

Awakening in an unfamiliar room with a throbbing headache, a 18-year-old discovers he's trapped in an alternate world as Hisashi Igou. Suddenly, a holographic screen springs to life, revealing the mysterious Lust System. ┝┿┿┿┿┥ Worlds: 1. Highschool of the Dead 2. High School DxD or Naruto ┝┿┿┿┿┥ For advance chapter or support me: https://www.patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Rei Miyamoto Part 1***

Hovering over her, forming a bridge with his hands and knees, Hisashi looked into her beautiful eyes that now had a unique and glazed shine.

"You are beautiful," he murmured, making her blush.

Once again, he began lifting her blouse, and she held her breath, but this time, he didn't stop, pulling the blouse up over her well-endowed breasts and over her head.

Hisashi kept looking at her face, seeking permission to remove her bra. Seeing that she wasn't reluctant, he lifted her back, reaching behind to unhook the bra. He slid the straps down her arms, pulling them off and tossing them toward the nightstand next to the bed.

Simply beautiful and perfect. Her breasts formed two perfect globes with the help of gravity.

Rei, seeing that he was dumbfounded, seemingly appreciating what he saw, looked at him shyly and turned her face slightly. Not that she was insecure, but because it was the first time a boy had seen her breasts...

Supporting his weight by kneeling but bending towards her, Hisashi brought his hands closer, grabbing the sides of her large E-CUP breasts, bringing them closer together as she gasped slightly at first.

Now with her pink and erect nipples close together, he tilted his head, making her bring her hands to her face as he reached her nipples and took both into his mouth at the same time.


His warm mouth, along with having her two sensitive nipples taken at the same time, made her let out a loud and incredibly lascivious moan. She herself couldn't believe that such a naughty voice belonged to her. It was so sensual, so erotic, that it was hard for her to believe she had produced such a sound.

On the other hand, Hisashi, hearing it, went crazy. Her moan was much better than expected. It made his cock twist to the point of pain.

However, he wasn't satisfied with just that. While sliding one of his hands to grab her breast, with his mouth, he engulfed the nipple completely, sucking and swirling with his tongue, pulling back a bit, licking her areola, which was larger than a dollar coin.

Rei's moans became more obvious and lascivious with each second, even though they were muffled by her hands covering her mouth.

On impulse, Hisashi stopped massaging her left breast and licking the other, bringing his hands to her wrists, opening the view to her face which had now become an incredible scene. He leaned further forward towards her mouth and kissed her.

Rei responded enthusiastically, closing her eyes, and when he released her hands, supporting his hands on the mattress, she extended a hand, reaching his head, running through his silver hair, pulling him to bring their faces even closer, making their kiss more intense and hungry.

However, perhaps because she felt her breasts were lonely now that he was giving attention only to kissing her, with her other hand, Rei took his free hand and brought it to her breast. She said, "I want you to touch me~"

As if a string had been cut, Hisashi's mind went blank for a second before obeying her request, massaging her breast, playing with her stiff nipple between his fingers. The instant he pinched with a bit of force, she moaned into his mouth, a moan he would never forget in his life...

And, while he played with her breast and kissed her with the best of his abilities, Rei's moans grew more intense in his mouth, to the point where she forgot to kiss back. He noticed that she had now moved her hand, which had made him grab her chest, down to her secret garden beneath her pants and panties, possibly giving herself pleasure.

The thought that the first time she masturbates is with him playing with her and kissing her... It was driving him crazy with lust.

"Ahhhh, Ahhhhh, ahhhhh~!"

When he parted his lips from hers, her moans echoed loudly in the room as she arched her back on the bed, tilting her head back.

Meanwhile, Hisashi licked and kissed her face, down to her neck, moving to her right breast while holding it with his hand, shaping it erotically. He brought his mouth to the stiff nipple, sucking it and trapping the nipple between his teeth, lightly biting and pulling.

"Oh God!!" she moaned loudly.

Watching her erotic and sexy expression, the way she bit her lower lip in a failed attempt to stifle her moans to the rhythm of her own hand moving in her secret area, although her eyes were open, she didn't seem to see, lost in emotions she had never felt before. But then, when Hisashi's hand touched her belly and slowly moved down, she saw him.

"Ahhh!" she gasped while looking at him.

Slowly, he kissed her neck, softly biting above her collarbone. He kissed between her breasts, stopping to give a light kiss on both nipples along the way. Her body squirmed under his grip, sighs passing through her lips as they opened, begging for more of him.

Reaching her navel, he once again looked at her face while, with the hand he had moved down earlier, he grabbed the wrist of her hand that was inside her pants, pulling it out.

As expected, her fingers were drenched with her juice. Hisashi smiled in a way that made her hold her breath, especially when he slid his hand from her wrist to her palm and fingers, soon bringing her hand to his mouth.

"Ahhh...!" she exclaimed, embarrassed to have her fingers in his mouth, trying to pull her hand back, but he didn't allow it: "This is... Don't do that, they're dirty!"

Holding her hand, even as he removed her fingers from his mouth, Hisashi looked at her while licking her fingers with his tongue and said, "They're not dirty, they're delicious~"

"God!" she closed her eyes tightly.

However, what she didn't know was that she was smiling strangely, seeming to enjoy this situation more than she could imagine.

'So she liked it...'

After 'cleaning' her fingers and hand, licking all the juice, Hisashi once again went to her jeans, freeing her hand, and moved to the button, which he skillfully opened.

The loose flap above the pants zipper curved invitingly to the sides. The moment he opened the zipper, making the flaps spread even wider, a good part of her white panties beneath the jeans became visible.

"Lift your butt off the bed for me," he said in a commanding voice.

"Yes." Somehow, Rei didn't dislike being ordered by him. In fact, she seemed to enjoy or even expect to remove the jeans that were preventing Hisashi from reaching her unexplored secret area.

The moment she lifted her big, soft butt off the bed, he grabbed the sides of her pants, pulling them down slowly, past her beautiful thighs, down her knees and legs, one by one, until she was left only in her panties before him. He tossed her jeans onto the nightstand along with the rest of the clothes.

Rei was excited, but now, she felt a chill in her stomach and a sensation of fear growing inside her.

Whether oblivious or not to what she started to feel, Hisashi, seeing her butt against the mattress once again, looked at her white panties, which were visibly soaked, especially in the secret area that was dripping even now. Seeing her wanting to close her legs, he placed his kneeling leg between hers, preventing it from happening, and said, "Relax, leave everything to me."

His voice sounded hoarse and magnetic, with an incredible effect that made her obey him, nodding her head despite her internal fears and insecurities.

Giving her a reassuring yet sexy smile, he brought his hand to her panties and, with two fingers, rubbed lightly in her sensitive area, making her moan.

'This... This is even better than touching myself...' she thought shyly.

Her back arched, and she closed her eyes, sinking her head into the pillow the moment his fingers made contact with her most sensitive area.

"Do you like this, Rei?" he asked, rubbing a little harder, pushing her panties between her lips...

All her fears and insecurities almost instinctively melted away as she began to feel waves of pleasure from his touch, and upon hearing what he said, she didn't even know why, but responded as he looked at her: "Oh, Hisashi, this is wonderful!"

It came as a trembling squeal. Her eyes fell on Hisashi, pleading for him to slide her panties down her hips and thighs until he finally pulled them off her feet, leaving her body completely naked in front of him. Thankfully, he obeyed.

After removing her panties and tossing them toward the rest of the clothes, he stopped to look at her beautiful pussy, which was completely bare.

"Did you expect something like this when you came here today?" He smiled at her, dancing his fingers over her smooth pussy. She gasped, clutching the bed sheets, feeling them bunch between her fingers.

He didn't give her a chance to respond. When her mouth opened to answer, he slid his index finger into her pussy, which was both tight and slippery with all the juice she had poured.

"Yes, yes, yesssss!" she began to moan loudly again, and her body moved involuntarily.

"Oh Hisashi!" she gasped. Slowly, he withdrew his finger from her pussy, feeling her walls tighten around every inch of it.

This time, he penetrated her more carefully, with a little less force. Her moans became long and drawn-out as his finger, much thicker than hers, stretched her pussy.

He began to push in and out of her at a steadier but still slow pace. The slight pain she felt was completely overshadowed by the dizzying pleasure she experienced as Hisashi penetrated her with his fingers.

She opened her eyes just in time to see Hisashi's face moving towards her pussy. On their own, her hips lifted to meet him.

He smiled, seeing how much she obviously enjoyed his attentions, just before kissing the small pink nub inside the lips of her pussy, inserting a second finger as he did so. She came immediately.

Writhing, she dug her fingers into the bed, gripping the sheets so tightly that her knuckles turned white. "Oh my God, Hisashi!" she screamed, the words audible but almost incoherent between her moans and ragged, uneven breaths.

He hummed softly against her clitoris as she came, pulling both fingers out and plunging his tongue into her pussy, wanting to taste his girlfriend's sweet juice.

When Hisashi pulled back a bit, he once again had the full view of his naked girlfriend before him, now completely in ecstasy, the most incredible sight since he transmigrated to this world. Nothing that came to his mind could compare to the beautiful girl lying naked with an ecstatic expression before his eyes.

Her beautiful, amazing breasts rose and fell with each heavy breath she took after the orgasm, her shiny pussy trembling as fluid still flowed from inside her.

Hisashi didn't take long to bring his head back between her legs and place his tongue on her now sticky, bare lips. A soft sound escaped her lips as he stimulated her with his tongue.

"Ahhh, not now, Hisashi, I, I'm sensitive...!" she begged, but her hand holding his head and pressing it against her intimate part said otherwise.

From that position, he looked deeply into her eyes with his burning gaze as he slowly ran his tongue over her opening.

Her already swollen clitoris seemed to beg for his attention, and he kissed and caressed it until she started breathing harder again, moaning constantly, tightening her grip as she wrapped her fingers in his hair.

Faster and faster, Hisashi worked until she screamed in pure ecstasy, and only then did he place his tongue inside her. "Oh God, Hisashi, Hisashi, Hisashi!!" she was screaming as loud as she could, calling his name constantly.

Hisashi could feel her coming. Removing his tongue, he inserted his right index finger inside her, moving it in and out quickly while he licked and sucked on her clitoris.

"Oh my God, ahhhh, ahhhhh!!" she seemed to be having an even stronger orgasm than the first, constantly writhing as her grip on his hair was so tight that strands of his hair were pulled out.

However, the pain was nothing to him. Hisashi continued and pulled his finger out of her, placing his mouth to taste her delicious love juice again.

She had multiple orgasms, and because of that, even after swallowing much of her love juice, Hisashi couldn't swallow anymore when he was forced to take a bit of distance, and she squirted quite a bit on his face.

'She's incredible,' Hisashi thought.

Meanwhile, Rei, who had the second and best orgasm of her life, was lying on the bed, naked, still squirting a little with an expression of total lust. Her face now was priceless; any man who saw it would be unable not to get hard and want to do naughty things with her.

She herself might not be aware of how sexy and naughty she looked at that moment. At this moment, Rei was experiencing one of the greatest joys she had ever felt in her life. It was so overwhelming that her mind blanked out for a moment, and even now that she was somewhat back to herself, she was still lost in the ecstatic sensation she was feeling.

"Rei?" he called out to her, and she closed and opened her eyes.

"That was... incredible," she gasped, then looked at him. "Now let me return the favor, please~"


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