
Multiverse living.

Non edited, just for fun. Enjoy. And if not sorry not sorry. This is a multi world/ world travel. I may not be consistent with updates because I will have to re read or re watch the story’s to get information correct. This is the worlds that the mc will be going to in order. Keep in mind these will all be alternate universe AU. This list will update when I start the new world. 1. Twilight 2. Harry Potter 3.

Freedom_seeker · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Chapter 10

The following day Amelia and a group of wizards took me to what they called The Leaky Cauldron, leading me to what appeared to be a dead end with a brick wall. I could see the magic embedded in to the wall and I watched as I started to imbue my magic into the pattern in the wall. As soon as Amelia started to explain how to open the entrance and the wall started to open. Amelia figured that someone was leaving Diagon Alley and tried to pull me to the side.

She watched as her hand stopped a few inches away from me. Interest flashed across her face yet she withheld her questions and withdrew her hand. Watching as the wall opened up to allow us in expecting someone to try and walk through. As she noticed that there was no one there she questioningly asked how the pathway was opened.

I gave her a side glance and answered her. "Isn't it obvious that I opened up the pathway? It was obvious on how to open up, wasn't it." I condescendingly answered. I mean come on it was blaring the magic right in front of us.

I saw her lip twitch and walked past me into the alley indicating that I was supposed to follow. As I followed her I saw that she pulled out what looked like a list of supplies, and walked over to if I remember correctly was where my family bank was. If I remember correctly it's name is Gringotts. Walking up to the entrance I could feel the ward stone recognizing me and sending a signal to all of the goblins that were inside.

As we walked inside there were sounds of rushing into the welcoming chamber. Amelia and the group looked over as this was a rare occurrence and were curious. As a legion of fully armed Goblin veteran warriors entered the chamber and cleared out a path from the door to the back door that lead deeper into the building.

Silence permeated the chamber as an elderly yet powerful goblin general spoke with disbelief and condescending tone in his voice. "Lord Nova the king has been notified of your arrival and is expecting you in the royal meeting chamber."

I looked at the general like he was an idiot. Which he didn't miss, and he released some bloodlust toward me. Which I smirked at, and released my magic power onto the whole goblin kingdom. As I release my power everyone in the chamber fell onto the ground, all the wizards outside of my party passed out and soiled themselves.

"Has it been so long that the servants summon the master of their race. Calling the head goblin a king is laughable and ignorant. This so called king better know better than anyone who I, and my family are." As I was saying this I utilized my magic sending my voice to every goblin that is alive. As well as summoning the so called king of goblins.

"Who dares to insult my subjects and me I shall take their heads and hang it in front of this bank as a warning to all." The goblin that I summoned stated leaking their bloodlust to everyone.

As I looked at the joke of a servant as I tapped into my magic willing the changes. Ripping the soul out of the body. Holding the soul with my magic that was visible to the naked eye, I asked. "How can the descendants of my slaves talk to their masters like that. You should be genuflecting instead of talking back. Maybe I should do what my father El Nova did when he turned 11, and kill half of all the living goblins starting with the royal family." I threatened before burning a sigil into his soul, then shoving it back into his body.

As his soul entered his body he genuflected immediately lowering his head not even thinking about lifting his head or voicing his displeasure. "What can I do for you master Nova."

I looked over at my escorts and fear was written all over their faces. Also there were some that soiled themselves and two were fainted from fear.

What I did was widely used when I was growing up by most of the students, and was taught relatively early if the students education.

"Good now what happened to my families finances. I need an honest accounting of all of them." I stated with no room for failure.

"Master Nova, we can not give you this as we were never given access to your families property." The goblin king answered.

"Then I should head over to my…" pausing what I was doing I looked in a direction and focused my magic into the search, and finding the disgusting soul and magic inside two different areas. "Who is in charge of vault number 713, and vault 407!"

"All of us can help with each vault, what do you need us to do." :GK ( Goblin King)

"I need access to these vaults and remove all the protective measures that you have implemented." :Jay

"Very well Master Nova it shall be done.":GK

There was a runner that left and shortly afterwards they returned with another goblin following.

As the new goblin arrived he immediately genuflected towards the goblin king. Asking "why was I called here my King?" The new goblin asked subservient towards the goblin king.

"I didn't call you here Griphook, Master Nova here needs you to lead him to these two vaults for whatever he wants. You are to treat him with more respect than you even show me. Am I clear?" :GK

"Yes my king!" :Griphook.

Turning towards me and my group he looked at us condescendingly and stated "Follow me!" : Griphook

As he lead us into the cart loading station and stepping into a cart. Only Griphook, madam Bones, and I entered into the cart. As soon as we were settled the cart shot down the tracks. Shortly after we arrived at vaults 713 and we disembarked. As we were walking up to the vaults door Griphook started to say something when he saw me raise my hand, yet held back because of what the king told him.

Sending my magic into the door I felt like it responded with my magic and opened automatically. Looking inside there was only a small package inside. Feeling towards it I felt that the souls, life and death, and an abundance of blood magic was utilized in the creation of this object.

Ripping through the magic and the bonds keeping them all together, the package turned into dust and blew away with a gust of wind that I summoned.

"Take me to the next vault Griphook!" :Jay

"Of course Master Nova!" :Griphook

As we reinterred in cart we flew down the track again and reached what appeared to be a dragon's nest. Walking up to the vault again I opened the door, feeling the curse attached to the vault I destroyed the heart of the curse and walked in.

Turning to Griphook i asked "who rented this room."

"This vault is utilized by the Lestrange family, master Nova." : Griphook

I turned to face madam Bones for an inquiry.

Unsurprisingly she answered "the Lestrange family are known you-know-who fanatical followers. They are in Azkaban as we speak " : Madam Bones.

Nodding at this i made up what I would do. Reaching out I used an illusion to hide that I took everything into my personal dimension. I made it look as if I liquified everything in the vault except for what appeared to be a chalice decorated with a badger and inlaid with gold and onyx. I again tore into the magic on this chalice and ripped the fragment of a soul out of this item. I could hear screaming and soul fluctuations flowing from this fragment.

Grabbing a soul hail from my system and shoving the fragment into one compartment I walk out. As I left I could see madam Bones glaring at me as if I would do something. Ignoring her I left to the cart. Shortly afterwards we were standing in front of the king again.

Telling the king that he should relearn what it means to serve the Nova family I summoned a manual for servants of the house of Nova. Handed it over I left shortly afterwards.

"You have many questions to answer when we are finished with what we have to do here!" Madam Bones

Flicking my wrist I copied my school list. Using magical clones I handed the sheet out to them and they left to complete the work.

(A.N. Sorry for the delay today was my brother's birthday and I was working on this throughout yesterday and today. Hopefully you enjoy.)