
Chapter 6

|Lily - Harry's Potter Kanko Shikigami|

"That was great! I cannot wait for our next meeting!"

I can only smile at my child excitedly, telling me how his day is going as if I'm not there with him. However, I decided to let him continue to speak while I spread my spiritual energy around the house.

It looks like his aunt and uncle did not notice when Harry got teleported. They are also too busy with the bad luck I put them into to check on him.

Good. Let them be busy with their bad luck so they cannot raise their voice to my child.

"What do you think, Lily? Do you think Mr Jeremy will let me visit him again?"

"Of course, child! He is a kind man, he will let you visit him anytime you want!"

"B-But I don't want to be a burden."

I can only sigh. Harry needs some confidence in his life. He is too afraid to make his own decision. All of it because of that fat Oni. Even an Oni is not as ugly as him.

"You are not a burden, Harry. Of course, you need to tell him beforehand because it was a polite thing to do. However, I know that mister Jeremy is willing to take you around his world if you ask him."

"You think so?"

"I know so, Harry. Now get up. You still have a Daily Mission to finish, correct?"

"Oh, yeah!"

I shake my head as I see him cooking the food from the mysterious [Shop]. I don't know what kind of magic and spiritual technique he uses to make this, but I'm grateful for it. Because of Lord Jeremy, I can meet Harry, and Harry is happy because of him.

For that, I'm grateful.



"That is a lot of sneezing, son. You really need to take a rest and take care of your body. Now, you are sick because of overworking your body."

I have a feeling that it was not the case. It may be the case. I need to rest to make sure I'm okay.

"I guess you are right."

"Good. Your mother only thinks about your health, you know?"

"I know dad, I know."

"Anyway, how is your friend? What kind of job did she have?"

"Hmmm? She is an IT worker. She is the one called to maintain and repair hardware and software in the company that called her. There is an emergency happening in one of the companies that hire her and she needs to go there immediately."

"I see. That must be hard work."

"Yes and no. There are days where she will be called all day long but usually she can stay home and enjoy her life."

"Ah, I see. That is why Harry's parents are willing to let him be your friend."

"Yup. It was just a string of bad luck that she needed to ask me to take care of Harry for a few hours."

"Well, we don't mind taking care of him now and then. Your mother especially likes to feed him. The poor boy is confused when she shoves that food into his mouth."

Oh yeah. Harry is a cinnamon roll in our group. My mother likes him and wants to spoil him rotten, and the twins want to cuddle with him. Harry gives off an aura of a kicked puppy who wants a new home and my family gets lured by that aura.

"Yeah. I don't know what made her do that."

"Well, it was her instinct as a mother, Jeremy."

"I know dad. I know."

"What kind of household is he placed into? Doesn't his parents feed him? The poor boy is too thin!"

"Ah, sadly his parents are dead."


"Yeah. Harry's parents are dead and now he lives with his aunt and uncle. Sadly, they are not treating Harry with kindness. Sometimes he is only fed once a day and not let out of his room for the entire day."

"Then why does he still stay there?! Your friend needs to get him out of there."

"And she did. Sadly, it took a long time before he could stay in her place. Lucky for him he will stay with her until he can stand on his own."

"Good. That poor boy is all skeleton and no meat inside. Make sure to invite him often, okay?"

"Well, truthfully, I want to take him around the world, dad."


"Yeah. I want to ask Ana to come with me on my journey."

"Great! That's great! You do that."

"I will."

~The next day~

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and claim all the points from the Daily Mission and Daily Lottery. I managed to get more than five hundred points in a single day. Combine it with my five thousand points; I'm quite rich.

When I get back to my car, I open up my inventory and open up the gift pack from my previous mission.

|Congratulations! You get 20000 Bitcoin!|

|Your reward has been sent to your wallet.|

What is this?! The gift pack can be something as mundane as that, huh? Well, I get more money, I guess.

I shake my head and get back home. I need to make some preparations for my next mission. Onmyouji is a powerful magic-type class, but it can be more powerful with some preparation. Most of the spell and ritual Onmyouji cast need time for it to be done.

Their spell is usually already prepared by drawing divine words and symbols on a piece of paper. However, I need to chant to cast a more powerful spell, which takes some time to cast.

However, it can be skipped using a lot of Ofuda. By creating an Ofuda with the divine word on it, I can skip the chant and only use the Ofuda. In the past, this technique was considered a waste because of how expensive paper was. However, with paper being cheap in this era, I can skip the unnecessary chant.

When I get home, I quickly get to my bedroom and start cutting a stack of paper. One piece of paper from a book can make four Ofuda. I'm glad I got Onmyodo as my first magical technique because it was rather cheap.

Ink and paper are enough to make you a powerful Onmyoji.

~Five hours later~

I release a sigh and look at the thousand stacks of paper in front of me. I manage to make a thousand Ofuda with different divine words and symbols for many spells I can use for another mission.

Speaking of missions, I am still waiting for another mission to complete the level-up mission. I take out my phone and look at the rank mission.


|Rank Mission: Complete 2 Rank-2 World Mission and 32 Daily Mission|

{Reward: Group Chat Level Up and Unlock new function}


Yeah. I need to prepare. Lucky for me, the previous mission was rather easy because it involved something that Onmyouji was good at. I put all the Ofuda inside my inventory and released a sigh.

So, what do I do next? I already have a costume from Harry that I can use for quite a while. I also don't want to throw away what he gives to me. Maybe in the future, I will replace it with something better, but for now, I will hold it and wear it when we are on a mission.

Hmmm, I think I will take martial arts proficiency for now. While Onmyoudo gives me many options to protect myself from a close combat situation, having a close combat technique is better.

I open up the [Shop] and search for martial arts. There are a lot of martial arts in the shop. I decided to reduce the number by changing the filter to unarmed martial arts; there are still many.

I searched for a minute before encountering a good martial art for me.


|Bajiquan (Complete Memory)| |Rank: SR|

{Price: 5000 Points}


It was a bit pricey, but this technique is perfect for me. Bajiquan is a very close combat technique that releases an explosive strike to the opponent that gets close enough to me. This technique relies on a movement that damages the inside of the body instead of the outside.

It will break the bone inside my opponent if I strike it on their weak point.

This is perfect for me. I did not need to get close to my opponent because of my Onmyoudo, but my enemy would be in a world of pain when they got close to me. I press the purchase button, and suddenly my head is bombarded with knowledge.

The pain was so intense; it was even more painful than when I got Onmyoudou. I only last for a few seconds before darkness consumes me.

You can read more in my P@treon! in here!


Ryusenkacreators' thoughts