
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

MHA 20

(A/N: A small edit to the last chapter the [Quest: [Pro Villain] Completed 3,000 WP(x2) Received] was completed at the same time as the [Take Over] quest. I just forgot about it...)

"Sweetheart, you might want to consider dodging that," I chimed in from a safe distance, my attention barely focused on the intense battle unfolding before me. Olivia was locked in combat with Pjotr, one of the successful Russian experimental subjects, whose quirk had undergone multiple evolutions, transforming him into something more akin to a feral beast than a human.

Originally, Pjotr's quirk, known as Exoskeleton, merely conjured a temporary, protective shell around the user. However, the numerous evolutions of this quirk had transformed Pjotr's physique into an unrecognizable monstrosity. He now navigated on all fours, his form enveloped by a permanent layer of dense chitinous scales that offered a formidable defense. His teeth and claws – Cuz, why wouldn't he have them? – had elongated into razor-sharp weapons, and his physique seemed tailored for high-speed combat. Spiky protrusions jutted out from various parts of his body, and scythe-like blades extended from his forearms. His appearance was reminiscent of a monstrous werewolf, his mind consumed by a single desire: destruction.


"Thanks for the suggestion! I'll definitely take that under advisement!" Olivia retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You're welcome," I replied with a chuckle.

The creature displayed a level of swiftness that outmatched even Olivia, utilizing its agility to the fullest while making certain sacrifices in strength and intelligence. A swift [Appraisal] indicated that its Agility had surged to a staggering six thousand, with its Vitality and Strength registering in the thousands. However, its Intelligence and Wisdom barely scraped into the tens. This lopsided distribution of attributes didn't render the creature devoid of power, though. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

Despite its somewhat diminished mental capacity, Pjotr managed to instinctively apply the principles of Newton's second law of motion: force equals mass times acceleration. And boy, did he execute this understanding effectively.

A deafening explosion rocked the underground bunker, forcing me to employ my regenerative abilities to restore my hearing. As the static and ringing in my ears gradually subsided, I shifted my attention to the wreckage strewn across the room.

"Need any healing?" I called out, offering my assistance to the Pink Petal Princess, who had been forcefully propelled through the reinforced walls of the military base just moments ago.

"Fuck you," her swift and resolute response emanated from the rubble, reassuring me that she had weathered the impact without much harm.

In the midst of this chaos, the soldiers finally arrived on the scene, their guns trained on me as they shouted a barrage of orders and demands. I responded with an exaggerated roll of my eyes, unimpressed by their theatrics.

"Hands in the air!" barked a lieutenant in Russian, his finger tensely positioned on the trigger, his weapon aimed squarely at my head. However, his companion quickly recognized me from my distinctive villainous attire. Wide-eyed and frantic, he urgently tapped the lieutenant's shoulder, attempting to convey some crucial information.

"What now?!" the officer snapped, his patience at its limit. The soldier quickly saluted and stated, "Sir, reporting in. That's the infamous villain responsible for the worldwide chaos, known as the Quacker!"

Understanding dawned on the lieutenant's face, his hand lowering as he turned back to me, only to find me grinning mischievously.

"Yes, indeed! Behold, it is I, the Quacker!" I declared, striking an exaggerated villainous pose, though my trademark was still a work in progress. However, I promptly dropped the act, waving them off with a casual gesture. "Now, why don't you quack off? Petal is in the middle of something."

Despite my admonition, the soldiers remained unyielding, their weapons still aimed at me. When the first shots were fired and the ensuing bullets were deflected by my manipulation of their trajectories, my patience wore thin. With an irritated wave of my hand, I teleported the entire group to the Arctic to cool their heads and returned my attention to Olivia.

"The surroundings are a bit claustrophobic, wouldn't you say? Fancy a change of scenery?" I suggested.

"That would be more than welcome!" she replied, deftly evading a scythe swipe that inexplicably bypassed her defenses.

Expanding my spatial awareness to encompass the entire upper layer of the subterranean complex, I snapped my fingers and orchestrated the teleportation of the entire structure, along with the massive volume of earth above it, to a small island in Indonesia. This swift relocation offered us an unobstructed view of the sky and alleviated the confines of the tight underground space.

"Hope this proves helpful!" I yelled, unintentionally drawing the beast's attention toward me.

Moving at an astonishing speed, roughly equivalent to Mach 12, the creature closed the distance between us in a mere 2.5 nanoseconds. My manipulation of temporal perception was the only thing that allowed me to track its movement. Accompanied by an ear-splitting boom and a ground-shaking shockwave, the creature materialized before me, scythes poised to cut me to pieces.

"Down, boy!" I commanded, invoking [Absolute Command] and forcefully driving him into the ground with enough impact to crack the earth beneath us. Turning my attention to my princess, I addressed her with a grin. "Olivia, my dear, would you kindly handle your...um, sparring partner?" I asked, adopting a cross-legged seated position and hovering slightly above the ground. "I'll be up here, so do give me a shout if you require assistance."

With a determined grunt, the princess donning her pink attire sprang into action, skillfully wielding her blade-related abilities in an attempt to counter her formidable opponent. The fight continued on, with both of them exchanging blows, but relying on her [Accelerated Perception] and her nearly indestructible daggers, Olivia managed to land blows after blows . Her relentless attacks not only removed one of Pjotr's legs - albeit reducing his movement speed by only a quarter - but also caused a massive ten-kilometer-wide crevices to appear, reshaping the terrain to her advantage.

As seven of my mental instances focused intently on Olivia's fight, prepared to aid her at a moment's notice, my thoughts wandered back to an event that had occurred about an hour ago: the strange rumbling sound that only I seemed to have heard. I delved into the minds of every living entity within the world, yet no one else seemed to have noticed it but me. I couldn't ascertain whether it was related to one of my abilities or if it was intended solely for me.

The incident coincided with the moment I had playfully proclaimed Olivia as the Queen of the Multiverse. This raised questions in my mind. Had my actions somehow angered some cosmic or multiversal entity? Were our watchful observers responsible for it? Or was there a more mundane, less ominous explanation?

I had a gut feeling that consulting Rob wouldn't provide me with any clear answers - likely just more enigmas to ponder. A sigh of mild exasperation escaped my lips, and I knew I needed to delve deeper into the concept of fate. Fortunately, Olivia's next destination seemed to contain techniques that might grant her the ability to sever or manipulate fate itself. It would be interesting to see how that played out.

Aware that there was little I could currently do regarding our enigmatic observers, the mysteries of fate, or any potential entities I may or may not have angered, I set aside those thoughts for the moment. Instead, I turned my attention to a more immediate objective in this world: acquiring the New Order

Cathleen, renowned for her heroic alter ego Star and Stripe, occupied the solitary position of being the sole Tier Five entity on this planet. Yet, her tier wasn't a random occurrence; it was the successful outcome of a military experiment.

Deep beneath the surface within the infamous military facility in Nevada, Cathleen currently resided in a research tank, immersed in bubbling blue liquid, sustained by feeding tubes and controlled solely by a brain implant. Stripped of thoughts, memories, and emotions, she was activated only as a last resort – a weapon of dire necessity.

However, before i could delve deeper into those thoughts, they were abruptly derailed as I blinked to the left, narrowly avoiding a sword slash that had cleaved through even the fabric of space itself. My attention turned to Olivia, who was still engaged in her fierce battle. She was steadily wearing down her opponent, the mutated ex-human showing signs of significant damage with chunks of its exoskeleton missing along with its scythes. Despite its injuries, it continued to move at remarkable speed, attacking relentlessly with its remaining claws and maw. The outcome of the skirmish was already evident, as Olivia appeared relatively unscathed.

Resuming my previous contemplation, I muttered to myself, "Where was I? Ah, yes..."

Cathleen was a last-resort activation, utilized only after all other options had been exhausted – a desperate measure when nuclear attempts had fallen short. However, within the confines of that base, other disturbing things lay in wait.

Among the gruesome collection were several clones of Cathleen, a chilling manifestation of unethical practices aimed at producing what appeared to be an arsenal of reality warpers. While these clones possessed the potential to become formidable conquerors if made combat-ready, their development remained at an early stage, providing a temporary reprieve. But the more unsettling aspect lay in the other tanks – the progeny generated from Cathleen's ovum, combined with genetic material carefully selected to complement her quirk.

This orchestrated pairing resulted in the creation of perfect weapons – an army of children, numbering around thirty. Despite their tender ages, ranging from 5 to 15 years, these individuals were linked to machinery akin to their unwilling mother. Bereft of brainwave activity, they existed as haunting consequences of scientific manipulation, a disquieting testament to the depths of human experimentation.

This situation was not only a deviation from the heroic ideals of All Might, which Cathleen originally wanted to follow, but also a disconcerting exploration of moral boundaries. "What course of action should I take?" I mused, the scene I remembered both captivating and revolting in equal measure.

Engaging Cathleen in a direct confrontation was a risky proposition. As a Tier Five entity with reality-warping powers potentially surpassing my own capabilities, attempting to face her head-on held a high likelihood of ending in defeat, potentially even leading to true death. While forcibly acquiring her ability was possible, her current incapacitated state made it an opportune moment. Yet, such an action would inevitably elevate me to a higher tier – an outcome I wanted to avoid.

The clones and children, on the other hand, were still in the process of developing their abilities, and their tiers remained below Tier Five. Manipulating them through [Technopathy], thanks to the chip in their heads, was a feasible approach, despite the likely strong safeguards to prevent intrusion by similar powers. However, my previous infiltration of their computer systems granted me a degree of advantage. I had already discovered the secrets concealed within the military base – including a spaceship on floor 17 and a living alien specimen on floor 45.

Considering the array of strategies available, I pondered that eliminating these subjects through assassination, collecting samples of their blood, and subsequently obliterating the entire military base might be the most pragmatic approach. This course of action would eliminate potential variables while still allowing me to replicate their abilities using my creation skill after I ascended to Tier Five.

And so, my plan unfolded. Manipulating space itself, I created miniature spatial gates directly within their blood vessels. With precision, I enclosed the spurting blood within airtight containers, depositing the collected samples into my inventory. With the blood sample collection complete, I shifted my focus to the assassination phase.

Slightly widening the spatial gates, I extended my senses over them, channeling [Kinetic Energy Manipulation]. In a single powerful pull, I stripped kinetic energy from every atom, every electron, plummeting the surrounding temperature to absolute zero and disintegrating all matter in the vicinity of the vat-encased bodies. The act was swift and thorough, instantaneously ending the lives of all on the floor without pain or struggle.

Utilizing [Energy Absorption], I harnessed and converted the extracted energy, channeling it into a potent attack based on [Annihilation]. The resulting attack was unleashed upon the unsuspecting military base, initiating a cascading effect that consumed space and matter alike. The aftermath was devoid of dramatic explosions or towering mushroom clouds, but rather left a profound disintegration in its wake, leaving a 10-kilometer-deep crater in the desert of Nevada.

[World Tier decreased to Tier 4]

[Quest: [Prevent the World War] Completed 5,000 WP Received]

As I dismissed the tier decrease, quest, and level-up notifications, my focus returned to Olivia's ongoing battle. The battlefield bore the evidence of their intense clash – lava-filled gashes, shattered weapons, and scattered flower petals painted the scene.

"Need any help, sweetie?" I inquired, observing the fight's continuation. However, it was apparent that Olivia was enjoying the engagement, deliberately not employing her full capabilities to swiftly conclude the battle.

"No, I'm just about to end it," she replied with determination.

Activating both Ddraig's and Albion's Legacy, her speed quadrupled, effectively outmatching Pjotr's pace. She then launched a devastating attack, utilizing her [Frictionless] skill to nullify air resistance and propel herself at a staggering speed of 10 kilometers per second. With a strike of her blade, she not only atomized Pjotr but also created a path that extended all the way to the Arctic Ocean, approximately 200 kilometers away.

Despite the impressive display, I couldn't help but offer a deadpan expression. "You always berate me for going overboard... Yet, that last attack was everything but restrained."

Olivia responded with a charming giggle, her smile infectious. "Well, it's not only you who can have some fun," she quipped, her playful demeanor matching my own.

With a wave of my hand, I lifted her effortlessly into the air and settled her on my legs, her arms encircling my neck as we shared a lighthearted moment.

"Let's go home," I suggested, my tone light, "I need to analyze a few blood samples, start a revolution, and pack our stuff. After that, we can leave this world."

Her snort of amusement was followed by a nod of agreement, her curiosity evident. "Oh, I've seen the world tier drop. Did you do something?" she questioned, a quizzical tilt to her head.

"I handled another research subject, but the details aren't crucial for now," I replied, a wry smile on my lips. She nodded, understanding my perspective, and her embrace around me tightened. "Alright, let's go, my steadfast stallion!" she exclaimed, bouncing in my embrace, eliciting a chuckle from me.

With a loud neigh, I warped space around us and transported us away from the battlefield and back to our cozy apartment in Japan. Gently, I set her down on the floor, and with a levitating movement, I drifted towards the bedroom, where my trunk and makeshift research lab awaited. "I'll be back in a minute or two," I informed her, my gaze meeting hers.

"Alright. There's not a lot to pack, but I'll do it while I wait," she replied with a warm smile, heading off to the living room to make her own preparations.

As I entered the trunk and activated the temporal field, I adjusted the passage of time within the confined space to accelerate my task. In the study, I quickly unpacked the medical equipment that I had stowed away earlier, connecting it to the medical computer. The gene sequencers were prepared, and I carefully placed the collected blood samples into the machines, anticipation building as I waited for the data analysis to commence.

My reasons for conducting this process right away were straightforward: I wished to gather the necessary data without extracting it from the world, a choice made to minimize our WP expenditures.

Utilizing the temporal magic infused into the equipment, the medical computer efficiently sifted through the genetic information present in the samples. Upon reviewing and confirming the extracted data, I made sure to save the results meticulously.

With the analysis concluded and the data secured, I utilized a controlled application of [Annihilation] to erase any trace of the blood samples. Subsequently, I replicated a regular laptop and exited the trunk, storing it in my inventory, ready to proceed with my final plan for this world.

Moving to the living room, I tapped into the neighbor's strong Wi-Fi signal using [Space-Time Manipulation] to warp my perception, allowing me to access the router and locate the password. The slow input speed of the laptop proved to be an annoyance, prompting me to employ [Technopathy] to delve into the depths of the World Wide Web. My consciousness seamlessly navigated through the vast digital network, bypassing security measures on major and minor news agency websites across the globe.

Leveraging [Parallel Processing], I swiftly shifted through the information I had gathered from scanning the thoughts of the world's population, and in a matter of minutes, compiled a comprehensive two-thousand-page exposé on global corruption and unethical military research. The article highlighted the connections between corrupt politicians and villainous organizations, achieving the objectives of the "Expose the Corruption" quest. With a final and theatrical press of the enter button, I published the article on every news platform around the globe, exposing the truth to the world.

[Quest: [Expose the Corruption] Completed 3,000 WP Received]

"Well, that should keep them busy," I chuckled, promptly disintegrating the laptop with a casual wave of my hand. "I should probably create a dedicated laptop for situations like these," I mused, narrowing my eyes in thought. Glancing at my wristwatch, an idea began to form, but I dismissed it for the moment. "Later," I muttered, rising from the sofa, only to find Olivia already waiting.

"Ready to head out?" I inquired with a smile. As she nodded in response, I took her hand and issued a command to the system: "Eject."