
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

MHA 12

With the six hundredth and eighty-seventh iteration, of technically the same individual, succumbing to what I labeled as "soul strain," my research and ability acquisition was finally completed.

The progress of my research was remarkably swift. Utilizing my superhuman abilities, I only took rest when truly needed, using magic to keep myself clean, and relying on my personal replicator for sustenance. In the end, it took me a total of four days in the trunk, which correlated to about an hour on the outside, to complete the entire project.

During this intense period, many of my skills advanced by leaps and bounds and a total of fourteen of them evolved, while in the case of [Chemistry] and [Biology], they even advanced multiple times. Not even my classes were spared from advancements, as I gained profession experience points in both my Artificer and Physicist classes.

While most skill evolutions brought small percentage adjustments, there were a few notable exceptions that received substantial advancements. For example, [Mind Discipline]'s secondary ability now not only reduced negative emotions but also nullified them when needed, while also emitting a calming influence that affected nearby individuals. [Spirit Healing] also saw significant improvement, with its soul regeneration increasing from 0.01% per level to 0.1%.

There were, however, a few particularly interesting skill evolutions. For instance, the guidance for [Parallel Processing] advanced the skill in a way that removed the experience reduction I experienced for not directly using a skill while relying on parallel mind instances.

Another significant breakthrough was gaining a form of foresight through [Intuitive Aptitude], which allowed me to predict future events and outcomes based on available information. This newfound ability promised to be incredibly useful in various situations.

[Andy's Status IMG] (It's been a while...)

(A/N: Full Skill EV List in "Skill Evolutions Andrew (MHA 12)" AUX chapter.)

As my understanding and knowledge-based skills advanced, the daunting task of identifying the genetic sequences responsible for different abilities gradually became more manageable.

In the early stages of experimentation, several of my test subjects exploded due to unstable quirks, leaving the room in disarray and forcing me to find ways to manage my stress and annoyance.

As a result, [Rewind] gained a few levels after restoring my stress relief ball, once called Kai Chisaki, back to its original, wiggling ball of flesh, form.

Employing magical barriers around my test subjects proved effective in preventing further collateral damage, allowing me to continue my research with reinforced defenses.

As I delved deeper into my investigation, I began identifying the various genetic sequences responsible for different types of quirks and skills. Armed with this understanding, I experimented with adjusting these abilities, altering their types, and even adding or removing features.

One of my most intriguing creations started as a Mutant quirk, but with some adjustments, it transformed into an Emitter-type quirk. This newfound ability allowed the user to mutate targets into preset monsters, showing promising potential. However, it wasn't something I needed for my current goals.

After combining and fine-tuning genetic data from multiple temperature-related quirks, I successfully created the ability I had promised to Eri, and in the end decided to keep it for myself.

[Thermokinesis LVL: 1/100]

- Grants the user the ability to affect temperature and thermal energy, enabling them to manipulate molecular motion.

- Allows the user to absorb and emit heat, enabling them to alter the temperature of objects and the environment around them.

- The user gains immunity towards extreme heat and cold, allowing them to withstand and adapt to various environments and temperature conditions.

With the system's restriction on possessing two identical skills, I made a slight alteration to the quirk I just made and created another version for Eri with an additional ability. I added the genetic code to enable thermal sight, which was a feature I didn't require for myself but could be beneficial for her.

As for the other ability I promised Eri, I began with the foundation of [Overhaul] but made some fine adjustments to its functioning. The end result was an ability that didn't require physical touch for matter manipulation, which was a significant improvement. However, the change came with a small drawback—it increased the manipulation cost. Despite the tempting advantages, I didn't abandon the original [Overhaul] for the new version. The reason was that with my increased understanding and mastery over my abilities, I could use mana as a medium to enable matter manipulation without the need for physical touch.

As the new ability integrated into my being, I felt an unfamiliar discomfort and heaviness emanating from deep within me. Intrigued and slightly concerned, I decided to investigate the cause of this strange feeling. Sitting down and crossing my legs, I entered a state of meditation using [Meditation], seeking clarity within my soul realm.

At first glance, my soul realm appeared as usual—a pristine white marble floor, a central pillar reaching towards the heavens, and green particles gently floating in the air. Surrounding the pillar were small pedestals adorned with multicolored orbs. However, as I expanded my senses to encompass the entire realm, I noticed a peculiar phenomenon. The previously flat realm seemed to tilt inward like a funnel as if the central pillar had sunk slightly. It was a subtle change, barely perceivable, but undeniably there.

I pondered the significance of this occurrence, trying to find a connection between the tilt and the discomfort I was experiencing. My mind quickly went to my skills, and I counted them to see if their number might be linked to this change. To my surprise, the count came to only 143, which, while high, was less than what I had before I began merging my skills.

Realizing that the number of skills alone couldn't explain the phenomenon, I turned my attention to the pedestals in my soul realm. I observed multiple pedestals of varying heights, ranging from one meter to ten meters. A question arose: Could it be that the levels and evolutions of my skills were responsible for the changes I was experiencing? Was my soul struggling to handle the multitude of high-level skills that had undergone advancements since I began my journey?

It seemed plausible, as it was the only other significant change that had occurred during this time.

With my mind abuzz with possibilities, I continued to contemplate the implications of my discovery. If my suspicions were correct, I needed to find a way to stabilize and strengthen my soul to accommodate the advanced skills within me. Absorbing other souls using the spell I had learned from observing the system was a viable option, but it required finding suitable candidates to make significant advancements.

The thought of venturing into Wuxia and Xianxia worlds, filled with soul-strengthening arts, made me grimace. I wasn't particularly fond of those genres, but I couldn't ignore the potential benefits they offered. I considered asking Olivia if she wanted to visit one of those worlds, perhaps with Sky in tow, as the techniques they offered could complement her fighting style.

However, for now, I decided to focus on a more immediate solution - a comprehensive cleanup. The removal of obsolete or unnecessary skills should alleviate some of the strain on my soul and create space for more vital abilities.

I carefully examined my skill list, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each skill. After a thorough analysis, I made the decision to remove twenty unneeded or obsolete skills from my repertoire. With a resolute nod, I accepted the change, and as a result, twenty skill orbs surrounding me shattered into a burst of particles. Instantly, a sense of relief washed over me, and the weight I had been feeling vanished.

A sight of relief left my lips and I muttered, "Yeah, that seemed to be the cause."

Gone were skills like [Sneak], [Muted Steps], [Charms], [Foresight], [Shadow Veil], [Dreamwalking], [Light Weapons], [Hack], [Charge], [Crystalline Shell], [Featherweight], [Gaseous Form], [Levitate], [Obsidian Shell], [Slimy Skin], [Sonic Attack], [Sticky Feet], [Underwater Breathing], [Water Walking], and [Intangibility]. While some of these skills had their occasional uses, most of their abilities could be easily replicated with a spell or achieved with another skill.

For instance, [Hack] could be easily replaced with [Coding], but why bother when I had the more potent option of [Technopathy] to invade and manipulate electronic technology? Making these adjustments not only lightened my soul but also freed up space for more vital and powerful skills to take their place. It was a decision that I was confident would serve me well in my future endeavors until I find a more viable solution to expanding and strengthening my soul.

[Andy's Skills IMG]

With the skill cleanup completed, I decided to tidy up the study, undoing the mess I had created. Employing a few cleaning spells, the room was soon restored to its pristine state.

As I prepared to store away the gene sequencers, a curious thought struck me, "How does my DNA look like?" I couldn't help but wonder.

I had previously established that [Overhaul] had no effect on my DNA, which was quite intriguing as it could affect the DNA of my test subjects. Without hesitation, I collected a drop of my own blood, placed it into a test tube, and inserted it into the gene sequencer, turning on the machine and its enchantments.

To my surprise, everything went smoothly, and no explosions or a sudden collapse of reality occurred, contrary to my initial expectations. With a ding, the machine notified me of a successful completion and I cautiously approached the screen to inspect the data.

Displayed before me was a mostly mundane DNA sample. At first glance, anyone would assume it's a sample taken from a human or one of their variants or future descendants. It did have a few strange genome pairs here and there, but all in all, it seemed... mostly normal.

However, I did notice a few out-of-the-ordinary things.

First of all, the DNA sample I was inspecting didn't have telomeres at all. Technically, that would mean my cells shouldn't be able to divide without damaging my DNA. However, at least for now, everything seemed fine with my body. There could be countless explanations for this, but the best one I could come up with on the spot was my skills. [Ageless], [Regenerative Healing Factor], and [Immortality] flashed in my mind as the most probable suspects, but I had no definitive proof.

Secondly, I noticed some static discharges between genome pairs, and I realized that they might be the cause of why I wasn't able to modify my own genetic code. These discharges might be the result of the Race system or the Library system itself.

Now, this raised an important question - could anything else alter or affect my DNA? I was determined to find out, as depending on the circumstances, it could mean life or death in the future.

However, all of this did answer one of my long-unanswered questions - why we weren't able to use each other's biological samples to acquire races from one another. Our DNA was practically equal to our starting race – humans. This did mean that the plan of switching races and using my own genetic material as a template for my species was a bust.

"Well, I can still create them in my own image," I chuckled, recalling a passage from the Bible. "However, that means I'll have to pay another visit to the Harry Potter world to obtain some fresh Wizard DNA." The thought of checking on what Emily had accomplished also crossed my mind, but for now, I had other plans in store.

With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I stepped out of the study, storing the trunk away into my inventory. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realized it was still early in the morning, and a wide grin spread across my face. Despite spending four days in the trunk, only an hour and a half had passed since Olivia and Eri went on a walk, leaving me plenty of time to indulge in some fun in town - and by fun, I meant causing a bit of chaos.

With a snap of my fingers, my attire transformed from the white robe of a scientist to my extravagant villainous costume. A neon green suspender mankini thong adorned my figure, and I donned a black mask with an orange duck beak, completing the look.

"The Quacker is ready to cause some chaos!" I declared with glee, fully embracing my villainous persona as my voice distorted with excitement.

"First of all, we need an evil master plan." I hummed, falling into deep thought until a magnificent idea sparked within my formidable mind. "That should do." I nodded in satisfaction, a wide grin spreading across my lips as I swiftly conjured a sack with an image of a duck printed on it and enchanted it with weight nullification and spatial expansion magic.

A quick mental ping towards Olivia's earring gave me her location, and I swiftly compared it to the mental map of the town I had. With the sack over my shoulder, I teleported myself high into the air to the other side of town.

Summoning my trusty old steed, a car-sized rubber duck, I mounted it and steered it toward the ground. My swift descent caused a mild panic in the bustling streets of Musutafu. Some screamed in panic, others pointed at the descending duck with awe and surprise, while those who were familiar with my character rolled their eyes in annoyance.

"It's not a bird, nor is it a plane, it's I, The Quacker!" I declared, jumping off my duck mobile and striking a heroic pose with my hands on my hips.

My earlier exploits had made me somewhat famous, evident from the mix of astonishment and amusement on the faces of the people below. Some couldn't help but burst into laughter at my flamboyant entrance, while others continued to watch with curiosity and bewilderment. Phones were taken out, with some calling the authorities and others excitedly filming me, expecting something extraordinary to happen. The town of Musutafu was about to experience the whimsical chaos that only The Quacker could bring.

With confident strides, I made my way toward the shop I had come to rob while humming the old 50 Cent song. The bell above the door rang as I entered, and all eyes inside the shop turned to me, blinking rapidly in confusion.

"Quack!" Resounded the call of my people, as I waved my hand, summoning a flock of rubber ducks, spreading them wide inside the establishment.

"May I have your attention, please," I said in a respectable tone, playing my part as The Quacker. "This is a robbery. I would like to ask you all to remain calm, and no one will be hurt." I smiled, trying to maintain the comedic flair. "You have two choices: leave this fine establishment, or drop to the ground while I talk to the clerk, and we'll all go on our merry ways." Stepping away from the door, I gestured towards the exit. "The choice is yours."

"Mommy, that's The Quacker!" A kid exclaimed gleefully, tugging his stunned mother's arm.

I acknowledged him with a nod and summoned another duckling, this one without any magical features. Swiftly, I autographed the duck with a marker and sent it over to the kid. His eyes lit up with excitement as he caught it, looking at me for confirmation. "You're welcome," I said with a smile, bringing the stunned people back to reality.

Once again, I pointed towards the door, asking. "Doesn't anyone want to take me up on my offer?"

The mother picked up her child and hurriedly made her way out of the establishment, her legs trembling in fear, and that was enough to set off a chain reaction. One by one, people followed suit, quickly exiting the store. However, before the last person could leave, I reached over and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Yeah, buddy, you have a customer. Don't try to leave so quickly," I said to the clerk, my mask failing to hide my grin.

"Please, man, they don't pay me enough for this," he pleaded, clearly panicking, making me roll my eyes at his response.

"Well, that sucks for you," I retorted, throwing the duck-sack at him. "Now put all the candy you can fit into that bag, and do it swiftly! Your life depends on it!" I said, but after a thought, I added, "Well not really... I'm a villain, I need to threaten you. You understand, right?" I asked with a hopeful expression, making him nod.

With trembling hands, the clerk complied, hurriedly stuffing as much candy as possible into the sack, while I assisted by standing over his shoulder and menacingly squinting my eyes.

As minutes passed, his disbelief grew with each second, and by the third shelf, he was utterly shocked as the small sack I gave him continuously gobbled up any and all items he put inside of it, without showing any sign of getting full anytime soon.

By the time we got to the last shelf containing sour gummies, he was mumbling something incomprehensible, utterly shocked out of his mind. As he finished, I gave him a mock salute. "Good job! You've just made a lot of kids very happy." Then, with a dramatic flourish, I spread my arms and gave him a huge bear hug and a pat on the back, leaving him utterly confused.

"Now, I suggest you hide in the back room; there are cops in front of the shop," I said, pointing towards the door. "You don't need to be endangered during my exchange with them," I explained, making him nod slowly. It took him a moment to comprehend my words, but when he did, he swiftly made his way toward the back door and hid in the storage room.

I tossed the duck sack over my shoulder and, accompanied by my trusty duck army, marched my way out of the Candy Shop. With a mischievous grin, I cheerfully greeted the officers surrounding the fine establishment. "Officers," I exclaimed with a playful tone, "How may I help you on this wonderful and quackful day?"

My question was followed by a chorus of quacks, echoing from the hundreds of rubber ducklings surrounding me, creating a whimsical and peculiar atmosphere.