
Multiverse transmigrator

Zack was a young man with everything a normal person could dream of.... good grades, rich family and beautiful girlfriend. One day he died and the same cliché stuff happened. meeting god, getting wishes and going to another world. 1st world: Against the gods 2nd world: Solo leveling 3rd world: Highschool of the dead 4th world: ??? Note: This is not the story for readers who want to read wish fulfillment story, read amt your own risk. there is a unnecessary drama and a forced plot twist. If you can read past 18 chapters, then it will start getting better. All the copyrights of the anime or novel used in this fic belong to their respective authors, I do not claim anything at all. The cover is not mine, if the creater wants me to take it down I will gladly do it.

Cute_lama · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Backstory (Zack)

In a big room with, with a large bed, a closet by the side, and a front mirror placed at the other side of the bed, a young boy of about 12-13 yrs was sitting while holding his hand up to his chest level.

His natural blonde hair and green eyes, along with a hint of innocence in his eyes made his exceptionally cute.

Suddenly a knock could be heard on the door: "Young master, The dinner is ready and madam wants you there."

The 'madam' was obviously referring to as the boy's mother, so he immediately scooted off the bed and made his way outside with a skip in his steps, due to their work his parents aren't mostly at home, so it is rare for them to have dinner together like a family.

He walked down the long hallway and opened a door which had his family's business trademark engraved on it.

Entering the room, he immediately spotted his parents, his father was a middle aged man with a unshaved face and glasses, giving him a smart look,

His mother sat at the right side of his father, she was a beautiful mature woman, she had long blonde hair with a gentle aura around her.

They both looked at him when he entered, his mother was the first to call out: "Zack, you are here. Come, let's have dinner."

She said in a gentle and motherly tone, the boy or younger Zack beamed at this and happily took a seat in front of his mother and to his father's left side.

"How have your study been going on, Zack." His father asked in a strict manner.

Zack couldn't help but show a proud expression and said: "I got the second highest grade in my class."

Zack said with pride and anticipation, while waiting for his father to praise him but…

His father's expression changed into one of anger as he reprimanded: "Second highest‽ Didn't I told you to study well?"

Young Zack was caught off guard, he expected his father to be happy and praise him, but instead he was getting shouted at, he looked down at his lap with some tears at the corner of his eyes.

"And now don't start shedding tears in front of me."

Zack controlled his expression as much as he could while holding back his tears, he felt indignant right now, shouldn't his father be proud of him? If he didn't wanted to praise him, he shouldn't at least tell at him, but as a helpless child he was, he didn't said it loud.

His mother, who saw her son being scolded came to his rescue: "Now now, don't scold him this much, dear. There are still quite some time before he has to take on the family business."

Her mother's words were like a light tower in a stormy night for him, her words soothed him quite a bit, he glanced at his mother to see her smiling tenderly at him

His father just huffed at started eating his food which was brought by a maid few moments ago…

Mother smiled wryly at her husband's behaviour, the rest of the dinner everyone at the table ate quietly,

After dinner, Zack hurriedly came back to his own room, he didn't wanted to stay in his father's presence, was he scared of him? Yes. Which child wouldn't when their father would always scold and yell at them.

He sat down in own bed and remembered what just happened, now playing the situation again in his mind, he could only see his father's fault, he felt angry at him, for several reasons,

He always tried to make his parents proud of him, he would spend most of his time while studying rather than playing with others of his age, he would attend most of the social gathering of upper class with his mother and so on.

Just as the little boy was ranting in his mind, another knock came from the door

"Who is it?"

He asked with slight annoyance, he didn't wanted to see anyone at this moment, not even his mother.

"Young master, it's me. Can I come inside."


He said with some surprise after hearing the voice…

Alfred was the head Butler of his family, he has been serving this family even before when Zack was born.

He thought for a moment and said:

"What is it?"

"Young master, I wanted to talk to you about a few things..."

Zack had a slight frown on his face, but he still called out: "Alright, Come in."

Door opened up to reveal a Man of around 50, he had a French cut beard with white hair on his face, he looked old at first sight but it would be a mistake to underestimate him if his straight posture and sharp expression was anything to go by.

He entered the room and approached him while saying: "I wanted to talk about what happened at the dining table."

Zack couldn't help but show a annoyed look "Did mother sent you?"

To his surprise, he shook his head and said: "I came her on my own accord" He then gave him a gentle look and said: "I have seen you grow up, young master, it's ok if you want to talk to me..."

Zack couldn't help but feel that something was off, Alfred never did anything on his own accord and never disobeyed the orders, Did mom asked him to not reveal that she is the one who sent him?

This was the only plausible scenario he could think of "Young master, Sir only said that because he wants the best for you."

Zack felt anger rising inside him, everyone was taking his father's side, why is it that no one says that he is right?

"I don't want to talk about that anymore, just leave and close the door behind."

Zack just wanted to get rid of Alfred and then go back to thinking at his own…

Alfred showed a concerned expression and put a hand on his shoulders: "Young master, it's best of you talk with someone else, you don't have friends your age because of studying but I can listen to you."

Zack slapped away his hand with a frown on his face: "Ok, we will talk tomorrow, now let me sleep."

Alfred sighed and walked out of the room while closing the door, when he had out his gentle expression crumbled instantly and got replaced with a crazy one..

He looked at his hand and licked it with a crazed smile: "tsk. This was quite a good opportunity to make him trust me."

He looked at the door again, he turned around and his expression was again normal like a proper Butler.


Following days, Zack felt weird, as if something was wrong, his parents were gone for another business trip while leaving him alone, well not alone, since their were many maids and Butler to take care of him..

He noticed that Alfred, the head Butler was getting unreasonably touchy with him, Zack told him to stop but Alfred just shrugged it off while saying that Zack was being too sensitive..

Zack couldn't do anything, after all he was the son of the owner of the house, Alfred should obey his orders right?

One day, Zack going for his usual ettiquete lessons, where he would be learning proper manners in different situations.

He got changed in his room and was making his way out when he suddenly felt someone grabbing him front behind..

He didn't even had the chance to do anything before he felt his Conciousness slipping away and his vision blackening..


(The scenes below can be disturbing for some readers, I advise them to kindly skip this part. I don't want reader yelling in comments about it afterwards.🙄🙄🙄)

Zack opened his eyes in a dark place, he could still see his surrounding due to light coming from a window which was high above.

Opening his eyes wide, he immediately realized that he got kidnapped by someone, but kidnapped in his own house?

How was that even possible with all the security..

He panicked for a moment, after all he was still only a 13 year old, he frantically looked around for anything or anyone…

The room he was in was a large room, even bigger than his room at his home, there were miscellaneous items sprawled here and there..

Like tyres, wooden logs and steel pipes..

What the hell is this place?

Soon he calmed down and thought of all the self defense lessons he has gotten from early on…

He saw that he was bounded by ropes I'm his hands and feet, and tied down to the chair..

Just as he was making a plan to escape, a freaking sound resonated in the room and the door flew open with a *bam*.

Looking ahead, Zack's eyes bulged out of his sockets as he baffled expression adorned his face..

Standing at the doorway was the figure of his Butler… Alfred!!

(A/n: Yeah, I know you knew from the start but this isn't a mystery novel, and I don't like unreasonable suspense.)

While Zack couldn't process what was going on, Alfred saw that he was awake and showed a lunatic smile: "So you are awake, young master~"

Zack literally felt his whole body shudder when he heard his words and tone, the last thing he wanted to do was to run away as fast as possible but unfortunately that wasn't possible..

"Y-you… are you out of your mind?..

What is the meaning of this…"

Alfred closed the door and his smile grew bigger: "Oh, don't worry young master, I won't hurt you~"

His way of speaking was really touching Zack's nerves, he glared at the Damned Butler and shouted: "You are going to regret doing this.."

Alfred seemed to have shrugged of his comment and he came closer to him while saying: "You know young master, I was always very fond of you…"

He walked behind his chair and put his hand on Zack's shoulder, leaning forward he whispered in his ears: "It seems I was just too fond~"

Zack's face grew pale, he didn't knew what was going on in this psychotic bastard's mind but he knew that he won't like it..

Alfred stuck out his tongue and licked his cheek and grinned: "Not bad…"

Zack wanted to puke from disgust, he never felt like so disgusted in his whole life, he started struggling and using all his strength but aside from moving the chair a little nothing happened…

Alfred laughed evilly and said with a mad glee: "Haha, Don't struggle so much, young master, Just accept my feelings for you~"

His hands trailed down to his stomach and entered inside Zack's pants, after a few moments he took his hand out and smelled it: "Haah.. such a nice smell…"

Tears started flowing from Zack's eyes as he could only sit helplessly, his body shuddered under Alfred perverted gaze..


In his family manor, There was a chaos going on due to Zack's disappearance, all the servants and guards were frantically searching for Zack's whereabouts…

One of the hired guard found a servant unconscious under the stairs, his body was relatively hidden but now that there was a thorough search going on, the body was found out with ease…

The guard tried his best to wake up the servant, the servant woke up after a few moments

"Hey, Who knocked you out?!"

The servant seemed to be out of it but remember something and shouted: "Al..alfred!! I saw his face before falling uncomcious."

The guard showed a perplexed expression and ran back while searching for Alfred..

When no one could see a trace of him, there suspicion grew further..

Initially, they were afraid to inform Zack's parents in fear but now they had no choice..

"What?!! What were the goddamn guards and bodyguards doing?!!"

A yelling sound could be heard from the other side, the housekeeper hand trembled while she tried to explain..

The voice cut her off and shouted: "You all are useless! I will send you his location, don't inform the police, it will make a big mess, gather all the the men and surround the location.."

Mr Hendrix was a very cautious man, he had placed a tracker on Zack's watch which he gifted him for his last birthday for these type of situations, he knew that it was a breach of privacy but he didn't exactly tracked Zack's location before.


The team of bodyguards quickly reached the location sent by Mr hendrix..

The old looking warehouse was immediately surrounded and a few of them stood in front of the front door..


Jk, who would shout and alert the one inside..

They immediately took down the metal door and entered the warehouse…

Inside, they saw a scene which wasn't exactly pleasant to the eye..

Zack was tied to the chair with his hands tied to his back, he had a hollow look in his eyes while his pants were pulled down to reveal his penis..

There was no one else in the room, they immediately freed him and dressed him up, all the while Zack didn't respond..

They brought him back to the Manor and informed Me and Mrs. Hendrix..

Zack's parents came back home the next day, they saw him sitting in his bed with an expressionless face..

His mother was concerned at his appearance and asked "Zack, are you alright?"

She didn't got any response from him, his father roared from the side: "Would you give her a answer, we left an important meeting just for you.."

Mrs. Hendrix immediately sent him a glare and said: "Dont yell at him, he's just scared."

"Then do you plan on making him stay in your lap for whole of his life.." Mr. Hendrix didn't even care about the fact that his son was only 13 and started to argue with Mrs. Hendrix in front of him.

Days passed by as Zack grew detached from his family, he would mostly stay in his room when he was free..

His father was angry at his behaviour, he felt that Zack was becoming less and less worthy of being his heir..

His mom tried to talk to him many times, but she would only get short "Ok" or "I know."

It has been a few years since that incident now, Zack has developed some sort of phobia from older men like Alfred.

He would remember about that day whenever he saw someone similar to Alfred, although he didn't wanted to admit it, that incident has left a deep scar in his life..

Normally, this would be solved by regular counselling but he didn't received any counselling. Why?

Because his father said that if our business enemies get the whiff of the situation, then it would be very shameful thing for our family name in the upper section of the society..

He mostly spent his time in his room, now he couldn't just stare in the air for the whole day right?

So, to satisfy his boredom, he started to watch anime, he instantly got hooked after watching a few episodes of one piece, he started binge watching Naruto, bleach, Tokyo ghoul and others.

After some time, he couldn't find any good anime, so he started browsing through manga, manhwa and manhua, this was also very interesting at first but soon lost, he again started getting bored.

He then entered the realm of light novels and novels, this was on a whole new world for him, but there will be moments when he got annoyed by a certain scene, this made him find the fan fictions.

When this was going on, he was still attending highschool and other activities, he could only read ff in night or in his free time..

This was the time when he first met her, Sophia, his Fiancé.


(Zack POV)

Like always I was minding my own business in the backyard of my family manor, when suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind, I assumed that it was a maid, so I said without turning back

"I don't want anything, leave me alone."

"I'm afraid that I can't do that."

A unfamiliar female voice came from behind making me turn and look back to see who she was..

She was wearing a pink dress with flower patterns on it, her black shoulder length falling freely with two bangs on her face, she had a above average face with a easy going smile, she approached me..

I was startled by her presence, who is she? Why is she here?

I immediately put up my guard against her while giving her a wary look..

I saw her smiling as she said: "Hello, my name is Sophia Estley, and I am your future wife."

She said while I just stood Stunned by the sudden information.

My fiancé? When did this happen? And why didn't anyone told me about this?

Oh, yeah. I haven't talked to my parents for last month.

I found out that that was a arrange marriage between the house of Hendrix and house of Estley.

Both the families are business partners and it is only fundamental that we both get married now..

To be honest, I didn't wanted to be In a relationship, I knew that I was not ready to even have a girlfriend, that is also the reason why people call me a playboy, because I believe in one-night stands.

Looking at her energetic and easygoing personality, I knew that she will be very difficult to handle.

It has been a year since I first met Sophia and it seems that she isn't that bad, we are not in any type of relationship, we haven't even held hands, but I still stopped doing one night stands just because I thought it would be rude to Sophia.

She has a very nice personality, and most importantly, she is a good listener, something I always wanted… someone of my own age who could listen to what was going on my mind and won't judge me.

But… even though I was open in front of her, I still couldn't bring myself to tell about my past, what if she felt disgusted by me? What if she didn't wanted to talk to me anymore?

I didn't wanted to lose her yet, so I just decided to bury the past and live my present life, but…

Things don't go as planned Everytime, Today for the first time in quite a while, I decided to go to my parents room to talk to them, my relationship with my parents was quite awkward, aside from basic greeting, we don't usually interact.

Communicating with Sophia was a major part of this decision, maybe her positive aura affected me and led me to try and mend my relationships.

By the way, I walked down the long hallway and stopped in front of my parents bedroom, just as I was about to knock on the door to declare my presence, a loud voice came from inside

"You should understand, Emilia. We can't let our family be disgraced just because of our useless son."

My hands froze while reaching towards the door, They are not talking about me right?

"I understand, dear. But he is still our own son, and this isn't a good solution for this.."

He could hear his mother's voice arguing with his father,

"Emilia, I understand how you feel but he is nothing more than a useless shut-in, Mr. Estley contacted me yesterday and told me that to annul the engagement."

I felt the earth sliding under my feet, Engagement cancel? I knew that Sophia didn't liked me that way, but does that mean we won't meet each other again?

I stumbled back to my room with some difficulty, the shock which I received was just too much,

I wobbled to my bed and sat down with a thud, why is my life always like a shit hole? Why can't my life be more perfect?

The next day, I woke up and prepared himself for a day, I just remembered that I am supposed to go to Australia with Sophia as my vacation.

I didn't exactly wanted to meet Sophia right now after what I heard last night, but I don't really have a choice.

I took a quick shower, packed my necessities in a travelling bag, 'Informed' my parents that I am going and sat in the car which drove me to the airport.




(A/n: Now I know that many of you are eager to go to the comment section and say about how this all seems to be forced and if Mc is really like this, then how was he able to interact and act like how he did in ATG and solo leveling world. Now listen to me, I already wrote that his his personality was heavily affected by the signs i.e. Lust, pride, gluttony etc.

By this I also wanted to show the problem of Victim blaming in society, we should know that it is not the victim's fault for what happened to him, just because a guy/girl was raped doesn't mean that something is wrong with them.🙏)

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