
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

MHA 15

"In hindsight, maybe suddenly teleporting in front of an easily startled close-range fighter wasn't such a good idea..." I mumbled to myself, wincing as I pushed away the concrete debris that covered me. I had multiple fractures all over my body, but thanks to my regeneration I was swiftly fixed up.

Once I managed to reorient my legs which somehow ended up in an awkward position behind my shoulders, I stood up and became aware of the unexpected company in the room. Sitting on the sofa were a mother and her two children, who had been leisurely enjoying a movie on the now-ruined TV. Their hands, filled with popcorn, remained suspended in mid-air as they stared at me in astonishment, undoubtedly wondering what just happened.

Feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me, I cleared my throat and mustered an awkward apology. "I sincerely apologize for the intrusion," I mumbled, trying my best to address the situation with humility.

You might be wondering how I ended up here, but to be honest, there wasn't much to tell. My sudden appearance had spooked the mighty hero, and he lashed out, sending me through three walls, right into this family's home. The most surprising part was that he didn't even use his quirk, but simply his physical strength.

The mother looked at me with a mix of shock and annoyance, her face red with embarrassment and frustration. "What on earth just happened?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

I sheepishly scratched the back of my head, trying to come up with a suitable explanation. "Uh, you see, there was a little misunderstanding," I stammered, my mind racing for a believable excuse.

"Excuse me, coming through!" came a voice from the other side of the hole my body had made. A burly figure squeezed through the opening, causing some unintended damage to the walls. "I apologize for that. I'll cover the cost of the repairs," the newcomer said, flashing a warm smile at the family nearby.

"All Might!" screamed the children in excitement.

"Ho, ho, ho! Yes, it is I!" He exclaimed, puffing his chest and flexing his muscles while striking a heroic pose. It took him a moment to remember why he came here, and he finally noticed me standing to the side. He swiftly approached me, concern evident on his face, "Sir, are you alright?"

Feeling mischievous, I decided to play a little prank. With a touch of magic to my vocal cords, my voice transformed into a more feminine tone, surprising the nearby family. I put a hand to my chest, pretending to be offended. "Sir?! Did you just misgender me?!"

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Ma'am," he stammered, flustered. "I didn't mean to-"

Continuing the playful act, I interrupted him again, pretending to be indignant. "Ma'am?! I'll have you know that I identify as an Attack Helicopter." I poked him in the chest, acting as though I was upset. "My pronouns are heli and attas, and you better remember that, mister! Got it?!"

A moment of silence filled the room as he looked nervously puzzled, trying to grasp the situation and not unintentionally offend me.

"Umm... Yes, heli? attas?" he stuttered, trying his best not to make any mistakes.

Unable to keep up the act any longer, I burst out laughing. Canceling my magic, I swiftly said, "Calm down, dude, I'm just fucking with you."

His tense shoulders relaxed, "Yeah, I think I deserved that," he chuckled. "Anyways, are you alright?" he asked, after an awkward pause, giving me a once-over. "You startled me, and I only realized what I did after the fact," he said awkwardly scratching his head.

"All good," I replied, nodding, making him feel more at ease.

A sigh of relief left his lips as he said, "Great, can I compensate you for the trouble I've caused? Do you want an autograph? Or a picture? Or do you have a child in the family, I could come to a birthday or something."

I fell into a momentary contemplation. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, but a quest was a quest, so I perked up and said, "Actually, Yagi, there is something you could do for me."

"Name it and I'll-" he started before freezing mid-sentence, blinking in confusion, clearly not expecting me to use his name, his secret identity.

I stood there with my facemask concealing my grin, [Mind Discipline] and [Acting] keeping my true intentions hidden. His danger sense didn't seem to detect anything as I leaned forward and whispered, "You can die for me," before unleashing a point-blank [Kinetic Burst], propelling him through the wall of the family home and seven more.

I turned to the stunned family and waved, "Hope you have insurance." With those words, I casually walked out of the All Might-shaped hole in the wall, leaving them rooted in place, and followed the path of destruction.

All Might dislodged himself from the debris, his face grimacing as he looked in my direction. "That was underhanded, something un-hero-like," he remarked. To my surprise, the only evidence of the attack that could cleave through a planet was the slightly damaged hero costume; otherwise, he seemed completely fine.

"Well, who said I was a hero?" I replied, a mocking tone in my voice and a mischievous grin on my face.

Not waiting for his reply, I launched myself forward, my speed displacing air and condensing vapor, creating a defining sonic boom that burst eardrums and shattered any and all glass in a kilometer-wide area.

Yet, to my surprise, All Might's danger sense or years of experience kicked in, and he dodged my attack with minimal movement, brushing against me lightly, canceling all of my momentum as if it simply vanished into thin air. I came to a complete and sudden halt, blacking out for a fraction of a second as all my internal organs mushed up against the inner walls of my body, threatening to explode outwards. Only [Immortality] and a sudden expenditure of a million points of mana kept me alive.

But the battle wasn't over yet. "Detroit-" Came a shout, and using my stunned state as an opportunity, a fist covered in cracking black lightning descended upon me at unimaginable speed, leaving me with barely enough time to react.

Time froze as I forced it to come to a complete halt, the fist barely a few millimeters away from my head. Cold sweat covered my body as I swiftly moved out of the way, unwilling to take that attack literary head-on. My mind raced, considering my options and analyzing the situation with [Appraise].

[Name: Toshinori Yagi]

(Sex: M) / (Age: 61) / (Race: Meta Human) / (Tier: 4)

[Health: 47,172,780] / [Stamina: 1,343,655]/ [Mana: 0]

[Domains: {None}]


STR: 4,722

VIT: 1,219

DEX: 1,345

AGI: 2,137

PER: 1,377

INT: 42

WIS: 172

CHAR: 492

LUCK: 129

P. Res: 1,416 (14.16%)

M. Res: 922 (9.22%)

Skills: [Pass On], [Power Accumulation], [Gearshift], [Fa Jin], [Danger Sense], [Blackwhip], [Smokescreen], [Float], [Puff Up]

(A/N: [Pass On] (probably not the true name) is the original quirk of the 1st user, it allows him to pass on his quirks to others. It merged with the quirk AFO gave his brother, [Power Accumulation], and became OFA. [Puff Up] is Yagi's quirk that allows him to inflate his muscles.)

"Well fuck," I muttered, realizing that some of his stats were higher than mine, some even reaching three times my own numbers. His strength alone meant he could bench-press 82 tons without a sweat, while his agility allowed him to move at the same speeds as me, and all of that didn't even account for his quirks.

I let a self-deprecating chuckle leave my lips, as I metaphorically patted myself on the back, congratulating myself for the wise decision to dodge that attack. Taking a few steps back, I rose into the air, expecting the impact to cause quite a stir.

I switched up my titles, equipping [Arcane Sage], [Merciless], and for good measure, [Blessed by Death]. The title of Arcane Sage increased my total mana capacity and granted me ten percent magic penetration, while also passively boosting my spell damage. Merciless brought fear into the hearts of my enemies, making them prone to errors and causing them physiological distress. Lastly, the title I Shouldn't have left the apartment today, Blessed by Death, increased my affinity towards death-related entities and the magic of the same type, while also granting me a get-out-of-death-free card every one hundred days. With these titles in place, and out of the direct path of the first, I felt more at ease and unfroze time.

All Might's eyes widened in surprise as his fist collided with nothing but air, continuing downward with tremendous speed before finally hitting the ground.

I had anticipated the attack to cause extreme destruction, perhaps sinking a good part of the city or a least destroying nearby houses, but to my surprise, nothing happened.

Nothing... Happened...

"Fuck." I cursed myself for choosing this variation of the world, only now realizing why my [Kinetic Burst] hadn't taken him out instantly.

It seemed that both [Gearshift] and [Fa Jin], being related to kinetic energy, had evolved in this world of quirks on steroids. It made sense, considering the stress and pressure heroes faced in their fight for justice. One or both of his quirks had likely gained new abilities, specifically some form of kinetic manipulation.

Before I could delve further into my thoughts, a half-ton block of concrete came hurtling towards me, breaking the sound barrier. I blinked to the side, avoiding the direct attack, but couldn't help but feel excited at All Might's recklessness, caused by Merciless' psychological effects.

(A/N: Fuck English grammar. In the context of this sentence, Merciless' is correct, and so is Merciless's...)

"I must admit, you truly are an impressive hero," I remarked sarcastically, a grin spreading on my face. "Have you ever considered the risk of that thing landing in a populated area?"

His eyes widened as he realized his mistake, ready to jump after it and prevent harm. However, I had different plans for him.

"You know what," I said with a smirk, "Let's take this somewhere with less collateral damage."

[Mana's Blessing] activated and I forced the world to bend to my will. My senses seeped into the fabric of space-time, spreading through the cosmos, locating and calculating the spatial coordinates of the second largest spatial distortion in this solar system, Jupiter.

From there it was a piece of cake. Space around us contorted, and before All Might could even blink, we both found ourselves on one of Jupiter's moons, Europa.

"Yagi!" I exclaimed, feeling excited about the potential challenge. "Here, I can take you more seriously, and we can unleash our powers without worry." [Infernal Mastery] surrounded me in flames, melting the ice-covered surroundings. "Let's enjoy ourselves," I said, turning to face All Might, but then halted in surprise. He was on his knees, struggling to breathe, frost covering his body, and icicles forming on his nose.

I facepalmed, realizing my mistake, then quickly activated [Rewind], restoring his body to its original state, then followed up by casting several environmental protection and air generation spells. "My apologies," I said sheepishly. "I forgot that you can't handle extreme environments."

He shivered, still recovering, and mustered the courage to ask, "W-who, or w-what are y-you?"

"Do you need a minute?" I offered, my voice filled with concern, not wanting to lose this chance to let loose. "Also, answering your question, I'm Darkness. Your everyday dimensional traveler, part of the elite group known as, Eclipse," I replied with a shrug.

"W-what?" he replied, confused, uncertainty etched on his face.

"Yeah, we come from a world without quirks, however we do have magic," I said with another shrug, bending the truth a little.

"R-right..." He said, not entirely believing me, and started looking around, his complexion getting better. "Where are we?" He asked in confusion, not recognizing the ice-covered surroundings.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked," I replied with a cheerful tone. "We're currently on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, around 740 million kilometers away from Earth," I said with a grin, watching his face shift through multiple emotions before settling on anger.

"You don't realize what kind of danger you've left the world in!" He shouted. "Get me back to Japan, now!"

"Oh, my bad. Did I do something bad?" I said with mock concern before shrugging and adding, "Too bad."

[Infernal Mastery] blazed with renewed brilliance as I manipulated its thermal radiation through [Thermokinesis], forming a white-hot ball of flame on my palm. "Try to survive this, and I might consider taking you back," I said before launching it at him slowly, purposely controlling its speed.

The moment it left my palm, the temperature in the surroundings skyrocketed, turning the negative 120 degrees Celsius into a hellish climate. The ice was instantly vaporized, not even given a chance to melt into water. The sudden explosion of vapor shook the planet. And the ball wasn't even a fraction of its way to the surface...

All Might didn't waste time; his danger sense quirk screamed at him to dodge whatever that was or else be atomized, and so he did. He knew relying only on his agility wasn't enough, so he activated his quirks, the black lightning covering his entire body. He launched himself to the left and almost fell to the ground, unaccustomed to the 1/10 of Earth's gravity and sparse atmospheric density. But he quickly adapted, controlling his own kinetic energy, he redirected his vector mid-fall and flew off, breaking the sound barrier, trying to get the hell out of there.

I chuckled, waving my hand to disperse the water vapor and the flaming ball of hell, then swiftly flew after him. "Oi! Why are you running? Let's have some fun!" I shouted, but as the words left my mouth, I immediately recognized how inappropriate it sounded. "Ugh, that came out wrong," I muttered to myself, realizing it could be misinterpreted.

However, swiftly, a mischievous smile formed on my face, as I shrugged and shouted, "Prepare your ANUS!", conjuring balls of ice and hurling them at him.

He skillfully dodged, catching a few in mid-air and sending them back at me with reversed momentum, all while shouting, "Why are you doing this!?"

The balls, still carrying my mana, responded to my will reforming into ice lances, and changed course, now hurtling back toward him. "Just because I can!" I shouted back with a mischievous grin.

Without missing a beat, I warped space, reappearing right before him, my fist pulled back, and [Mana's Blessing] at maximum parameter augmentation. With the force of a tungsten rod shot from a railgun, my fist aimed straight at his face.

"But, seriously! I want to fight you at 100%!" I shouted, his eyes widening as he quickly reacted. He tilted to the side, my fist barely grazing his skin, the friction even in this sparse atmosphere burning away the surface of his skin, while the displaced air continued forward cleaving through kilometers of ice. Simultaneously, the kinetic energy of my attack that made contact with his skin, reversed back at me, causing my arm to explode in a shower of blood.

He didn't waste a moment, his palm curled into a fist, delivering a devastating attack to my chest. And despite my sky-high physical resistance, it caved in, sending me spinning through the air.

"That's the spirit!" I shouted in excitement, my chest inflating back to normal, and my arm reforming.

A ping resounded in my mind, and after a quick glance, I could only mutter in annoyance, "For fuck's sake..."

[Title: [Masochist] received.]


- Gain the ability to convert pain into pleasure.

- Acquire partial immunity towards fear effects; instead, fear fuels determination.

- Experience increased resilience and affinity towards abilities, skills, and spells related to self-inflicted harm.

"No way I'm showing that to Olivia," I muttered, dodging a flying Superman-posed blondie in the sky by teleporting over him and sending him hurtling downward with [Kinetic Burst]. His impact with the ground made the glacial below us cave in, shattering into thousands of floating icebergs and uncovering a primordial ocean.

But then realization dawned on me, "She has that title 100%," I squinted my eyes, not remembering her sharing the details with me. "Oh, she's going to be punished when I get home," I muttered with a wicked smile.

I smirked as a column of water rose into the air, sending fish and reptilian-like creatures everywhere, as he launched himself out of the already freezing ocean water. "Huh, so there is life on this planet," I muttered, refocusing my attention on the floating hero. "So, how was the water?" I asked in a mocking tone, making him scream and launch himself at me with his fist raised.

He swung with all his might, and I tilted my head slightly to the side, dodging the attack with ease. "Nice try," I taunted, before countering with a swift, but weak, [Magical Embodiment] mana-reinforced kick to his side. He grunted in pain, unable to reverse the light affinity mana of the attack, but he quickly recovered, launching a series of rapid punches toward me.

"You're not bad," I commented, a hint of excitement in my voice. "But let's see how you handle this!" With that, I activated [Space-Time Manipulation], causing time to slow down around me. To All Might, it would appear as if I had suddenly gained superhuman speed and reflexes.

I grinned as I easily evaded his attacks, moving at a speed that was incomprehensible to him. "Come on, give me your best shot!" I taunted, enjoying the thrill of the fight. All Might's frustration grew as he couldn't land a single hit on me, and I could tell he was getting desperate.

Suddenly, his [Danger Sense] rang like never before, and his eyes widened in realization. But it was too late. Before he could react, I appeared right in front of him and unleashed a devastating punch, infused with [Kinetic Burst], directly at his chest.

The impact sent him hurtling backward, crashing through ice peaks, and into the icy ground with tremendous force. I blinked closer, my body converted into light, crackling with the familiar black lightning. I casually walked over to him, the energy of [Infernal Mastery] still surrounding me, melting away our surroundings.

"Well, that was fun," I said with a wicked grin. "But I think it's about time we end this."