

Axel was a 22 year old worker, working 9-5 jobs to make ends meet. He was raised in an orphanage when he was young, until he left when he was 16. His boss hated him while his co-workers ignored him. He was always alone. One particular bad day, when it was raining and when he accidentally spilled wine over one of the restaurants VIP customers, he was fired. Axel sighed as he walked home. "Bad day today," A truck rounded the corner. "Need to look for another job now." The truck grew closer. As Axel turned his head to see the truck, barreling towards him, in the rain, brakes screeching, trying to stop the 20-ton beast from hitting him. "Oh...Shi-"

"Arg..." As Axel woke up, a massive headache greeted him. Suddenly, the memories of the day rushed back- Getting fired, forced to go home in the rain, the truck, the crash, the sickening crunch of bones on metal- "So I'm dead now, huh," Commented Axel, "is this heaven or hell?" A glowing white ball suddenly rushed towards Axel, and a voice rang out in his mind. 'No, it is neither. This is the origin of the multiverse and you have been chosen.' Axel, bewildered, fumbled around and stood up, looking around before landing his gaze on the sphere of light, saying,"W-ho-, what-, why-, you-, a-are you talking to me? What are you? Who are you? Where am I? What is this place? Why-" The voice cut off Axel saying, 'I am talking to you, I am the consciousness of this place, and, as I said, you are at the origin of the multiverse and have been chosen by me to wield power and become king of this place. You have the potential. Also you will not be missed by anyone in your universe.' Axel was visibly confused. "What? The multiverse? And why- well yeah true I just got fired and nobody would look for me anyways..." The last part was said in a quiet voice. 'Good, now that your awake, lets begin.' "What?" 'Get ready.' A flash of white light and Axel and the sphere of light was gone.

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