

Can I have your Vote? 😅


Without hesitation, she dashed toward her daughters and hugged them tightly. As soon as she felt their warmth, confirming that they weren't just illusions to trick her fragile heart, the dam broke and she cried.

Alongside her, her children cried as their mother did, as they too are emotional at the moment.

Ozma however, didn't join them because he didn't want to ruin the heartwarming moment of his family by hugging them.

His relationship with his ex-wife is as bad as it could be at the moment.

It didn't take long for his subordinates and Salem's to see the situation, although they were still tense with each other, at the very least they stopped fighting with each other.

Although Tyrian was disappointed, even though he knows not to ruin a moment, he still has his survival instinct.

As for Watts- wait where's Watts? Oh, he died?

Oh well, no one cares about him anyway.

Ironwood as much as he wanted to shoot Salem right now, held his hands as doing that would earn the hate of the people here, he wasn't an idiot with suicidal thoughts, as he still wanted to live a long life.

Glynda felt conflict at the mother Grimm crying, based on what she knew from Ozpin, it was very unlikely for her to act fragile like this, but then again what she knew about Salem is from someone biased.

Qrow said nothing, as he remembers the conversation he had a month ago with Ozma in the shop and thought. 'Maybe, it's possible for her to be redeemed..'

Hazel, however, was glaring at Ozma with hate, if it were up to him, he would have already rushed toward him and beat the shit out of him.

But he didn't because if someone like Tyrian isn't causing trouble, then he certainly wouldn't, because it would make him less than that psychotic murderer scorpion faunus.

It took a few minutes for them to calm down, even so, Salem never let out of her children because she was afraid once she did, they would disappear from her grasp.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, her youngest Aurora said. "Are you okay now Mommy?"

Her dear youngest daughter looks at her with eyes filled with concern for her well-being, not hate, fear, or even amazement that she usually sees from the people who have met her.

Even an immortal like her melted at such gaze, there's no way she wouldn't cave in, she nuzzles her cheeks against her youngest. "Mommy is fine now baby…"

Her tone was filled with love and care, surprising not only her subordinates but also Ozma's, however, the man in question wasn't a bit surprised by this, as he knew how much his ex-wife loves their children.

Ozma decided to get her attention by coughing into his hand. "Ahem-, sorry to interrupt but I have something to confirm."

Although it did get Salem's attention, it also earned him a glare from her, making him flinch at the sight as old memories resurfaced. 'That familiar glare that she's giving me when I do something stupid or annoying.'

He can't help it, this body of his remembers how he would flinch at his wife's glare.

"What is it?" It was clear to everyone that she was annoyed by the sudden interruption.

"Do we continue this fight or…?" Ozma honestly didn't have the energy to continue, nor did his subordinates.

That question made Salem pause for a moment, before looking at her daughters, it didn't take her a long time to decide, as she shifted her gaze back to him. "No, it's enough I don't have any energy to spare fighting with this seemingly stupid war."

Hearing that removed the tenseness of the air, at least most of it. Ozma was probably the most relieved of all.

Then suddenly Hazel spoke. "Is this it? The end of the war? Don't fuck me! I still haven't killed this bastard!"

Hazel hatefully glared at Ozma, who felt guilty as he knew very well why Hazel hated him so much, he can't say that he doesn't deserve it.


Hazel was about to say 'fuck off' to the person who said that, but he realized it was his mistress, who was glaring at him with irritation, making him tense, he knew very well the consequences of making her angry.

He is afraid of her for a reason.

"Don't say such uncouth words in front of daughters, ever again got it?" Her red bloody eyes were promising pain and suffering if he disagreed with her statement.

With a gulp, he reluctantly nodded. "O-of course, mistress…but.." 

He clenched his fists hard that they bled. "I can't just forget what he did to my sister…in the first place I joined you so that I could get my revenge but if you can't give me that then…"

Salem became solemn, she knew very well what he was talking about, however, it doesn't matter if he did leave her, as right now she simply doesn't need him, as cold as it is, their relationship only extended that much.

She doesn't care about them at all, after all, she only wishes to exploit them for her goal, which is to kill all humanity and then herself.

But right now, that goal changed as she had someone to keep her sanity in check and that's her daughters.

However, before she could say anything, suddenly Ozma spoke. "Hazel, I know you hate me for what I did, and I won't justify what happened."

Hearing him speak made Hazel's blood boil, and countless veins appeared in his neck and forehead. "You, you think that's enough…?"

Ozma shook his head and replied. "No, of course not, but what if I tell you that I have a way to revive your sister?"

"...What?" That made Hazel's mind blank.

Salem only raised her brow at that, then shifted her gaze toward Ozma, then to her children.

And thought. 'Is he really going to tell us how he regained his original body or revive our- my daughters?'

That's very unlike him, but she certainly wouldn't stop him, because she would benefit from it.

"Yes, I'm not joking, how do you think I regained my original body and revived my children?" Salem noticed that he didn't mention the immortal killing scythe, but didn't say anything about it.

Although remembering about it made the wound from her right arm ache, it probably won't heal anytime soon.

"Oz, are you seriously going to tell them about it?" Qrow asked doubtfully at his boss.

Ozma nodded seriously. "Yes, it's not like I could hide it forever anyway, because maybe sooner or later, it would appear before them."

That answer made Qrow silent, as he can't refute that statement from his boss, after all the door randomly appears, whether it's tomorrow, next week, month, year, or even a decade it's just a matter of time, at least that's the case with Salem who is immortal.

After that Ozma stared at Hazel in the eyes and said. "Are you willing to give up something precious for the life of your sister?"

Without hesitation, he answered. "Even if it means exchanging my life for her to be alive, so be it."

(A/N: What a sis-con.)

"You don't need to get that far." Ozma was a bit speechless at the man's devotion toward his sister.

Then Ozma's eyes landed on Salem. "If you want to get rid of your immortality as I did, then you can follow me."

Mentioning that he got rid of his immortality, Salem's eyes widened in shock. "Y-you got rid of your curse?"

Ozma nodded at her seriously. "Yes, so do you want to get rid of yours?"

Hearing that there's a way to remove this accursed immortality, without hesitation she answered. "Yes, I'm better without this curse."

Ozma could sympathize with his ex-wife's words, after all, he did feel the same about his immortality.

It was painful to have such a thing.

"Well, then let's get going, Qrow and Glynda please take care of Beacon for a while," Ozma said with a smile.

However, instead of being happy Glynda instead glared at the man hatefully. "And what? Leave a mountain of paperwork for me to sign?!"

Looking at the state of Beacon, indeed there's going to be a lot of paperwork involved in repairing the damages.

Ozma started sweating a lot and quickly replied. "W-what nonsense are you spouting? I don't want to leave so that you could do the paperwork for me, certainly, I'd be grateful if you did-"

"Silence." Glynda snapped.

That made the man shut up, and it made Hazel feel amused at such a sight, to see Ozma suffering is one of the joys of his life after all, even though it got lessened significantly after knowing that there's a way to revive his long dead sister.

Although he still hates the man, and probably wouldn't forgive him in this life.

It took a while to convince Glynda, as it took few benefits to do so, life more holidays, more salary, better office..etc..etc…

Glynda could be demanding, which reminded Salem of herself before everything happened.

While wiping the sweat on his forehead. Ozma took out his golden I.D. from his pocket and after that a door of light appeared in front of them and he looked at the people that were going to follow him inside. "Now, shall we get inside?"

A/N: You didn't expect this ending right? XD Well, too bad this is the way I wanted it to end as this is less heartache and bloodshed.

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