
A Tyrant Affection

I could hear Gilgamesh sweet moaning, as I moved my hips and doggy style'd her, at this point I don't know how many times we did it, but I'd like to say it's several times, kind of lost count when I came 7 times.

This is my last shot, and I didn't hesitate to shoot my tartar sauce behind her back, and that's it. I was mentally and physically exhausted by this intercourse.

My ball sack is empty I'm sure of it, as I could barely feel anything, as it's very numb at the moment. If I didn't know any better I would have thought my dick disappeared from my body.

Like I can't feel, anyway maybe I should heal it with some magic-

My thoughts were cut off, as I heard Gilgamesh groaned beside me, she was naked as the day she was born, her clothes were littered around the bed.

But the most attractive thing about her is that her body is filled with my sauce. It's really weird, but I find it acceptable at least it's not some kind of weird kink.

Gilgamesh looked in my direction, her gaze was complicated, and I wasn't sure what she was thinking at that moment.

After that, she tried to stand up but failed because she could barely move her lower half, and to be honest it's my fault and awkwardly asked. "Do you need help?"

"No." Gilgamesh coldly responded.

Okay, geez what's with this cold response? I thought I made her feel good…I could never understand women.

She forced her legs to move, but couldn't as she's numb, frustrated as her inability to move. I can't take it anymore, I moved closer and helped her even if she doesn't want me to.

"Don't force yourself." I whispered to her.

She froze and began trembling. "Y-you…! Don't touch me! G-get away from my sight!"

I frowned at this unreasonable reaction and said. "What's with you? I'm just trying to help you."

"Help me? Help me?! You're the one who put me into this state!" Gilgamesh snapped with anger.

Yes, I'm aware but does she really need to get angry at me?

"I know, but what's with the anger?"

Gilgamesh forced herself to look at me and answered. "Y-you made me do things that I'm not proud of! You humiliated this king! You robbed me, my dignity!"

Oh, so that's what she's mad about, because I dominated her in sex, but still..

"Isn't it unreasonable for you to get mad at me? Let me remind you, that you could have refused anytime but you went along with it, look I didn't force you, not to mention I did ask for permission multiple times." I'm not the type to force someone if they aren't willing to participate, that's just low.

Hearing the logic of my words, she looked as if she sucked an entire lemon and looked away. "J-just stay away from me okay?"

Normally, I'd do what she says, but there's something clearly wrong about how she's acting and that's why I pressed and didn't get away and held her closer. "Why?"

Trembling, Gilgamesh looked at me with her beautiful ruby-like eyes, her face was red and said. "Because everytime I look at you, my chest feels weird."

Stunned in silence, I couldn't say anything for a while before thinking. 'There's no way…is it really possible?'

I looked at who was still red faced as she was staring at me, looking like a maiden…

But if that's the case, there's no way Gilgamesh would easily-

Ah, I realized something really simple, so far I've been comparing Gilgamesh who is in front of me, from her male counterpart and never really thinking that she's different.

And that clicked in my mind and made this impossible situation possible, because at the end of the day Gilgamesh who is born a female and her male counterpart, despite their similarities and history, they are in fact two different people.

So I shouldn't base her with the other one, because their similarities end with their heritage and life they lived.

They're basically two different people and it's just me thinking they're the same, but just their gender is different.

So basically…made her fall for me because I fucked her senseless..?

Wow, I know some people fall in love in such bizarre ways, but this is just weird.

"I-i see…" I wasn't sure what to say aside from that, then suddenly I noticed that she was getting a little bit closer to me, I could literally feel her breath on my neck.

I expected a lot of things to happen, but I never predicted this kind of outcome, where the King of Uruk fall for me.

We clean ourselves after that, however I don't know how to act in front of her right now, should I act the same or…

I could use this for my advantage…

Suddenly I slapped both of my cheeks together, and thought. 'Nope, I won't go that low.'

I can manipulate, trick or even scam someone, but taking advantage of their feelings is just low, that's no different from mind controlling them.

I looked at her, whose dress is significantly different from her previous ones, this one isn't as revealing as the other, in fact she looked truly like a proper royalty with this.

A white roman toga, with a golden necklace that has massive rubies in the center of it, and a golden bracelet from both of her arms with expensive looking stones surrounding the bracelet.

She kinda looks like an ancient greek goddess, although she's no greek, and only a half-blooded one.

Honestly I find her more attractive than this, but there's no doubt in my mind that her previous outfit is sexier.

"What's with the change of outfit?" I asked.

Gilgamesh raised a brow in my direction and answered. "Obviously, because a certain someone made a mess with my previous clothes."

I wasn't that thick skinned, so naturally I felt embarrassed.

Then she softly continues. "And I also wanted to try something different for a while.."

Awkwardly, I said. "We should go back to Salem's pocket dimension to announce that the gods are dead."

Gilgamesh nodded and made her signature smirk. "Let's."

I'm not sure why, but I felt relieved that she's back to her usual self, thus going back to the pocket dimension.

It didn't take a long time to find Salem and the rest of her family, they were a bit surprised by our arrival, not expecting us to be back so soon.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that both Gilgamesh fucked for hours, which by the way we did it above the Gods corpse we literally made love in their graves.

Realizing that I don't know what to feel honestly, anyway if we didn't have sex, we could have arrived earlier and there's no way I'd say that in front of them.

Even though we technically fucked in a public area, it's a private moment as there's no one there aside from the thousands of corpse I've burned.

Anyway, it's time for me to let them know. "The Brother Gods are dead, we successfully slayed them, remnant is now safe."

Hearing that wonderful news, Salem was overjoyed, naturally as she hated the gods for many years now. This news was the greatest news she had aside from knowing that her daughters are alive.

The gods are finally no more, now they can truly be free from their influence and no one would restrict humanity.

Besides her, was Ozma who was happy to hear the news, although I'm confused as to why he was limping…

Either way, I'll ask about it later but for now, I'll let them enjoy the moment.

It didn't take long for everyone to hear the news and naturally they were overjoyed by this wonderful news and suddenly started praising both of Gilgamesh and I for our achievement and some of them started kneeling and praying in our presence.

I get that they're grateful, but do they really have to kneel and pray? It's like they worship them or something.

Anyway, now that the gods are gone, there's no grimm, as technically the god of darkness made them, without its creator they can't function anymore.

But also that would mean, there's no aura, no dust and everything will be back to the medieval period of this keeps up.

Not to mention, the entire human population is no more than 20 thousand, including faunus, if they want to recover they better start breeding like rabbits.

Or just buy some mass revival in my shop, but I don't think they can afford it, too bad.

However, I'm feeling generous so I decided. "Salem, normally I'd be gone by now because I finished my job, but I feel mildly responsible for what happened to this world."

Since technically my interference caused a butterfly effect that caused an apocalyptic catastrophe.

To which Salem and her family looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"What I'm saying is that, I'm going to revive who was killed by the Brother Gods." Those words weren't meant to be heard by anyone aside from Salem and co.

But the people who gathered somehow heard and made my standing in their heart solidified.

And that very sentence made the most dominant religion in remnant, the Church Of Alexander.

A/N: And now we wait, he's going to become a faith based god, also Alexander technically means 'Defender Of Men' in Greek.

Happy 100 chapters everyone! After so long xD, let's hope we reach another milestone soon!

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


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