
Ch. 59 Infiltration

( Yuto Pov )

* Splash *

" So how exactly are we going into Kirigakure when it's in isolation and don't want any visitors!!"

Right now me and Kakshi I were on a boat after talking to the spy at the dock about any info of Kirigakure. we headed out with a boat that they had on standby.

Kakashi:" We have to swim underneath the island into a cave system. From there, we infiltrate Kirigakure."

" How long do we need to hold our breath to find this cave system!!?"

* Splash*

Kakahi:" Maybe 5 minutes or a whole day."

" A whole day!?"

Kakashi:" It depends on luck." He spoke as he shrugged his shoulders.

* Splash *

Shiro:" Meow!!"

" I know!! I'm also soaking wet as well!!"

' Shisui should've told me it was this bad to get to Kirigakure!'

Kakashi:" And we shouldn't be a couple miles from Kirigakure. from here, we walk and dive underwater to the cave system."

" Alright."

reverse summoning Shiro to the cat holy land me and Kakashi. I started to walk toward Kirigakure for a few miles before stopping.

Kakashi:" Alright, here we should go underwater and find the cave system as fast as you can."

" Phew, okay."

Dropping into the water, I held my breath but was proven to be useless as I forgot about a skill I had.

[ Underwater Breathing activated ]

' Huh, I totally forgot about that.'

Swimming behind Kakashi, as we tried to look for the cave entrance. Using Space sense, I managed to find it.

Tapping Kakashis's shoulder, I pointed to the entrance, and he nodded as he followed me.

* Splash *

Getting out of the water, I summoned Shiro back.

* Poof *

Shiro:" Meow."

" Dose anyone know about these caves?"

Kakshi:" I don't know, but it seems abandoned or forgotten from what the other spies concluded."

" For now, I guess we have to risk it."

I'm taking out a glow stick that I got from thengacjs and broke the middle to activate it.

Kakashi:" Hmm? what that?"

He said as he pointed at the glow stick.

" A glow stick, something I made myself.""

I spoke as I gave Kakashi one as well. Breaking it, we both searched for the exit.

Kakashi:" I wonder, Yuto, how did you create your breathing styles."

" By breathing."

Kakashi:" Hmmm, I walked into that one, didn't I?"

" Of course you did."

Kakashi:" Fine, but what's you're most favorite technique, I heard you have more than one."

" Breath of massacre, moon, and sun."

Kakashi turned his head towards me.

Kakshi:" Really? have you tried teaching it to someone?"

" I tried, but they failed, remember."

Kakashi:" Ah right they're lungs couldn't handle it or something."

" Mhm, it means it is probably someone with a lot of vitality and durability."

Kakashi:" And you have these aspects?"

" Dunno, maybe I'm just built differently."

' We're from the same clan little shit.' Thought Kakashi as he followed Yuto.

" Oh, I found the exit, but it seems to be a manhole cover."

Kakashi:" Be careful it might lead us in the middle of the streets where We're easily visible."

Taking Shiro and holding him up, Kakashi moved the manhole cover a little and had Shiro peek out.

" What do you see, Shiro?"

Shiro:" Meow."

Pausing as I heard Shiro and slowly turned to Kakashi.

" He said we're surrounded."

Kakshi:" Ah, shit."

I took out a couple of bombs from my pouch and held them between my fingers. Kakashi gave me a questioning look.

" It's sleeping gas." Kakashi nodded as opening the manhole cover. I quickly threw them in the crowd. covering ourselves again, we waited for a while before opening it once more.

* Clank *

opening the manhole cover we both got out, seeing multiple bodies of shinobis on the ground, Kakashi and I looked at each other.

" You think we should return back."

Kakashi:" We've already made it this far. We might as well keep going."

" Mhm, should we leave them here or take some for questioning?"

Kakashi:" Leave them, we can't take any chances."

" Alright."

' I'm really getting tired of acting clueless.'

" Well, we should probably take one of these guys' appearances."

Kakashi:" Hmm, you're right, but we don't know anything of their personality or habits."

" There's always, genjutsu."

After saying that, I picked one of the shinobis that seemed like a higher ranked shinobi.

Kakashi:" Sigh, I guess it's the only way."

Kakashi did the same as he lifted his headband, revealing his sharigan.

Taking the head of the person I casted genjustu on them. With the combination of Yin and genjutsu, I was able to read their memories like the Yamanaka clan. Although not good as theirs but good enough.

Dropping the brain-dead shinobi who had saliva dripping from his mouth. I used transformation jutsu. And Kakshi did so as well with another shinobi. Before killing him off

Getting rid of the bodies with an inventory scroll. As the smoke cleared away, me and Kakshi lay down to play along.

A few minutes passed before everyone started to wake up. Their leader, I assumed, was the first to get up. And a few seconds after him, Kakashi and I got up as well.

The leader turned his head towards us and questioned us.

??:" You two!! did you see who came out and attacked us!!?"

" N..nn.noo, sir!" I was playing kei, a man who had a stuttering problem but was a great sensor that was valued by the leader.

Kakashi:" No, sir!!!" Kakashi played as Funaki, a serious person that oeys every order that's given to him.

Leader:" Shit!!! even with all that info that bastard gave us!!!! Everyone spread out. I need you to search every corner of this town. Break into every house if needed!!! Kei, You're with me, and Funaki, you're taking charge here."

" Y..yes, S..s..sir!"

Kakashi:" Yes, sir!"

I followed the leader as he commanded me to sense anyone who was hiding. And Kakashi was leading the others to house, breaking into them.

After a whole day of searching nothing, the leader gave the command to head back to base. It was nighttime, and Kakashi and I were able to learn more about their routine and able to fit in easily.

* Bam!*

Leader:" Those damn bastards!!!"

He slammed his fist on the table as he looked at the map. Me and Kakshi were here as well with some others as well.

??:"Sir, the informat is in custody here."

Leader:" Bring that bastard that told us there was going to be spies infiltrating. And find those spies as well!!! if they're h..."

* BOOOMMM!!!!*

before he could finish the whole building shook. With a loud explosion that happened outside, a shinobi ran into the room with a panicked expression.

???:"" Leader!!! the rebels are here!!"

Leader:" Fucking dammit!!! Why is everything going wrong now!!?"

Adter that he rushed outside with everyone following him and just before we stepped outside I looked at Kakashi and he looked at me as well.

We both understood that we should deal with the guy who sold us out.

With my stealth skill level being high and Kakashi's experience as an anbu we. oth easily slipped away.

Rushing towards the holding cells, we passed Emailer in the day, and we managed to find a familiar face, the guys that gave us the boat and the information of kirigakure.

??:" H..hey, what going on outside, d..did you find the spies yet, am I getting my money, hey answer me!!"

Me and Kakshi looked at each other and nodded. With great dexterity, I took out a kunai and slit his throat.

* Gurgling *

Trying to close the wound with his hands, he looked at us with shock and fear. His legs gave out, and he fell to the floor, choking in his own blood.

Kakashi:" We should leave now before we get more involved with the fight outside."

" Right."

Just as we both were about to leave through another exit, my sixth sense kicked in and instinctively dodged to the left, tackling Kakashi to the ground.

* BOOOMM!!!*

" You alright?"

Kakashi:" Yeah, thanks."

I got up through the smoke. Kakshi and I tried to book it but stopped as we saw multiple shinobis and rebels in front of us fighting.

In the battle, I found the leader. Ao, Terumi Mei, and an older man with red hair who I assumed to be Terumi Mei's father, who led the rebellion.

' It seems to be the terumi clan for now, Mei hasn't convinced the other clans to join yet.' I thought as I tried to find a way out before Ao could spot us.

Kakashi:" We need to leave now."

" Too late it seemed they already spotted us."

Kakshi:" Tsk."

Ao:" Clan leader, there's two more over there."

Terumi Musashi:" Deal with them." He spoke as he kept his attention on the leader.

Ao:" Yes, clan leader."

" Crap, cyclops is heading our way. I'll deal with him. Try not to get anyone in my way."

Kakashi:" Sure, sure."

Rushing forward with incredible speed, I had aimed for Ao's Byakugan since it could be a problem. Ao not having enough time to react couldn't dodge in time. Before my fingers could stab into his eye, I immediately pulled back.

Terumi Mei:" Lava release, corrosion style."

I back flipped to Kakashi and dodged an acidic mud that was released from Mei's mouth.

" Hey, didn't I tell you not to let anyone interrupt me."

Kakashi shrugged

Kakashi:" She was too fast."

" Bullshit."

Ao:" Lady Terumi, you should be careful, there not Kei, and Funaki."

Kakashi:" Hey, aren't you supposed to be stuttering?"

" Shut up." I rolled my eyes at his questioning.

Mei:" Then could you see if there chakra is familiar?"

" Shit!" Moving forward to stop Ao from using his byakugan, I threw a couple of kunais with explosive tags, and Kakashi moved as well.

Mei managed to block it with an earth wall and tried to slow both us down and quickly move past Mei to get to Ao. It was too late as he held his hand in a ram sign.

Ao:" Kakashi of the sharigan!!?"

Kakashi:" Tsk." Reteating back as I was too late, I blocked an attack from Mei with my forearm and kicked her towards Aoi.

Ao:" Lady Terumi!!?"

Mei:" I'm fine. Who's the sound one?"

Ao:" I do not know Lady Terumi. But his chakra his enormous."

" It's best you didn't know, some times ignorance is bliss."

Mei:" Well,you should say that without a disguise."

" I'm just too fast, that's all."

After speaking, I body flickered behind them.

Ao:" That jutsu!!?"

Kakshi attacked Ao as I kicked Mei in the stomach.

Mei:" Ugh!!"

* Tbud *

Dropping to the ground, I stepped on her throat before she could activate her jutsu. I coldly looked at her.

" Lava release, huh? I'm sure you have another kekkei Genkai up your sleave."

Mei had her eyes widened in shock. Releasing my foot, I dodged backward to dodge a kick to the face.

" Come on, show me what you got."

Kakashi:" Yuto, we're not here to play around."

" I'm just collecting information."

Kakashi had no choice but to agree since he has no info on Lava release.

Mei:" Cough, you're quite arrogant. Too bad I can't see your real face after melting it off."

Mei:" Lava style: corrosive release"

' Sigh, why do they always have to announce their attacks.'

' Fire Style: Great fire Annihilation'

It was a jutsu I managed to get from the gacha.

A white flame flew from my mouth as I covered everyone on the battlefield, except Kakashi. Mei, who stopped her jutsu, was shocked to see the flames overpower her and was about to consume her.

Ao:" Lady Terumi!!!"

Musashi:" MEI!!!!"

Ao and mei's father left their battles and went towards Mei, and others from the rebellion rushed to help. I knew they would be able to defend against it as I didn't push that much chakra into it.

" Let's go, this should be able to buy us some time."

Kakashi, who seemed to look at the huge white flame and toward me and nodded.

Before leaving, I dropped some explosive bombs to the kiri shinobi's that tried to use this time to escape.

* BOOOM!!!*

" Let's meet up with Shiro, I'm sure he's able to learn something about the rebellion."

Kakashi nodded as he followed me to where Shiro was.

Kakashi:" Where did you learn that techinque?"

Looking back at him, I saw he had a serious fave, knowing that it wasn't time for joking around. I answered.

" I created it myself when I went to train for my Sage mode. I had a few theories of jutsu, but so far, only that one worked."

[ Deception successful]

Kakashi:" I see. Did anyone tell you that you're a monster, I don't think I'll be able to create something that is destructive. "

' Destructive!!!?' As Kakshi spoke, I managed to get a new idea for a skill.

' I should wait for that later, though.'

" Anyone tell you that you're getting too old?"

Kakashi:" Ha funny." He spoke with a sarcastic tone.

* A few hours later,*

We got rid of our disguise as we both dressed as civilians in a nearby town. Well, Kakashi was wearing civilian clothes, but I was wearing my assasin creed robes and bracers with my sunglasses on.

Kakashi" I got to say what's with the white?"

" Because I look cool in them. Unlike that grey cloak that looks dirty."

Shiro:" Meow."

" See, Shiro agrees as well."

Kakashi:" So we're we going?"

" Finding a better informat."

Kakashi:" Seriously? a cat cafe?"

" Shut up and come on."

I said as I entered finding Ryu but no Shisui since he's afraid that Kakashi might recognize him.

Sitting down at a table, Kakashi looked around before facing me.

Kakashi:" So where's your informat? Don't tell it's this cay right here?"

Ryu:" Ahem, yes it me, I'm the informat."

Kakashi froze as he pointed at Ryu and rubbed his head with an embarrassed face, or what I could tell from his closed eyes.

Kakashi:" Sorry, sorry."

" Sigh, see, he's already profiling a cat, that pretty offensive, you know."

Kakashi slowly turned his head towards me and gave me the most deadpan face I've seen.

" Ahem, well Ryu, tell us about the Rebels."

Ryu:" Right, so the rebels are going against the Mizukage, there's word that the Mizukage is under a genjustu being controlled from the shadows..."

And like that, Ryu went on to speak as I had covered this cubicle with seals from anyone listening in. And with Kakashi questioning Ryu about the information.

Next chapter