
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Speedrun 16

(The Gamer – Olivia POV)

I was certain that Andy had no idea what I was truly doing, nor the potential danger I placed myself in. I had employed the Temporal System to set my entry point into the world of 'The Gamer' well after the original storyline had concluded. I entered a world where a single, undisputed ruler held sway.

Originally, this world was only at Tier 3, relatively safe and lacking any significant threats to my well-being. However, by entering fifty years after the series had concluded, the world had skyrocketed to Tier 7, thanks to the continuous advancements the main character has made.

This served as a testament to the incredible power of his system.

Almost every quest in this world had already been marked as failed, completed by the inhabitants of this world themselves. However, there was one quest that remained, one intricately tied to the world's impending doom.

[Escape the Darkness | Description: N/A. | Reward: 1,000,000 WP]

It was a peculiar quest with a cryptic name, no description or specific task, offering a handsome reward that could ensure our comfort for quite a bit of time. Even during the entry, the description explaining the world's demise was enigmatic:

"As the shroud of darkness descends, life's final breath shall dissipate."

Yet, I wasn't foolish. I recognized that if the system was willing to offer such a substantial reward, there had to be a reason why this quest was nearly impossible to complete, even with a Tier 7 character like Han Jihan.

The moment I stepped into this realm, into the domain of someone else, I was instantly detected. A thick layer of divinity enveloped me, saturating the environment, and causing my breathing to become laborious.

Serena was on the verge of pulling the plug and seeking assistance, when the image of Jihan, this world's main character, materialized out of a cloud of divinity.

Even after fifty years, he appeared the same, his physical form unaltered. Jihan looked like a young man in his late teens with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a bulkier physique. He wore casual attire, blue denim jeans, a white t-shirt, and worn-out white sports sneakers. However, his eyes spoke of countless battles, wisdom, and loss.

"You have no future or past, yet you influence the now and the then. Tell me, Miss Lane, what are you?" His words made my mind come to a halt, and my eyes widened in astonishment – he knew my name.

My skin tingled, and I couldn't help but release a nervous laugh. "A traveler?" I replied hesitantly, hoping he would accept the answer, while I felt Serena gather astonishing amounts of energy within herself.

"That you are," he nodded with a chuckle, seemingly satisfied. "Tell me, traveler, why have you come?"

"To seek guidance from you," I answered respectfully. "I've come to learn, with the hope of improving myself and being of assistance to the one I love," I explained with determination.

"I can understand that," he replied, and for a moment his eyes went white, before returning to their original coloration. He sighed then looked at Serena before nodding, "That's a dangerous little bauble you have there. Very well, come to the tower in the center of the city. I will teach you, but it won't be free. I require payment of equal value and your help in the not-so-distant future."

"Help?" I repeated, puzzled.

"You should already be aware of it. The encroaching Darkness is relentless and inevitable. But you and your lover will be able to provide assistance and a safe haven for the others. However, that's a bit further into the future." he said before vanishing into thin air, leaving me there to contemplate his words.

"He knows us," I mumbled with a wry expression, "he also knows about the impending doom of this realm."

"May I suggest we evacuate this world, my Lady? He was observing and analyzing me during your talks." Serena revealed, but I shook my head.

"We won't, not until we find out why and how he knows about us," I asserted firmly. "Also, he could have harmed us, but he didn't appear to want to. Nevertheless, please let Mai know to remain vigilant."

"...Affirmative," came her prompt yet somewhat reluctant response. "However, I'm inclined to think it might be a skill that granted him insight about you and Master. Perhaps something akin to your [Appraisal] skill, my Lady."

"Let's hope it's just that," I replied with a sigh.

With that, we began my journey toward the modern, towering skyscraper at the heart of this Korean city. During the short trek, I also decided to call Andy, to inform and ask him what I could offer for the trade, all while keeping the rest of the information hidden until I had uncovered more details.

"Hopefully, he won't get mad," I said with a wry smile as I deactivated [Link].

"In case he does, may I suggest a plausible method of seeking forgiveness?" Serena inquired.

"Sure," I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"My extensive research suggests that exposing your mammary glands while talking to him might help alleviate some of his anger," she explained confidently.

"So, you're suggesting I flash him my boobs?" I asked, stifling a snort. "And what in the world are you researching?"

"Human physiology. It's essential for my personality assessment matrix. So I can confidently assert that flashing him or getting on your knees are the most viable options, my Lady," she stated matter-of-factly.

"Serena, you perv..." I said, shaking my head, wondering if Andy had programmed her to say such things.

(Arifureta – Andrew POV)

"Fluffy, stop attacking adventurers, not all of them are food! This is the fifth time I've had to warn you," I said with a weary sigh, scolding the curled-up and ashamed little nightmare. "Huh, that is quite the fitting name for her species," I muttered aloud before turning my attention to the two trembling and huddled figures whose weapons and armor lay shredded like paper and melted away like ice.

"I sincerely apologize for her behavior; she's still in training," I offered with a wry smile, all the while Fluffy's acidic spit sizzled in the background, eating away at the stone perilously close to one of the adventurer's head.

"I-it's alright," stammered the first man, "N-no harm done. R-right, Bob?"

"Y-yes," Bob squeaked, clutching his companion even tighter.

"I'd like to compensate you for your damaged equipment," I proposed, preparing to convert some UC into their equivalent currency. However, they interrupted me.

"T-there's no need," the first man said quickly, his voice quivering. "W-we were already considering leaving the adventurer's life. W-we realized we're not cut out for it, and if you let us go, you'll never see or hear from us again."

"Alright..." I replied, arching an eyebrow. "But are you sure you don't want anything for your lost gear?"

"No, no, no... Nothing at all," he insisted, vigorously shaking his head as he stood up, causing Fluffy to hiss at him. "C-can we go?"

"Of course. Fluffy, you'll stay right where you are. Do you understand, Fluffy?" I said, narrowing my eyes at the little Nightmare, who averted her gaze and emitted a faint, "Shaa..."

Bob and his friend, whose name I hadn't caught, wasted no time in scurrying away. However, just to be a bit of an asshole, with a grin on my face, I shouted after them, "No! Fluffy, come back here!" This prompted the two men to scream in terror and sprint as fast as their legs could carry them, while I burst out laughing and the little Nightmare tilted her head, looking at me with confusion.

"Nothing, just having some fun," I replied to her unspoken question, wiping away the tears from my eyes. "Let's go deeper; these upper floors are too crowded and lack monsters worth our time," I suggested, and she nodded before receding into my shadow.

The Great Orcus Labyrinth consisted of two one-hundred-floor dungeons stacked upon each other. With its initial floors teeming with feeble and unremarkable creatures. There were mice and rats the size of small dogs, as well as insects of varying sizes. However, the deeper one delved into the dungeon, the more formidable and diverse the species became.

One intriguing aspect of this labyrinth was that the monsters it spawned were not mere mana constructs; they were living, breathing beings.

Another fascinating detail was that mana particles within the dungeon when not purposefully harnessed or controlled, seemed to possess a will of their own. They would seek out a purpose, whether by coalescing into objects, minerals, or liquids, or, in a convoluted and theoretically impossible manner, forming sentient, flesh-and-blood entities.

The phenomenon wasn't something controlled; it simply occurred. Thus, I remained uncertain whether the dungeon itself or the fundamental laws of this world were responsible for this peculiar event. However, I did notice that the environment had a sway in what kind of creature it would become. Unfortunately, I didn't have the luxury of time to delve into intricate research or detailed observations.

We continued our journey at a steady pace, strolling through the floors while dispatching, and in Fluffy's case consuming, any and all monsters we encountered.

This served several purposes.

As a Voidborn hybrid, Fluffy was a constantly evolving entity. Through her inborn skill [Alter], she could alter her form by incorporating components from what she consumed. However, this skill had its drawbacks. Adding a new appendage, not only reduced her stamina regeneration but also required an initial biomass cost, which was deducted from Fluffy's internal reserves, mainly from her fat tissue. However, the once-consumed biomass, even after dismissing the added appendage, wouldn't ever return.

We were already on the fifteenth floor of the surface dungeon when the mischievous little Nightmare decided to experiment with her skill, using up all the biomass she had gathered for something rather stupid.

With a loud, squelching noise, just as Fluffy finished her snack, two leathery wings sprouted from her back, while her frame visibly shrunk.

"Are you serious?" I deadpanned, staring at her. "Did you really waste all that biomass on something like this?"

"Shaa?" She turned to me, her mouth still smeared with blood, hissing in confusion.

"There's no way those wings can lift you," I said, shaking my head. "It's aerodynamically impossible, and I don't mean it in a 'bee wings' kind of way."

"Shaa, shaa?" She asked, and I nodded.

"No, I didn't mean you're fat," I clarified while rolling my eyes. "And yes, retract them. When you have enough biomass to fuck around, you can do it, but right now, your [Alter] skill level is too low, and it consumes too much biomass for even minor alterations."

"Shaa..." She replied dejectedly, and with another wet plop, the wings on her back disappeared.

"We need to find you some useful abilities, like scaly defense-oriented skin and the like," I said, affectionately patting her head. "So next time, please ask before using that skill, alright?"

"Shaa!" she agreed with a determined nod.

"That's my girl," I said with a smile, then surveyed our surroundings. "Let's go deeper; if I recall correctly, there should be some invisible and petrifying lizards a few floors below."

To expedite our descent and Fluffy's biomass collection, instead of wandering around to find the stairs leading downward, I opted for a quicker approach. I created a gravitational elevator, which essentially meant I blew a hole in the ground, jumped down to the next floor, and used my mana sense - a perk I gained from my Sorcerer class - to locate the monsters on each floor. Then, I teleported us around, allowing Fluffy to gather experience and eat her fill.

Much like the DanMachi dungeon, this labyrinth had a penchant for diversifying its environments. Some floors featured expansive lava lakes surrounded by molten rock, while others had us traversing arid deserts with our footsteps obscured by shifting sands. Deeper within the dungeon, we encountered floors resembling dense rainforests, where towering trees formed a verdant canopy, and the air hung heavy with humidity.

In contrast, certain levels resembled intricate, labyrinthine cave systems with narrow, winding passages and enigmatic subterranean chambers waiting to be explored. And then, there were the floors designed to mimic ancient, long-forgotten ruins, where crumbling structures bore the weight of history, whispering the secrets of civilizations long gone. Each floor was a unique world unto itself, offering challenges and mysteries to those bold enough to venture deeper into this enigmatic dungeon.

[Pet: [Fluffy] has reached level 13.]

"We really need to find some way for you to store fat or biomass," I mumbled aloud as I watched her rapidly gain a few pounds after devouring her seventieth beast in a row.

"Shaa!" She nodded in agreement after a hearty burp.

"Well, you could start using some of that biomass for a few add-ons," I suggested with a casual shrug. "Your sense of hearing and smell is excellent, but you really should consider giving yourself eyes." I gave her a pointed look. "That'll likely consume a significant amount of biomass, as you'll need to connect the optic nerve to your brain and establish a brain partition dedicated to visual sensory information processing," I explained as if I expected her to grasp the concept, but she continued staring at me with a confused expression. "Just use one of the bird monster's eyes as a model and replicate how it works. We'll improve upon it later..." I said with a sigh.

I observed as two eyeballs popped up on the side of her jaw. It was a somewhat gruesome sight, witnessing her flesh reshape itself and two eyelids form to cover the eyes. "You got the orientation wrong..." I chuckled as her eyes blinked horizontally.

In response to my remark, she reshaped her flesh once more, and her newly formed eyes shifted upward and correctly reoriented themselves.

"Sha-a-a-a..." Fluffy complained, unsteady on her feet.

"Don't complain; you'll get used to it," I reassured her, rolling my eyes. Then, I approached her and placed my hand on her head while activating [Matter Manipulation] to examine what she had done.

The moment I made contact with her, her entire biological information was instantly and simultaneously transferred to my mind. It was a considerable amount of data, requiring me to use multiple mental instances to sift through, and I couldn't help but grimace when I saw what she had done.

"Well, it's far from perfect," I said with a sigh. "But as they say, practice makes perfect," I added lifting my hand.

The eyes she had chosen were suboptimal, particularly in low-light conditions, and her attempt at creating a brain portion responsible for visual data processing left much to be desired. However, I decided against altering her biological makeup, hoping that she would instinctively improve with practice.

Another drawback of Fluffy's [Alter] skill became apparent as she continued to experiment with it. It seemed that her skill stored seemingly infinite amounts of biological information about the creatures she consumed, yet it didn't grant her instinctual knowledge of how to use their abilities.

This limitation became evident when she absorbed and replicated the ability of a creature that could generate electricity. She ended up repeatedly shocking herself, requiring my intervention to disable her newfound ability before she accidentally killed herself.

We continued our gradual descent through the dungeon, encountering various types of monsters, but it wasn't until the fifty-seventh floor that we finally encountered the type of creature we had been searching for.

This chameleon-like monster had two horn-like protrusions on its head and was covered in scales that, when saturated with mana, didn't refract light, rendering it completely invisible to the naked eye. This creature was quite cunning, using its sticky feet to cling to the ceiling and launch surprise horn attacks on unsuspecting travelers.

However, unlike its cousins, this creature was warm-blooded, so Fluffy's thermal sense had no trouble detecting it. Moreover, the rhythmic thumping of its heart could be picked up even by my enhanced sense of hearing, so there was no way Fluffy would miss it with her vibration dome.

The moment we got closer to it, Fluffy froze, her head instantly snapping onto the invisible creature above. Without wasting a moment, she hissed loudly and sprang into action. Her powerful jump cracked the floor of the cavern as she launched herself upwards, her mouth wide open and emanating a brilliant blue glow.

A moment later, there was a crunch and a piercing shriek as her jaws clamped down on the overconfident monster that had relied on its camouflage. Within a fraction of a second, a fully powered atomic breath surged through her teeth and blasted through the beast, melting even the cave's walls with ease.

Losing its grip, the chameleon plummeted to the floor while Fluffy, unwilling to take the fall damage, quickly reoriented herself to face it, then bit down and with a sideways tug ripped out a big chunk of its neck. Her spiky and bony tail continued to stab into its flesh, delivering large doses of corrosive acid, until the creature breathed its last, and Fluffy once again leveled up.

[Pet: [Fluffy] has reached level 27.]

"Good job, girl," I praised her as she continued to munch on the creature.

She looked up, and with a shy "Shaa~," she happily acknowledged the compliment.

"You're welcome," I replied with a chuckle. "Once you're finished it, try covering yourself with those scales, and maybe even replicate the sticky part of its feet," I suggested with a smile, and she nodded in agreement, recognizing the usefulness of such an ability.

This new alteration not only necessitated her to coat her entire body with obsidian-colored scales but also required her to modify her mana channels and establish new ones within the scales. Therefore, it wasn't surprising that after successfully covering her hind leg, she ran out of juice.

"Shaa!" She expressed her discontent, which made me chuckle.

"Don't worry, there's plenty more to feast on here," I reassured her as we descended to the next floor and made quick work of the artificial ecosystem.

A grin crept across my face as I contemplated the future. With the monsters residing deep within, I couldn't help but ponder the incredible abilities she would possess once we conquered this dungeon.