
Multiverse transmigrator

Zack was a young man with everything a normal person could dream of.... good grades, rich family and beautiful girlfriend. One day he died and the same cliché stuff happened. meeting god, getting wishes and going to another world. 1st world: Against the gods 2nd world: Solo leveling 3rd world: Highschool of the dead 4th world: ??? Note: This is not the story for readers who want to read wish fulfillment story, read amt your own risk. there is a unnecessary drama and a forced plot twist. If you can read past 18 chapters, then it will start getting better. All the copyrights of the anime or novel used in this fic belong to their respective authors, I do not claim anything at all. The cover is not mine, if the creater wants me to take it down I will gladly do it.

Cute_lama · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Moving on

Oh, so I told everyone that I was having exam soon, but you know, sometimes luck is on your side somehow…

And guess what? My exam postponed…

Yeah, it's not necessarily a good thing but you know what this means for me? Another two months to waste!!


I read the comments of the previous chapters and readers were saying that the personality of Mc is not likable. Dude, didn't I already explained that he was affected by the powers of Lucifer and it corrupted his mind? Should I say it again and again?

Fine, I will again mention that in this chapter but that will be the end of it.

It was the same for him being manipulative, just wait… he will have big character development in few chapters.


The first day of the dawn shined upon the eyes of a sleeping teenager's figure causing it to furrow his brows in annoyance and put his arm over his eyes.

This was obviously not a permanent solution, due to the fact that the sunlight was still there.

The teenager groaned a little and then sat up on the bed with his eyes still closed and stretched his limb while yawning.

The audible satisfying cracking of his bones elevated his mood a little as he finally opened his eyes a little.


The boy seemed to froze in his place for a few moments before he frantically jumped off the bed and stood up while looking around in a haste.

"wait, where is this place? It's not my room." He muttered.

For some idiots who still couldn't figure it out, this teenager is obviously Zack.

Zack looked around in confusion, suddenly recollections of everything that has happened recently appeared in his mind.

This served in him growing even more puzzled…

Why isn't he in hell?

What is this place?

Where is Lilith?

"Don't worry, Dear. You are safe for now."

A familar sweet voice resounded in his ears causing him to flinch from sudden surprise.


What's her voice doing in my mind?

Oh! Telepathy‽

"Em.. What is going on here?"

Zack asked trying to be polite because even though he spent a night with Lilith, he still didn't knew her and obviously didn't trust her, For all he knew, she could eradicate his existence without even putting an effort, so it's best to not piss her off in any way.

He heard her chuckle melodiously and answer: "It's quite amusing to see you so stiff when you were so into it in bed."

Zack again remembered the moment she was talking about and cursed his own rash actions…

What the hell was I thinking to doggy style the queen of hell?

Zack took a moment to calm himself and not mull over the past, and reminding himself to not be like that in future.

"So.. Where am I? I'm pretty sure that this doesn't look like hell."

"Oh really? Then how do you picture hell in your mind." Lilith asked in a playful manner.

"Well I already visited it, so I don't think I have to imagine anymore but before that I always thought of Volcanoes and lava erupting from them everywhere." Zack answered in a careful way.

He could hear her giggling lightly as she replied: "Hmm, but I'm pretty sure that your trip was more of a heaven for you, right?~" Her tone changed from playful to sultry towards the end.

Zack couldn't help but repeat the sentence two times in his head, Is this really happening right now? Isn't it unbelievable that The Lilith is not only talking to him but also flirting with him?

(A/n: You tell me.)

Damn, how do you expect me to reply to this?

Should I flirt back?

Or should I change the topic?

"…So, will you please tell me where I am."


Zack's eyebrows couldn't stop twitching when he heard her laughing at him.

"Ok ok fine, I will tell you. *Cough* *Cough*" She coughed in a dramatic way and continued: "I will explain it from the start, when you died on that plane crash, your soul was on its way to the lowest floor of heaven when it was intercepted by that bastard Devil, He tricked dear into recieving powers, you fell victim to his scheming, his Damned sins affected dear's pure personality and corrupted dear's mind. After that he invited you back to hell and revealed his existence to you." She said without pausing or taking a breath.

*Breath in* *Breath out*

"I have already experienced all of this myself so I don't think I need an explanation for this." He said with a calm tone.

"I know, I just wanted to tell you that it wasn't your fault for anything that happened, that bastard is just too convincing with his acting." Lilith said but there was venom in her speech when she mentioned Lucifer.

Without knowing it a small smile crawled into Zack's face as he said gratefully: "Thank you, Ms Lilith. Ever since I knew that I was fooled by him, I couldn't help but feel that I'm a worthless idiot."

This was true, since the time he was trapped in that small room, he was depressed and heated himself most of the time in his mind. The words from Lilith were quite reassuring. It's human nature after all, one wouldn't believe in something they know but would find the same thing plausible if they heard from someone else.

"Now that bring us to your current location. After being decieved by him, I'm sure that you wouldn't accept even if I grant you power, right?"


"Great, so I decided to help you gain power by your own effort."

"Wait what?!!" He exclaimed with a baffled expression on his face.

He wasn't startled by the 'by your own effort' part since he has already decided on this, but what stunned him was that fact that she was extending a helping hand to him.


This was the only thing that he could ask after moments of contemplation, he couldn't wrap his head around this woman.

Her actions are just so random. Her asking him to spend a night together and now even helping him.

Why is she putting so much effort in me?

Zack didn't even consider the possibility of her 'loving' him, it would be too bizzare since they both have just met few days ago.

"Why am I helping you?" She asked in a gentle voice.

Zack hummed in response, urging her to continue.

"It's because you are the only man I have taken a liking to in last few centuries."


Zack didn't responded and I stead sat down on his bed again while rubbing his temples.

It took him a few moments to stop his actions all the while Lilith was happily humming to a tune.

*Sigh* "So, what's the plan?" He asked, he gave up on escaping this situation and decided to just go along the flow for now.

Lilith's voice turned serious once this topic came on: "When you 'transmigated' as you call it, you were relying on the power 'granted' to you too much. The most important flaw is that you still aren't used to watching blood and killing."

Zack rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment but still agreed since he knew what she said was true.

"I used my own powers to transfer you to this universe. This universe consists of only one solar system and eight planets, but the only life exists on the planet 'Earth'."

"This sounds awfully familiar." Zack replied with a weird expression on his face.

"Fufufu, I bet. By the way, this world is perfect for you, it's danger level is not very high, if you play your cards well, it won't be difficult to survive, and with me here, it is impossible for thing to go wrong."

"I… see. But what can I expect from this world." Zack asked in curiosity.

He didn't knew if it was her charisma or her way of speaking, it was just too easy to talk to her.

He was wary of her at the start, but now he was talking to her casually.

"Zombies. This is a zombie world, just as I said, perfect for you. Dear can get accustomed to spilling blood while learning how to survive." Her tone was serious, like a teacher educating her student.

Zack ignored her mood shifts and replied: "Which country am I in?"

"Tokonosu city, Japan. I created an identity for you, and let me tell you since it seems you are late… but you have school today."

Wait a second! Tokonosu city, Japan, Zombies… it couldn't be….

"It seems that you have already guessed, dear. You are in Highschool of the dead."






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