
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

KonoSuba 7

(Andrew's POV)

As I teleported back to the dense jungle, I took a moment to catch my breath and let the weight of the recent events settle in my mind. The air was thick with humidity, and the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves enveloped me, offering a temporary respite from my chaotic mind.

I leaned against a sturdy tree trunk, closing my eyes and allowing my thoughts to drift. Olivia's words echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions coursing through me.

"Good thing I found that nest earlier," I thought to myself, a faint smile forming on my lips. However, it quickly vanished as I let out a sigh. "I did say anything... But damn, I didn't think she would ask for that," I mumbled, feeling the weight of anxiety settling in my chest. With a flick of my wrist, I released a pulse of magic, erasing a winged snake from existence. It was a small distraction from my racing thoughts.

I hoped that the wolf cub's presence would help alleviate Olivia's potential sadness or depression at my clear rejection. The adorable pup would have a way of brightening her day, as I knew Olivia had a soft spot for cute animals. Perhaps this unexpected turn of events would offer a much-needed distraction and bring an additional sense of joy to her life.

Lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but smile at the idea of Olivia as a mother. I knew she would be wonderful, albeit a bit strict. Her fierce determination and unwavering sense of justice would undoubtedly shape her parenting style. But as I entertained the image of Olivia with a child, a sense of unease settled within me.

"However, I don't think I would be good father material," I admitted to myself, my smile fading away. Doubts and insecurities gnawed at my mind, questioning whether I possessed the qualities necessary to be a loving and responsible father. The weight of that realization weighed heavily on my heart.

"Also, how the hell would her pregnancy even work?" I continued to mumble to myself, deep in thought. "We couldn't just jump around worlds while she's carrying a child. I would need to be with her all the time, keep her safe, and help her out." The logistics of it all seemed daunting, and I couldn't shake the concern that consumed me.

But then, a spark of an idea flickered in my mind. "Huh, could I speed up the gestation period and leave her with Mai during that time?" I pondered aloud, my brows furrowing in contemplation.

"Time manipulation might work," I mused, considering the possibility. "Not on Olivia directly, but perhaps on the fetus itself. But wait... What if the fetus turns out to be a [Temporal Singularity] from the start?" I grimaced at the potential complications and dangers that could arise.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, feeling the weight of my limited knowledge. "Gah! I've got no idea how any of this works!" I admitted, my voice filled with frustration and uncertainty. The complexities of pregnancy, coupled with the added layers of our unique circumstances, seemed overwhelming.

"I'll need to talk to Rob about this... And even if I did manipulate time, the strain on Olivia's body would be immense," I acknowledged, my voice tinged with concern. The thought of putting her through such a risk was something I couldn't bear to contemplate.

My mind worked tirelessly, grappling with the complexities of Olivia's desire for a child and the challenges it posed to my plans for the future. As I pondered the various aspects, a surge of ideas flooded my thoughts.

As I pondered the idea of expediting the gestation period, I considered the necessity of specialized supplements for Olivia. "To ensure her nutritional needs are met during the accelerated pregnancy," I contemplated aloud, "I could create a spell or, even better, an enchantment that merges with a temporal spell. Alchemy, with its energy-to-matter conversion, could be a viable option for providing her with the necessary nutrients if set up correctly." The idea began to take shape in my mind, sparking a newfound sense of determination.

The notion of traditional childbirth became increasingly impractical as I delved deeper into the complexities of Olivia's superhuman attributes. "A normal birth is simply too risky," I admitted, my voice tinged with concern. The sheer strength she possessed meant that even the slightest exertion could inadvertently pose a threat to the well-being of the baby. It was clear that alternative methods would need to be explored to ensure a safe delivery.

Setting up the replicator to replicate books on pregnancy, child care, and related topics, I aimed to gather as much information as possible. The replicator hummed to life, diligently replicating the necessary literature to provide me with a wealth of knowledge.

"Cesarean would also be almost impossible," I continued to ponder, rubbing my chin thoughtfully. "Her rapid tissue regeneration would make it challenging and risky for both her and the baby." I contemplated alternative approaches, seeking a solution that would prioritize their safety and well-being.

A mischievous grin formed on my face as an unconventional idea crossed my mind. "Teleporting the baby out of the womb might be an option," I chuckled, recognizing the potential possibilities, as turned my attention back to the replicator.

I utilized my [Arcane Book Thief] title to swiftly absorb the knowledge contained within the replicated books. As each book materialized, I reached out with my magical abilities and absorbed the information directly into my mind. Anatomy, medical procedures, and intricate details about pregnancy and childbirth flooded my consciousness, equipping me with a comprehensive understanding of the process.

As the knowledge settled within me, I realized its far-reaching implications. Not only could it assist me in the future, if I decide to agree to Olivia's request, but it could also aid in the creation of the future race I had envisioned. The wealth of information, encompassing not only the mundane aspects but also insights into alien conditions, highlighted the inefficiencies, energy requirements, and unnecessary complexities of the current process. A thought crossed my mind, and I muttered to myself, "Perhaps laying eggs would be a more efficient approach." Thought, the idea of the female population laying monthly unfertilized eggs brought a chuckle to my lips.

Imagining the mothers explaining this unique reproductive process to their daughters, I burst out laughing, the earlier anxiety melting away. With a faint smile lingering on my face, I delved further into the knowledge, secretly hoping for the unlocking of a new skill. However, as I finished the last book, no new skill appeared in my system. Instead, three other notifications awaited me, two of which took me by surprise.

As I reviewed the notifications on my system screen, I noticed that my [Biology] skill had undergone an evolution, advancing to tier three. Accompanying this upgrade was the acquisition of a new ability directly tied to the research I had just undertaken. It was a welcome development, enhancing my understanding and proficiency in the field.

[Biology III LVL: 200/300]

- Gain the ability to analyze and interpret complex biological systems, such as ecosystems or microbiomes.

- Gain the ability to analyze and interpret biological data, such as genomics and proteomics, to understand the underlying mechanisms of life.

- Gain the ability to analyze and interpret reproductive strategies, inheritance patterns, embryonic development, and other mechanisms across various organisms, including sexual and asexual reproduction.

Yet, it was the second and the third notifications that caught my attention. It showed the unlocking of brand-new classes, sparking a surge of curiosity and excitement within me. However, as I read their names, my initial enthusiasm dampened.

[Class: [Midwife] unlocked.]

[Class: [Babysitter] unlocked.]

"Well, that's certainly unexpected," I chuckled, acknowledging the seemingly underwhelming nature of the new classes. However, deep down, I knew that there was potential hidden within them. The midwife class was likely to offer a range of skills and abilities geared towards ensuring the safety and well-being of both the mother and child during the process of childbirth. While, the babysitter class, should offer a wide range of abilities to ensure the baby's safety after pregnancy and childbirth. They were classes worth exploring further when the time was right. With that in mind, I made a mental note to delve deeper into the possibilities that the midwife and babysitter classes had to offer in the future.

As my system screen remained open, I cast a quick glance at my other newly acquired skill, one that I had obtained from the curse mage.

[Curse Creation X LVL: N/A]

- Grants the user the power to create and manipulate curses, allowing them to afflict individuals or objects by touch, spoken word, or ritualistic means, affecting their fate, abilities, or well-being.

- Allows the manipulation of curse energies, empowering the user to amplify, diminish, redirect, or dispel curses as desired.

- Enables the user to detect and analyze existing curses, discerning their nature, strength, and potential vulnerabilities.

- Provides immunity to the curses created by the user, safeguarding them from unintended consequences or backlashes.

- Strengthens the user's resilience against curses and malevolent energies, reducing the likelihood of being affected by external curses or hexes.

As I reflected on my previous attempt to absorb the curse mage's skill, obtained through the wish book, a frustrated sigh escaped my lips. It seemed that my [Power Absorption] ability had encountered a formidable defense mechanism, causing the curse mage's skill, [Magic Amplification], to shatter upon contact. It became evident that the wish book possessed safeguards against skill-stealing abilities. "And it appeared to be such a useful skill," I muttered in resignation. "Well, there goes my plan to manipulate people's minds by having them use the book and then steal the skills bestowed upon them." Another sigh escaped me as I rose from the makeshift seat on the tree trunk.

Having absorbed the knowledge from the last book and neatly stowed away the replicator, my gaze fell upon the scattered books littering the ground. A mischievous smile curled upon my lips as I activated both [Elemental Mastery] and [Master of Natural Creation]. The world around me underwent a transformative shift as vegetation receded and majestic slabs of granite emerged from the earth, converging to form a grand entrance in a shape of an ominous maw.

As I walked forward, the surroundings transformed and morphed under my influence. The earth shifted and compacted, forming walls that were etched with intricate engravings and adorned with an array of enchantments. With each step, I created expansive corridors that branched off in various directions, strategically placing traps as a deterrent for any unwelcome visitors who ventured toward the final room. Inside the final chamber, I conjured sturdy shelves and swiftly imbued them with potent stasis enchantments, ensuring the books I had replicated would remain safe and secure in their new abode.

I couldn't help but be amused by the scenario playing out in my mind, and a mischievous chuckle escaped my lips. "The expressions on the faces of those intrepid explorers, who navigate through this perilous labyrinth only to discover a room filled with knowledge about the intricacies of the female body and childbirth... It would be priceless," I mused, relishing the imagined reaction.

"Alright," I clapped my hands together, determined to make good use of my time. I quickly reviewed my plans for the future. "The staff project will have to wait. I still need a reliable mana conduit. Working on the race is pointless at the moment, as I require three more DNA samples from quirk users, mutants, and Inhumans. Hmm... Maybe I can start crafting the robe or a sleek, form-fitting leather outfit for Olivia?" I pondered, narrowing my eyes in thought. "Or... I could stir up some mischief." A mischievous smile spread across my face as I tilted my gaze upwards. "Let's see what kind of trouble I can cause in 'Heaven'."

With a surge of divine power, I extended my hand, manipulating the fabric of space itself. The air crackled with energy as a vibrant blue portal crackled into existence before me, a gateway to unknown possibilities.

Moments later, I stepped out of the shimmering blue portal, finding myself in Eris's grand throne room. "Note to self: find a way to speed up portal travel," I muttered to myself, glancing around. To my surprise, there was no scandalous scene unfolding before me this time. "Ah, it seems she has heeded my advice and moved the 'fun' to her own quarters," I chuckled, recalling the previous encounter.

As I surveyed the room, I noticed a distinct lack of visible exits. Not even the door through which Eris had swiftly departed during our last encounter was apparent. I shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, I suppose I'll have to make my own exit then." Raising my finger, I unleashed a powerful [Kinetic Burst], the energy slicing through ten divinity-reinforced walls with ease, before, to my utter surprise, completely dispersing. The cataclysmic force unleashed caused a sudden shift in atmospheric pressure, resulting in hurricane-like winds blowing out of the hole in the wall, which also shredded my clothes and tousled my hair. It was a formidable energy capable of obliterating celestial bodies and countering my own [Annihilation] skill. However, to my surprise, the reinforced walls held steadfast against the onslaught. "Impressive," I remarked, acknowledging the remarkable solidity of the structure.

Stretching my neck, I felt the satisfying crack as my outfit transformed into a black, horned ensemble. Stepping forward, I blinked rapidly, traversing this labyrinthine-like structure in search of an exit. To my frustration, [Celestial Eyes] proved futile as the walls rebounded mana, rendering my usual observational methods useless. Even warping space to gain a wider perspective seemed impossible. Suddenly, a realization struck me, and I froze in place. Looking upward, I couldn't help but berate myself. "What an oversight." Extending my palm towards the ceiling, I unleashed another powerful [Kinetic Burst], obliterating the barrier above me.

With another blink, to my astonishment, I found myself standing atop a grand castle, far surpassing the size and magnificence of Hogwarts. Bathed in a radiant golden glow, the structure exuded a palpable aura of power, crackling with energy. It perched atop a small hill, commanding the center of a bustling town, encircled by towering golden walls that stretched for hundreds of meters.

The truth dawned upon me, I realized that I stood in the very heart of the Divine Realm, a city populated by gods themselves. The weight of the realization only fueled my excitement further, and a mad gleam danced in my eyes. However, a thought quickly crossed my mind, "Why would the gods require fortifications?" I pondered aloud, my voice carrying a tinge of curiosity.

With a sense of urgency, I teleported away in rapid succession, aware that my previous display of power may have attracted attention. As I approached the towering walls, my [Spec of Divinity] resonated intensely, signaling the presence of countless divine beings surrounding me. A wide grin spread across my face, and the power of [Mana's Blessing] surged through me, amplifying my abilities to their fullest extent. In my hands, Cataclysm, my trusted weapon, materialized, ready for whatever awaited me in this sacred domain.

"In the name of his holiness, identify yourself, you peasant!" I turned around, my eyes meeting the gaze of a towering figure adorned in resplendent silver armor. His golden locks cascaded around him, exuding an air of divine charm that attempted to sway my thoughts. Annoyance flickered within me as I resisted the subtle influence.

"Peasant?" His contemptuous words struck a chord, stirring a spark of emotion within me. "Ah, it seems I'm not entirely devoid of emotions," I muttered, a sly grin stretching across my face. A flurry of notifications flooded my vision, revealing the futile attempts to appraise or probe my true nature.

[Appraisal attempt blocked by Soul Shield.]

[True soul cannot be viewed by other entities.]

"You're not worthy to know," I retorted, my voice laced with a mixture of disdain and amusement. As the words left my lips, the very ground beneath us collapsed, forming a gaping chasm. In an instant, my hand blurred, a sword materializing with a gleam of deadly intent. With unparalleled speed, I struck, severing the arrogant figure's head from his shoulders.

My speed far surpassed his perception, leaving him defenseless against my formidable prowess. Even without Olivia's boost, my combined stats soared to an astonishing 58 thousand, making me an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

STR: 1,294 [5,175]

VIT: 3,313 [13,250]

DEX: 1,648 [6,592]

AGI: 1,313 [5,253]

PER: 1,243 [4,973]

INT: 2,426 [9,706]

WIS: 1,887 [7,546]

CHAR: 413 [1,651]

LUCK: 196 [783]

P. Res: 403 (54.03%) [1,610 (66.10%)]

M. Res: 521 (55.21%) [2,084 (70.84%)]

(A/N: I have made adjustments to the stat calculations, refining them further. As a result, some values have been slightly reduced.)

As my feet came down upon the head, reducing it to a grotesque paste, a new notification appeared before me.

[Lachann Keegan (T4) slain (10,000) 7,500 XP Received]

Simultaneously, my [Link] resonated, alerting me to incoming communications. Amidst the chaotic battle cries of the surrounding gods, I casually answered the call, deftly deflecting numerous weapons and obliterating attacks infused with divine energies.

"Hey, honey," I greeted Olivia with nonchalance as if engaged in a leisurely pastime rather than a life-or-death struggle. In truth, I wasn't even remotely challenged. I secretly hoped that these opponents were not the best the gods had to offer, for I would be sorely disappointed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Olivia's voice dripped with annoyance as she confronted me.

"Just killing some boredom," I offered with a shrug, a smile spreading on my face as my sword effortlessly cleaved through yet another divine guard.

[Cailean Donovani (T4) slain (10,000) 7,500 XP Received]

"I can see that..." Olivia's voice carried a touch of exasperation, her words cutting through the chaos of battle. A sigh resonated through our connection. "Don't stay for too long. We need to talk."

Those words hit me like a thunderbolt, nearly causing me to falter and leave myself vulnerable to an attack from one of the guards. It was a phrase that no one wanted to hear. Reacting swiftly, I activated [Infernal Mastery], unleashing a wave of infernal energy that instantly vaporized everything and everyone in my vicinity. The floor turned to molten slag beneath my feet as I reluctantly acknowledged the urgency in Olivia's voice. My heart pounded in my chest.

[Divine Guard (T4) x38 slain (380,000) 285,000 XP Received]

"Umm... We're not breaking up, are we?" I hesitantly voiced my fear, a surge of panic coursing through me. The [Link] communication channel fell into a momentary silence, the weight of my words hanging in the air before a torrent of furious words exploded from Olivia.

"What?! Are you crazy?! Where the hell did you even get that idea?!" Her anger and vehement protests oddly calmed my racing pulse, alleviating some of my anxiety. As the sound of her voice subsided, she added in a slightly more reserved tone, "I found out something annoying about the race system..." Her voice trailed off, carrying a hint of shyness.

Relieved by her clarification, I chuckled at my own overreaction. "You could have chosen your words better... You almost gave me a hearth attack." I playfully retorted, appreciating the levity in the situation. "I'll be there in an hour."

Maybe sensing the underlying meaning of her earlier words, Olivia's tone softened as she replied, "Sorry... I'll be waiting for you." There was a brief pause before she added, "Also, try not to cause too much trouble."

With her words lingering in the air, the connection ended, leaving me to face the incoming group of challengers alone. The resonating power from my [Spec of Divinity] indicated that these adversaries were not to be taken lightly. Excitement coursed through my veins as I eagerly anticipated the impending battle, eager to put my skills to the test against formidable opponents.