
Multiverse: Connected through Darkness.

___________ =Warning= An AU multiverse story, I'm doing this for fun and I'm not sure what direction this story will take yet, I'm not a pro in the slightest,nor do i consider myself even a newbie, and well.. i am kinda lazy, this story is probably going towards a mostly games like universes with some anime and novels mixed into it. No need for reviews or whatever don't care as i am mostly putting my ideas into writing. __________ Synopsis: A common looking boy, whose only good quality as a musician was having a nice sounding singing voice, fell into a coma after saving his girlfriend from being hit by a truck.. He woke up being surrounded by darkness and met a character he thought was fictional.. Can the boy eventually find his way back home? *Sigh* "Darkness, it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.." ____________________ A multiverse story.. Nothing belongs to me besides my MC and my ideas.. English is my second language so mistakes are inevitable.. Enjoy.. or don't..

AstralRose · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

17. Kingdom of Corona. Part 1.


After Namine placed her new pictures into her album, they both walked towards the tower as Leo wanted to place their things safely inside.

"You know.. You should really take a bath now Leo.." Namine told Leo as they walked together.

"Yeah, i know.. But, we better finish setting everything up first, afterwards we can relax together at the riverside, if you'd like?" Leo answered, he suddenly realized that they had some swimsuits each they could use.

Namine looked slightly surprised, "Don't you want to start our training?" she asked.

Leo started laughing, "See, You're getting way ahead of yourself Namine!" Leo smiled at her, while she slightly frowned.

"No need to get all huffy, tell me.. How do you want to start your training? What do you need to start your training?" He asked, raising his eyebrow slightly at her with a smile.

Namine thought for a moment, but after thinking a while was still at a loss.

Leo didn't mind he just ruffled her hair a little, "It's alright Namine, that's what being partners is all about! What i first wish to accomplish before we start training together, is proper safety and good health.." Leo said making Namine look at him surprised.

"What's the point of getting stronger, if we both get sick, or maybe even injured.. Besides that, we also still need to think of a decent training schedule." He explained slightly better.

Namine flinched, as she now understood what he was going to do.

She looked towards him and nodded happily, "Yeah! You're right about that." She said, agreeing wholeheartedly now, with how Leo was thinking about the bigger picture.

She was already used to training together with Riku and Mickey lately, that these kinds of things are easier for her to overlook.

'Riku.. Mickey.. Next time we meet, i'll be much stronger, so you all better get stronger as well!' Namine thought as she suddenly felt a bit fired up.


After arriving at the Tower, Leo quickly helped Namine inside, he then also brought their stuff inside.

He let Namine change into her swimsuit inside, while Leo himself, took his swimming trunks and changed outside behind the Tower.


Leo, now wearing his red and black checkered trunks, sandals and sunglasses jumped into the lake next to the Tower, he was glad to see that the water was very fresh, though also a little bit cold. The sun felt incredibly nice today, so the cold water wasn't that bad however.

'Whew, this feels awesome!' Leo thought as he enjoyed the feeling of the fresh cold water.

Leo then quickly started rinsing the accumulated dirt off from his body, and just after he finished washing himself, he heard Namine call out for him from the Tower window.


Leo quickly ran up the tower and when he jumped inside, he was stunned looking at Namine, she looked really.. Really cute..

Namine is currently wearing a nice white two-piece bikini with frills.

Namine though is currently distracted.

She was grabbing their photo albums and cameras, she wanted to make alot of pictures, she didn't pay attention at first.

Namine eventually noticed Leo, then after turning towards him, she quickly walked over with a smile, but she got confused seeing him staring at her in silence.

"Leo..? What's wrong, why are you staring at me like that?" She asked as she walked closer towards him.

Leo woke up from his trance, he suddenly felt his face light up due to embarrassment.

Awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, "Ah, um, sorry about that, well.. I-I just t-thought you looked really c-cute.." He mumbled a little, but Namine could clearly hear him.

Namine was surprised, and then suddenly, she her face turned a bit red as well.

"O-Oh, um, t-thank you, Leo.." She stuttered while looking down and feeling shy.

'N-Nobody, has ever said i looked cute before, what should i do..' Namine thought as she inwardly didn't know what to do or say.

Things turned a bit awkward between them, and Leo felt that he should say something quickly, "Ah, let me carry those for you?" Leo offered as he carefully took their things from her hands.

Namine nodded appreciating his attempt, Leo suddenly bent down facing away from her.

"Why don't you hop onto my back and we'll head downstairs.. Ah, i might be feeling a bit cold as i just cleaned myself in the water outside." He said as he looked back with a smile.

Namine nodded, she quickly picked up the glasses from the table nearby, she slowly got on his back, Leo quickly jumped down, which made Namine gasp a little bit in surprise.

Leo laughed at her bewildered face, which made her giggle back, as the awkward moment didn't just happened.

They started getting ready at the edge off water not wanting their important items to get wet or dirty.

Namine and Leo then happily jumped into the water together.


For around an hour Leo and Namine had some fun together, and were now relaxing, Leo was taking a nap, he also made some pictures earlier, and had set them inside his own album.

Namine was currently drawing the scenery around them, enjoying the view.

They had made some nice pictures together and Leo told her about some training exercises which might help her.

Leo had already send a shadow clone inside the tower to start preparing for dinner.


Namine looked at Leo when she finished her drawing, 'Leo, he's so different from the others, i guess it must be because he came from a different world.. I would like to see it someday..' Namine thought with a smile.

She got up and started gathering their things, it was slowly getting a bit colder outside, so she woke up Leo.

Leo woke up feeling slightly groggy, eventually he carried her upstairs, they enjoyed a nice dinner together.

Leo mentioned that after her morning training, they'll go around exploring together with made Namine feel excited, 'If this place is this beautiful, how would the rest of the area look like'.

They then turned in for bed early, but not before making a picnic breakfast and talking some more enjoying the warmth of the fireplace.


To Be Continued..