
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs


(Olivia's POV)

With a blinding flash of light, Sky and I suddenly found ourselves amidst a bustling crowd, right in the heart of a busy airport. As we blinked away the temporary blindness, we were greeted by a truly extraordinary sight.

Thousands of individuals, each with their own distinct appearance, were milling about, completely unfazed by our sudden and unusual arrival.

"Wow..." I uttered, unable to contain my astonishment. My voice resonated with awe as I absorbed the captivating spectacle unfolding in front of my eyes.

As I scanned the crowd, I couldn't help but notice the striking and extraordinary features displayed by many individuals. Some individuals seemed to possess vibrant and unusual colorations, their hair and skin tones ranging from brilliant blues and purples to shimmering metallic hues. Others boasted additional appendages, such as wings, tails, or even extra arms, which set them apart from the norm.

But what truly caught my attention were those who appeared to belong to entirely different races altogether. Their features, skin tones, and physical attributes were distinctly different from any human I had ever encountered. It was as if a multitude of worlds had converged within this airport, each bringing its own unique inhabitants.

As I contemplated this remarkable sight, a thought crossed my mind. Could we have entered a world where a grand experiment or cosmic anomaly had occurred, giving rise to this diverse tapestry of humanity?

Suddenly, my attention was diverted to the side, drawn by the sight of a cat girl gracefully maneuvering through the bustling crowd. A profound sense of nostalgia washed over me, and I felt as if I had been transported back to Orario, a place that held a deeply cherished spot in my heart.

I couldn't help but reminisce about the familiar streets and guild halls, the bustling markets, and the lively taverns. The scent of adventure lingered in the air, and the sound of clashing weapons and roaring monsters echoed in my ears. Memories of companionship, camaraderie, and thrilling quests flooded my mind, reminding me of the bonds forged in the heat of battle.

Although I found myself in a new world, the sight of the cat girl served as an emotional reminder of the place I once called my second home. The longing to return to Orario, to reunite with Hestia and the girls, tugged at my heartstrings. But for now, I would embrace the mystery and excitement of this realm, eager to discover what it had in store for me.

Holding Sky protectively in my arms, I felt a surge of instinctual concern, determined to ensure her safety amidst the chaotic crowd. Together, we weaved through the bustling terminal, our eyes scanning for an exit, a way out of this labyrinthine place.

Amidst the sea of people, my gaze was momentarily drawn to an overweight man accompanied by security personnel and airport staff. The sheer size of his frame seemed incongruous with the notion of boarding a plane, raising a fleeting and inappropriate thought within me.

"Huh, can the plane even lift off with all that extra weight?" Before I could stop myself, a remark escaped my lips, only to be met with an instant wave of remorse. I quickly covered my mouth, my eyes scanning the surroundings in a mix of panic and guilt, hoping my ill-timed comment had gone unnoticed.

Fortunately, it appeared that no one had paid heed to my slip-up. A rush of relief washed over me, although my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Chastising myself inwardly, I whispered a reminder, "You're better than this, Olivia. It's not right to laugh or make light of someone's disability."

Driven by a fresh resolve to be mindful of my words and deeds, I persisted in navigating through the thronging crowd, intent on locating our path out of the bustling airport.

After what felt like an eternity, a wave of relief engulfed me as we finally spotted the exit from this labyrinthine airport. Despite the signs and designated routes, it had inexplicably taken us far longer than anticipated to reach the exit. "Who the hell designed this?! I was just on the verge of literally cutting my way through this shit," I grumbled irritably, my frustration palpable in my tone, as I continued striding toward the exit.

"Such an action would have been unwise," a voice unexpectedly interjected from my right, jolting me out of my reverie. Instantly, I shifted my stance, activating [Blade Birth] to summon a sword, while tightly clutching Sky protectively in my left arm. In an instant, my mind raced, swiftly analyzing potential combat tactics and defensive maneuvers, and my senses heightened in anticipation of an imminent threat.

To my utter amazement, standing beside me was a man sporting oversized round glasses. He exuded an aura of impeccable sophistication, clad in a finely tailored black suit, accompanied by a pristine white shirt, a burgundy necktie, and polished patent leather shoes.

What unnerved me the most was that, despite his sudden appearance, none of my defensive skills, instincts, or heightened senses were triggered, leaving me both bewildered and on edge. Even now, I couldn't detect his presence using my [Aura Sight]. Nonetheless, an undeniable air of danger emanated from him, sounding alarm bells in my mind.

My heart raced, and time seemed to slow down as I readied myself for a formidable encounter. Without hesitation, I activated my skill [Appraise], hoping it would unveil crucial insights about this enigmatic man. What I uncovered left me utterly shocked.

[Name: Haruki Mizushima]

(Sex: M) / (Age: 37) / (Race: Meta Human) / (Tier: 4)

[Health: 6,706,560] / [Stamina: 1,468,058] / [Mana: 0]

[Domains: {None}]


STR: 672

VIT: 998

DEX: 1,471

AGI: 1,202

PER: 1,496

INT: 278

WIS: 242

CHAR: 717

LUCK: 128

P. Res: 788 (7.88%)

M. Res: 860 (8.60%)

Skills: [Absolute], [Hand-To-Hand Mastery]

His power level was astonishingly high for a human, with total stats hovering around nine thousand and his tier at four. Although [Appraise] only revealed two of his skills, the first one appeared especially dangerous. I couldn't fathom its exact nature, but his sudden and inexplicable appearance, combined with the fact that I couldn't perceive him at all, suggested something extraordinary. I teetered on the brink of summoning Andrew for support when, unexpectedly, the man raised his hands in a defensive gesture, a wry smile gracing his face.

"I sincerely apologize for startling you, Miss Blade Dancer," he spoke, his voice tinged with genuine regret as he performed a deep bow. "My name is Haruki Mizushima, and I have been dispatched by the Japanese Hero Association to escort you to our headquarters."

Confusion intertwined with caution as I processed his statement. The Japanese Hero Association? Why would they be seeking me out? Lowering my sword slightly but maintaining my vigilance, I regarded Haruki with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "Why would the Hero Association send you to retrieve me?" I inquired, my voice laced with skepticism. The mention of the Hero Association intrigued me, but I couldn't help but question their motives.

Unfazed by my skepticism, Haruki Mizushima maintained his wry smile as he began to explain, his tone composed and collected. "The Hero Association has been informed of your arrival in advance, Miss Blade Dancer," he began, his voice carrying a trace of respect. "They have taken note of your extraordinary skills and heroism in England, and they believe you possess the qualities necessary to join their esteemed ranks."

"Is there a way for me to verify the truth of your words?" I questioned, maintaining my skepticism.

Haruki appeared taken aback by my inquiry, but he swiftly reached into his pocket and retrieved what appeared to be a license. "Would my Hero License suffice?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

Internally, I grumbled with frustration, 'It would... if I even knew what a Hero License looks like.' I couldn't help but wish for Andy's presence in this situation. 'I wonder what he's doing.' However, as if in response to my thoughts, a notification of a completed quest resonated in my mind.

As I checked the message, concern nagged at me. 'Huh, that took him longer than I thought it would. I hope he is alright,' I worried. Deciding to call him later, I refocused my attention on the plastic identification document before me. Determining to be thorough, I activated [Appraise], prompting the system to display the following information:

[Official Japanese Hero License]

[ID: J892574932]

[Name: Haruki Mizushima]

[Hero Name: Apex]

[Clearance Level: A]

[Issued: April 2149]

[Valid: April 2159]

[Issuing Authority: Japanese Hero Association]

Upon reviewing the data, my skepticism waned. It seemed that Haruki Mizushima's credentials were legit, and he did indeed hold an esteemed position within the Hero Association. Nevertheless, a hint of caution still lingered in my mind as I contemplated my next move.

I nodded and gazed up at him, a hint of curiosity in my eyes. "So, umm, what now?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side.

"Well, first, would you be so kind as to deactivate your quirk?" he asked, his gaze focused on my sword, as he returned the ID to his pocket. "We have already attracted some attention." He added, a wry smile plastering his face.

As his words sank in, I observed our surroundings with growing unease. The bustling crowd that had filled the space just moments ago had now vanished, replaced by a ring of security personnel encircling us. However, none of these individuals registered on my radar, their presence was deemed inconsequential. Still, a faint blush of embarrassment tinted my cheeks as I dispelled the blade and mumbled, "Sorry."

"No problem," he replied promptly, offering a reassuring smile while raising both hands in a pacifying gesture. "Rest assured, it will be taken care of. I will accept full responsibility for the situation." With that, he swiftly dialed a number on his phone, and within moments, the security guards dispersed. Turning back to me with a comforting smile, he informed me, "Our driver is waiting just outside the entrance. Where are your suitcases?" he asked, tilting his head curiously.

"Umm... I don't have any," I said with a wry smile. "I was planning on starting fresh," I explained with a shrug. "You know, new place, new job, new me," I added, flashing him a wide smile.

He raised an eyebrow in suspicion but nodded slowly. "Very well... May I kindly ask you to accompany me to headquarters? You'll need to fill out some forms, and a new hero license will be issued to you, allowing unrestricted use of your quirk on Japanese soil."

After giving it a quick thought, I agreed with a nod, "Alright. Lead the way."

The drive to the headquarters was relatively uneventful, or at least it would have been if Sky hadn't decided she needed to use the bathroom along the way. Thankfully, she made her needs known through relentless clawing at the door and whining. We had to take a short break to accommodate her, which slightly extended our travel time.

During the drive, Haruki received a call from the association, and thanks to my enhanced hearing, I was able to listen in on the conversation.

"Apex here, I'm on an escort mission right now, be quick," Haruki spoke in a no-nonsense tone.

"I'm calling to inform you that there was a bank robbery in your general location, and I was hoping you had seen something," the voice on the other end explained.

"No, I didn't. I was with my escort. What's the situation? How many villains were there, and were there any casualties?" Haruki's expression grew serious, demanding more information.

"Well, that's the thing... No one was hurt, and everyone seems to be fine, well, except for some mental trauma... I think?" the voice replied hesitantly.

"You think? Speak clearly! What's the situation!?" Haruki's annoyance was palpable as he raised his voice.

"Yes, sir! Umm... Well, a man wearing a yellow mask, dressed in a neon green suspender mankini thong, just robbed a bank for a total of 1 Yen with what seem to be... rubber ducks..." The line went silent, and I couldn't help but groan internally, realizing all too well who was behind this ridiculous bank robbery.

'God damn it, Andy,' I thought to myself, a mixture of frustration and amusement coursing through me. However, my cheeks flushed slightly at the thought of Andy wearing that outrageous outfit, a vivid image that I couldn't quite shake from my mind.

"Could you repeat that?" Haruki asked, seeking clarification, surprise evident in his voice. "My ears must be malfunctioning, as I think I heard you say 1 Yen and rubber ducks."

"No, Mister Apex, you heard it right. The association is already trying to gather information on him, but nothing is coming up. We ask you to stay vigilant and report in if you notice anything out of the ordinary."

"Will do," Haruki replied with a nod. "The whole robbery must have been a statement. Probably to announce himself. What is his danger rating?"

"We're unsure at the moment, but our closest estimate is a G or F rating."

"And he managed to escape?" Haruki asked, clearly taken aback.

"Yes... After he... robbed the bank, he fled in a car-sized rubber duck..."

"How on earth did he even rob a bank with rubber ducks?"

"We're unsure. Our witnesses state that there were about a thousand of them, all in different shapes and sizes, swarming around him, protecting him from bullets and other heroes who tried to intervene. He used them to incapacitate people, knocking them out with an impact to the head," the voice on the phone explained.

"How do you even knock out someone with a rubber duck?" He mumbled under his breath, "Any other useful information about the individual?" Haruki inquired.

"Well, besides the witnesses noting that he was a gentleman, assisting an elderly lady in crossing the road before entering the bank... There isn't much else," the person on the other end hesitated. "Although the female witnesses did mention that he had an impressive physique, describing him as a 'Greek God,' and..." Another pause followed before they added, "They also commented on his... well-endowed appearance."

Haruki's irritation became apparent as he grumbled, shaking his head. "How is any of that relevant..."

"The only other piece of information we have is his name..." the voice swiftly added.

"You could have led with that," Haruki mumbled in a deadpan voice.

"He goes by the name of 'The Quacker'..."

"What a ridiculous name," Haruki snorted, shaking his head. "Keep me updated on any further developments." With that, he bid farewell to the person on the other end and returned his phone to his pocket.

He let out a sigh and turned to me, a wry smile playing on his face. "It appears you're not the only newcomer in town," he remarked.

"Are there any problems?" I inquired, feigning ignorance of the conversation I overheard.

He shook his head. "Nothing for you to worry about. It will be handled by someone of a lesser rank."

His words piqued my curiosity about the background information the System had provided me. And I couldn't help but think that having access to such knowledge would have been helpful.

"Alright," I replied, giving a nod as I redirected my attention to the swiftly passing buildings outside. In the back of my mind, I silently hoped that my arrival at the Hero Association wouldn't require any cumbersome identification or paperwork. The last thing I wanted was to be caught up in bureaucratic procedures right from the start.

Thankfully, my worries were unfounded. The Hero Association had incorporated advanced technology, as well as utilized people with truth identification quirks to streamline their procedures. Once we arrived at the Association, the process of obtaining an official Japanese Hero license was remarkably efficient, taking only about five minutes.

I was directed to place my palm on a display, which I assumed scanned my biometric data. Then, a few questions were asked to confirm my identity and intentions in Japan. I carefully responded, stating that my purpose was "Hero Work," which, while technically related to my WP activities, seemed to align with their expectations.

However, to my surprise, Sky was also included in the questioning and identification process. The confusion on her adorable face as she was lifted and her paw placed on the scanner, followed by a series of peculiar questions, was absolutely priceless. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, as someone standing nearby managed to interpret her "words" and jotted down notes. Though, I also felt a twinge of nervousness, hoping they wouldn't ask anything that could contradict the background system's established information about us.

Thankfully, my worries were unfounded, and the procedure concluded smoothly. Soon enough, we both held our official Japanese Hero licenses, with Sky's attached to her collar. With these plastic identification cards, we were granted the freedom to utilize our powers without limitations within Japan's borders. However, I couldn't help but notice that my clearance level was designated as C, indicating a moderate level of authority within the Hero Association, while Sky's inexplicably received a B rating.

Confused, I turned to Sky and asked, "What the hell did you even tell them?" She merely tilted her head in response, leaving me with no clear answer. Sighing, I muttered, "Whatever, I need to find a way to start communicating with you." At that moment, an idea struck me, and I quickly checked my skill list, finding a skill called [Language]. My hopes were dashed, though, when I noticed it was an unlevelable skill, and another sigh escaped my lips.

"Whatever, I'll ask Andy to craft us something like the rings he made, alright?" I said, picking up Sky and giving her a loving kiss on the top of her head. "I'm not sure how long we'll be staying here, so let's start apartment hunting."

After a few hours of searching, we finally found a suitable place to stay. I settled Sky in front of the TV and turned it on, intending to make us something to eat while attempting to contact Andy through [Link].

When Andy's voice came through, he greeted me with a cheerful tone that instantly gave away his mischievous activities. "Why hello, love. How's your day going?"

I chuckled and replied, "Not bad. We went to the Hero Association, and both Sky and I got our licenses. Can you believe it? Sky's license is hanging off her collar. She was even questioned and looked adorable with her confused expression." I couldn't help but smile at the memory. However, my suspicion grew as I realized Andy was being evasive about his own activities. "But what are you up to?" I asked, my tone shifting to one of suspicion.

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary," he replied, but his pride-filled tone gave him away.

"Yeah, right. I've heard about your escapades with that outfit of yours," I deadpanned, continuing to stir the sizzling meat on the stove.

"I think it suits me way better than Borat," he commented, his voice oozing with pride.

"Who?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Whatever. I'm making dinner. Wanna join?" I inquired, secretly hoping to see him donning that ridiculous attire in person.

"I'm in the middle of something right now, but give me a good half an hour, if that's okay?" he responded.

"Sure, that'll be right on time," I replied with a shrug. "Just try not to cause too much trouble."

An awkward silence followed before he replied, "...I'll try."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, hoping he wouldn't do anything too outrageous. "Have fun with whatever you're doing, and see you in thirty minutes. Be on time."

"Yes, ma'am!" he replied jovially before disconnecting, leaving me shaking my head with a smile.

As I continued preparing dinner, Sky's relentless barking pulled my attention. I turned to see her glued to the TV, watching what appeared to be a giant monster wreaking havoc on a city. I couldn't help but shake my head at the absurdity of a skyscraper-sized rubber duck attacking a town. However, my amusement quickly turned to realization as I noticed that this was not a movie but a news report. A reporter appeared on the screen, microphone in hand, delivering the latest updates.

"The Quacker has struck again," the reporter announced. "The notorious villain, who made his first appearance earlier today, has been terrorizing Musutafu with a giant rubber duck. Dubbed Quackzilla by the villain himself, this colossal duck has been demolishing buildings for the past half an hour. Currently, fifteen Pro Heroes are engaged in a battle to contain the situation. We will attempt to provide a closer look at the ongoing fight."

My shoulders slumped, and a sigh escaped my lips. "Damn it, Andy."