
Multiverse's Kill Lottery System

The main character wakes up in Arkham Asalum with a rather specific System. However, is he imprisoned there, or will he be able to leave this specific place for the insane thanks to the System.

Kriuswerus_Pl · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

And like the initial questions, they were more like interrogations. With subsequent questions, they became more empathetic and moral in nature. "What could these people feel?" "What about their families, what do they think?" However, due to the lack of any information about the past of his new body, even trying to guess. They ended with an increase in the dose of Volts in the machine. Krystian, despite the enormous pain, was literally being dragged by two doctors to his cell. He was unable to understand the purpose of this medical procedure. Do electric shocks actually help a person in any way. Is it more of a form of torture to destroy a person to the point where they either go crazy or become harmless.

And although for the moment, most of his nerves are burning with pain that is gradually subsiding. He didn't have the strength to think any further when an all-too-familiar voice reached his ears.

(Joker)-Hohoho...You were so loud...it was almost...funny...MR. GLASSES, I am asking for a larger dose of TREATMENT. For my favorite neighbor next time. Then it should be much more fun.

Even though Krystian was a fan of Joker's monologues in the past, it seemed so... interesting to him then. Now he didn't feel like listening to this clown. Although he asked for an increase in the dose of electricity because his screams were too quiet. Remembering that the Joker probably experienced the same thing on a regular basis is even sadistically funny. If not for the fact that it was Krystian who was sitting on a metal chair moments ago.

(Krystian)-Hehe...* spit blood*

When the two doctors placed him on the ground in a rather indelicate manner, Krystian, lying curled up on the ground, laughed to himself. When he thought about how funny this situation would be if it wasn't him who was experiencing such severe pain.

>The sound of your head hitting the bars.

When Krystian, still lying there, lifted his head with difficulty towards the side bars leading to the neighboring cell, he had a gentle smile on his face. In the bars, he saw the Joker pressing his forehead against the bars with considerable force. And he looked maniacally at Krystian lying on the ground and said with a really wide smile.

(Joker)-SAY. What's so funny, haven't you experienced pain recently?

Krystian spat out again a bit of blood that had accumulated in his mouth. And he replied with a slightly bigger smile on his face.

(Krystian)-It's your turn soon Mr. J . Sadistic justice is really funny if you think about it. Haahaha...

Krystian's laughter was very hoarse, you could hear the pain and difficulties associated with it. However, Krystian's sick mind, fueled by a slightly damaged brain, really created a crazy mixture that was to become chaotic in the following days.

(Joker)-....ha...hahahaHahaHaha....You have sense of humor. Haha...I think we should make friends, NEIGHBOR. Hahaa....

The guards patrolling the corridors were accustomed to the terrifying sounds. But now all he could hear was Joker's laughter. Even though they heard it really often. A shiver ran down their spines, as if something bad was about to happen.

The following days became mentally more difficult for the guards than ever before. We are, of course, talking about Arkham Asylum, the ward where serial killers are held. The goals are not sorted chronologically or alphabetically. However, the prisoners living in these cells had more than 100 confirmed victims. And there was not a single exceptional case in which someone innocent was detained.

Right in the middle was a special cell that had a record amount of renovations and modernizations. For a simple reason, because this cell was destroyed many times in order to release the prisoner living in it. None other than Batman's archenemy, Gotham's prince of crime, the jolly clown, the Joker. The number of victims of this psychopath and the gruesome crimes he committed are widely known to these guards. And just making eye contact with him triggered a sudden panic attack for the mentally weaker guards.

Over the years, guards have been replaced, fired and even killed during many escapes. The Joker liked to destroy the minds of the Guardians even through taunts, often possessing information that he theoretically should not have. But he did. And he used them to drive the guards crazy, often resulting in said super villain escaping.

However, for a week, not a single guard has been accosted by the jolly clown. However, this does not mean that the Arkham Guardians were calmer or could feel safer. NO. The Joker has had a new neighbor for a week. The cell to the right of the clown's cell was filled with new inmates a week ago. The guards didn't know much about him, after all, they don't have access to inmate files. However, from rumors heard from higher-ranking Arkham Asylum employees. The Joker's new neighbor was someone new. He was allegedly responsible for the murder of over a hundred people, although the circumstances were not fully known. However, from one of the newspapers they learned that apparently the new addition to Arkham had deliberately committed a massacre in a small town near Gotham.

However, it was not the fear of the inmate's past that made the guards fearful. NO. From the moment the new inmate received the "Treatment", the worst period for the guards began. Because something that many in Gotham could describe as their worst nightmare happened.

Which is worse than the Joker. Two Jokers!

This is how the guards saw it, as they were forced to listen to macabre, sadistic jokes. Full of black humor and content that is distasteful for a normal person.

The Joker and the new inmate weren't just joking. But they talked about many topics, often of a destructive nature. Like the subject of one of Bruce Wayne's factories. Producing plastic elements for the company's technological department. And it all started with my favorite place to smoke.

(Krystian)-Exactly... I always liked going to the lake near my family home. Oooo... it was divine there. Humid air, ducks you could hit with stones when your psyche was slightly weakening. Lovely place.

(Joker)-hoho...Hoho...The ducklings probably didn't swallow such hard bread very well.

(Krystian)-Exactly. But it's good that they didn't have teeth, thanks to which the "bread" went in smoothly. Hehehe...


(Krystian)-But unfortunately, the nearby factory started pouring waste into the lake. And although it was funny watching a duck eat some shit. It was the stench that completely destroyed the charm of this place.

(Joker)-If the information on your inmate board doesn't lie, this factory belongs to our favorite "philanthropist".

(Krystian)-Fucking Bruce Wayne.


(Krystian)-When I get out of here, Mr. J. I'm going to blow up this factory....but in a funny way....

This rom-com took place a few days ago and the introduction was quite calm. Yes, when Krystian started his macabre planning with the Joker's hints. Many of the guards became pale as a sheet, and some had shaking hands. Because some of the guards had friends who worked in Bruce Wayne's factories. And hearing about what two serial killers plan to do, including boiling the workers in warm plastic. This caused many employees to force their friends to change jobs.

Finally, you hear about how two maniacs plan to throw workers into a vat of liquid worker and pour said solution into a mold shaped like the Batman logo. It was truly something that a person knowing that these two were actually capable of doing was terrifying.

And the only moment when the Guardians are relatively calm. It is when one of the two is subjected to "Treatment". Although, based on recent events, the employees are beginning to think that this "Treatment" has exacerbated mental illnesses, instead of curing them.

After a week of being in Arkahm Asylum, even though he still didn't understand how he got here. He started to really like it, even the pain didn't seem as intense as before. And everything seemed so much happier. Krystian developed a pain tolerance to such an extent that he was able to joke instead of giving meaningless answers to the bespectacled doctor. Now, when asked, "What did his ex-friend feel when he pushed the phone down her throat?" He replied, laughing, "Really deep penetration." And the laughter of the Joker, who was ready to hear everything, only added to the funny mood prevailing in Arkham.

Krystian has made a friend who shares his sense of humor and can talk to him for hours. Theorize and even plan various actions. The Joker once even asked him how he would kill the Penguin spy who supposedly broke into one of the Joker's hideouts. Krystian's idea was quite simple: shove a live penguin up the spy's ass. So that the penguin's butt and feet would still stick out of the Spy's anus. And shove an explosive up the ass of said Penguin. And as he heard a few days later, the Joker's Men had actually implemented his idea. And Penguin somehow found out who came up with this easily readable message.

However, when Joker was taken for "treatment" today and Krystian was going to sleep anyway. He suddenly heard a cybernetic male voice, then a semi-transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes, and after seeing it. Krystian started laughing maniacally, at the top of his lungs.