
Multiverse Game Designer

A man named Aatrox died. But as you probably already thought he died because of a truck. And that even though the truck only wanted some love and kiss some one. Well he kissed someone but he did that just a bit too hard. Anyways. That is of course not the end of Aatrox he was brought to a white room where a screen opened in front of him... [Welcome to the Multiverse Game Designer System!] [Please program a game, that is good enough to play even in worlds where you need to kill to survive] „Ah, yes. Of course. I mean I would like to make a game really and it sounds like fun and all. But there is a tiny problem.... „ „I CAN’T PROGRAM!?!.....“ Did the system really chose the right person?

EvelynnTheGreat · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 17 - My first time testing out my new Magic?

After Aatrox looked at his new powers he decided to log out again and look for Naruto and the others. So he quit the game went ou tof hos CC and saw the Shinobis leaving. After seeing that he said from where he stood.

"Please come again!"

After hearing him everyone looked at him. Boruto answered and the others just nodded and then they all left.

"Of course we will. See you tomorrow."

After hearing what Boruto said Aatrox smiled. He then shook his head and said to no one particularly.

"Well looks like I am alone again."

[No, not really. I am still here]

"Oh yeah I almost forgot you. Anyways I guess I should get a bit more equipment in the game and maybe I should try my new magic."

After saying that Aatrox once again started to play his game. After he opened his eyes he found himself inside the room he booked inside the inn. After he, as always, inspekted his surroundings, stood up from the bed and went outside. He then left the village and went towards the third village as for the second? Well it doesn't exist anymore. Shortly after he left the village a Teethbit attacked him. Aatrox just dodged the first bite from it and then used his Gravity Magic (SSS) to press the rabbit to the ground.


The rabbit took damage as soon as it toched the ground with more than his feet and died instantly. This stunned Aatrox for a bit but not too much. So even though Aatrox wanted to test his magic more he couldn't do anything else but to wait for another rabbit to appear while he is walking. That is why he just continued to walk to the next village. Soon he encountered another Teethbit. This time, instead of pushig the rabbit to the ground, he made the rabbit fly upwards and once the feet of the rabbit didn't touch the ground anymore it took damage and died instantly.


But even though the rabbit died instantly Aatrox theoretically could still make it fly. That is why he wanted to try to fly himself. So he ready-ed himself and the used his gravity magic to make it so that there is no gravity from under himself but rather that there is a gravity centre above himself which would attract him so that he starts to fly to it. After he is in the air he uses his Wind Magic of the Wind Goddess (SSS) to control where he goes. After a few seconds of trying out he starts to fly towards the left side. But not for long as he crashed into a tree.


After that happened Aatrox decided to fly higher at first and then try to fly towards any direction. So he once again canceled the gravity around him and set a gravity centre above him. After he did that he started to fly upwords and he didn't stop until he was above all trees which was about 10 meters in hight. After he went that high he started to once again use his wind magic to control in which direction he flies. This time he didn't crash into anything as there were no trees in the way. Aatrox needed a bit if time to get used to the feeling of lying but after a bit of time he finally got used to it and now he has no problems with flying for a longer time. But eben though he could fly now he still went to the next village by foot as he still wants to test out his magic more. So after walking for a bit more another Teethbit finally appeared. This time he tries to send the rabbit flying back with his magic. It worked and as soon as the rabbit hit into the next tree a damage number appeared about it.


This number was way higher than the other ones and the only reason Aatrox could think of is that the enemy takes more damage when the ground or the thing that it crashed into is harder. Now Aatrox ony wants to try one more thing. That is why he still didn't start to fly and searched for another rabbit which he found after a bit. After he saw the next rabbit he tried to make it fly towards him. After that the rabbit flew towards him and he summoned a sword and slashed at the rabbit.


After Aatrox saw that gigantic number he was stunned. After thinking a bit about it he came to the conclusion that the damage from the sword was added to the damage from his magic which then resulted in the gigantic damage number. Aatrox decided that he should fly from now after he did his last experiment. That made him reach the next village in a few minutes. He then looked whether he had hidden all his weapons and magic and then went inside. After he looked around for a few minutes he saw that the village is almost identical with the first one. He could see that every thing was build out of wood and stone and this time it was build more out of wood than stone but that was probably because this time the followers of Ifrit weren't the one who 'owned' the village. The village also had one shop that sold potiones, one shop that sold amour, one shop that sold normal weapons that weren't gifts and an inn to sleep. But this time every piece of equipment that was sold was level three. While going towards the inn Aatrox thought of something that every game but his had.


So after thinking of that Aatrox decided that he will immediately quit the game and add some quests after he arrived at the inn and booked a room.


A/N: As always if you have any other kind of ideas which I should implement in later stages of the game just write a comment and I will most likely use it. Also if you want the 'ICI' to be connected to a special anime, manga or something similar you can just write a comment and I'll probably implement it at some time. I would also appreciate it if you could comment ideas for monsters, dungeons and equipments.