
Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas (Old)

----------------- Welcome! Hi, I am Felix Shin! I was just a person who lived among you guys on Earth. This wasn't my name on that planet. Hmm...I don't remember my original name. Is that weird? Anyway, welcome to my story where you will see me do a lot of crazy things. I was just a normal person losing my mind in total darkness. See, such a normal thing to do on your holidays... Also, did I mention that when you die you lose your mind in the void and then dissolve into nothingness? Looks like our fate isn't just flowers and unicorns. A being came and transmigrated me to do what I want in different worlds. Basically, mess up the canon in these different parallel earths which contain fictional stories. Easy, right? Oh, how wrong was I..... ----------------- Worlds ------------ 1. Weak Hero 2. Wind Breaker and The Boxer 3. ??????? 4. ??????? Disclaimer- 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect top-tier English but my story won't have any major grammatical errors. 2. 7 Ch/Week 3. No romance in the first world. Maybe later. 4. The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. ------------ Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction : Multiverse of Sword and Magic

East_Wind_Took_Me · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

The End

'___' : Thoughts

"__" : Speaking

[1900 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

"Tuk chuk chak , tuk chuk chak, tu chuk chak."

Felix while going up was humming a weird tune and had a beaming smile on his face.

Any person who would have seen him for the first time would have said, that this person must be really happy and excited about some event.

But the event was that Felix was about to experience the best fight in this world soon.

As the lift opened, the sight that greeted him was magnificent.

Donald Na and Changui Han standing in front of each other and on the cusp of fighting.

Felix waved his hands and said politely, "Wait guys, why are you fighting so quickly? Let me join and have some cake too."

As soon as Felix was seen, Changui Hand had an infuriated face whereas Donald Na had a calm face, though his eyes had a tinge of surprise in it.

Donald calmly asked, "So, who told you about this?"

Felix didn't have any reason to hide this so he said straightforwardly, "Wolf Keum."

Donald lightly chuckled, "Haha, I was thinking that Jimmy Bae was your spy."

Felix shrugged, "Well... It doesn't matter now, does it?"

Changui Han interrupted and asked in a furious tone, "Are you both from the same team?"

Both Felix and Donald denied it with a shake of their head.

Felix cracked his knuckles and asked lazily, "So, how are we fighting? Free for all? Or does someone want to team up?"

The expression on the visage of both Felix's opponents was enough as an answer.

Without anyone speaking anything, the fight started...

For the past month, since Felix had fought Jake Ji, he knew that he was at a bottleneck. He needed a push to go past it and improve his first ability.

One of the major factors in attacking both the groups at the same time was to find that ultimatum which can make him push himself beyond. According to Felix, one of the best ways to do this was to fight the strongest person he knows without any limits, Donald Na. Changui Han was just an additional person to sprinkle on the fight.

Felix went to the active mode of his first ability and attacked Changui Han with his full ability. He propelled his body, twisted his arm and put the entire weight of the torso behind that punch. This was smashed straight in Changui's Face and he flew back to the other side of the room.

During this, Donald Na was in a stance and analysing his opponents. For all his life, he had been an apex predator but the person in front of him made him feel weaker. This was one thing Donald couldn't tolerate, that feeling of helplessness, not after that incident in his childhood...

Felix didn't stop a second and dashed to Donald in record time. After practising dashes, Felix had become quite proficient in them.

Donald Na went on the defence and though Felix's abnormal speed surprised him, he knew that Felix's strength was still below him.

With a guard in front of Donald's face, he had the plan of blocking every punch and then counterattacking when Felix gets tired.

But he was mistaken if he thought that he could block Felix's punches...

Felix's hits fell on him like a boulder hitting at several points at the same time, after the fight of Felix with Mok-Ha Duo, the accuracy of Felix increased several notches.

Felix's one hit didn't give the same impact as one punch by Ben Park, but with the help of his inhumane speed, he could hit a single place several times in a single second. This led to the accumulation of damages in several areas.

Donald Na tried to block his punches but miserably failed as soon as Donald Na even gave a hint of blocking one of his punches, Felix diverted and started hitting at other places.

Donald Na was surviving because of his experience of reducing damage to a minimum and his inhumane endurance.

This was the first time, Donald was on such a receiving end. He had rage, fury, anger, an urge for revenge in his mind and a tint of fear...


Donald fearing someone?

Fear was for preys not the predators!

Donald Na fearing someone was unacceptable!

Thinking of this and realizing that if he stayed on the backfoot, he could never win. He let down his guard and amongst the bombardment, with all of his strength he punched out at his opponent.

Felix at that instant flew back and his body got smashed on a table.

Felix got up and he had no expression of pain on his face. He was in a state of berserk.

He again dashed at Donald and continued his flurry of hits. No attention was paid to the injury he had suffered and to his physical condition.

This time it was a much more vicious onslaught as Felix was constantly improving himself on the spot. He paid no attention to his surroundings, his thought process was just to shell out a punch as fast as he can.

Behind him, Changui Han came out of his unconscious state and glanced at the fight going on in front of him. The way the fight was going on, it instilled fear in his mind. His instincts were warning that Donald was dangerous when he was in front of him.

But now? He knew the new member was a beast, a monster that should never be provoked or it might result in his death.

But then the memories of Cheonggang raced through his mind and he remembered his loyalty to them, his only family.

He muttered to himself in his mind, 'Better go down while fighting than be a coward.'

Thinking that and steeling his determination, he took the knife near his shoe and then quietly approached the duo.

He darted and then stabbed straight near the torso region.

What met his knife was a hand...

Felix's survival instincts blocked the knife using his hand. As his rhythm was messed up, Donald took advantage of this and kicked Felix with a high kick. Then a knee drop waited for him from Donald Na which threw Felix in a corner.

Unexpectedly, even with lots of blood flowing from his hand and being exhausted, Felix still stood up. He brought the knife out of his hand and threw it out of the window.

A small voice was heard by his opponents, "I am so close. I am so close. I am so close. I am so close. I am so close. I am so close. Why don't you let me beat you?"

With the calmness of a devil, he darted to both of them and reactivated his first ability, the last one he could use.

A cannonade of attacks landed, one which both of them couldn't be able to forget.






Felix's opponents had no choice but to stand still and just endure. He was churning out over 35 punches every second.

Second after second, Felix was approaching the realm of monsters.

By the time his last turn ended, he was

pumping out over 50 punches every second. This was an inhumane amount of punches for a person to handle. Changui Han had already fallen at half a minute and only Donald Na was surviving because of his willpower.

Even after the time ended, Felix didn't stop and went in the same rhythm as usual. This led to Felix attaining consciousness and getting out of that state.

He knew that he had finally made the first ability his own and he could use it whenever he wants and for an indefinite amount of time.

After being in full of control, he saw the state of the room. It was like mass murder took place there.

Blood was everywhere, and pieces of table and glass lying on the floor. He looked at his opponents, Changui Han was unconscious and Donald Na was barely standing on the ground and retaining his cognizance.

Felix came closer to Donald and whispered quietly, "Your reign is over..."

These four words ended the legendary fight that is still talked about after more than a decade...


After the fight, Felix was treated properly and scolded by his friends for how he was so reckless. He congratulated them on how they had become so powerful. They had an awesome party that day.

After Cheonggang disbanded, its members went on their ways. Whether with good or bad personalities, they weren't in Mapo...

Donald Na was not seen by anyone after his stay in hospital. Some say he started doing an honest living, some say he went and did the same business in a different region and some say he killed himself out of fear.

Who knows?

Jimmy Bae and Wolf Keum continued becoming delinquents but not on the scale of annoying The Falcon, the Godfather of Yeongdeungpo and Mapo.

Jake Ji lived with his brother and went on to represent Korea in U-19 Football, attempting to fulfil the dream of his brother.

Some groups tried to attack Felix and his friends but they were beaten miserably.

Gray Yeon went on to become one of the brightest minds in the world in the field of Economics after school.

Stephen Ahn started a charity centre after school and his life was fulfilled by the smiles of the people he helped.

Ben Park and Alex Go went on to become one of the leading boxers in Korea and they had qualified for World Championships.

Gerard Jin met with his old band and started singing again. Due to his cute looks and great voice, he was quickly liked by the people and now he is getting offers from foreign countries as well.

Rowan Im went back to Australia and lived humbly there on a ranch, being satisfied with life itself.

Eugene Gale followed Gray and became one of his assistants who helped Gray in several matters.

Now, I know many of you might be thinking that what happened to Felix? Where did he go?

Life is so unpredictable. It will never move if you want it to and will never stop if you want to just cherish that moment. But life itself is based on fate. Fate depends on the choices that a person can do.

Felix is a person with free will who has made his own choices, the only thing is to take responsibility for that choice.

Maybe Felix stayed in this world and spent his time with others or he might have selfishly gone to the next world without telling them.

Who knows?

I guess I might have to see you in the next world with different people with their own quirks and personalities. Along with our main character, Felix Shin of course.


(End of the Chapter)

So, fellas. This world is ending. I know it's not a big hallmark but I am very happy. My writing skill improved a lot. People who have been following me from the start will know.

I gave the best ending I could and I am damn proud of it. This was my best-written chapter till now in my opinion.

I had a lot of fun writing this world and thanks to all the people who supported me in this endeavour. I could have never written this world without your support.

So, as some might know, this fanfic will be going on pseudo-hiatus, I will be making a plot of WindBreaker and writing some chapters about it behind the screen. But there will be another fanfiction getting updated which will start by tomorrow. I hope you guys can support me there too.

If you liked the story, then put it in your library and type some comments as well as reviews for my motivation.

Onto a new journey!

PS - I am currently in the process of making a discord server. You guys can join it when I give you the link.

How do you guys like the new cover? 👉👈