
Multiverse Magitech Madness

Nero never had an easy life,he became a punching bag at the age of 4,learned to kill at the age of 12 dragged into battles at the age of 15 and never truly had his own choice in this game,always a pawn to be used by others but when what he yearned for was before him he died he was angered denying death in the process and his wish was granted he was given a second chance to play the game on a much larger scale than before, this is the birth of a man who'll bring the multiverese under his feet. This is a rewrite of my first novel........hope you like it( ̄▽ ̄)" Cover page ain't mine The mc is very evil, manipulative and psycotic. But his 'evil' action always has an end goal. I plan to evolve his charecter during the course of the novel.

Loxy_Matx · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 40:

Back at the island. Everyone was panicking, they had felt the shockeaves and intense chakra fluctuations from here, 300 of the fighters were hastily promoted chunin with no skill to prove that rank.

Add to the fact that more than half were kids, being fearful was understandable,from here they could see flashes of an intense battle and silhouettes move faster than the eye could see. The only reason they weren't running away like headless chickens was out of fear of dissapointing their commander and being executed. Kiri didn't tolarate the weak.

Afterall there she stood, proud and tall as she watched the horizen, beside her was a strange duo of beatiful women, one of the wore Completely foreign clothes.

They had arrived at their camp and seemed to be acquainted with Ameruyi Ringo: one of the seven ninja swordsman, the hunter that never loses her prey.

She was one of Kiri's prized assets even among the other swordmen. Her extensive mission record which consisted of dozens of S-rank missions and even more A-rank missions said a lot about her skill.

Even though they were outnumbered, tired and hungry after retreating they still believed they could turn the tide of the battle in their favour. That's just how much they believed in her.

And she lived up to their expectation. Her confident smirk even in the face of such an army: surely only someone of her calibre could react like that.


Ameruyi looked behind her, seeing the fearful faces of the young children. She couldn't blame them, in the face of such an imposing battle that shook the isaland they were on she didn't even feel confident in winning. Add to the fact that she was 'sick' and right at death's door a few months ago. By all rights she should be dead, but she had decided that death couldn't have her just yet.

But seeing the kids stand their ground even in the face of such despair, she felt a swell of pride in her Village. Too bad they were only brought here to die in the first place.

Although she wasn't a genius when it came to matters of strategy she knew that they were meant to be martyrs of war. She was one Kirigakure's beloved residants. The higher ups also knew of her 'illness' but chose to bring her to fight today. They'd also hoped she would die so as to prevent the looming rebellion that Ameruyi was said to be leading.

Although by all rights she should hate them, she understood why it was needed. If she were to die here along with her army. Kirigakure would tweak the news of her passing as Kumogakure's attack against Kiri. This would ignite the people's desire for vegence. Afterall her mission was supposed to be secret, yet they were discovered even before they could enter Kumo's lands.

But Ameruyi was tired of being used as a tool by her Mizukage. She had given her entire life for the village. She lacked a normal childhood, lost the chance to find love and build a family, she simply gave up too much to watch it fall apart. When they heard she was dying, they just sent her off to die in battle where her head might be ripped off and taken as a trophy by her foes. That's if she was lucky, war wasn't kind. Kunoichi like her were sometimes captured and used as cum dumps. She had seen such scenes with her own eyes during missions.

She was sick of it. This had caused her to wonder what would've happened if she hadn't met him. He was a brutal man who had clearly stated his willingness to watch everything that wasn't his burn. Where most hid their desires with meaningless words, he didn't: he accepted the necessity of war in fact he wouldn't have it any other way, for him battle was the only place he felt he truly belonged. She had seen him destroy an entire platoon of shinobi while saving her. A twisted glee in his eyes as he did so.

He had then ruhtlessly captured her and unlike what she thought, she wasn't killed or totured for information. Instead they chose collaboration, they cure her and give her the seat of Mizukage to do as she sees fit, in return she joins his organization as his suboordinate, in fact he brought out all her hidden potential as a sign of goodwill.He even promised to not harm Kirigakure in any way, instead offering prosperity.

She was hesitant at first, he sounded like a devil, offering boons too good to be true honestly. She also knew if she agreed she would become his puppet, but honestly she already was a puppet to her current leaders. She didn't even have a choice in the matter, in the end she decided to choose her own allegiance. Hopefully he would keep his word.

Kiri was full of traitors, liars and madmen. It seemd like she was one of the few sane people left. This was sad, had her eyes not been opened she would've died still believing Kiri was a great village like it's former hokage intended.

"Looks like the battle has ended Ringo-san. My master has bought you time to execute your next move. Don't dissapoint him." Ichigo, a slave similar to her. But with one core difference, while she was hateful of her situation, she would do anything to change it, she would do anything to control her fate. Ichigo seemed content, she viewed her master the the same level of reverance Ringo viewd Kirigakure. He was her world and she would carry out any of his orders without hesitation.

She envied her, it reminded her of the good old days, when she gladly followed the Mizukage. But she grew, she learned that the Mizukage didn't have Kiri's best interest at heart. For him it was about seeing Iwagakure burn for vegence. His wife had died during her mission to retrieve bloodline users and invite them to Kiri. Iwagakure nin had caught her, brutally raped, totured and killed her before leaving her corpse as some sort of whicked statement. From then his descent to madness had begun, honestly he had even been part of the people to speed up the war. For revenge he would gladly send Kiri's forces to their doom.

Ameruyi could imagine his pain, but she couldn't forgive his transgressions.

"Yes Ichigo-san. The coup will be swift and bloodless, I already have more than enough clans on my side." Ameruyi replied, a melancholic air enveloped her as her resolve shook a little.

Honestly she had hoped to never see the day where she wouod turn her blade against her own brethren.

"Perfect. Just give the word and we'll stall any invading party until you've become the official leader of your village, remember then comes your end of the bargin, and remember, conquer everything and present it to your new lord." Ichigo said calmly.

Ameruyi was glad she didn't have to worry about an invasion during the civil war. Although she was still a little skeptical if they could hold off a full dcale invasion just like that. One man wasn't enough to turn the tide of war, she knew that. But the man in question this time was Nero.

"I will entrust my back to you." Ameruyi replied with a trusting nod as she stared down Ichigo's dull eyes.

"With the flames of war we'll rise and engulf all that stands before us." Ichigo swore solomely.

Ameruyi nodded, she went back to her soldiers and started shouting orders for them to rest. They'd leave in two days. All of them were shiting themseleves, for lack of a better word. The veterans knew what was to happen and some of the younger ninja were also aware. They solomly hoped that the Mizukage willingly gave up his seat.


please gimme some power stones go increase my novel's rating. Also would you like me to post my other books here? The chapter releases will be less frequent though.
