
Multiverse Hopping

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Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 25: Tower of Heaven Pt.1

~Third POV~



In the first floor of the construction of Tower of Heaven there was a group of trying to escape through a rock tunnel small enough for them to escape found by a kid named Sho.

In the first floor tired from work was Erza, Jellal, Wally, Millianna, Simmon, and Sho who are there trying to get everyone to escape.

It has been two weeks since their capture with nearly everyone being depressed except for Jellal and Simon trying to keep the positivity in the group saying that they will escape from their captors as they now have the opportunity present itself.

Erza, Simon, and Rob agreed to the young kids' optimism but not the rest of them agreed to since they have been worked to the bone with hardly anything to eat at times.

Sho was the first to say to everyone the exit to leave the first-floor prison, "Sis over here! Hurry up!!"

Next to speak was a kid named Wally speaking almost yelling at him with Millianna, "Sho! Keep your voice down!!"

Millianna next to Wally soon comments about his voice being louder, "Wally, your voice is even louder than Sho's."

Just like that Wally did a 180 of attitude change towards Millianna apologizing to her in a apologetic tone, "Heh heh… sorry about that Millianna! Though I wish these small tremors stop already."

Next was Simon asking Erza to hurry up to escape before their captors show up, "Erza, if don't hurry, they'll find us!"

Erza replying to Simon being scared as she trembles of the punishments if they tried to escape, "Y-you're right… If… If we get discover where we are… I… I know what happens to anyone they find…"

However, she was soon interrupted when Jellal came over with a smile comforting Erza and everyone with his optimism, "It's all right, don't be afraid. We're going to achieve our freedom! Our own futures and dreams!! Let's go Erza!!"

Erza smiles at this and agrees but that happiness was soon gone as the guards have soon came to apprehend them as they were now cornered scared of what would happen now.

An ugly obese man with a whip soon came upon them as he expressed anger shown to them with no hint of mercy shown, "You thought you could get away so easily?!! You little brats!!!"

The five kids were now on the ground as the other guards now got them surrounded in a circle as one of them makes a point across the others, "You run off at a time when we need to get the R-System up and running as fast as possible!!"

However, one of the guards realize that they were pressed for time so they made a valid argument at that moment, "Wait a moment… we can't afford any delays right now. Normally we'd deal punishment to everyone but… this time one of you we'll just punish one of you."

Next a lean and thin man approached the group of kids with an arrogant expression shown on his face, "So who's the kid who came up with this escape plan? We'll only punish only that one. See how nice we can be? Heh heh heh heh…"

Soon the guard that was approaching them asked the question in an uncaring tone, "So, who is it? The ringleader!"

Sho who was crying silently in fear of being picked as Erza tried to say it was her was when Jellal announces himself as the one who devised the plan to escape hoping that they wouldn't pick his friends, "It was me!! I came up with the plan and led the others."

The cultist guard that was looking at Jellal didn't believe him but when he notices Erza he had a gut feeling it was her from the way she acted as he was now close to her face, "It was you, girl right?"

The shocked expression only confirmed his answer as the cultist guard ordered the others what to do next, "Take her away."

Jellal tried his best to protest that it was him and not Erza trying to protect her to the best of his abilities yelling at them seemingly almost no one heard his plea, "It was me!! I came up with the plan!!! It wasn't Erza!!!"

Erza trying to be brave as she was about to cry as they take her away says to them, "I-I'll… be fine… I'll be okay!"

Jellal not believing it since he saw her shaking in fear cried out her name as he tries to get to her but blocked by the cultists guard, "Erza!!"

Erza replies to Jellal with a smile as she was brave enough to give her friends as she was trembling in fear as she requotes from Jellal, "You said it yourself Jellal! There's nothing to be afraid of!"

Jellal tries to help Erza but the cultist guards block his path as his friends kept asking him to save Erza as she was being taken away.

The guard that approached them from earlier was now giving a cruel smirk as he says to them confident that no one was around to hear them, "No food for the rest of you for three days! It's better than facing punishment isn't it? Ah ha ha ha!!"

"If you begin with overconfidence and arrogance, you'll die."

As they were about to leave someone from the shadows have answered the kids calls for help as she leaps through the shadows decapitating the person that approached the kids earlier now died in a pool of his own blood shocking everyone presents in the first-floor room.

When the other cultist guards let go of Erza as she was seeing the person in question that came out of the shadows answered her friend cries of help.

The other cultist guards tried to attack the raven-haired girl with red eyes as her mere presence alone made all the guards stop.

Looking at the girl red eyes in question show nothing but eyes of a…


From the guards perspective they stopped in fear but that was at that moment that Akame was now behind them too fast for anyone to have seen her act as she says to them coldly, "If you can't find a reason to fight, then you shouldn't be fighting."

As soon as she finished her words the guards were soon all cut up with Murasame killing them with its special poison instantly stopping their hearts as curse marking appear on them.

As the guards were dying Erza viewing this was mesmerized by Akame skill and courage to do what was needed to be done.

It was like she views a whole new different world appeared before her now.

That kind of strength to do as she wishes to save people…

The strength to fight back with no remorse shown to her enemies…

Was fascinating to her…

Jellal who was cautious ask Akame a question in a cautious tone, "Thank you for the assistance lady but why are you here…"

Akame looks over to the group in front of her as she cuts off all their chains on them as she replies to them, "I'm Akame Parta me and the rest of our family came here to rescue the rest of the kids and prisoners in this tower back to the destroyed village that was once Rosemary Village correct?"

Hearing Akame reasoning they were finally relived that someone came to rescue them at this time as Erza finches at her time in the village but Akame soon asks Erza a question that surprised her, "Tell me your Erza right… are you the one that helped a little girl named Kagura Mikazuchi from being abducted like the rest of you correct?"

Erza nodded her head as she does remember protecting a young girl from the village from being captured from the Zeref Cultist but that was when Simon asks what happened to her sister, "Wait… is my little sister is still at the village?! Tell me is she safe?!!"

Akame looking over to Simon showed a surprised expression as she smiles and congratulates to him protecting his family as well as promise to meet her again as she puts her hand his head ruffling up his hair, "Your Simon yes? Your little sister Kagura mention about you guarding her from the Cultist invading your home. From someone with a family member you did an honorable thing protecting your sister from harm and don't worry you will get to meet her again soon."

Simon expresses tears of joy finally meeting his sister and getting ready to leave this place as Akame asks the kids another question as she smiles at them, "Ok then since you kids were slaves can you lead me to the direction of the others I bet the majority of you will like to be free and fight for your freedom right?"

Jellal catching to what Akame was planning suddenly nodded to the idea of getting the rest of the prisoners to fight.

With that idea in their minds Jellal leads Akame to the rest of the prisoners in the first floor to cause a massive slave riot as he asks Akame curiously, "Akame how did you made it here anyway? There must have been a lot of guards on the way did the rest of your family killed them to get here?"

Akame soon replies to Jellal and the rest of kids following them grabbing anything that could be used as a weapon, "Yes… but mostly Esdeath and my little sister Kurome are dealing with the main forces wiping them all out by themselves while I rescue every one of the prisoners to cause a slave revolt how do you think there is tremoring on the island."



Jellal feeling this could only gulp and says to Akame with some acknowledgment, "Ok I think I understand now where the tremoring was coming from now…"

Everyone nodded their heads as Erza was now standing close to Akame admiring her as her new ideal for her to follow.

Akame noticed that Erza was really admiring her sensing her emotions but pushed it aside for the time being busy helping the prisoner to fight for their freedom.

Erza then comments that they need to get Rob out of his cell to have a better chance to leave as Akame was interested to hear what Erza says, "Miss Akame we need to get Rob out of his cell and cuffs his a Wizard from Fariy Tail he can help us a lot with a wizard on our side!"

Akame nodded her head as getting a wizard in the slave revolt ranks would certainly be helpful.

When they reached to their old cells, they open the cell to reveal Rob.

Rob is a lean old man with pale skin. He has long white hair which goes midway down his back. Two strands of hair stand out from the rest and point outwards. His eyebrows are nearly as long as the hair on his head, reaching down past his chin.

He has a thick gray beard which extends down to his chest. He wears a pair of beige shorts with no shirt, so his black Fairy Tail mark located on his lower back is visible.

As Rob checks that the kids that Erza has been with are here with another unknown person Akame he soon asks the young lady the question, "Tell me young lass is this the part where you are freeing everyone to escape from this place?"

Akame replied to Rob question as she releases him from his magic sealing cuffs on him, "Yes I heard from Erza here that you were a wizard of Fariy Tail can you help us out escape and deal with the Cultists Guards and defend everyone here?"

Rob rubs his body as he begins to channel his specialty Fire Magic as flames of fire erupt from his hands as he smiles towards Akame, "If so, that is the case then count me in, its unforgiveable for what these people have done to these kids. Plus, I'll teach them the meaning of messing with a member from Fairy Tail so where do we begin young lass?"

With a smile on Akame face they soon begin to unlock the cells of everyone and soon arm them to fight when needed…

As for Kurome she was busy dealing with all the Cultist guards alone as Esdeath found a opponent that she needs to keep busy but soon enough Akame came to help Kurome with reinforcements at the ready.

Esdeath on the other hand was now at the second-floor room showing a large open space room as she keeps her eyes on a man trying to come down to the first floor.

The man in question has neat silver hair that reaches his shoulders, dark eyes and dark skin. He has unique markings on his face that take the shape of straight black lines and he is slightly taller and more muscular than most people.

Esdeath soon points her Extase scissor blade towards the man as the temperature in the room begins to turn cold as she says to him, "Tell me who exactly are you mister before I crush you like a bug."

The man laughs at Esdeath but readies his magic for combat against her as he grits his teeth in anger for what happen today, "Ha ha ha ha! Don't make me laugh woman because of your friends releasing the slaves the R-System won't be finished and Grimoire Hearts would want your heads when they figure you it was your people who destroyed their plans to revive Zeref. But since you are going to die anyway the name is Brain the last thing you will remember!"

With that another battle is happening on the second floor with two villains facing each other off…