
Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire.

Contemplating the ruins of his once prosper Empire. Marek Vega, the New Emperor, with his new found Legendary Super Saiyan power, takes on the Project of a lifetime! Conquering everything under the Heavens!! Naruto World! DXD World!! Dragon Ball Z World!!! And finally The Strongest Primordial Realm(OG)!! Everything is a land to be taken over in his eyes!! Watch as he becomes the greatest Emperor to ever lived!!! There will be a Harem, but it won't be too much... The MC will be OP in the first arcs but as the story continues this will change. If you want more chapters... Up to 15 Chapters!! Please join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ThunderDawn And if you want to discuss the story please join my discord. https://discord.gg/NDDP4KCX2D

Thunder_Dawn · Anime & Comics
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262 Chs

Organisation of the Empire.(Spoilers!!)

Name : Atleasian Empire.

Ruler: Marek Vega.(Legendary Super Saiyan)

Political Structure: Supreme Council.

President: Emperor Marek Vega.


Empress: Shahrazad Vega (Also known cousin of Marek Vega) (OG)

First Vizir/Head of the Britannia Noble Family: Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass) First Lady: C.C (Code Geass)

Second Vizir/Governor of the Ancient Empire Region(Akame Ga Kill): Euphemia Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Third Vizir/ Governor and Daimyo of the Water Country(Naruto World): Schneizel El Britannia (Code Geass)

Fourth Vizir/ Governor and Daimyo of the Wind Country(Naruto World): Cornelia Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Shadow of the Country/Head of the Zoldyck Noble Family: Silva Zoldyck.(Hunter X Hunter World)

Phantom member of the Council/Leader of the Assassin Order: Ezio (OG)

Minister of Military Affairs: Gakuki aka Military God.

Minister of Finance: To be revealed soon.

Intelligence and Assassination Structure: The Brotherhood/ Assassin Order.

Leader: Ezio.(OG) Acting Mentor: Zeno Zoldyck (Hunter X Hunter)

Vice Leader: Kalluto Zoldyck.(Hunter X Hunter) Vetoing Members: Bayek (OG) and Aya(OG)

The Greatest Assassin of the Order: Altair aka Eagle of the Empire.

Named ones: Includes all the cited above and:

Eivor. Kassandra. Killua Zoldyck.

Military Structure: The 4 Great Military Orders.

The First one:

The 10 Great Generals(Kingdom)

First General: Ren Pa.

Second General: Ouki.

Third General: Riboku.

Fourth General: Kyou.

Fifth General: Yotanwa.

Sixth General: Ousen.

Seventh General: Hakuki.

Eight General: Kanki.

Ninth general/Minister Of Military Affairs: GaKuKi

The Second One:

The Four Marshall System. The Pillars of the Empire.

First Marshall/ Red Hawk: ?????

Second Marshall/ Shinning Lion: ?????

Third Marshall/ Drunken Bear:?????

Fourth Marshall/ Berserk Ape:?????

The Third One.

The Imperial Knights Order.


The Fourth One : The Jannisary Army.


Magical Citadelle.

Great Mage of the Empire:??????

Magic Department Leaders:???????

Witchcraft Department Leaders: ?????

Alchemy Department Leaders:???????

Scientific Citadelle.

Head Scientist of the Empire: ?????

Biotechnologie department: ????

Logistic and Transportation department : ?????

Theoretical Knowledge and Conceptual studies: ????

Nobles Family of the Empire.

First Noble Family: El Britannia Family. (Political Influence)

Lelouch El Britannia(Head)

C.C (None Official Wife) Shirley(None Official Wife) Kallen Kozuki (None Official Wife)

Non Active Members(For Now): Nunnaly El Britannia. Clovis El Britannia.

Active Members: Euphemia El Britannia. Cornelia El Britannia. Schneizel El Britannia.

Second Noble Family: Zoldyck Family. (Intelligence Influence)

Silva Zoldyck (Head)

Kikyo Zoldyck(Wife)

Active Members: Silva Zoldyck. Kalluto Zoldyck. Killua Zoldyck. Illumi Zoldyck. Zeno Zoldyck.

Non Active Members(For Now): Maha Zoldyck. Kikyo Zoldyck. Milluki Zoldyck. Alluka Zoldyck.

Third Noble Family: Belphegor Family. (Lineage Influence)

Roygun Belphegor( Head and Empress)

Other Members:...

Fourth Noble Family: ???????( Military Influence)