
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Speedrun 37

"Look at you!" My voice thundered through our temporary apartment. "What order did I give you!?" I berated the crispy little nightmare, unwilling to make eye contact. "Did I tell you to fight the old guy?"

"Shaa..." Fluffy reluctantly answered.

"No, no I did not," I nodded. "How the hell did a simple assassination mission get so out of hand? Half of the afterlife was destroyed…"

"Sha-ha ha..." She tried to excuse herself, weaving a tall tale, but a single thing made me interrupt her.

"Wait, what do you mean 'guys' with glasses?" I asked in confusion, tilting my head to the side.

"Shaa!" I watched her with a deadpan expression, my eyes twitching.

"No, I did not" I shook my head. "I said GUY with glasses, not GUYS with glasses," I exclaimed before facepalming and restoring her charred body back to tip-top shape. "I even teleported you right to his doorstep!"

"Shaa..." She countered, looking away.

"Don't give me that attitude!" I said, squinting my eyes at her, which made her look down and nudge my leg with her head. I shook my head and sighed. "Whatever... You're lucky you're cute," I added before patting her head. "But next time, listen more carefully."

"Shaa!" She replied with a nod, a bright smile spreading across her reptilian face, while her wings vibrated with excitement.

"Now fuck off. Go play with Mai or Aly for a bit," I said, shooing her away. "I've got stuff to do."

"Shaa!" She exclaimed, bolting out of the room in excitement.

The next thing I heard was a loud crash, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering as well as shouts of, "No! Fluffy! NO!" coming from the adjacent bedroom. Fluffs had broken through the door of Aly's room and dragged her out of the room by her feet.

"Mai, why isn't soundproofing part of this room template?" I asked aloud, making the universal spirit adjust my current room setup and cut off all external sounds, finally giving me some peace and quiet.

"Thanks, sweetheart," I expressed with a genuine smile, sinking into the plush armchair.

"How's the void mapping proceeding?" I inquired aloud, and in an instant, a four-dimensional map of Mai's surroundings materialized before me.

"I have documented three hundred million worlds in our immediate surroundings," she reported, and I could hear her take a deep breath. "But, to be honest, Master, it's quite laborious work."

"Well, we're working with infinity, no one said it's going to be an easy task." I said with a chuckle, "But maybe I should create an entity solely responsible for this task. My own Silver Surfer, so to say," I mused aloud, and appreciation flowed through my connection with Mai.

"Please do. Even with split focus, I can't continue documenting billions of years' worth of data, while also keeping this reality stable and defended."

"Alright," I nodded in agreement. "With my plans for the next world, I'll have enough downtime to work on it. Also, speaking of defending, did you need to use any of your defensive measures?"

"Since you gave me the marble, and my energy expenditure increased a hundredfold, almost constantly," she commented, making me raise an eyebrow. "There was nothing dangerous that noticed us, but by my estimate, it's only a matter of time."

"Huh, so are they drawn here by the mana concentration of the realm?" I mused aloud, already planning on testing this theory. "Anyway, we'll implement some kind of energy concealment for you in the near future, but for now notify me if anything dangerous comes even remotely close to you, and I'll take care of it" I promised. Although, I knew creating a concealment spell that could hide an entire universe wasn't going to be a walk in the park, especially if said universe's energy production was equal to thousands of others.

"Understood, Master."

As our conversation descended into a momentary lull, I immersed myself in my thoughts.

Ignoring the fact that Fluffy had destroyed half of Soul Society, she had completed the Aizen quest practically the moment I transported her to the 'Afterlife'. The completion of the quest granted us a good five hundred World Points, bringing us up to a total of 2,032.

Although I didn't explicitly convey it to her, she quickly grasped that her physical abilities were ineffective against spirits. This necessitated the use of magical means, in addition to her venom. Fortunately, her venom had received a slight boost the day before, coinciding with the adjustments I made to her inner biology and muscles to accommodate her newly acquired wings.

There were several options to enhance the potency of her venom, and the most efficient choice was to imbue it with the soul-erosion property, similar to the Basilisks from the Harry Potter world. Combined with Fluffy's poison and venom skills, as well as the efficiency of her venom glands, the strength of the newly created venom surprised even me.

Witnessing the aftermath of Fluffy's visit to Soul Society, I could only conclude that the magically enhanced Corrosive Breath was remarkably effective in dealing with adversaries wearing glasses.

I brought my palm to my head and sighed once again. "Next time, I really need to provide more details when I send her on a solo mission."

Without delving into their future, which I deemed unnecessary, I couldn't comprehend how much the demise of the two main antagonists had altered the paths of the main cast. Frankly, I didn't really care; it was all up to them now.

On another note, my pet project... I mean... secretary training was going well. Aly had awakened from her spiritual deficiency about half an hour ago, and before Fluffy dragged her out of her room, was fully engrossed in the newly updated Akashic Records book. Yes, I siphoned the knowledge of Kido from the Bleach universe, in the same exact way I did with the magic from the Fairy Tail world, and to be honest, my findings were quite disheartening. There had been minimal progress in the advancement of Kido, their form of magic, over the last millennia, and this trend extended far into the future.

While the array of spells showcased a few intriguing options, primarily centered around sealing and enchantments, they lacked substance or practical utility. Nonetheless, the redeeming quality of this magic system lay in the fact that each spell exerted an influence on souls.

Anyway, having gathered all the knowledge I could from that realm, I then moved on to Mai's realm while waiting for Fluffy to finish—leading to the point where I was scolding the nearly-cooked-alive little monster just a moment ago.

Speaking of Mai, the Reality Marble in her hands allowed her to exhibit the strength of a tier 7 entity, but only within her realm. She could literally shape this reality according to her whims, significantly expediting my plans.

Having manipulated her own universal constants, she initiated the organic expansion of this reality. This involved bestowing the vacuum of space with a positive energy coefficient, applying pressure to space, and compelling it to expand naturally.

While there was an initial energy input and minor upkeep, Mai's realm was now expanding at a fraction of the speed of light while simultaneously maintaining its size within the void.

Utilizing concept magic woven into her being, she methodically began populating the vast emptiness of her realm. Solar systems, and planets teeming with plants, animals, and insects gradually emerged.

Following my directives, at least for the time being, she refrained from creating any sentient beings, as the initial creations would serve as the source of our divinity.

My plans involved establishing multiple civilizations overseen by Sentient Magical Artificial Intelligence. The primary goal was to test whether the belief of billions could independently create a divine domain for me, and subsequently the others.

With the overseers observing the worlds, I wasn't intending to play a passive role. Sinners would be punished, and believers rewarded. The potential issue lay in the religious fanaticism that might emerge in some worlds. Nonetheless, watching mortals strive and conquer worlds in my name seemed like a promising pastime for the future.

My intention was to play various roles across numerous worlds—God of Creation in some, God of Destruction in others, and God of Magic in yet others. If my theory about how some gods were created held true, the combined belief of these sentient entities would solidify into additional divine domains, essentially acquired for free.

However, the plan wasn't ready to be set into motion. I required genetic samples from Mutants and Inhumans, hoping to find the ability that would elevate me to another tier. Sadly, the sought-after ability wasn't achievable with the Meta-Human DNA from My Hero Academia. Despite some possessing reality-altering abilities, none of them, even in combination, could fulfill my needs.

Hence, I planned to do a crossbreeding experiment on one of the worlds. Introducing three different types of humans, I will allow millions of years to pass with accelerated time. If the idea works, their DNA will seamlessly combine, creating a race of humans ranging from tier 4 to tier 5 at birth, with immense potential to ascend to higher tiers.

I wasn't concerned about rebellion; Overseers' role will extend beyond observation and punishment to the suppression and harvest of those genes and abilities.

While it may sound cruel, morality held no sway over me. My creations will be like an orchard, and their fruits were destined to be harvested to satiate my hunger.

"Master Olivia requests entrance," Mai's voice snapped me out of my contemplation, materializing beside me.

I shot a puzzled glance at her maid-outfit-clad figure. "So? Let her in."

"Would you like me to relocate your blonde Mistress, preventing their meeting?" Mai asked, wearing a knowing smile, and making me chuckle.

"Thanks for having my back, but no need. Olivia knows about her, and Aly is not my mistress but a simple secretary," I said with a smile, genuinely intrigued by what would unfold when they met, and curious about Olivia's reaction to encountering the mighty Fluffers.

"If you say so," Mai replied after a moment of silence, and I sensed a warp in space-time not far away, signaling the arrival of three entities in Mai's domain.

Expanding Relativity to encompass only the room I was in, I accelerated my own time, causing Mai's avatar to blink out of existence.

"But before I allow them to meet, I need to finish that staff..." I muttered to myself, retrieving my Reality Marble from my pocket.

Recently, the frequent warping and experiencing time from multiple perspectives had drastically reduced my remaining time within the Library. From my perspective, four years had passed, though technically I had only been here for about a year.

Not that the time limit mattered anymore. With my plans to move Earth into Mai's domain, even if it angered a few high-tier entities, there was no real danger to that world.

I was certain others had employed similar tactics, creating sentient realms that were also temporal singularities and moving their host planets into them, mainly for sentimental reasons.

Now that I thought about it, I could even turn the blue marble into an ornament and keep it around my neck.

There weren't many things I wanted or needed from my birth world. I simply desired to return, extract the souls of my parents and grandparents from whatever or whoever governed death in my reality, and, if my family wished to, give them a second, happier chance at life. If not, I would reincarnate them in a world of my making and alter their fates for a peaceful and happy life—something any filial son or grandson with reality-altering powers would do.

"Yep, that's a good enough plan," I chuckled at my childish idea and refocused my attention on the present.

With my palms turned upward, I delved into the crafting process needed to shape a Zanpakto. This method was effortlessly extracted from the previous world, but I didn't adhere to it strictly.

I didn't need a sword; instead, I required a staff capable of holding the Reality Marble, channeling its power with ease, and providing close combat potential. A spear seemed the ideal choice, doubling as a staff with the marble securely positioned at its end.

Projecting Existence outward, I conjured a soul closely mirroring mine. Clenching my teeth, I grabbed a part of my own soul and with little effort, tore it out. Though my regeneration skills promptly restored the missing part, the pain lingered momentarily.

I disliked pain, especially this excruciating, soul-shaking variety, but it was a necessary step, as it would create a stable connection between the marble, the staff-spear, and myself.

As the throbbing pain subsided, I took a deep breath and compelled the soul piece and the summoned soul to merge. Though the amalgamation was momentarily unstable, it couldn't disperse. Held in place solely by my will, it absorbed copious amounts of spiritual energy, gradually shaping and compacting.

The soul elongated swiftly, forming an inch-wide cylinder adorned with intricate patterns and ridges for a better grip. Its tip widened and elongated into the shape of a flat five-by-ten-inch spearhead, glinting with a dangerous sheen.

The reality marble floated towards the other side, nearly touching its end. Two feelers sprouted from the spear's end, wrapping themselves intimately around the marble. Countless magical circles sprung to life, permeating both the staff and the marble, connecting and binding the spiritual and material realms into something transcendent.

With a pulse of energy that would have decimated the entire realm if not consumed, converted, and redirected back into the spear-staff, marked the birth of my soul weapon.

A grin spread across my cheeks as the system notification appeared before me.

[Skill: [Hanmugen] unlocked.]

I wasn't granted the privilege of naming it; the spear-staff, or rather the spirit dwelling within it, named itself. Still, I couldn't help but appreciate the name it chose: "Semi-Infinite." A chuckle escaped me as I found its sense of humor amusing.

Extending my hand, I gripped the spear, feeling it vibrate with excitement. "Well, buddy, it's quite a fitting name," I remarked, lightly swinging the spear. It effortlessly severed both time and space, the marble on the other end shining brightly, saturating the weapon and me with energies on another level.

[Tier of your being has increased to 8.]

This time, there was no grand proclamation of shattered chains or broken shackles. It appeared that moving forward, my ascent required only power, and power was precisely what I acquired.

My grin widened, bordering on manic. I was eager to test it out.

Only a few individuals crossed my mind who might withstand a single thrust from it.

"Should I visit Anos or Saitama?" I pondered aloud but shook my head. There was a fiery brunette with daggers in her hands, about to encounter a scantily clad blondie, and I needed to be there to resolve the situation.

With a wry smile on my face, I deactivated Relativity and dismissed the soundproofing, allowing a bellowing "Andy, I'm home!" to echo from the entrance, followed by a startled "What the hell is that creature!" and a distressed "SKY NO!"

"I should hurry..." I muttered to myself, rising and rushing out of the room.