
Multiverse Core Hunter

Alex is given an option to reincarnate from the devil himself in return for him to travel across the multiverses to destroy their cores as a way to fix god's broken system. Accepting the offer, he wants to live the life he forsaken in the past to the fullest. But what is up with all these girls giving him yandere vibes.

Red_Noodles · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Love is strange

"So is this all you're going to need?" Shizuka asked as she looked at the hordes of shopping bags in her car.

"Well yeah, for now at least," Kise said as he checked everything off his shopping list, "You know that I just joined a new agency after I came back here, and my current agent wants me to be fashionable all the time so I don't lose my glow or whatever she was saying."

"You sure you wanna follow her advice? I mean that women looks suspicious as hell." Shizuka shook her head lighting a cigarette, "I mean, I get it that you're a model or whatnot but seriously if this goes on you'll go bankrupt before you even turn eighteen."

"I get that." Kise scratched his head, "But let's be optimistic, maybe I'll get an acting gig or something from this."

"You want to act?"

"I wouldn't mind it to say the least." Kise said, "Maybe I should be an author if nothing works out."

"You really took on my sister didn't you?" Shizuka shook her head, "Stubborn with way too many dreams."

"I guess." Kise shrugged as he threw a box towards Shizuka.

"What's this?"

"It's a figurine from that manga you've been reading, I thought you'll like it."

"Don't think, I'll begin spoiling you just because of this," Shizuka said strictly but her action said otherwise, as she practically tore the box open.

"I am fine as long as you let me drive."

"In your dreams kid." Shizuka said looking quite satisfied with her gift, "Let's go, I still have work to do."


Dropping him home, Shizuka left in a hurry murmuring about some weird group dates.

Laying down in his bed, he started thinking of ways to make his financial life better. With his looks, he for sure could try to be a full-time model or an actor, singing was an option too but he was too much of a tone-deaf from his own understanding.

Then were the options of writing books and so forth, it could be easier to plagiarise some of the books from his original world but it was easier said than done, after all, who in their right mind can remember every single event and dialogue that made the book great.

Currently, he wasn't really lacking money as his mom had left him quite the sum, along with a few shares in different companies back in the states. But with his reckless spending habits he was sure, that these things wouldn't last much longer.

Kise stared at the broken piece of what used to be his stool as he sighed heavily. Quickly getting up and down on the floor, he began doing pushups. 'I'll worry about money later but first I need to ensure my survival.'


Morning came and Shizuka dropped him at school, as they went their separate ways. She headed towards the teacher's office and Kise went towards his class. Before he could even enter his classroom, he was caught by Onizuka who locked his hands around him with a weird glare.

"What are you doing?"

"I saw you and Shizuka-sensei coming to school together." Onizuka said in a half whispering voice, "What's your relation with her? Don't tell me you've already got-"

"She's my aunt." Kise cut him off before he could continue any further.

"Oh! That's what I was thinking." Onizuka released Kise as he began laughing loudly, "No wonder you two look so alike. Hey-tell me, is Shizuka-sensei really single as the rumor says?"

"As far as I know, yes." Kise nodded, "But you should drop the idea, after all, two tigers can't live on the same mountain."

"C'mon you should be supporting me." Onizuka said with his nose flaring, "She's single and I am single, what more do we need? Don't you want to call someone uncle in this lifetime?"

"Not really." Kise said rolling his eyes, "Do whatever you want but don't say that I didn't warn you."

As they were talking Akane passed by them, she turned back and gave Kise a small smile before she quickly headed towards her friend.

"Don't tell me--you and Akane-chan--" Onizuka started muttering nonsense as Kise was just barely holding his will to punch him, "But do be aware of her."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Akane-chan is cute and all but-- call it a gut feeling but I think Akane-chan is a bit scarier than she looks." Onizuka gulped, "It's like that one woman in the rival gang. Sigh! But at least Akane-chan is cute so you have that going on for you."

"Hey, don't just force us together, I haven't even had a conversation with the girl." Kise started to feel weird too after what Onizuka spouted his nonsense, "And besides, it's not that I am in love with her or something."

"Love is a strange thing." Onizuka said shaking his head in pity as if Kise was already a dead man, "Look ahead in the future will you, you are the most popular boy in our school straight from the get-go and Akane-chan is the same too. And the way, Akane-chan just looked at you, even I know that it's meant to be and it's just long before you are--"

Kise gulped as he looked around, "Sensei what should I do?"

"There are only two choices, you see." Onizuka said with a serious expression, "One, you reject her advances in every way possible and you die a sad death for the price of ignoring her, Two, you both get in a relationship and she'll kill you after she finds you just talking with another girl."

"Wait--why do I die in both the scenario?" Kise said.

"I am just joking, don't take me so seriously. Also don't think much and just go with the flow that's what youth is all about." Onizuka patted his back and laughed but again turned completely serious as he whispered, "But seriously if anything seems suspicious, I'd hit the road if I were you."

Leaving him dumbfounded, Onizuka moved in the class as he quickly followed soon after.


"What happened to you?"

"Rakucchi! That bastard Onizuka filled my head with all this nonsense that I can't stop worrying about it." Kise sighed deeply as he had been overthinking this whole time, "I have so much to live for, I don't want to die."

"What are you talking about?" Raku shook his head not understanding him, "So you're coming with me today, right?"

"How many times do you want me to answer the same question?"

"Okay, okay, I was just asking because I have a surprise for you," Raku said with a mysterious laugh which just annoyed Kise further.

"I hope it's my favorite food or else..."

"It's called a surprise for a reason, you know." Raku said not being bothered by Kise's threats at all, "Let's head for the cafeteria, it's my treat today."

Kise nodded and stood up, following Raku. But just as he got out of his class he stumbled on to someone. "I am sorry." he hurriedly said, to his surprise the girl he crashed onto was quite beautiful and was staring at him with annoyance.

The girl didn't say anything as she just snorted and walked away.

"Do you know her?" Raku asked seeing Kise's face.

"I think so but I could be mistaken," Kise said trying to remember but he couldn't exactly pinpoint who, giving up he shook his head, "Let's go."