
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 5: Discovery Shock! Or Not?

Chapter 5: Discovery Shock! Or Not?

~Liam POV~


Going outside from the numerous times I have been raiding the ever-living shit out of the Ready Player One world getting filthy rich all at the same time.

Hell, I even managed to have my own personal OASIS game privately for me…

And that lead to me being the most hated player in one of those dimensions somehow starting World War 7.

I was baffled on how they started 3-6 but then again, I guess it's amazing that I started a world war just by beating a video game honestly, but the interest soon dies out real soon with me winning (cheating) the game every time.


I'll say it how it is…


Now I have trillions of dollars in different nations and their currency as I have them all in pounds, dollars, etc.

Makes me the richest guy alive with my earthly money and I even made an interesting discovery about my own father… that he was from a comic book world called ironically enough INVINCIBLE.

And everything about my biological father…

Levy Angstrom.

He is certainly an interesting man…

Bit bat shit crazy though threatening a mother and harming someone's kid.

Still crazy how everything is honestly.

Little is known about Angstrom Levy's background, including how and when he developed the power to open up portals to alternate realities. At some point, Levy sets out to amass information about the various alternate Earths so as to be able to travel through them more safely.

To this end, he contacts alternate versions of himself from hundreds of parallel Earths and convinces them to help him. Next Levy frees the supervillains the Mauler Twins from prison on the condition that they help him create a machine that would allow him to copy the memories of his alternate reality counterparts into his own brain.

With the aid of versions of themselves from other realities, the Mauler Twins are able to construct the machine. Levy is in the process of uploading the memories of his alternate selves when the process is interrupted by Invincible who is trying to apprehend the Maulers.

The Maulers are on the verge of killing Invincible when Levy halts the machine to try to stop them, causing it to overload and explode.

Unbeknownst to Invincible, Levy survives the explosion but is horribly mutated as a result and suffers internal organ damage.

Levy has been driven insane by his mutation and now believes it was Invincible who stopped the machine.

After a couple of attempts to Mark or Invincible life failing but always returning he made his final appearance known in number 104 of the issue.

Levy returns in Invincible #104, taking Eve hostage, and again sends Mark to the alternate dimension where the evil Invincibles were exiled.

Only two of the evil Invincible remain - having resorted to cannibalism as they killed and ate each other.

A battle ensues between Mark and the primary cannibal Invincible, with Mark being aided by the other evil Invincible.

In the meantime, Eve has a passionate discussion with Angstrom reminding him of his initial desire to help humanity which became perverted due to the influx of memories from his alternate selves.

Angstrom repents and opens a portal to bring Mark home. Mark returns through the portal, accompanied by the one surviving evil Invincible.

Angstrom explains to both of them that he wishes to pay for his crimes and help humanity, and opens a portal for the evil Invincible to return home. Seeking revenge, the evil Invincible grabs Angstrom and drags him thru the portal with him, with Mark unable to speed to him in time to save him.

When Mark and Robot arrive at the dimension, they find Angstrom still alive and have been tortured severely by the evil Invincible. Robot then betrays Mark, kills the evil Invincible, and decapitates Angstrom to assure that Mark doesn't return to his dimension.

In the final issue, it is revealed that Angstrom has a son who shares the same powers like his father and seeks revenge on Mark for killing his father.

Damn dad was a real bastard…

Even knowing about this I doubt my old man was in his right mind and failed to do what he originally wanted to travel the multiverse, but Invincible fucking screwed him over badly but wasn't his fault.

And targeting his wife and unborn daughter?

Fucked up.

But to know at the end he has other sons… made me really want to punch the guy myself.

Fucking hell I even read, in the beginning, he dragged his other selves having fucking orgies in a dimension filled with only women wanting to have a man to reproduce and he joined in on the fun…

Makes me really wonder where I was in that – ACK!

Oh god, I'm going to Barff at this discovery…

But still, the idea of having a brother is… calling or appealing to me even.

However, I then learned his a supervillain I frown at the idea of that I mean sure I hate Invincible too for that but it was the evil one and that one that killed our dad is dead so no point.

Going after a good one that had eh… well at least he backed off right?

Plus, he even brought peace to his world something my old man wanted to use his gift to travel and help others not wanting to bring bloodshed but…

Well, at least my existential questioning soon stopped as I just enjoyed myself to know I'm real enough and that's enough.

Don't need to question if I'm the real deal if there was only one Levy Angstrom in the known multiverse then I have the assurance to know that I'm the genuine article since my dad killed off all his parallel or alternate versions of himself.

Makes a guy have a clear sense of mind actually.

Shaking my head at this as I began to go towards the kitchen apartment I began to chill and eat after continuously winning game after the game having some cash at the ready and hiding the other ones in alternate realities or dimensions within the Ready Player One locations easy for me memorize.


I already made trillions of dollars thanks to winning the dumb game.

Seriously can't believe those people are supposed to be smart in a future era.


Those were the times were I trolled the main characters of gamers and was toxic to them.

Good times Liam.

Good times.

Still though now I have the money to continue my investment of already buying the drones that I requested from the Ready Player One parallel world since I'm going to need them to purposely shift them into my portals.

But what I need right now is some strong equipment but something not outrageous for me to get spotted early and living a few days in the movie was certainly enlightening of a few dimensions I should have my hand at.

Although could take some years to understand all the media I can take a break from time to time to learn of the situation for I to understand.

Regardless though earning enough money for me to obtain what I want from Earth without causing much suspicion I already got some advanced tech from the movie that I didn't notice before.

One of them was the instant human translator allowing me to understand multiple human languages in a few days inside the OASIS game since Halliday made sure it could be used by everyone.

Hell, it was already something everyone could learn once they had the headset on them for a while just needed exposure for the human brain to obtain the information still I have to admit it was brilliant.

Still, though there is the issue with my powers being called into question that needs to be done with.

Then again though I have my powers telling me what knowledge of the world is and learn the language instantly if it's only minor though.

Still useful in other dimensions and practice with my teachers I paid handsomely for all the cash along with some gun training in one year.

Not bad but I never used it on humans before and no call of duty doesn't count.

My ability is good but I need to perfect it a bit more however, what my father did in the comics was a good idea trying to get everyone's versions of himself and connect their minds with his own to get their knowledge.

Not a bad plan honestly if only a certain hero didn't interrupt him during his time of progress.


That's what he gets for taking shortcuts.

No use talking about dead subjects or even bothering with entertaining with the idea of it any longer.

For now, though I should be focusing on what should be my next stop to get power for me to survive honest to god truth of the matter.

There are some dimensions worth visiting but the issue comes back to me just even landing safely on land or water or sky for me to have which is rare in itself.

I need to do some research about the subject before I bother getting myself into some major troubles.

Maybe I can sell off certain info to the right people to get what I need from them no matter the cost but… my morality wouldn't let me know that's wrong, in the end, though…

It won't matter in the long run of things, right?

So long as my actions won't hurt them too much otherwise I'll end up like my father and I don't want to follow in his footsteps.

But I'll do things my way.

Now I just need to take care of a few things before I start searching other dimensions.


What I need are some impressive high-level gadgets for me to get.

And I had time to invest in knowing some more popular games, anime, and web series for me to get some power-ups.

And I have the greatest kind of power I could get for someone in my shoes…

The power of money.

Now… I need a place to find outside this dimension first.

Not going to lie about the high-class apartment and cash I'm going to need an inventory and stuff soon.

How about getting some from a game first?