
Multiverse Traveler: Among Worlds

"Having died in an act of bravery, David awakens in Nexus, the point beyond realities. Orion, the administrator of Nexus, offers him a unique opportunity: to help different realities prevent catastrophic events. Endowed with special abilities, David embarks on his mission, traveling through various fictional worlds to fulfill missions aimed at saving these realities from catastrophic disasters. In one world, he was a soldier and scientist who created the vaccine for a zombie outbreak. In another, a priest, a member of an order that fought to exterminate vampires. And he has also been a brilliant scientist who fought alongside the Autobots."

StrongerBrother · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: There are other worlds that need help

After the confrontation with the terrorists and the subsequent explosion in the desert, David woke up lying down, staring at a white ceiling.

"So, is this paradise?" he whispered.

"This certainly isn't paradise, David."

A voice resonated from somewhere indistinct, startling him.

Perplexed, David sat up and searched for the source of that voice. What he saw was a kind of room, the walls were white just like the ceiling, and there didn't seem to be any objects in that space.

"What's going on? Where am I?" David asked, confused.

"You're in Nexus or, as I like to call it, the Crossroads of the Multiverse," the voice replied.

"Nexus? Multiverse?" David repeated, confused. "I'm not sure if I understood. I should be dead, I'm certain of it."

"If this isn't paradise or... hell, who are you?" David asked, trying to understand his unusual situation.

"You can call me Orion. I'm the administrator of Nexus, responsible for observing thousands of realities," the voice introduced itself.

"Well, nice to meet you then, Orion," David chuckled, resigning himself to his situation. "Can you explain to me what exactly this place is and what I'm doing here?"

"As I said, Nexus is the Crossroads of the Multiverse, think of it as the central point between infinite realities." Orion's voice echoed through the room.

"Regarding the reason you're here, let's say that by demonstrating bravery and kindness in protecting those refugees, you were selected to receive a proposal, a second chance, so to speak." Orion continued.

"A second chance?" David asked, confused.

"Exactly. Under normal conditions, it's obvious that an ordinary human would die in that explosion, so I brought you to Nexus at the very last moment before you died."

"So you saved me from death?" David questioned.

"In a way." Orion joked. "You see, even though I saved you from dying in that explosion, you undoubtedly should have died at that moment. It was your destiny in that reality."

"So, that means that even though you're alive here in Nexus, on your planet, you're dead. You can't go back to that reality," Orion concluded.

David's mind spun with the explanation, but he could understand the theoretical fundamentals behind Orion's explanation. His death was a fact that had already occurred, meddling with space and time was already a danger; if he returned to his reality, his mere existence would be an instability for that reality.

David let out a sigh, understanding his situation. "I see. So, what proposal do you want to make to me?" he asked curiously.

"I already liked you, David. Most mortals would make a scene about wanting to return, etc., but I knew you would understand why you can't do that." Orion joked.

"So, let's get down to business," Orion continued, with some enthusiasm in his voice. "The reason I dragged you to Nexus."

"Here in Nexus, I am the observer of the multiverse. And each reality has its own peculiarities, beauties, and conflicts. However, there are realities with certain massive events that end up causing the death of billions of people." "Cataclysmic or apocalyptic events that threaten the existence of living beings in that reality or cause deaths on a large scale," Orion explained seriously.

"Initially, my job is just to observe. Never to interfere." Orion stopped for a moment. And in that moment, David could feel a kind of powerlessness and sadness in his voice.

"I did what I did, for thousands of years. Watching worlds being destroyed, races being annihilated."

"Like a spectator of an endless tragedy, a punishment." Orion concluded.

"Until I had an idea." Orion laughed, causing David to raise an eyebrow. "I was told that I shouldn't interfere, not personally."

"That's when I had the idea of sending an emissary to these realities, someone who could help these worlds in my place."

"That person, the person I chose, is you, David," Orion said. And David could almost feel the expectant eyes of his host on him.

Feeling proud in a strange way, perhaps for being recognized for his actions and sacrifices throughout his life, he replied. "Orion, I've dedicated a large part of my life to helping those who needed someone."

"And I would do it again." David said, causing Orion to become excited. "But, I'm just a simple human. You're talking about saving worlds and preventing apocalypses; I don't know if I can do that."

Orion laughed after hearing David's statement. "I understand your concerns, but I have the power to help you in this regard."

"Look, I can't interfere personally in that reality and I can't give you huge power at first." Orion explained. "Not only would that cause an imbalance in realities, but it would also place a huge weight on your soul." "However, I can gradually strengthen you in each reality. And provide you with starting points that will help you complete the missions I will entrust to you." Orion finished.

After hearing Orion's explanation, David lowered his head contemplating Orion's proposal.

For anyone, it would be obvious that Orion's proposal represented immense and constant danger. But wasn't that what he had always aimed for?

To help people in need, save lives, and change the world?

Raising his head, David had an excited smile on his face. "I accept your proposal!"

Orion let out an excited laugh and began to speak: "Last but not least, you need to know that many of the fictional universes created by human imagination actually exist somewhere in the multiverse. They are manifestations of realities that can be as vivid and concrete as your own."

David raised an eyebrow, showing surprise. "So, all those stories, worlds, and characters... they're real?"

Orion nodded with a smile. "The vast majority, David. The worlds you imagined while reading books or watching movies have their own existence within this multiverse."

"Even though I know you've hardly read any fiction books or seen most of these worlds. That will make your job a bit difficult because I also can't tell you what will happen in those worlds, except for a small part of the facts." Orion stated with a tense kind of laugh. "You'll be relying on your memories and choices."

David seemed to ponder for a moment but soon laughed, almost ironically. "Well, at this point, I believe there's not much that can surprise me anymore."

Orion directed David's attention to a portal that began to form in front of him. "This is the first world you must help, David. It's the beginning of your journey to make a difference in various realities."

David observed the portal, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. The idea of crossing that boundary to a completely new world filled him with vibrant energy.

"Before entering, however," said Orion, "you'll receive your first ability that will help you in this specific mission."

A golden glow began to envelop David, who felt a new energy coursing through his body. A sensation of newly acquired power arose within him.

"Additionally, here are some fundamental pieces of information about the world for your reference," Orion continued, and David felt a new set of information come to his mind.

Nodding, David began to walk towards the portal. Stopping in front of the portal, he asked, "What happens after I finish my mission?"

"I'll bring you back to Nexus," Orion replied.

Having received his answer, David took a deep breath and stepped into the portal. "See you soon, Orion." He laughed excitedly, and soon his body disappeared. And the portal closed.

Nexus then returned to its tranquility, with only Orion's voice filling the emptiness.

"See you soon, David. I'll be watching and rooting for you."

Some people may have already noticed that English is not my mother tongue, so some errors may appear here and there. I would be grateful if you could point out any occasional errors.

Also, I would love any ideas or thoughts you could provide for moving forward with the story, think of it as, creative support haha

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