
Multiverse Traveling for fun & love

Dude dies and gets reincarnated 1st world: High School DxD I own nothing but my MC and/or any Oc's all characters and stuff belong to the original creator so show them some love I also don't own the cover image.

FluffyHaremPlz · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Potential yandere MILF

In a private room of the resultant, sitting down in silence, the mother-son duo watched as Loki enjoyed a variety of food that was on the table.

Loki, not being one to enjoy silence, was the first to break it.

"Well, don't just watch me, please enjoy. Consider is compensation for disrupting your date, and I'm sure you'd like to explain some things to my uncle, wouldn't you, grandmother."


Shen Niu grabbed her son by the cheeks and looked into his eyes with a serious but loving gaze, and spoke tenderly to her son.

"My son, no matter what, I want you to remember that these five years, while I lied about who you and I are, I can assure you, I love you with my everything, and that will never change."

She took a second to collect herself before she continued.

"My name is not Shen Niu, but Nótt. I am the Norse personification of the night. You have three half-siblings, a sister, Jörð, and two brothers, Auðr and Dagr. Jörð is married to Odin: Loki is their adoptive son; hence, you are his uncle. The man you call father, Shen An (A/n: I forgot if I gave Him a name, well it doesn't matter he is not important.) is not your father. He is just some random descendant of a cultivator family. Just so you know, he hasn't laid a finger on me. I just made him think he has and believe that you are his child, but the illusion is slipping based on how he has been acting recently: does he really think I haven't noticed him trying to sabotage you. As for your real father, well, you don't have one. I am not sure what happened, but I don't care; you are the best thing to ever happen to me. That's all you need to know; everything else is irrelevant."

Nótt, after she finished saying what she had to, felt something she never thought she would, fear.

She was scared: scared that her son, the light of her life, would hate her, scared that he would reject her, but most of all, she was scared that he would leave her.

Xiaowen or Adalsteinn loved his mother more than anything. The way she smiled, smelled, felt. He loved how strong she was; he loved and knew everything about her, or at least that's what he thought.

As he was listening to what his mother said, he felt a little betrayed and angry. Even if he was slightly hypocritical, as he himself had secrets, he would never tell anyone. But when he saw the fear in her eyes, all the negative thoughts, and emotions he had left his head.

He didn't care about anything his mother just said; all he knew and cared about was that he loved her, and she loved him.

Adalsteinn, reaching for his mother's hands, used his small thumbs to rub the back of her hands as an act of comfort.

"It's ok mom, I don't care that much. I love you, and I know you love me: that's all that matters."

Overwhelmed by her son's smile and words, Nótt took her son into her embrace, smothering his face in her bosom.

Upset by the bubbly, pink atmosphere and by being forgotten, Loki forcefully put down his mug, pulling the two out of their trance.

"That's nice and all, but can we please move on to more important matters."

Nótt and Adalsteinn, still in each others embrace, faced Loki with innocent expressions.

"Oh, I forgot you were here. Actually, who cares? But thank you, because of you, my son and I grew even closer, so I guess I can listen to why you came."

That small remake made the vein on Loki's forehead a slight bulge, but just as quickly as it appeared, it left.

"The reason I came has to do with the little one, the Norns told me, that no matter what I or anyone tries to do, he will become my son-in-law. 'And there is a future where he helps cause Ragnarok.' So, I thought it only right to meet my future son-in-law."

The mother-son duo both blanked.

Adalsteinn/Nótt: "Say, what?" / "Huh?"

Adalsteinn was the first to compose himself.

"Um, I think I am a little too young to be getting married, nephew."

"NO! I refuse to let my boy marry anyone. He is mine and mine alone. If those three hags try anything, I will flay them alive, gut them, and use their entrails to decorate the halls of Valhalla. I will use their skin to make drums, bones to make flutes, and tendons to make a lyre, but not before mounting their heads on Odin's throne."

Both Loki and Adalsteinn were speechless, albeit for completely opposite reasons. Loki was scared by the crazed look in his grandmother's eyes, and it was then that he abandoned his plans to manipulate her son. He hoped that somehow his daughter could win over the boy's heart and gain Nótt's approval.

Adalsteinn was speechless by his mother, not because he was scared, but because he was completely enamored. The crazed look in her eyes was hypnotic for him. He had never seen something so beautiful. He was sure that if he were older: he would push her down and take her, right then and there.

Nótt, realizing she had let her true personality slip, saw the fear in Loki's eyes. Thinking that she also may have scared her son, reluctantly, she turned to face him.

What she saw surprised her. Her son was not scared, but excited. He had a dreamy look in his eyes, his cheeks were flushed, he was breathing was heavy, and his little brother was at full mast.

She had never seen her son act like that before, so seeing him fall into lust for what others had called disgusting and creepy made her feel happier than she had ever felt before, as well as horny. But knowing that there was a time and a place for everything, she pushed those feeling down.

"Forgive my little outburst. I don't like the idea of those the hags playing with my son's life like that. As more this supposed marriage, my son is right; he is far too young. I also won't let him marry someone he doesn't know or love, not to mention hasn't even met."

Loki, expecting this, had come prepared.

"Well, let's change that. I am guessing you haven't taught my uncle and Norse Magic or have helped train or awaken his godly powers. As you know, I am a master magician, and my daughter is quite well versed in magic herself, so I propose that you and my uncle come with me to Niflheim. You know, eventually, Odin will come looking for you. If you come to Niflheim, it would take him a lot longer. We can train my uncle, and the two of you can get to know my daughter. What do you say?"

Adalsteinn was thrilled by the idea. This was perfect. He was planning on taking the first 100 years of his life easy, just training the basics and eventually delving into magic. He mostly wanted to find a way to unlock the powers of Schrödinger, that problem was solved quickly by his mother giving him the two manuals, but now that he knew he was a God, he could explain his power to his mother and not have to hide them. As soon as he heard what Loki said, his plans changed. If he trained his powers now, he could reach the point where he could travel to different worlds, getting his future peerage members and relaxing before the plot of DxD starts.

Nótt was conflicted. She knew that Loki was right about Odin coming for them and she wanted her little angel to be strong enough to not be used by them and protect himself from the rest of the world. On the other hand, she was scared that Loki's daughter would take him away from her; she hated that if the Norns said something would happen, it would happen.

Before Nótt could make her thought known, Adalsteinn stated his thoughts.

"Mommy, I would like to go. I know you don't, like the idea, but I want to get strong, strong enough to protect you, strong enough so that we don't have to hide from the gods, so please can we, go."

"Of course, my beautiful boy. Well, you heard him Loki."

"Hahaha, excellent. Let's get going then."

With a smirk, Loki opened a portal to Niflheim.