
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 27: Tower of Heaven Pt.3

~Esdeath POV (17 years old) ~



Annoying bastard!


My battle with this Brain character has started and he has launched his magic towards me and used his staff to fight against my [Cutter of Creation: Extase] with both the scissor blades are separated I was able to cut down his magic.

I also made sure to send icicles towards the man to ensure that he gets hit but he uses his magic to destroy them easily.

Smirking at the scene back in my old world no one was a match anymore other than my darling and the girls but…

Here I'm actually struggling…

I miss this feeling of earning something in the old days…


Seeing that this Brain person is not adapt to his skills in close combat seems to make him exhaust himself faster.

Slashing every single one of his magic attacks only made him get more frustrated the second as he kept on yelling at me, "You damn bitch! I swear I will make you and your friends pay for this embarrassment! [Dark Rondo]!"

Soon enough his Magic with horror-stricken faces swirl around the staff is becoming more and more condensed as I see he then fire the gathered Magic on a focused attack all straight towards me.



I managed to put my hand on the floor as I ready to freeze the whole room of this embarrassment of a bug in an annoyed voice, "Tch… you are one annoying bug you know that be prepared to be encased in ice, [Ice Age]!"

As I called my attack name [Ice Age] it has done what I needed to instantly freeze anything by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms, meaning they effectively make things colder, ranging from slightly chilly levels to absolute zero.

Even the very magic in the air turned ice-cold as the man was soon turned into a living ice statue.

Seeing that this fight is over I pity this fool for even challenging me to fight, "Know this bug you weren't that much effort to defeat shame if…"

Narrowing my eyes, I see the ice statue of Brain soon change as I felt a high intensity of blood lust leaking out of the man in question that matches my own if not less.

Soon enough green energy was leaking out from the body as laughter and clapping were, I heard as I ready my weapon pointing both of them at the man in front of me, "Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh yes, it's good to be alive?! I should really thank you woman for you see you managed to force my pathetic weak self into a corner calling for me to help against you for you see I have two faces the one you met was Brain while you can call me Zero!"


I just had to fight against a crazy split personality of a man, haven't I?

No matter he will still be the one to die when I'm through with him.

Zero as he likes to call himself soon starts to attack as he uses one hand to bring out a beam-related attack, "Ha! Let's see how much you can survive my attacks you annoying little wench [Dark Capricco]!"

A beam of darkness is fired from his hand as it was heading towards me as I quickly make my [Ice Shields] to block the attack I was soon surprised that he managed to pierce through it as I had to coat my weapons with Haki to block the attack fully.

Ok, I wasn't expecting that one…

I guess he became a lot stronger now, but this makes it worth the trip here to fight against strong people like him!

I see multiple-beam attacks from his [Dark Capricco] all going towards me as I soon block everyone one but to my surprised, he was using them as whips at my blades in the attempt to destroy them.


Zero kept on the attack as he tries to whip me with his attacks as he was enjoying every second of it from the mad grin on his face, "Ha ha ha ha ha?! I haven't seen a bug like you survive this long against me lets see how you handle this one! [Dark Delete]!"

As soon as he says the attack name he releases his whips as he had both hands on me at a distance while he releases several spheres of magic energy are fired continuously from his hands as I avoid or parry against them.


I guess he has some skill to put pressure on me…

Expressing a small smile towards the bug I wonder how he's going to get past this attack, "Well then Zero I for one am impressed on how you managed to live to this point lets see if you can survive this one, [Trump Card: Blinding Light]!"

I heard that Zero was caught off guard as he undid hid magic attack of [Dark Delete] as he was busy protecting his eyes from the light, "Ahhhhhh!! My eyes! You bitch what have you done to my eyes?!"

With that, I activated my Teigu of my [Cutter of Creation: Extase] ability its Trump Card.

The [Trump Card: Blinding Light] is a skill that my Extase can produce large amounts of light in the area to purposely blind my foes with its light as I use this moment to cut Zero between the space of us to get some damage in.




"You Bitch!!"


"I will make you pay!!!"

For every slash attack I landed I managed to hear this bug squirm in pain from all the cuts he has even showing some flesh bones being shown.

However, it looks like he was done playing around with me I managed to feel a large amount of pressure coming from him as he prepares his final move.

If that is the case, then I should do the same and end this fight as well.

Zero grits his teeth from the pain as he now had a look of pure hatred towards me while I look indifferent to him as he yells towards me, "YOU BITCH!! I will make you and everyone you hold dear pay! I will make sure to destroy all that you hold dear you hear that! I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!! OPEN THE GATE OF WRATHWAIL [GENESIS ZERO]!!"

Soon enough I see him managed to focus his energy of magic summoning many black phantoms to strike at me to the point of me almost being engulfed by their sheer numbers alone.

Shame I'm how my darling would call me a very cheat person.

As soon as those phantoms would come near me I merely smirk at them as I say my finishing move in a confident voice, "Truly Zero this fight has been a blast but this is where I end it all for you that even your ghost friends won't help, [Trump Card: Mahapadma]!"

Using my own [Trump Card: Mahapadma] is basically my own version of my time stop.

This skill created from my Teigu [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract] can freeze space and time as when I use it, space and time are frozen and only the user also known as me can move for a short period of time although it does make me tax faster of my stamina it was worth with it to get a final move.

Looking over to my enemy Zero I simply walk over to him and cut through his neck completely decapitating him in the process as everything around me soon returns to normal as the phantoms are no longer present as Zero to keep up the attack.

Viewing the decapitated Zero I could only snort in disgust in front of this bug as I get over to his head as I ready my shoes to the next step, "As I said before Brain or Zero that I will crush you like…"


Soon shoes crushed his decapitated head as I finished my piece, "… a bug…"

However, soon enough I noticed the presence of another person in the room as I smile that finally, my darling is here as I greet my man with a kiss.

Kissing his mouth and tongue tasted good~

As we released our mouths from each other as I say to him with love in my voice, "Seiya darling~ it took you long enough to come, and seeing the girl on your shoulder is the person you found snooping the place yes?"

My darling nods his head as he places the young girl down as he goes over to the deceased body of Brain or Zero whatever cutting him as he replies to me in a happy tone, "Yep! I managed to find Akame and Kurome Origins needed for you girls to have your own magic but having this guy's cores would make you stronger Esdeath dear plus it would… oh what do we have here?"

Seeing that his voice changed at that moment I look over to what he was holding was some kind of off sphere that I didn't know what it was as I ask curiously what it was, "Darling what exactly are you holding?"

Seiya replies to me with the same doubt as me what it was as he says to me as he managed to get what he was after "No idea but I think it could be a Lacrima of what type no idea but doesn't matter for now though as I have his cores safely away back at our pocket space home."

Nodding at this we both reach the first-floor level as we all see the slaves get inside the ships readying to leave as we managed to catch up to Kurome and Akame group inside the ship with a few kids being there.

Of course, once we were far away from the island of this place Seiya looks over to the island with me as I ask what is he going to do next, "Darling what are you going to do next to this island?"

Seiya looking at me soon replies with a cute expression as he says to me, "Say Esdeath want to see a big light show I promised the kids that I will destroy this island causing them nightmares so I thought giving them a show would help them know that the island won't hurt them again."

Nodding my head, I agreed with Seiya's thoughts to help these kids and slaves from something like this happening again.

Soon enough I see everyone is waiting to see the island be destroyed as the girl with red hair was watching us closely with interest in her eyes…


But I was out from my stupor as Seiya finished his words of attack on the island once we were all away from the blast, "Ok everyone looks right here that the island that tormented you begone forever! [Awakened: El Oden]!"


As he said those words a giant pillar of lightning soon struck the tower and the island in its entirety destroying the part of sea causing tsunami's from the impact of the attack was enough for all of us to see the crater of this planted leave a scorch mark only to be soon consumed by the sea hiding the impact of the attack.


I have a long road ahead of me to be able to reach my darlings level…

Although the red-haired girl seems to have gain the attention of my darling of admiration?


I wonder if this girl is interested in joining us judging from her emotions looking at us or Akame…

Again interesting…

I guess time will only tell soon enough now…