
Multiverse: Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles

Travelling through unpopular verses: Starting From Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles. I want to see how far I can go with this one. My experience in writing is still mid, but I'll try my best. He died in his previous world without living a fulfilled life. However, he got a second chance he never asked for nor wished for. At the same time, perhaps seeking a more fulfilled life, he decides to see where this new crazed journey will lead him. .... Author's note: I’m curious to see how much interest there is in these not-so-popular anime verses because there are lots out there. (Skill issue on my part if I don't get much readers). Some might not like them, but I have an interest in them. Then, when I thought about it, I decided, why not. I'm also curious about what insanity I'll cook from these. I'll be the one to decide which worlds he goes to next. P.S: Mc doesn't know anything about the world's he'll be travelling to. Don't expect it to be a high-quality fic, and don't expect too much. Warning: if you don't like it, you can kindly drop and leave, or drop a valid and helpful review, any bot review or hate comment will be deleted sharply. (I deleted my last fic because of that).

Heavens_Hell · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 16

Lux clashed with the first opponent.

Rayto jumped back, switching his Scale Blade for his Breath Gun.

He was more effective fighting from a distance, especially with his speed—none of the three could catch up with him even if they wanted to.

But Rayto wasn't going that far for now.

That technique wasn't completed.

While he could use that technique now, he didn't want to—or rather, it wasn't one he could use consecutively or continuously.

In exchange for a short burst of speed comes a moment of weakness.

He had been able to use it previously, but only for a short activation, just to get behind his opponent.

More so, in a multi-battle like this.

Honestly—That move was best saved for the finals.




Rayto fired off continuous pressurized bullets, which the other two dodged as they approached from both sides.

'This is where I want them.'

Rayto thought as he turned his back on the one coming from the left, facing the one on the right while continuously shooting pressurized bullets from his Breath Gun.

"How bold! Turning your back on me."

The one approaching from the right saw this as an opportunity and his machine dragon flew towards Rayto in a swift straight line.

Meanwhile, the other—approaching from behind Rayto—couldn't see very well.

The one under constant assault from Rayto's pressurized bullets widened his eyes in realization.

Inhaling sharply, "Don't get close to him! It's a trap."

The one approaching from behind—the representative of the Gashtop house—though was already cautious enough.

However, he couldn't resist the opportunity when he saw Rayto seemingly let his guard down.

Hearing the warning from his fellow representative, he widened his eyes. "Shit!"

After realizing.

He handled the controls in a quick attempt to halt his dragon machine.

However, it was unfortunate that he was already within Rayto's range—or rather, within the range of his [Howling Roar].


Like the roar of a dragon, albeit mechanical, a shockwave erupted from Rayto's position.


The representative of the Gashtop house, who had already hit the brakes on his dragon machine, suddenly felt a repulsive force push him back, sending him crashing down.

"...You're gonna pay for that!"

In that spare moment.

The other—the representative of the Schultzed house, who had earlier been doing his best to avoid Rayto's Breath Gun attacks—closed the gap in an instant as Rayto turned his focus away.

"I'll be taking a page from you."

"[Howling Roar]!"

Commentator 1: "U-unbelievable!"

Commentator 1: "Participant Schultzed has used [Howling Dragon]'s favourite technique against him!"

For the first time today, Rayto was hit by an attack he had been using throughout today to inflict PTSD on multiple Drag-Riders.

This attack, sent Rayto crashing toward the barrier.



Lux shouted his name, a barrier forming behind Rayto that harshly and forcefully broke his crash against the barrier, as it would be out of bounds.

Though breaking Rayto's fall was not gentle, it was all Lux could do at the moment.


"Argh—" Rayto whimpered softly as his body hit the makeshift barrier behind him.

Rayto then exhaled, trying to control his breathing. "Fuuu."

Losing the somewhat relaxed expression he had entered the match with.

He gripped the controls of the dragon machine—the hilt of the sword device.

'Haah... I can't believe I let my guard down.'

'If Lux hadn't broken my fall....'

Thinking this, Rayto seemed to be frustrated—not angry, but frustrated several times over. "Fine, then, no more playing around."

Rayto muttered those words dangerously as he tilted his head down, a shadow casting over his face.

His opponent too was no slouch too.

At the same moment that Lux had broken Rayto's fall and was already charging an attack of his own.

"I won't let you!"

The once Scale Blade on the Schultzed representative had now changed into a different weapon.

It looked like a normal Breath Gun but was different, having a longer muzzle and a more robust size.

If one were to describe it, one might call it this world's version of a rocket launcher—a special armament.

Commentator 1 & 2: "This!"

Commentator 2: "A special armament!? Such a thing—!"

Similar to the basic armaments like Breath Gun, Claw Blades, Wiretail, and Scale Blade.

There were also different kinds of armaments or weapons found in the ruins.

They possessed powers approaching that of the special weapons of a divine dragon machine, and the catch was, they could be mounted on any Drag-Ride.

Such a weapon was mounted on an Ex Drag-Ride.

"Eat this! Breath Launcher!"

The energy that the Schultzed representative had been charging during the time Lux broke Rayto's fall was now transferred into the weapon.


The energy at the mouth of the special weapon had accumulated enough, transforming the usual golden energy from the force core into a vibrant red.

Without wasting time, he fired it towards Rayto, who still held his head down.

It was around this moment that Rayto realized he had underestimated his opponent.

Everything happened in an instant.

The crowd and the commentators held their breath in tense silence as they watched the beam of light approach Rayto.

On Lux's hand.

The Kreutzer representative was the only one he hadn't seen much of.

Lux's fighting style was purely defensive, and he couldn't take on two opponents at once because he needed—

No, he couldn't use the same tactics he always used on more than one opponent.

Especially with a mere Wyvern like this. More so, two Ex class dragon machine.

The reason he had been undefeated was because each mock battle was in rounds, and he only needed to fight one opponent at a time.

Rayto, knowing Lux, had hoped he would manage to clutch the battle somehow, some way.

But from the corner of his eye, he saw Rayto get sent flying.


Lux pushed back the Scale Blade of his opponent, immediately charging energy from his force core to create a barrier from afar that would break Rayto's fall.

He didn't have the luxury to soften his crash; he could only believe in his partner, along with an apology in his heart.

'I'm sorry, Rayto-san.'

Lux, in that moment, had let his guard down.

"Oi, oi, don't look away from the battle!" came a mocking voice from behind.

Lux quickly brought his blade over his head, blocking another strike.

"So, this is what the weakest undefeated amounts to?" The mocking tone was clear, and he made no effort to hide it.

"Even though we lost Gashtop, it means nothing."

He continued in that vein until he pursed his lips, then his expression curled into a smile with the same mocking tone.

"Heh, you should be more worried about your partner instead."

As they clashed, Lux noticed the Kreutzer representative directing his gaze toward the Schultzed representative, who had brought out a different weapon.

Momentarily confused, Lux followed his line of sight before gasping.

"A special armament?"

Was it permissible weapon to use such a thing in a practice mock?

Surely not!

From the reactions of the nobles in the VVIP seats, and even the head referee, it seemed there was no intention to stop it.

'So, that was their goal! I made a mistake.'

Lux thought as he tried to call out to Rayto, but his opponent was relentless. "Worry more about yourself!"

Amidst the loud voice of the Kreutzer's representative, a booming sound echoed along with several cracks, presumably from the barrier.


In a mix of emotions, Lux used his strength to parry the Kreutzer's representative's blade.

"Kuh! You still had this much—"

Sliding away, the Kreutzer representative tried to regain balance, but Lux was already in front of him.

Despite his opponent wielding an Ex-class dragon machine, Lux's superior reaction time allowed him to end the fight with the flat side of his Scale Blade.

This was the first time Lux had ever taken such an approach.

After this decisive move, Lux turned his gaze towards where Rayto had crashed. The smoke cleared, but Rayto was nowhere to be seen.

"H-huh? What just happened?"

"Howling Dragon..."

As the smoke dissipated, there was no sign of Rayto.

Some speculated he might have been eviscerated.

But even then, there should have been remnants of his dragon machine armor falling to the ground or some indication of his presence.

Afterall, though it was a mere Wyvern, a dragon machine is made from the strongest metal.

Yet, there was nothing.


Lux muttered again, his eyes trembling slightly, before suddenly realizing something and quickly looking towards the Schultzed representative in the air.

To which what followed that was a resounding BAM!

"Wh-what's happening now?"

Smoke filled the air, and amid the haze, a silhouette falling from the sky was barely discernible.

"What is going... On..."

The entire crowd fell silent.

They could see Lux standing, so it wasn't him.

The representatives of Gashtoph and Kreutzer were already down.

It seemed inevitable that the Schultzed representative would win, especially given the powerful attack he had unleashed against Rayto.

However, ....

"What am I seeing!"

"Is this a joke?"

"The Howling Dragon..."

"The Howling Dragon was the one who buried his opponent!"

The commentators erupted into a frenzy, cheering loudly, joined by the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd.

You thought I had dropped!? No way!

Just lost motivation for a few days, and had some stuffs going on.

Even if I'm left with 0 and no readers, I'll continue.

I want to see what I can do with this fic.

Heavens_Hellcreators' thoughts