
Multiverse travel as Sukuna

Mc is over powered, his backstory doesn’t matter so it won’t be explained, it’s the basic gets reincarnated after dying. First world: Naruto Second world: JJK Third world and beyond will be left to the fans to choose when the time comes in the fanfic.

Blank_Number · Anime & Comics
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( Alright I'll be explaining the MCs power, he's able to use Sukuna ability's he's basically in base form but can transform or switch into Sukunas real form for a 3x boost in strength, I wanted to add more to make it more fun and entertaining, Nchammer the YouTuber explained theories on what Sukunas abilities are, he made small connection and thinks that Sukuna is the one and only true disaster curse, ( a disaster curse is a curse created by humans fears or something like that. ) so Sukuna is the embodiment of everybody's fears so he's basically able to use every and all types of attacks either elemental or physical, so I'm thinking about using all of the JJK characters abilities ( may stick to only curses but some Socerors have cool abilities, may leave it to y'all though. ) or at least the fun ones. Or me and you fans can create new abilities for Sukuna to use. Also taking into account that Sukuna may not be strong enough to defeat all worlds no diff then I'm giving him the ability to absorb bloodlines to give himself more strength and healing, which will be very useful. Now that I got that out the way, let's start the fanfic. )

The ninja world was peaceful today, Naruto had finally come back after 3 years. All his friends were happy, but the sky darkened randomly making them wary.

The sky cracked more and more every second that passed,

Until finally it broke open before going back to the blue sky everybody was used to, but not everything was the same, right outside Konoha lays a crater, something had fallen from the sky.

All Ninjas near quickly ran to the location including the Hokage.

{ Host and Sukuna have fully merged, host may have also gained some of Sukunas personality, this is acceptable for the growth of the host. System will now dissapear and leave only the ability to see status by calling it out…}

" Ugh, what the fuck happened? " Sukuna said as he woke up.

" Who are you. " A voice spoke catching his attention but he was in too much pain to care.

" Sorry but can you give me like a minute to calm my headache? " Sukuna said massaging his temples while breathing slowly.

" What should we do granny tsunade? " Naruto asked confused on the situation.

Tsunade kept quiet observing the man in front of her, but to her eyes he seemed confused and in pain.

After a few more seconds Sukuna finally calmed down as he got up.

" The ninja world huh? Didn't expect that. " He said in a low voice to himself.

" You must be the Hokage I'm sorry for this mess, and for disturbing you. I have no idea how I got here. " Sukuna said cracking his neck.

' That voice was weird, I can somewhat remember it, oh well doesn't matter. '

" What village are you from? " Tsunade asked as she walked closer, but she didn't see a village headband.

' A rouge ninja maybe? ' Tsunade assumed

" I'm not from any clan, my parents were rouge ninja so I was born outside a village, they trained me before they died in a trap. " Sukuna said as he scratched his head.

' I think he's lying, but I can't tell what he lied about, he's good at lying if he's able to hide it from me. ' Tsunade thought before replying.

" I see, let me check your body for any injuries. " But before Tsunade could put her hand on him Sukuna jumped back.

' I haven't checked my strength, she might be able to easily kill me. ' Sukuna thought.

" Sorry it's a reflex. " Sukuna said before walking back and giving her his arm.

A green light appeared around Tsunades hand as she checked his body,

' Weird, I can't see anything. Is he blocking me intentionally or no? Is blocking me even possible? How did he even end up falling from such a high level that he created this mess, how did he even survive? ' Tsunade kept a calm emotionless facade but she had multiple questions, too many and no answers.

" You are fine, will you visit konoha to rest or leave right away? " Tsunade asked.

" Not sure, I guess I can stay for a bit, also it's kinda awkward having a conversation with a bunch of people watching. " Sukuna said pointing at everybody around.

Konohas 12 including a bunch of other Jonin and Anbus watched the conversation with some root hiding in the trees.

" Go back, there's nothing to see here. " Tsunade said as they awkwardly left leaving behind Sakura and Naruto.

" Can I trust you two to show him around? " Tsunade asked which they nodded.

" Alright, around 8 pm go to the training ground seven. See you then. " Tsunade vanished from her spot.

" Hey my names Naruto, nice to meet ya! " Naruto said excitedly.

" My names Sakura Haruno, feel free to call me Sakura. " Sakura smiled.

" My names Sukuna, nice to meet you two. "

The day wasn't that spectacular, he was shown around the village, the training ground, the ninja academy, shops, and last Ichiraku ramen.

" This is my favorite spot! " Naruto said with a smile before lifting up the blinds ( Not sure what they're called so ima go with blinds ).

" Oh hey Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru, what are you guys doing here? " Sakura asked surprised.

" Well we ate bbq at the restaurant, but on our way back SoMeOnE got hungry again. " Ino said annoyance easily shown on her face.

Choji invited her while Shikamaru chuckled before taking a peak at Sukuna.

' Why did that Hokage ask me to keep an eye on him? What a drag. ' Shikamaru yawned before laying his head on his arm to nap.

" But looks like you brought the weird guy, can't lie he doesn't look that bad. " Ino said flirtatiously with a smirk.

" Thanks, your beauty is unmatched as well. " Sukuna winked making her blush.

" Cough, anyways are you guys going to eat or not? " Ino asked making Naruto quickly sat down and order multiple bowls.

" Sigh what an idiot. " Sakura said, though Tsunade didn't say it out loud she obviously wanted us to watch him and try to learn about his past. They spent the day exploring seriously and not asking too many questions, in fact the only person asking questions was Sukuna.

Sakura was hungry though so she ordered as well,

" Are you not going to eat ? " Ino asked Sukuna.

" I don't have my wallet with me, kinda fell from the sky you know. There's always a chance your wallet disappears. " Sukuna said sarcatiscally.

" You could've just said no, I'll pay for it, order whatever you'd like. " Ino said calling over the boss.

" Oh? Are you trying to make me fall for you? What a scheming woman. " Sukuna smirked making her want to punch him.

" As if! I rather die alone than be with you. " She said rolling her eyes.

The group ate together and hung out afterwards before they separated, Sukuna not having anywhere to go followed Sakura and Naruto since they didn't mind, since they also didn't know what to do with him.

( A/N Alright ima explain his strength and how his strength is measured in, Sukuna right now has all 20 fingers so he's at peak strength at the moment.

Everybody's knows how the Naruto system works, Genin, Chunnin, Jonin, Kage,

Peak Kage is about Tobirama or Hiruzen or even Tsunade for that matter,

Since we all know that Otsutsukis exist I will start creating the deeper ninja system, after Kage it will be Hashirama, then Naruto, then otsutsuki (Low,Mid,high,peak- applies to the other ranks as well )

Mc in Naruto terms he is either on peak Hashiramas level or peak Naruto's level, to compare Nagato is about peak Kage or Hashirama level, with one attack he obliterated Konoha, but Sukuna with one attack made a whole city dissapear ( Reread the manga it's more of about a town or a bit more ), thought Nagatos was on a larger scale it does not lower Sukunas achievement. Plus he was also only at 15 fingers, after gaining his last strength he was able to ( Spoiler ) kill Gojo who everybody believed, if he wanted to, he could kill everybody in the world. Sukuna is very strong, I believe if Sukuna took Pains place He would've won against Naruto. I'm kinda glazing let me stop we all know Naruto winning was plot armor, but yeah he's at Peak Hashirama or Peak Naruto level. Don't worry people I will actually continue this till I'm done. )