
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

HoshinoAIsimp · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


(Old Xen POV)

"Just call me Old Xen; I will send you away now, and remember, it will be in a random place and time. The thing you wish for and got from the gacha will be done and integrated into you the moment you arrive. Hehehe, goodbye, Child." And with that being said, I sent him away to his destination.

Hehehe, what an intriguing soul. He should be fine now. Well, scratch that a soul without fate can't connect with the word "fine" at all. Now that I'm thinking about it, why didn't that bitch as a goddess of fate, have that soul on her radar? I mean, even if it's a fateless one, it should still be a part of her job to monitor it, isn't it? Eh, whatever, she's always one of the laziest around.

Now, where am I again?

Oh right, I need to get the fuck out of here. Why do I still need to do this shit when I'm already old? I deserve retirement!!!




(3rd Person POV)

In a mysterious world filled with vast oceans, numerous islands, a variety of climates, and a peculiar continent, a soul descends on this world. It causes a phenomenon akin to shooting stars. Some of the inhabitants who see it start to pray, hoping their wishes will come true; some simply enjoy the beautiful yet rare scenery, and some just don't care at all.

The Grand Line

On an uninhabited island, a ship is docked, and loud noises that sound like music are going on near a bonfire.

"Huh...?" Someone looks up to see the shooting star. The man has a mustache on his face, a body build like a warrior, and holds a big glass full of wine in his hand.

"Hmm... what's wrong, Roger?" said a man with glasses while drinking his wine.

"Well... Rayleigh, I thought that I hear voices while staring at that star... Hmm, maybe it's just my hallucination or I'm just too drunk. Wahahaha," said the man called Roger.

"You are already drunk, Roger, but it is indeed a beautiful scenery up there," said Rayleigh while he also enjoys the view.

"Captain Roger, look, Buggy is wishing out loud, hoping to find a treasure," calls out a little child with red hair.

"Shut up, you idiot Shanks! Gyahahaha, now that I pray to that star, I will definitely find the treasure," said another child with a round red nose beside a red-haired child called Shanks.

"You better train harder if you want to find treasure in this sea, kid," said a big man while sharpening his axe.

"Wahahaha, you definitely will, Buggy, but Gabban is right you need to train more," while Roger agrees with a man called Gabban.

"Anyway, that's for later, but right now, let's start the banquet now. Wahahaha," said Roger happily.

"Huh... we don't have much wine anymore on our ship, Roger!" Rayleigh said while he's in panic about the wine.

"Huh? Relax, Rayleigh, we just need to loot from other pirates then. Because we, the Roger Pirates, are the freest in the sea. Wahahaha," said Roger while drinking his wine.

Red Continent

In the big room inside a magnificent castle, there's a lot of swords around it and a single high throne. A figure sitting on the throne opens its eye.

"Hmm...? What was it? Is it just my imagination...? Regardless of whatever it is, I need to sleep. It's not the time yet." And then it closes its eyes and continues to sleep.


But what others don't know is that the soul that descends into this world is not the cause of the shooting star. Rather, it is what descends with him, a black little thing that glows with a light that causes it, and even the soul doesn't know about it.

West Blue

On the island named Furiko, there's a small town with a poor environment. Many dilapidated buildings surround it, and people search for their valuable things or try to move out.

"Huh... What a disaster. Pirates coming to loot the town. Luckily, this old bone is not in the town when it happens," murmurs the old lady. She looks around at the town's condition after coming out of the forest.

"I just hope it'll get better pretty soon... Huh? What's that? It looks like a... Baby?" The old lady stops in her tracks and turns her way to the direction of the so-called baby.

"Oh my god... It is a baby. Who left a baby here? Whose baby is it? He doesn't even have clothes wrapping him. Oh, poor little thing," says the old lady while picking up and checking the little lad.

"Oh, thank goodness, he is alive. But it looks like he's sleeping; he doesn't even shiver from the cold. Weird. I can't let you stay here alone, but I also don't know what to do now." The old lady contemplates what she should do, unaware that she's already carrying him toward her house.

"Oh well, I'll just settle you here first, and later I'll ask others if they know you, little guy. If there is nothing, I think I'm gonna take you with me then. Hehe, I never have a grandchild before. I still have some years left to live..." The smiling old lady said.


A few years later

A boy with grayish white hair is seen standing in the corner of an alley with a blank expression on his face. He's watching other children playing with his purple eyes that sometimes glow in a weird way. He's a tall, healthy boy for someone of his age.

"Hey freak! What are you looking at!?" An average-looking kid, somehow short, even, shouts to the purple-eyed kid.

"He dares to come here? Courting death!!!" An ugly fatty prepares to rush to him.

"Wait, did you guys forget? He is a FREAK! No matter how much we beat him hard last time, he only has a red mark at most, and our hands even get bruised, bleed, and it hurt us. And his expression doesn't even change." Said a kid with bandages on his palm. They suddenly stop and remember why that purple-eyed kid is a freak.

"Humph! Let's go play somewhere else, and don't you follow us, you freak!" The short kid suggests to the others.

"Yes, you're right."

"Let's stay away from this freak."

"Damn him."

The purple-eyed kid only stares at them leaving. He's not even moving at all for a while, even his expression is still blank while all of the events are happening. Until someone calls him...

"Vanze, why are you standing here? Let's go home." Asks the old lady with his hand reaching out to the purple-eyed kid named Vanze.

"I'm done selling fruit, and some merchants bought all of it because they need supplies for their ship. Mari says she will stay with us at dinner; that's why we need to go home early, lad." Vanze listens to the old lady at what's happening today. He reaches out to her and holds hands while walking their way back home.

At dinner

"Grandma Niil, let me help you bring the foods." A girl with blonde hair said while still smiling at the old lady.

"Thank you, Mari you always have been helpful to us, hehe." Grandma Niil said. The old lady is already in her late 80s, but watching someone still want to help her makes her feel warm, especially when she sees her adopted grandchild setting the table.

"Are you done, Vanze? Sister Mari is bringing the food now." Vanze only nods in response. Mari just smiles and puts the plate on the table.

All three of them are sitting now while enjoying the dinner. Until...

"Grandma Niil, are you okay? I saw you coughing, and your face is pale when you are in the plaza. I'm worried about you." Suddenly, Mira asks out of concern for the old lady. Vanze slowly turns his head to see his grandma, but he still has a blank expression.

"I'm fine, Mira it's just age catching up with me hehe. You also don't need to worry, Vanze Grandma is fine. Nevertheless, didn't the orphanage need help tomorrow?" She reassures Vanze and Mira while also changing the topic.

"Yes, it's getting a little out of hand. We don't have a large staff to help with how much the children live in the orphanage." Mira said.

"Hmm... How about let Vanze help you there? It's also helping Vanze to socialize with kids his age. How about it?" The grandma offers a little solution to Mira.

"Ehm... Is it alright? Vanze needs to help you in the plaza tomorrow, right?" Mira asked.

"It's fine, it's better for him to help you in the orphanage rather than accompanying me to meet the merchant from today. He's a healthy and strong 6 years old boy after all, right, Vanze?" The old grandma smiles at her grandchild. Even Grandma Niil's eyes look like they're smiling, showing how proud she is of him.

Vanze only nods while grabbing the dirty plates and carrying them to the kitchen in Mira and Grandma Niil's eyes.

"Thank you, Grandma I really appreciate it. And I will make sure that Vanze is okay in the orphanage." Said Mira while trying to lower her voice.

"It's okay, I also want him to be happy and live a life to the fullest. He never cries since he was a baby; he never speaks; he never gets angry or shows a happy expression on his face, but I can sense his emotion. That's why I'm always worried about him." Said the grandma anxiously. She is proud and happy for him to be a strong and healthy child, but there is also a thing that makes her worried about him.

"Vanze is a good child; it is just other kids don't understand him, and some are afraid of him because he is different. But being different is not bad in my opinion. I'll help him, Grandma Niil; you don't need to worry." Mari said while showing a toothy smile to the old lady.

"Hehehe, I can go in peace then tomorrow. Thank you once again, Mira." Grandma Niil is watched Vanze warmly coming in from the kitchen.

The next day

In the orphanage, Vanze can be seen walking around carrying a bunch of big boxes in his small hand. Other kids just look at him speechlessly.

"Thank you so much, Vanze with your help, we can finish this at noon really fast." Mari looked at Vanze putting down the last box gratefully, and he just gives her a nod with his usual blank expression.

"Here, take this belly to buy you a drink later, okay? It's my treat." Mira gives a belly to Vanze while ruffling his hair.

"Grandma Niil must still be in the plaza be careful when you go there, Vanze. See you later." Vanze is coming out of the orphanage and starts walking to the plaza to find his grandma.

In the plaza

"Finally, with this, our supplies should be enough until the next island. Oh, and here's the payment, Old Niil." said a middle-aged man who is a merchant, giving a bag full of belly to the old lady.

"Thank you, Mr. Tim; it's a pleasure to be a business partner with you, hehe." said Grandma Niil while accepting the bag.

"Hahaha, of course. I heard you say that it is your grandson who helped you harvest the fruit? Isn't he only 6?" Mr. Tim asked confusedly of the old Niil.

"Hehehe, he is only 6, but he is very strong. Don't only look at his age you'll get tricked. Anyway, I need to meet my grandson now. Goodbye, Mr. Tim." Said the old lady with a proud face while parting with the merchant.

"Hahaha, see you later, Old Niil. Oh, next time let me see your grandson." Not far after they go their own way, someone follows the old lady.

The man following Grandma Niil is approaching her from behind and slowly taking out a dagger. And then suddenly...

Vanze arrived at the plaza and is looking for his grandma now. Because it's packed with a lot of people here, it's hard to search for his grandma. After a while, he finally found her only 5 meters away from him, but what he saw is definitely not something that would cross his mind at all.

He saw his grandma clutching her stomach with a hand full of blood. She started to sway and finally fell to her knees. People started to scream and run away from the area; the man that stabbed her is trying to take the bag full of belly and started running away from the scene.

Vanze, who's there when it happens, could only stare with his blank expression. But what he didn't realize is that he's already crying. He started to walk staggering toward his grandma while he saw her smiling at him before she closed her eyes.

At that moment, something broke out from deep within his mind. An aura that comes out from him makes people in the plaza at a radius of 20 meters start to faint, even the robber that killed his grandma. It only happened for a moment, and Vanze overwhelmed by everything also started to faint.

What he didn't know is that not only did he awaken that aura, but also something else...

A moment before he closed his eyes, he saw...



[System Activation...]

And he passed out.
