
Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire.

Contemplating the ruins of his once prosper Empire. Marek Vega, the New Emperor, with his new found Legendary Super Saiyan power, takes on the Project of a lifetime! Conquering everything under the Heavens!! Naruto World! DXD World!! Dragon Ball Z World!!! And finally The Strongest Primordial Realm(OG)!! Everything is a land to be taken over in his eyes!! Watch as he becomes the greatest Emperor to ever lived!!! There will be a Harem, but it won't be too much... The MC will be OP in the first arcs but as the story continues this will change. If you want more chapters... Up to 15 Chapters!! Please join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ThunderDawn And if you want to discuss the story please join my discord. https://discord.gg/NDDP4KCX2D

Thunder_Dawn · Anime & Comics
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262 Chs

Spectral Soul

The Soul was powerful, incredibly so…


'Even his soul is wounded…'

The Ki is a power that didn't seem to hold any kind of effect on souls…On the exception if it used by other souls.

But the Power of Destruction had the Power on everything. The People killed by the Power of Destruction only disappeared hopelessly.

So even Marek's soul was damaged.

But even then…She felt it…

'His Power is still levels above the Captains…'

After all…The Emperor power didn't only reside in his Physical Body…But on his Soul too.

His Eyes' Power are mainly composed of Yin Energy which comes more from Soul than body.

His Saiyan Soul could also use his Soul Ki. Although it is still severely weakened…And in the case of the Emperor where his power stems from his Biological capabilities…It is even more severe.

And Finally he had the abilities to use Nen and Reatsu.

'5 percent if I am wounded…10 Percent if I am in my top form…This is the amount of power my soul holds…'

'This Ratio is too weak…'

'This is intolerable. It seems I have been lenient in my training.'

The Emperor made up his mind:

'It's a little risky…But I doubt, they will notice. Maybe the Red Lotus…But what could he do?'

He spoke his mind:

"But let's make a little detour first."

Yoruichi turned around:


He spoke provocatively, in an attempt to rile her up:

"To the world where the greatest authority on soul powers reside."

Yoruichi narrowed her amber eyes, curiosity gradually filling it:


"…Those are some interesting words to say in front of Shinigami, you know?"

He smiled lightly:

"Oh~Is your pride hurt, little cat?"

A little frustration appeared on her eyes.

"But I am only saying the truth…"

He had a fascinated smile:

"Be it Urahara, be it Aizen, be it the Soul King or even Yhawch…In Knowledge and power…"

"Nobody comes close to Spectral Soul Immortal Venerable's Genius."

He had a rather lamented look as he stared at his wounded soul:

"If I was to be honest…"

"…He is the only soul…I would have to be warry off in this damaged state…"

The woman had her eyes brimming with utter shock.

Yoruichi repeated the name in her lips:

"Spectral Soul…"

"Who is he?"

The Emperor laughed lightly:

"Imagine someone as scheming as Aizen…

More Intelligent and Skilled than Urahara…

And with more Reatsu than Yamamoto…"

Yoruichi sighed…the shock in her eyes unhidden.

…The Multiverse was vast indeed. For such people to exist.

She smiled lightly to herself.

The First Proof of the Vastness to the Mutiverse, wasn't it standing in front of herself?

'…I don't have to imagine…'

'…An example is standing in front of me …'

Back to the present.

Hidden from the probes of the Venerables and hidden from the probes of Heaven's will.

Inside the for now still alive Hu Immortal…The Trio was casually exploring Dang Hun Mountain, profiting of the advantageous time flow inside.

Sadly…Feeding of foxes soul wouldn't produce near enough guts gu…For the Emperor to consume.

Yes…Even though the Emperor's Soul was powerful…

But it is powerful in the same way Soul Beasts are naturally more powerful than human souls.

His Soul Cultivation was still stuck on the one-man soul level.

He needed for it to grow…And the fastest and the most efficient way would still be Guts Gu…

Looking at the nearly absent Urahara, whose happiness seemed to turn into frustration. Yoruichi also had the same expression earlier, but gave up long ago.

She was fickle and easy to be bored by nature. So she didn't bother with things that eluded her so mysteriously.

Marek smiled wryly, as his conjunctures seemed to find confirmation:

'…As expected, this happened…'

A little happy to find Urahara eluded by new concepts, the Emperor spoke mildly:

"Dong Hun Mountain is a priceless treasure in the Gu World."

"So it's normal for it to hold deep secrets…"

He sighed:

"…But looking at it the normal way…"

"Or as a 'Scientist' and 'Researcher' "

"Wouldn't bring you any closer to understand it's inner working."

As the words of the Emperor reached him, he turned around, some helplessness in his eyes:

"…Umm..It really does seem like the case…"

"…Could you please Enlighten me, your Majesty…Why is that…?"

The Emperor smiled sneakily but in his mind he was snickering:

'By the first hour he already understood that he was having the wrong approach…'

'The two hours were just for show.'

'He isn't Aizen but he is quite the naughty guy too.'

He responded then dumbly;

"Oh…I seem to hold the answer in the tip of my tongue…"

He feigned a difficult face:

"…Oh…Dart! It eludes my mind…And I had it on the tip of my tongue, too…Sigh…"

Urahara laughed more dumbly:

"Is it, your majesty? How Could I help you with that?"

Marek laughed lightly:

"You know what? I always have a clearer mind after someone aids me in my work…"

"Maybe this could help me somehow~"

Urahara continued to laugh dumbly too:

"Hahahahah….Your Majesty is such a joker…You already got a hold of so many capable subordinates…"

"…How can I compare to them? Hahahaha"

The Emperor responded:

"How could the founder of the Shinigami Research and Development Insitute say that?"

"I am quite sure you could be of use to my cause…Hahahaha!"

Yoruichi looking at the both of them snorted:

"Both of you are such children, sigh…"

It was then that the both stopped stupidly laughing:

"Let's get to real business shall we…Urahaha-kun…"