
Multiversal Selection 2 My Hero Academia Inazuma

this is the second book of the series i am writing. Its production was started a bit earlier the divine being has decided to add another universe to fast forward the building of his core universe. this time he has chosen My Hero Academia universe and a new person to be reborn in the universe. find out what happens to him when the god decides to gift him with a power similar to his name

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Red

Inazuma opened his eyes and started looking around. The last thing he remembered was the god that had saved him after his death wishing him luck. He looked around and he found out that he was surrounded by rubbles all around him and he seemed to have scratches and wounds all over him.

He looked up and saw that it was nighttime and there were sounds of ambulances and explosions around him.


He tried to get up and when he did, he felt like he had a little bit of problem balancing and that's when he figured out that the body he was in right now was actually that of a child's. he looked at his hands and found out that they were very small.


"looks like a four year old or something, whoa my voice sounds silly" he then began to look around his body and found out that it was filled with small scratches and wounds that did not seem like grave wounds.


He let out a sigh of relief but suddenly felt stinging pain on the side of his head. He touched that part and found out that his hair has hardened a bit there.


'must be dried up blood' he thought an then he began walking out side the rubbles where he had woken up

He can see that he was in the rubbles of a large building and it seems like there are a lot of people in uniforms running around trying to save people


' there must have been a villain attack and the building must have fallen on the kid killing him and I might have gotten in his body' he calculated on his head


The god had told that he will not get any other support other than his OP quirk that he will get at age 4. But the problem was he did not know about the accurate age he was in and the place he was in right now was very dangerous. He does not know whether the villain has been stopped and right now whether the police and fire force are looking for the injured or not.


He can hear the sirens but the place he is in right now was highly dangerous and it seemed like a lot of the building materials are waiting to fall.


He felt like he will be more safer if he stays here but he does not know what kind of damage his head has because of the injury and the blood has only clotted and dried, the wound itself might have problems that must be fixed.


So he decided to walk around and started to move towards the place where there was a lot of light.


As he walked he reached the place where a lot of people were running around


"hey look an injured kid" he suddenly heard a shout and the next thing he knew he was approached by a firefighter who began to check for injuries in him


"what's your name kid ?" the person asked while checking the injury on his head


He felt like telling his old name but suddenly a few bits of information came into his head


"I don't know" he replied, the information send to his brain was by the god and it had told him that his setting was to be a kid who had lost his memories in the accident.


Inazuma also felt like it is better for his life to start at a young age where he can walk rather than at the time where he was a baby and had to grow up at a really slow pace


"oh that's bad" the man suddenly had an expression of pity when he heard the answer but he quicky changed his expression into a reassuring one considering the situation


"don't worry kid we will keep you safe" the guy said while care fully rubbing the kids head and making sure not to touch the wounded part


He then gently picked up Inazuma and started moving towards the medics


As he was being carried to the tent Inazuma saw a lot of heroes fighting those who seemed to b a part of group. He also recognized Gran Torino who was fighting those people very quickly. There were a lot of heroes subduing those people who looked like they were part of mafia and there were also a group of heroes who were rescuing people who were caught in the middle


Inazuma was then brought to a medic and was being checked up for extensive effects caused by injuries and while the medic was treating him he looked towards what Gran Torino was doing


At that time Gran Torino was kicking the face of one of the mafia members.

"Damn it I am too old for this younger bullshit" Gran Torino sighed


[Gran Torino-quirk-jet-allows him to unleash high pressure air from the soles of his feet]


As Gran Torino beat the guy down a few rookie heroes came and tied him up. Torino looked around and found out that almost all the people who were causing trouble was captured and the rescue operations were being taken care of right now


Just as he was about to go somewhere he suddenly saw a piece of building falling straight to the ground towards a crying little girl. Seeing the emergency, he tried to use his quirk, but he suddenly fell down. He quickly looked back and found that the holes in his feet were closed by tar


The last villain he fought had the ability to heat things on contact, that guy must have melted the tar on the road when he was knocked down. Gran Torino looked at the Rock falling at the girl with the feeling of helplessness but suddenly he saw a flash of lightning and the rock fell down with no sign of the girl being under it


He was surprised

He looked around and saw the girl a bit farther from there with a boy standing in front of her with electric sparks all around him


A few seconds ago


As Inazuma was looking at Gran Torino, he saw that Gran Torino tried to run and suddenly fell down. Seeing this he looked at where Gran Torino was trying to Jump to and found out a little girl in a dangerous situation


'no' he thought in his mind


Suddenly he felt a warmth travelling from the centre of his chest to his entire body and he saw everything slow down


'my quirk activated' he thought


He then suddenly started moving towards the girl. He knew the downsides of the speedforce, he was young so he will not be fast enough for a long time and the calorie required by the speedforce is too much for a child's body. So he knew he only got a few seconds.


He moved towards the girl and slightly pushed her away from the falling rock along with himself and since he was moving at a speed where even time slowed down he did not had to use too much strength for it


After reaching at a safe distance he stopped and time started to move at the same pace for him. The rock that was falling fell down away from him and the girl.


Inazuma looked at himself and saw lightning the colour of blood red. He remembered seeing the colour of lightning of reverse flash but his seemed more darker in red


"who are you"


Inazuma heard a voice and he looked down and saw the girl he had saved asking him a question.


"its Inazuma-"


And that was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out again for the second time.


A/N- hope you like it and 100 powerstones get one chapter of Jason