
Multiverse living.

Non edited, just for fun. Enjoy. And if not sorry not sorry. This is a multi world/ world travel. I may not be consistent with updates because I will have to re read or re watch the story’s to get information correct. This is the worlds that the mc will be going to in order. Keep in mind these will all be alternate universe AU. This list will update when I start the new world. 1. Twilight 2. Harry Potter 3.

Freedom_seeker · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Chapter 9. Immediately after


As i regained my thoughts I looked down the hallway and noticed that the magical people were weary of the hallway, and didn't lower their guard.

I delved into their minds to find out what was happening in the world, and to see how the world was after my for lack of better words hibernation.

The year was 1991, found out that everything should be the same as the books so far. I also learned that we were deep inside the ministry of magic, on a hidden level of the department of mysteries. As the shell that I was in was a mysterious magical marvel that they were trying to unravel.

As I gained their knowledge and magical prowess I lowered the protective measures that I installed earlier. Leaving an infinite protection just like Gojo dose. Planting memories into these minds would be easy but I held back hoping that everything would work out for me.

As I withdrew my protective measures and appeared undefended, there was visible signs of tension leaving, but there was fear that didn't disappear, but increased instead.

I started to walk over to them to talk. As I started to get closer one of them got jumpy and let a spell off. As it flew towards me I felt a pulling sensation and I followed it.

Within a moment I felt a warm sensation overcome my body and I felt like I stepped through a welcoming hug. Appearing just out of the path the spell was flying I stopped.

Raising my magic to cast to restrain the magical's there was a flash of red that hit the one that shot the spell. As this new spell hit the wizard he fell.

Confused I called out to them "what is going on here?!" Unknowingly there was magical energy imbued into my voice.

As my voice came there was pressure that came with it. As my voice hit them I noticed that there was magical waves flowing from my words. I saw where it came from and restrained the magical flow.

"What are you?" One of the wizards called out to me. They sounded like they were trying to intimidate me.

I ignored them and decided I was not going to deal with them. Spreading my magic out I gained the layout and the magic mechanic of all the levels. Using compulsion I told them to take me to the minister of magic with the head of the DMLE.

After they lead me towards the DMLE and some left to get the Minister of magic to bring them to the DMLE head office.

As we arrived at the DMLE office I saw who I assumed was Amelia Bones sitting at her desk, she looked up at us as we opened the door to enter the office. The ones leading me told her that the Minister Fudge was on his way.

Waiting for a few minutes as the Minister entered the room asking why he was being led to Amelia's office. As soon as he arrived he looked around at the wizards in the room. Overlooking me as I sit there.

" So what happened for this group to gather both of us for?": Fudge

As this question was asked the two groups looked at me. As they looked at me Fudge finally noticed me and asked. "And why is this kid in this meeting, send him out so we can talk!"

" He is the reason for this meeting, he came out of it." One of the wizards cut in.

Both Amelia and Fudge looked shocked and intrigued. They both looked at me one with concerns and the other as if I was a useable pawn.

Noticing what they were going to do I relaxed the hold on my magic and had the pressure out. Fudge almost sh*t himself in fear. When Amelia held a contemplating look.

Amelia looked at Fudge and stated that I should head to Hogwarts for the new school year.

I was intrigued because as a kid my parents would occasionally talk about this school and how much it would end up decreasing the magical's ability. As I have seen this is true.

Fudge agreed with little confidence in what he could do against me. Figuring that the law would be the best way to control me.

Knowing what they wanted I was trying to interject and say that I didn't need to go. Yet Amelia cut me off and told me that if I wanted to have a living in this world that I would need an education and that Hogwarts was the best choice for me as the ministers would be able to help in the long run.

Fudge decided that he was done here and dumped the responsibility of me onto Amelia. Then he quickly left the room.

I could see the irritation on her face. Watching her left eye twitch and sigh.