
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

KonoSuba 5

After the overwhelming release of the spell and the ensuing disagreement, I employed teleportation magic to transport both of us back to the starter town. The once serene locale now teemed with chaos and disorder. Olivia, still harboring her silent discontent, persistently rejected any attempts at conversation. Her pout and deliberate avoidance of eye contact served as unmistakable signals of her pretend anger toward me. However, despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but find her behavior endearingly adorable.

Nevertheless, my apathy towards the destruction I had wrought earlier remained unaltered. The spell had served its desired outcome, and the consequences of a mere admonishment paled in comparison to the substantial gains I had obtained. Forty-eight adventurer levels, a global class level, and additional advancements across my various classes had been added to my repertoire, solidifying my progression within the realm of adventurers.

Seizing the tranquility afforded by Olivia's resolute silence, I delved into the abundance of notifications and explored both system interfaces. Within the adventurer system, I discovered a substantial amount of free attribute points, eagerly awaiting distribution among my diverse attributes. Swiftly, I directed 170 points towards bolstering my Magic Power, recognizing its paramount importance. Another 150 points were assigned to enhance my Agility, further refining my speed and agility in the face of challenges. To ensure a touch of serendipity, I allocated 50 points to Luck, acknowledging the fortuitous role it can play in the unpredictable realm of adventure.

With these foundational adjustments complete, I immersed myself in the captivating realm of the Arch Wizard class, meticulously sifting through the vast array of available skills. Each selection held the promise of something extraordinary, a potential enhancement to my magical prowess, or the unlocking of a unique and potent ability. The anticipation grew as I eagerly sought out the gems hidden within this repertoire of spells and abilities, eager to uncover the next milestone in my magical journey.

As I perused the extensive selection of skills, my initial impression remained unchanged. Many of them appeared lackluster, simply offering spells in a predefined format. The skill "Explosion," for example, which had been wielded by one of the heroines in this story, was indeed available as a skill. However, given my ability to harness true magic independently of skills, its inclusion seemed redundant. Similar sentiments extended to other skills that essentially replicated the capabilities of specific spells.

Instead, my focus shifted towards passive abilities, and truth be told, they were plentiful. Among them, I discovered passive abilities that honed in on particular elements, augmenting damage inflicted by 10% for each level attained. Additionally, there existed a comparable passive skill that conferred the same bonus across all spell types, albeit with a slightly reduced percentage. However, given my fondness for employing a diverse range of spells, the resonance of the aforementioned passive skill compelled me to allocate a solitary point from my pool of 74 available ability points, thereby unlocking its potential within both systems.

[Skill: [Arcane Amplification I] unlocked.]

[Arcane Amplification I LVL: N/A]

- Enhances the user's global spellcasting abilities, increasing spelldamage by 5%.

To my astonishment, the skill exhibited an intriguing characteristic—it was not subject to leveling within the Library System, despite featuring a distinctive Roman numeral denoting its rank. Undeterred, I invested an additional ability point into the skill, and to my delight, an unforeseen development unfolded within the Library system itself. The skill underwent a remarkable upgrade, augmenting its spell damage amplification by an additional five percent.

[Skill: [Arcane Amplification I] upgraded to [Arcane Amplification II].]

Curiously, I observed a subtle alteration within the skill's progression. While the first two levels had demanded a single ability point each, the third level now necessitated two points. With 73 ability points still at my disposal, I remained unfazed by this change and proceeded to maximize the skill, ascending it to its highest attainable level. It became evident that the increment in required points occurred at each odd level, culminating at five points at levels nine and ten, and ending in a cumulative cost of 30 ability points to reach this pinnacle of mastery.

[Skill: [Arcane Amplification IX] upgraded to [Arcane Amplification X].]

[Arcane Amplification X LVL: N/A]

- Enhances the user's global spellcasting abilities, increasing spelldamage by 50%.

Although the skill did not acquire any supplementary abilities or traverse the skill evolution paths within the Library System, it bestowed upon me a solitary ability that exhibited a permanent percentage increment across each level attained. With 44 remaining ability points within my reach, I redirected my focus toward another similar ability, one that diverged from enhancing spelldamage and instead bolstered my Magic Power. In the context of the Library System's statistics, this translated to a percentile augmentation in Intelligence.

With a sense of purpose, I swiftly allocated the necessary resources to maximize the newfound skill. Utilizing 30 of the 44 ability points that remained at my disposal, I progressed through its levels, each contributing a 1% boost to my Intelligence.

[Skill: [Arcane Brilliance I] unlocked.]

[Skill: [Arcane Brilliance IX] upgraded to [Arcane Brilliance X].]

[Arcane Brilliance X LVL: N/A]

- Enhances the user's cognitive capabilities, boosting their overall intelligence by 10%.

Using the remaining 14 points, I focused my attention on a passive skill designed to mitigate mana costs, diligently raising it to level six. This substantial progression greatly augmented my capacity to wield mana on a grand scale. However, upon putting the skill to the test, I quickly realized that my comprehension of its inner workings was sorely lacking.

While I possessed a rudimentary understanding of how skills enhanced my mana capacity and regeneration, the intricacies of this skill's mana cost reduction eluded me.

Considering the constant operation of [Optimize], the skill inherited from my programmer class that meticulously fine-tuned the efficiency of my spells, the newly acquired skill did not seem to impact mana efficiency in any discernible manner. It neither granted me the ability to reclaim a portion of the expended mana nor showcased a reduction in spell potency despite the reduced mana cost. The spells, perplexingly, continued to display their full potential, defying my understanding of how the skill functioned in practice. The enigma surrounding this skill persisted, leaving me with a sense of bewilderment and a longing for deeper insight into its inner workings.

[Mana Conservation VI LVL: N/A]

- Enables the user to conserve mana more efficiently, reducing the mana cost of spells by 9%.

With the allocation of attribute points completed and ability points strategically employed, I once again found myself unencumbered, the entire process has taken no more than ten minutes. I cast a brief glance at Olivia, who continued to simmer in her silent pretend anger on the sidelines, and nonchalantly sent her a telepathic message conveying a simple "Have fun!" before forcefully teleporting her directly in front of the blond imbecile, hoping that a conversation with the lost cause masochist might ease her emotions.

As for myself, the weariness had yet to set in, and my earlier planetary scan had yielded intriguing results, unveiling a multitude of fascinating species. With no immediate tasks demanding my attention, I manipulated the fabric of space around me, vanishing from the bustling streets of Axel only to reappear amidst the lush expanse of a dense jungle.

(Olivia's POV)

As I sighed deeply within, I couldn't help but curse the bothersome influence of our shared [Soul Cohesion] skill. Though I tried to project anger toward Andy, deep down I knew he could see right through my facade. While I certainly felt a sense of disappointment regarding the loss of nearly one hundred thousand lives caused by his actions, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull he exerted on me when he unleashed his immense power.

The memory of that moment still sends a thrill through my body.

When Andy cast the spell, the world around us faded into insignificance. Nothing else mattered as I fixated on his determined expression. The sheer force of his unleashed power caused his hair and clothes to dance in the air, leaving me in awe. He was the man I loved, capable of igniting the world with a single thought. The intensity of this realization sparked a fire within me, a mix of desire and admiration that simultaneously excited and felt somewhat foolish.

I couldn't help but ponder if the races I had chosen had an influence on my mind as well. They not only provided us with new senses, skills, and physical attributes resembling the targeted species but also imparted instinctual knowledge and behaviors. Perhaps there was more to it than meets the eye.

Two of my currently equipped races had traits similar to a "yearly heat," triggering instinctual urges and desires to mate. Lately, whenever I locked eyes with Andy, a primal voice whispered within me, tempting me to leap into his embrace and beg for his seed. With each passing day, the intensity of these urges seemed to grow stronger.

I knew deep down that he wasn't ready for a child, at least not yet, and to be honest, I wanted to wait until we were married before starting a family. But then again, did marriage truly matter when our souls were eternally intertwined, forming a bond stronger than any ring on our finger? Perhaps I needed to consider changing my equipped races and give myself a few weeks to cool off. Hopefully, that would help resolve these overpowering desires.

Additionally, the divine domain I presided over, the domain of Pain, seemed to amplify the weariness I felt. The incessant stream of prayers, pleading for relief from suffering, had started to take its toll on my emotions. It left me feeling somewhat apathetic, especially in a world where such pleas seemed never-ending. Since our arrival in this realm, there had been only one respite from the constant throbbing of these prayers, and that was when Andy briefly transported us back to the Divine Realm.

Amidst the fleeting tranquility, I couldn't help but savor the rare respite and the delight I felt after teasing that mischievous goddess. A suppressed chuckle escaped me as I recalled the expression on her face.

'Oh, crap, I think Andy is rubbing off on me. Remember, I'm supposed to be mad at him!' I glanced quickly at Andy, maintaining a narrowed gaze, and the instant his eyes met mine, I crossed my arms and averted my gaze. 'That'll show him,' I thought to myself, mentally congratulating my small triumph.

However, to my complete astonishment, Andy simply shrugged, and with a smile on his face sent me a telepathic message saying, "Have fun!" His words reverberated in my mind, and in an instant, I went from strolling down the town streets to finding myself standing on a luxurious marble floor in a lavishly adorned bedroom.

"Where in the world did he send me?" I muttered in disbelief, surveying my surroundings and attempting to reach out to him through our mental connection using [Link]. However, the infuriating jerk kept rejecting my calls, leaving me to navigate this bewildering situation on my own.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, wielding a sword and dressed in a stunning blue summer dress adorned with intricate white embroidery. Surprisingly, none of my skills alerted me to the imminent threat, and I briefly wondered if they had malfunctioned. However, it soon became apparent that I was never in danger.

A profound sense of tranquility enveloped me as I recognized the familiar figure before me, and I couldn't help but feel grateful to Andrew for orchestrating this encounter. Lost in my thoughts, I observed as my assailant persistently attacked me, each swipe, strike, and thrust missing its mark inexplicably, even though I remained stationary and unyielding. My eyebrow arched in curiosity, as I effortlessly disarmed the blonde girl with a simple swat of my hand.

"Hello there, Lalatina. It's a pleasure to meet you," I greeted her with a warm smile, barely suppressing a chuckle as a shiver ran down her spine.

A notification resonated within my mind, and I couldn't help but wonder if I gained some sort of sadistic title. If it turned out to be the case, I swore to myself that I would give Andrew a piece of my mind for suggesting I call her by that name.

[Hydra (T3) x7 slain by Andrew, 17,500 XP (25% of total) Received]

[Global Level has reached Level 91]

"That damn asshole is really enjoying himself," I grumbled under my breath, before redirecting my attention to the blonde girl who had now dropped to the ground and was cautiously inching towards her sword. Letting out a sigh, I decided to test out my recently acquired skill, [Appraise], on her.

[Name: Dustiness Ford Lalatina]

(Sex: F) / (Age: 18) / (Race: Human) / (Tier: 2)

[Health: 315,120] / [Stamina: 6,864] / [Mana: 3,689]

[Domains: None]


STR: 101

VIT: 312

DEX: 22

AGI: 39

PER: 45

INT: 86

WIS: 43

CHAR: 64

LUCK: 25

P. Res: 605 (6.05%)

M. Res: 532 (5.32%)

Skills: [Greater Divine Blessing of Luck], [Sword Mastery], [Indomitable Endurance], [Self-Sacrifice], [Pleasure of Pain], [Indomitable Willpower], [Heavy Armor Proficiency], [Physical Resistance], [Magic Resistance], [Debuff Resistance], [Side Slash]

As I examined her skills and stats, I couldn't help but notice that they were actually quite impressive, well, all except for her luck and dexterity stats. She possessed a skill in sword mastery as well as a sword slash skill, which should have made her a formidable opponent. However, considering her consistent inability to hit her targets, even with the fact that she had those skills, continued to puzzle me greatly. Additionally, she had a divine blessing, and at that, a greater one, that should have enhanced her luck to a sky-high value, yet her luck stat was disappointingly low.

Feeling a grimace form on my face, I delved deeper into the [Appraise] results, and there it was, glaring at me without mercy:

[Afflicted: (Curse of Accuracy), (Curse of Misfortune), (Curse of Death)]

I focused [Appraisal] on the curses afflicting the poor girl and as I examined their descriptions, my heart sank. Each curse was more severe than the last, and it pained me to see the extent of her suffering. The curse of accuracy had diminished both her dexterity and her ability to hit her targets by a staggering 90%. Similarly, the curse of misfortune had drastically reduced her luck by the same percentage.

But it was the Curse of Death that ignited a fierce rage within me. This abominable curse passed down through her bloodline, mercilessly eroded the life-force of all who bore a child. The weight of generations of pain and suffering caused by this curse fueled the fire of my divine energies, unleashing a tempest of anger.

"ANDY!" I bellowed, my voice resonating with seething anger.

In a thunderous display, reality itself seemed to shudder as he materialized by my side. The sound of shattering glass echoed through the air, leaving a jagged rift in the fabric of existence. His presence was imposing, his sword radiating an ominous aura, and his mana crackling with raw power, tainted by a pulsating black matter that sizzled with dangerous energy.

"Damn, I need to change my panties..." I muttered quietly, vowing to switch out my races as soon as I had the opportunity.

With a discerning gaze, Andy surveyed our surroundings, analyzing the situation at hand. Then, his attention turned to me, his head tilting in confusion as he inquired, "You called?"

Shaking my head, I snapped myself out of my incident fantasies and, with a blush still lingering on my cheeks, I pointed directly at the girl affected by the curses. "Could you please locate the person responsible for casting those curses on her and bring them here?" I spoke with a firm tone, my voice carrying a sense of determination.

Meanwhile, the blondie stared at us in bewilderment, her body trembling under the weight of Andy's overwhelming mana. Despite her struggle to regain her composure, her expression held a fervent intensity, and her breaths came in ragged gasps. Her eyes shimmered with a starry gaze as she looked upon the formidable presence of my man, clearly captivated by his power.

As Andy's eyes briefly flickered toward the girl, a surge of inexplicable pleasure coursed through her, evident in the ecstatic expression that adorned her face. In response, Andy's stoic countenance twisted into a grimace, his previously combat-ready stance faltering. The overwhelming aura of mana surrounding him gradually receded. He shifted his focus back to me, his lips curling into a wry smile, and raised doubts about my chosen course of action. "Are you absolutely certain about this? You possess the capability to remove the curses from her yourself. My involvement could complicate matters, especially considering we're talking about this lost cause blonde bitch."

To my dismay, the girl on the floor let out a gleeful exclamation, as she wiggled happily on the floor. "Gah! The look of disgust on his face when he saw me!" I couldn't help but facepalm and shake my head at her antics, while Andy maintained his bemused expression.

As the doors swung open, a group of guards burst into the room with swords drawn, their intentions clear: to protect their "prim and proper" lady. She continued to convulse on the ground, a blissful expression adorning her face. However, their shouts and presence fell on deaf ears as we remained engrossed in our conversation, completely ignoring their presence.

"Andy..." I locked eyes with him, my voice filled with earnestness. "I rarely ask anything of you... Please, if not for her, do this for me."

He tilted his head upward, deep in thought, while the commotion caused by the guards grew louder. Andy let out a sigh and unleashed a pulse of mana, causing everyone except Lalatina, himself, and me to collapse to the ground. Confirming through my [Appraise] skill that they were merely asleep, not dead, I turned my attention back to Andy.

"Alright, let's put an end to this," he declared, waving his hand and releasing a surge of mana. It struck the helpless girl directly in the chest, expelling three writhing masses of darkness from her being and causing her to fall into unconsciousness.

Andy raised his hand, rubbing his chin as he inspected the ominous energy floating before him. His murmurs reached my ears as he analyzed the situation. "The same person cast all three curses. They share a common mana signature," he remarked, and a magical formation formed around them. Shortly after, he raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Huh, this is quite an ingenious design," he muttered to himself.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but ask, "What is?" Andy's mana sense and analytical abilities were far beyond my comprehension. Momentarily pulled out of his thoughts, he looked at me with a confused expression. I repeated my question, and this time he focused on answering.

"The description provided by [Appraise] is almost correct regarding the curse of death. However, it not only erodes the life-force of the victim but siphons it into the caster, making them practically immortal," he explained. "The curse is essentially a magical HIV. Moreover, as soon as I discovered this, the information in the [Appraise] description changed, suggesting that it draws upon our own knowledge and understanding. I'm not even certain if our [Appraise] results are identical. Take a look at yours first, then compare it to mine."

Following his instructions, I directed my gaze at the largest mass of darkness before me and activated [Appraise].

{Curse of Death}

Description: A curse transmitted through intimate encounters, targeting the female victims specifically after childbirth. This insidious affliction gradually corrodes the life-force of these unfortunate individuals, siphoning it away and funneling it into the cursed caster.

"Huh, it updated with the information you provided," I exclaimed, looking at Andy in confusion. He nodded in response, understanding my bewilderment.

"Alright, now take a look at my description," he said, sharing his screen with me. As I observed the information displayed, I was astonished by the vast amount of details that surpassed what I had received.

{Curse of Death}

Affinity: Life, Shadow

Description: An ancestral blood curse fashioned by interweaving Life and Shadow affinity mana. The curse operates solely within the realm of physical intimacy and childbirth, inflicting dire consequences upon those who become ensnared within its web. This curse manifests in the male lineage, by infecting those they intimately engage with. However, its impact is solely borne by the female populace, but only after they have given birth and transmitted the curse to their child. Once the birth occurs, the curse activates in the mother, commencing a gradual erosion and siphoning of life-force from her, channeling it towards the caster. This process not only revitalizes the caster but also grants them additional years of existence. The victims, depending on the caster's current physical condition, progressively weaken as their bodies succumb to the curse's devastating effects.

Caster: Unknown

"Wait, then how did I know it was a blood curse and that it affected people after birth?" I questioned, still trying to wrap my head around the information.

"It's because of your domain," Andy replied, sounding surprised by my question. He shook his head and using his authority opened my status screen, highlighting a specific row in the description of my domain. As I read the highlighted text, I couldn't help but facepalm, realizing that the answer had been right in front of me the whole time.

[Grants the user limited insight into the cause of pain and suffering experienced by others, allowing them to empathize with and provide comfort to those who are suffering, offering solace and potentially aiding in their healing process.]