
Multiverse living.

Non edited, just for fun. Enjoy. And if not sorry not sorry. This is a multi world/ world travel. I may not be consistent with updates because I will have to re read or re watch the story’s to get information correct. This is the worlds that the mc will be going to in order. Keep in mind these will all be alternate universe AU. This list will update when I start the new world. 1. Twilight 2. Harry Potter 3.

Freedom_seeker · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Chapter 6. New followers

In the next few weeks I was dragging around by the pixie Alice. And I have to admit that I was starting to enjoy her company. Always wanting to paint me. I begrudgingly let her paint a portrait of me. I have to admit I didn't expect to look like I did. Most of my hair was light baby blue, with the tips pink, I found out I could change how I looked age wise, and height. Well anything about my body I could change except the color of my hair.

'Hey Alice can you show me my abilities and stats.'

'*Right away,


Rapid Healing


Mana/solar/energy/blood/psychic manipulation, absorption, and control




Ever growing superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, speed, agility, reflexes, intelligence, longevity, hearing, perception

* Enhanced vision

* Microscopic vision

* X-ray vision

* Telescopic vision

* Infra-red vision

* EM spectrum vision


Hypnosis/ glamour (large and small)

Ice and heat breath

Buff stats

Force field manipulation

Transformation into desired form and age

Ancient power qi cultivation

Controlled amnesia

Aura control

Weather/elemental control and manipulation

Vampire fangs

Vampire horde (the ones they consume are added into their horde to be used as servants or pawns)

Add into the family (as a progenitor (king) I can turn others into my species and they will belong to my family until they are promoted to duke level)

Because of cultivation

Use of profound qi

Seance the essence between heaven and earth

Spirit Sense ( see and communicate with this without using eyes or ears, can delve into the mind and read/change/erase memories or thoughts)

Understanding of laws and able for control over laws to the extent of understanding

Sea of consciousness (can defend and attack souls)


Laws that are starting to understand

- [ ] Mana/magic

- [ ] Star/solar/movement/ etc

- [ ] Life and death

- [ ] Mind

- [ ] Elements

- [ ] Space

- [ ] Time

- [ ] Transformation

- [ ] Chaos/disorder

- [ ] Devouring

- [ ] Undead (vampire)

- [ ] Yin and yang

8 hoses is in rank 7, in the sky realm, but your strength is two full realms higher.

Name:Jay Nova

Age: changeable

Bloodline: kryptonian, Anodite, Mew, vampire progenitor

Cultivation level: rank 7 sky realm.*'

'Dang I pretty much went from a pathetic mortal to a god.' I thought to myself.

Living these past weeks Alice and I became really close, Emmett and I became like brothers. Rose was a bratty stuck up sister that started to drool over my car when it arrived. Carlisle and Esme welcomed me into their home and life, as long as I didn't cause any trouble for them. Ari and Chance were never around when I was there. When Edward was coming to terms with the fact that he wasn't a soulless monster.

It was three weeks after I ended up having my powers unsealed and I gained my powers that I have now. When I was practicing I felt that this reality was starting to become exceedingly fragile. I ended up warping everyone to the back yard and explaining why I was leaving and how I probably would never return. Also explaining what was truly going on. As I finished explaining I felt that there was a gate opening behind me.

Turning around I watched as a pitch black over hole appeared just above the ground, I then saw my old friend Sebas Tian and a skeletal being that had some understanding of death laws, yet had rebirth laws woven into the fabric of their being. I knew who it was immediately.

"Hey Sebas, and if I'm not mistaken you are Ainz are you not?" I enjoyed watching and reading the anime and manga of overlord. I knew those clothes anywhere. And that gleaming red orb of a world item. It could not be anyone else.

"Oh so you do know us, just as I thought." Ainz replied.

'Either he is the same or another reincarnation. I wonder what one.'

"So momonga, or Ainz Oole Gown. What one are you? Also friend or foe?"

"Well I go by the name Ainz Oole Gown but you can call me Ainz. I am here to offer you a place in my home." Ainz replied sith human sincerity.

Knowing I need more information, I asked a question that any otaku would know. Unsurprisingly he answered appropriately. So I continued with our conversation, "so how long have you been on this reality?"

"Not long just about 17 year's give or take."

'So he came when I did.'

"So want to join my travels. Although I will have to have you submit to me to travel to different areas across existence." I tried to keep it vague but direct enough that he could understand that I can take him to different anime, tv shows, movies, or even books.

Ainz asked Sebas to head back home that he was perfectly safe here and that nothing could hurt him.

The conversation continued for a few hours. Late at night is when; Emmett,Rose,and Alice arrived with their luggage. They were saying their goodbye and hugging each other. Ainz agreed to follow after I promised him that his home can come as well and would stay under his control.

Arriving with everyone into the guild base, we were guided to the throne room, standing behind Ainz was all the floor guardians behind the throne with Albedo, and Demiurge standing to his left and right respectively.

After a pleasant greeting and Demiurge trying to dominate us. Which I protested with my powers. I got to the point. "Hay Ainz I need to have access to the base systems to transfer to my dimension, after I will relinquish my access."

The guardians freaked out when they heard what I said. Telling him not to and they can find another way.

Unsure of what they were taking about I didn't really care. I asked Ainz if there was someone that wasn't a floor guardian that he trusted. When I asked this he was silent for a moment before I heard heavy footsteps from behind me. Using my spirit sense I saw a hulking figure with a shield and sword 'death knight' I understood immediately.

Asking for permission to experiment with this disposable creature. Ainz, and Demiurge were intrigued, and I was given permission. Using my basic powers without my qi I sank my fangs into the bones willingly to transform them into a 'family'. Watching this everyone was surprised when the death knight started to regain a human appearance, the difference was substantial. They changed from and took the form of a little girl around the age of 14.

Giving Ainz a look I couldn't tell anything from that skull. So using my spirit sense I reached into his mind and saw the confusion and shock not only because of what I did but because the death knight turned into a young girl.

She was wearing the same as the death knight was just in way better condition and the equipment reshaped to fit her body. She looks towards me and got down on one knee and said "i great my master, turned around and faced Ainz and added "I also great father."

Shock was the only thing anyone could even experience with that revelation. Then Shalltear, and Albedo freaked out, and started demanding answers. Until Ains had enough and demanded silence with a wave of his arm.

"Explain what you mean!" Ains demanded.

"Well you made me (used to summon a death knight) so you are my father," looking at me she had a smile that indicated she was trying to tease him. "And you changed me and made me apart of your 'family' so you are my master."

Ainz had more questions that needed to be answered. So Demiurge and Ainz questioned her thoroughly. Afterward they agreed to use her as a middleman so I couldn't take over the guild base.

Transferring everyone into my dimension there was a collective release of stress, as if the weight on their shoulders were removed.

Turning around I asked "So are you ready for a new adventure."

'Hey Alice can you get us out of this world.'

'*please state your desired destination *'

"Ok we are off to ************"

Vanishing from this world and reappearing in the new one.

(A.N. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If I don't get any I'll just keep on the path I am walking. I do hope that you are enjoying the story so far."