
Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas (Old)

----------------- Welcome! Hi, I am Felix Shin! I was just a person who lived among you guys on Earth. This wasn't my name on that planet. Hmm...I don't remember my original name. Is that weird? Anyway, welcome to my story where you will see me do a lot of crazy things. I was just a normal person losing my mind in total darkness. See, such a normal thing to do on your holidays... Also, did I mention that when you die you lose your mind in the void and then dissolve into nothingness? Looks like our fate isn't just flowers and unicorns. A being came and transmigrated me to do what I want in different worlds. Basically, mess up the canon in these different parallel earths which contain fictional stories. Easy, right? Oh, how wrong was I..... ----------------- Worlds ------------ 1. Weak Hero 2. Wind Breaker and The Boxer 3. ??????? 4. ??????? Disclaimer- 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect top-tier English but my story won't have any major grammatical errors. 2. 7 Ch/Week 3. No romance in the first world. Maybe later. 4. The property herein is not stated to be the original documentation, nor is it to be reproduced or sold in any capacity. Original characters owned by the author; full rights to the author. The cover also belongs to its original artist. In no way, I am profiting from the work as well as the cover; full rights to the artist for the cover of the book. ------------ Join my Discord server - https://discord.gg/UTstwuZY8S Check out my other fanfiction : Multiverse of Sword and Magic

East_Wind_Took_Me · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

le début

'___' : Thoughts

"__" : Speaking

[1010 Words]


(3rd Person POV)

"La la la la lalala laa la"

Felix was humming carefreely and anyone seeing him would not think that his bloodlust is just on the seams.

Behind him, Alex asked, "Hey, Felix. Why are we going on a bus? Wouldn't the taxi be faster?"

Felix replied offhandedly, "Alex, we don't have to reach there quickly. Let's go on our pace and let them fight each other, right?"

"Yeah, but after this, we are gonna have a party."

Felix snapped his fingers and looked at Gray, "Yeah, let's do that. We can have a big party in Gray's house and can play on PX4."

Gray nodded happily at the thought of having such good friends.

Ben behind me spoke up, "But Chicken is necessary. You guys have to buy it."

There was an old man beside their row who could listen to their talk and he had a nostalgic smile on his face.

The old man's thoughts were like, 'Oh, young men. On the cusp of adulthood and free of any responsibilities.'

He was remembering his old days and how he spent those years with his friends.

While Old man was reminiscing, Felix told his friends, "And guys, make sure to not murder anyone accidentally. You are free to break their bones but don't kill them. Ok?"

The rest of them gave a thumbs up to Felix.

The old man's thoughts, 'Ah, young people these days, just like us talking about how not to murder and just break a person's bone...... Hold up, what????!?!?!???"

The old man's eyes widened and he slid off to the other side of the row.

'Jesus Christ, this generation has totally gone off their rockers. Who talks about not murdering and just breaking bones? Are they gonna party after beating someone up?'

He stepped out of the bus at the next stop and that day he along with his friends grumbled about how the new generation is degrading.


The fight between the people of Cheonggang removing the four executives and Yeongdeungpo Union except the core people were fighting between each other under the bridge.

Felix and the rest of the group were gazing at them from a bit away.

Felix asked his friends, "So, gonna fight? It will be pretty fun in my view."

Rowan said with a deadpan face, "Duh, if we didn't wanna fight, then what would have been the point of coming here. I am pretty excited to use my hooks."

"Think again, Rowan. I can see over 30 people fighting amongst them. You wanna head into that whirlpool."

Gray said without moving his eyes from the fight, "Let's go, Felix. We don't have time to be lounging around."

"Haha, Gray. Don't be so hyperactive. Guys, just remember all the points I said. It's time to wreak havoc."


(Under the bridge)

There was an extremely brutal fight going on between the Yeongdeungpo Union team under the leadership of Mok-Ha Duo and Forrest Lee, and the Cheonggang team under the leadership of Jangyeong Lee, the stone fist of Mapo.

Both sides had a terrifying atmosphere and only the sounds of punches and kicks were heard, however, this was broken by a voice, an extremely cheerful voice, "Hey Fellas!"

Both sides stopped their fight for a second and turned their head toward the voice.

They saw a group of people walking toward them with a smiling person at the helm.

One group was angry at the interruption and the other group felt total despair.

Jangyeong Lee shouted, "Hey, you fu**ers. You better get out of here before we beat you up!"

Their leader said, "Shhh.... Calm down, we are just here to get a piece of cake, aren't we, my Yeongdeungpo friends?"

Mok-Ha Duo and Forrest Lee had pale faces while their legs were shaking but Dongha Baek, the resilient one gritted his teeth and shouted back, "We are not scared of you. All of us can beat you all up."

Felix just put his hand on his mouth and chuckled while saying, "Haha, so delusional."

"Anyway folks, let's rip into them."

Saying this, Felix with his team charged into 3 dozen people and all hell broke loose.

Felix didn't activate his first ability as it was not necessary at all.

Before those people could manage to gather their thoughts, the Eunjang team had made their move.

Stephen and Gerard in synchronisation came and smashed two people with just one kick. Alex, like a pit bull charged amongst three people and started fighting.

Gray, with his belt, started slamming people's heads. Rowan swooped between different people and did some combos of elbow hits and different types of hooks. Ben with his enormous strength moved on and destroyed a person in one hit. This would have been enough but there was a person who seemed like a devil to both sides.

He had a crazed smile on his face and with his unique fighting style attacked every person which came in his path. He was like a whirlwind of terror for them.

In a matter of minutes, the opposing side was on the ground. One of the major factors was the overwhelming power of the other side, the newbies lost their will as soon as they saw them. Mok-Ha Duo tried to fight but they were easily taken down by Rowan, Alex and Gray together. They had been practising together a lot, that's how Gray could make use of the skillset of Alex and Rowan the best to defeat the Mok-Ha Duo.

Forrest Lee was taken down by good ol' punches of Ben. The whole group was down and teetering in anguish.

Leaving them, our team went ahead into the building, the Octagon.


(End of the Chapter)

Hope you liked the chapter. There are 2 more chapters after this to finish the arc so I may be able to finish it by tomorrow.

If you liked my ff, then add it to your library. Drop some power stones and write some comments for my motivation.

Happy Reading!