

"For Michael, the relationship is worth more than anything. Therefore, he is always kind to people and to his friends or family. He does not care about a person's status but about one's personality. If Michael considers that person he is someone who deserves his friendship, he will help and protect him as if he were a valuable treasure but if someone wants to hurt his acquaintances, he will become the person they see on TV. " Lilith said looking at the person and observed that the transmission is about to end.

"That is why I ask you both not to tell anyone what happened in our house today. Also, Michael considers you a friend with whom he wants to form a sincere friendship." Lilith finished with a slight bow and it was at that moment that the transmission ended.

"I don't know worry Miss Lilith, Michael helped my hospital and I also believe that he is worthy of a great friendship" replied Mr. Nishikino seriously.

"Me too, I would like to be friends with Michael, besides he told me about his past and I think I can get to know him better" Maki said with a smile on her face.

" Just a friend?" She teased Lilith to which Maki blushed a lot.

But then they heard footsteps coming from the stairs and they knew they were already coming down.

First they saw Ryuu with the fat man on his shoulder, saying goodbye to them and asked who would open the gate for him, Lilith replied that when he got to the entrance, she will be in charge of opening the door for him, to which Ryuu nodded and left.

Lilith changed the channel on the television and the channel from the camera inside the area appeared. When she observed that Ryuu reached the door, she grabbed a remote control and pressed a button allowing the door to open and then close it.

After a while Michael with a face full of tiredness but still approached them.

Maki remembered what Lilith said and as she told him that she had lost her mother, her heart felt hurt and she did not know when but she ran to hug him while light tears fell from her face.

Lilith was surprised by Maki's attitude but she didn't say anything about her because she knew that perhaps the death of Michael's mother touched her heart.

She looked at Michael's face and laughed lightly and thought "I think it won't be long before I have a new sister."

"Sister Nephilim, do you hear me?" Lilith asked in her mind.

"Yes sister Lilith, what happened?" Nephilim asked answering Lilith's question.

"Not long, but it may not be long before we have a new sister" Lilith said with a slight smile.

"Wow, I'd like to see her, don't let her go as I'm about to arrive" Nephilim replied calmly.

"Eh .. Sister Nephilim are you coming?" Lilith asked with surprise in her mind

"Yes, I have done a test and this world will allow me to send an avatar. But don't tell Michael, I want it to be a surprise" Nephilim replied happily.

"Okay sister Nephilim. I think Michael will be surprised." Lilith said as she imagines what face Michael would make.

She then she looked at Michael that she was calming down with Maki to then see him joking around.

A few minutes passed, when they began to chat quietly until the doorbell of the mansion rang. Everyone was surprised to hear the sound of the doorbell but the only one who was calm was Lilith.

Michael got up from the couch and walked to the door to open it.

When Lilith saw Michael open the door and freeze, she started laughing at the sight of Michael's face.

(End of POV)


Michael froze in the doorway as he looked at the Nephilim in front of him.

"Nephilim ... How ..?" Michael asked stammering.

"Hehehe, hello dear. I wanted to surprise you" Nephilim replied with a bright smile.

Michael heard Lilith's laugh and turned to her, there he knew that she knew that the Nephilim could send an avatar.

He led the Nephilim into the room and began introducing her to Lord Nishikino and Maki.

"She is Nephilim, my other woman" Michael introduced holding Nephilim's hand.

After Michael introduced her to Mr. Nishikino and Maki, they chatted for about an hour, before they left Michael's house.

Michael and the others walked them to the gate and said goodbye to them.

Because Michael was tired from the tedious day, he returned to his room and threw himself on the bed to fall asleep quickly.

Nephilim and Lilith giggled as they watched Michael sleep and then both lay down next to him and fall asleep next to him.