
What just happened?

Neo pov

' We didn't find anything today but it's not a problem until the end of the task we have a two weeks and we have already made preparations that took us two days so we still have twelve days, which means on the day of the end of the task is my birthday.'

" Mouse will you wash my back? ."

My thoughts are interrupted by Kurumi and hearing her I bend down to pick up the soap after which I spread it on her back.

' It's good to take a bath together like this '.

I think, feeling the warm water flow over me as I wash Kurumi's back .

'We often bathe together like this we've lived together for a while and have established a strange bond between us, now I don't feel embarrassed even when I use the toilet and Kurumi walks in, the same is true for Kurumi.'

I think while watching the soap suds running down her back and now I have a sudden urge to hug her so I do.

" Neo"

I hear her happy and adorable cry of surprise whot is reaction on my hug,. Now I hug her even tighter and start to rock with her in my arms from side to side but suddenly something doesn't feel right. So while hugging her I start wandering my hands to find the problem until I finally find it.

" Neo!!!"

I hear her shout as I squeeze the two soft things in my hands. Not sure what I'm feeling I look over her shoulder and see this.

' Someone is growing fast here, I already know where all this food is going'.

I think to myself looking at the two impressive hills .

" You act like you are somehow smaller ".

Says Kurumi as she pulls out of my grasp and turns to catch my hills .

' You are younger than me ' .

" Only a few months"

Kurumi replies to my thoughts. Not a whole year ago we were flat and now even though we are still too young we are visibly growing unfortunately we have not yet grown in height .

' I have a feeling that we will be short with big assets'.

I think while looking at Kurumi who is just playing with my hills and I don't mind after all, we are both girls . Apparently massaging them allows them to grow so its good , but today they hurt a little.

" Is it a bad thing that we are short?"

Asks Kurumi answering my question. At that moment she lets me go then turns around and turns off the water. Watching Kurumi get out of the shower, I am about to follow her out however, I am suddenly stopped by a pain in my abdomen. I've felt more painful things in my life, but this is so strange.

"Are you all right, pink mouse?"

Kurumi asks, seeing my discomfort.

'It's ok'.

I reply with a nod.

" Neo does your stomach hurt?"

Asks Kurumi coming up to me.

' She knows me so well, she even knows when I feel bad'.

Thinking about it, I remind myself how lucky I am to have her as my best friend.

' It's ok.'

I look at her after which, naked and pleased with myself, I walk past her on my way out of the bathroom. Because of the sound of wet feet behind me, I know Kurumi is following me. Before we go to the bedroom me and Kurumi approach one of the crates and after opening it I see that it is filled with snacks and food.

" Let's eat these sandwiches today because they won't last long "

Says Kurumi pulling out two packages of already prepared sandwiches. Watching Kurumi walk toward the bedroom I look back at the box.

' The chips and chocolate. '

I don't know why I suddenly get a craving for them or rather today I have some desire to eat sweet things. With this feeling, I take out the chips and, closing the crate, I walk towards the bedroom where Kurumi has already wrapped a towel over her head to dry her hair.

Fortunately, I don't have that problem because my hair is shorter than hers. So I toss the packet of chips on the bed then walk over to the closet.

Opening it I start looking for the panties I'm going to wear to bed tonight.

' I take the pink ones'.

I think as I pull them out and put them on me. While at the wardrobe I choose a T-shirt and while putting it on I again turn my attention to my hills.

' Kurumi if we continue to grow like this will have to buy bras next year.'

I think while looking at Kurumi who is rubbing her head with a towel as she walks towards me.

" If there is a need we will buy them, so far they are not that big."

Says Kurumi throwing the towel on the ground after which she changes next to me . Both ready we sit down on the bed and we eat sandwiche's in the silenc . Watching Kurumi lying down after eating most likely already asleep I reach to my side for the chips and my new scroll.

We got them now but will pay for them after this job. Pawn shop still had some old scrolls so there was no problem to give a two After opening the packet of chips, I get up and turn off the light so Kurumi can sleep then I go back to bed with the help of the light in the scroll.

Covered with a blanket with the chips in my hands I start browsing through the news , who knows maybe I will find something important in it. While slowly eating and reading something starts to happen to Kurumi something that I don't like. I can hear her breathing speed up and her face starts to contort with fear and pain.

When it first happened I didn't know what to do so in a panic I woke her up but after that Kurumi couldn't sleep. My friend is suffering, the first person who was there for me was suffering but I couldn't help her so with each such situation I tried to help her until over time I learned how to do it.

Putting the scroll aside I move Kurumi towards me and then make her lay in an embryonic position. Finally I move her head on my chest so she can hear my heart.

' I've heard many times that singing and humming will help but unfortunately I can't do that so I'll let her listen to my heartbeat'

And it works after a while Kurumi is back to normal. Watching her sleeping on my chest I move her whole body to lie on top of me after which I hug her laying us to the side and when my forehead touches hers I kiss the tip of her nose and close my eyes to fall asleep.

Pov 3 person

In the ruined city stood Kurumi and while the right part of her body looked as it should, the left part remained completely burned. Looking around Kurumi sees mass graves buried beneath the ruins.

Graves full of burned bodies from between which flows a black shadowy substance. Looking at the tiny black streams that merge into rivers along the way. Kurumi sees them merging into her shadow from where, hands begin to emerge followed by heads and bodies.

Looking at what is happening Kurumi did not notice how her body returned to normal and now next to her stood a burned body who whispering in her ear.

" Decisions and sin follow a person no matter what he or she does. Even turning back time will not help because the knowledge of a given crime will remain in the mind of the person who committed it and even if a person forgets and time removes the conseqences of the crime. A crime will still imprint itself on a person's soul, that's why.... "

" Shadows follow a person like the crime they committed. No matter how you try to hide it a little light is enough for the world to see your shadow . ".

Says the body pushing Kurumi into the hands emerging from her shadow. The hands grabbed onto her body as they slowly began to pull her into the shadow . All this was happening as Kurumi silently watched the shadow coming towards her seeing that in a moment her body would be submerged she closed her eyes .

Kurumi pov.

I open my eyes and feel myself floating not in the air but rather in the thick water. Around me float bodies that seem to be attached by a chain to the objects in front of me. A huge golden clock wrapped in a chain seeing it in front of me I feel like I know it, now as I think about it I remember something but not much.

Everything I remember does not fit together a world full of ordinary people I ordinary student, people made bad decisions ending up destroying everything around.

A world where I am a spirits, my desire to kill the First Spirit, saving millions of lives in the process .

The weakest of memories a man with black hair and red eyes another man w ith blond hair, a woman with silver eyes and Glenn mountain .

'They all end in my death. '

I feel scared the bodies around me look just like me! Looking at the clock I feel naked I know his name but I can't pronounce it.

' What am I doing and thinking?'

Nothing makes sense I am the people from the memories but I am not them.

' Why don't I remember anything'.

Suddenly everything disappears, it's just me and the clock in front of me I reach my hand towards it I want to touch it but before my hand touches it another hand touches my wrist. This hand belongs to a chumanoid being made of deep purple energy and it has a pair of horns on his head.

" Use one as a glue, well the glue gets unglued and lets memories through making a mess. I need to talk to her about it, it's not a safe safety feature if the anchor and glue don't hold together. ".

Says the being sarcastically in a male voice then lets go of my hand.

'Who am I? '

I feel disoriented. But before I can think further everything goes black.

" Sleep and forget ".

With these words....













I hear a familiar sound which is Neo's heartbeat from this I know I must have had a nightmare but this time I don't remember anything which is strange because I always remember something.

I feel my mouse moving my body and laying us down to sleep. I don't move because I don't want to worry her about waking me up. After rolling us to the side I feel her kissing me on the tip of my nose then I hear her fall asleep. I don't remember what I dreamed so I close my eyes I try to go back to sleep.

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