
Multiverse Magitech Madness

Nero never had an easy life,he became a punching bag at the age of 4,learned to kill at the age of 12 dragged into battles at the age of 15 and never truly had his own choice in this game,always a pawn to be used by others but when what he yearned for was before him he died he was angered denying death in the process and his wish was granted he was given a second chance to play the game on a much larger scale than before, this is the birth of a man who'll bring the multiverese under his feet. This is a rewrite of my first novel........hope you like it( ̄▽ ̄)" Cover page ain't mine The mc is very evil, manipulative and psycotic. But his 'evil' action always has an end goal. I plan to evolve his charecter during the course of the novel.

Loxy_Matx · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 42:

It was meant as a gift, although he was many things Nero wasn't one to mistreat those who've proven themselves. Back on earth he was still the same, although few there were people he considered comrades, and if it didn't bring him any harm then he would help. He sacrifice himself at their expense though. He came first, now and always.

His trust was hard, maybe even impossible to earn for others. But those who earned his trust often found themselves on the receiving end of his good side.

He felt that it was pointless to be edgy and paranoid of everything. One thing he'd learned was that he couldn't do everything himself. Besides killing and crafting machines; his recent talent, he was decent in other fields. There were a lot of people who outlassed him in tactics, planning, science and other fiels which were involved in the day to day operation of inferno. Although he was the leader and provider for all those people, he still found it refreshing to have other people around to advise and contribute. He couldn't imagine a life surrounded by emotionless drones even if he did create them.

His entire pursuit wouod be pointless. Absolute power also means having someone to enjoy it with, atleast for him. Recently he had found himself looking for said person. A remarkable woman with whom he could explore, conqure and turn the univerese inside out with. He didn't want to rush the process though. Rather it would be best to take his time and decide he had centuries to live afterall and soon it would become millennia.

He even created a list of a possible candidate. It consisted of Tsunade, a beautiful, strong and renound woman and kunoichi. Her fame exceeded her and she was once just as ambitious as he is. Sadly her personality was incompatible to his. Nero was in essence bloodthirsty, driven towards a goal beyond even his perception and would do anything to get ahead, Tsunade was different. She wasn't as ruthless as him and her iron will ensured she'd clash with Nero about everything. She would much rather avoid battle and takes too long to take action. Maybe thag could change if he influenced her, but Nero felt like it was too much work.

The second candidate was Ameruyi, loyal to a fault, ruthless and competent in battle and she had a savage beauty about her. He had battled her before and gleamed some things about her. She was strong, amazingly so and with his help she became stronger. She was also smart and had a commander's disposition. With her as his blade, he felt he could take over the entire elemental nations and cleave through any obstruction. Her only flaw was her misplaced loyalty to Kiri. Even after showing her that he could give her much more she was still admant on leading her village. Her lack of ambition made it hard for Nero to consider her.

The third was Ichigo, his first subordinate. She was strong, ambitious and would also work fluently as his blade and partner. She was also very attractive yet cold. He knew everything about her and didn't doubt she would die if be so desired. He also knew she was in love him since he was the one who made her feel that way. She exhibited clear signs of Stockholm syndrome. Of all the women on his list she was the leading contender.

The next woman was Kaguya Otsutsuki herself. Cunning, extremely pwerful and ruthless. Nero was confident that as long as she only saw him in her eyes she would become a valuable partner. She was also ambitious going as far as to betray a clan full of Gods for her self gain. This however made her dangerous, she could betray Nero if it worked in her self interest. If she was capable of trying to kill her sons, Nero would have to pull a miracle to make her love him. He didn't mind the challenge but he also knew it would mean he'd have to go out of his way. Something he wasn't too keen on doing. Nero valued himself above all else, lowering himself to please a woman seemed below him. He had his pride afterall.

Besides those there was a certain Uzumaki woman in Inferno, her name was Yui Uzumaki. A galliant strong leader with a very cunning side and talent for seals. She had worked on some of Inferno's more successful projects and always delivered, she was the current head of the sealing branch. He'd talked to her before and she was a straightforward, proud woman who knew what she wanted. Her strength was also nothing to scoff at, afterall she had one of the Uzumaki's prototype seal was entrusted to her.

Nero was honestly unsure of whom to choose. He wasn't against having a heram, but he still wanted to find that one. The one who would stand above the rest even among all his future partners.

Now wasn't the time to think about this though, shelving the thoughts at the back of his mind Nero landed right in the middle of the place where Ameruyi and her man were camped. The sun had now risen at it's peak.

Fearful murmurs and stares were directed at him, but non dared to actually attack. They knew he was their ally in this war and therefor couldn't afford to offend him. Their victory relied entirely on him. How else could 800 men face off an entire village if they didn't have backing.

Ichigo swiflty approached Nero's position and stood in front of him, she got one one knee with practised and graceful movements.

"Welcome my lord, Ameruyi awaits you in her tent." Ichigo informed seriously.

"Let's not waste time then! The sooner we dethrone the Mizukage the sooner the real fun will begin." Nero replied happily, a content and affectionate smile on his face.

Ichigo shuddered under his gaze, she buckled slightly but nontheless got on her feet.

"I see your in a good mood my lord." She stated her observation, her scrutinizing gaze scanning Nero of any injury.

"Yes! I enjoyed the battle a lot. I also got somethung great from that encounter. We'll discuss it inside." Nero spoke, he started walking towards Ameruyi's location without needing guidence.

Everone looked at him in awe, the most experienced men here had seen their fair share of strange people. But never had they seen something so out of place. The couldn't sense the man's chakra at all! They probed as much as they couod but not even a shred of chakra could be felt from the man....no the monster in front if them. Although he didn't rediat chakra they had seen him decimate a kage level ninja and a tailed beast like it was the easiest thing to do.

Kiri was a simple place, they respect the powerful. If you have the strength to back your words then nobody will question you, and what they had seen was more than enough to prove just how strong he was. Although some still doubted him, the majority had imprinted this day in their minds. They would never forget such a battle, the opening battle for Kiri to enter the war. A grand display of three powerful figures to show them just how far down they are. Those who believed themselves powerful had to revaluate that belief today.