
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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Info Chapter - DanMachi Chapter 20

~-~-~*** Systems ***~-~-~

~-~-~* Title System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base | Description: Allows the user to activate a single title with all of its benefits. | Price: 50 WP

~-~-~* Race System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base | Description: Allows the user to activate a race with all of its benefits. | Price: 100 WP

~-~-~* Leveling System *~-~-~

[Leveling System | Upgrade Name: Base | Description: Grants the user the ability to accumulate XP and to gain global and class levels | Price: 100 WP]

~-~-~* Stat System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base Stats | Description: Upon purchase unlocks the base attributes. Them being strength, dexterity, agility, intelligence, wisdom. These attributes can be altered by titles, races, classes or by adding free attribute point into them. | Price: 100 WP

Upgrade Name: Additional Stats| Description: VIT/PER Upon purchase unlocks vitality and perception attributes. These attributes can be altered by classes, titles, races or by adding free attribute point into them. | Price: 250 WP

~-~-~* Spell System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base | Description: Displays the user's spells and base information about them. | Price: 125 WP

Upgrade Name: Spell Leveling | Description: Allows the user's spells to accumulate additional power after continuous usage. | Price: 650 WP

~-~-~* Skill System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base | Description: Displays the user's abilities and base information about them. | Price: 125 WP

Upgrade Name: Skill Leveling| Description: Allows the user's skills to accumulate additional power after continuous usage. | Price: 650 WP

Upgrade Name: Reality Stats | Description: CHAR/LUCK Upon purchase reality altering attributes of the user are unlocked. These attributes cannot be altered by adding points into them. Some classes, titles and races effect these attributes. | Price: 550 WP

Upgrade Name: Defensive Stats | Description: P. Res/M. Res Upon purchase physical and magical resistance defensive attributes become visible. These attributes cannot be altered by adding points into them. Some classes, titles and races effect these attributes. | Price: 800 WP

Upgrade Name: Bars System | Description: Quantities, displays and tracks selected resources as bars. Calculates regeneration time, can display as time or amount/time. | Price: 350 WP

Upgrade Name: Health Status | Description: Displays the health status of the user. Be it sickness, broken bone or anything wrong with the user. | Price: 100 WP

~-~-~* Class System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base | Description: One class can be leveled up at time. User still needs to unlock them. | Price: 250 WP

~-~-~* Map System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base | Description: A World map of explored regions. Fog of war is displayed everywhere the user didn't go. | Price: 150 WP

~-~-~* Inventory System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Inventory| Description: Generates a pocket dimension only accessible by the user and displays it as a grid. Upon purchase a stat is selected by the user and tied to the inventory system. 10 Stat Points equals 1 slot. | Price: 1,000 WP

Upgrade Name: Coin Purse | Description: Creates Universal Currency which is stored in a separate slot of the inventory. It can be exchanged to any currency of the current world. Exchange rates vary depending on world. UC value of is tied to the price of gold or other valuable ore, depending on world economy. Currency converted stays with the user upon exiting the world. | Price: 150 WP

Upgrade Name: Stacking | Description: Similar items stack in the same item slot up to 99. | Price: 450 WP

~-~-~* Quest System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Base| Description: Displays the World Quests and tracks their completion inside of a world. | Price: 150 WP

~-~-~* Background System *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Reality Warping| Description: Allows the user to craft a background for his character before entering the world. Main story elements cannot be influenced. | Price: 2,500 WP

~-~-~* System Tools *~-~-~

Upgrade Name: Notifications| Description: User is notified whenever changes happen with of the system. Fully customizable sound, actions and display. | Price: 150 WP

Upgrade Name: System Log| Description: Grants user the ability to look back at any changes to the system or himself. Logs everything the user wants from the moment the system is turned on. | Price: 100 WP

Upgrade Name: Detection, Integration, Reproduction| Description: After detecting another system in the current world, the user's system becomes undetectable. Any system element not found on the system upgrade list, gets analyzed and added. Any attributes, skills, spells, abilities, classes, races and titles gained from the other system are copied over to the main one and user gains most of their benefits. The reproduction is not 1 to 1. | Price: 950 WP

Upgrade Name: Language Comprehension| Description: Languages change from country to country, user is not expected to know them all, especially in a different world. With a few exceptions, namely, runic and other magical languages, user gains the ability, after hearing people speak it, to talk and read said language. User still needs to learn how to write it. | Price: 600 WP

Upgrade Name: Immune System System| Description: he Multiverse is vast, so are the types of diseases. After this purchase your immune system block all types of viruses, bacteria, parasites and other micro-organisms that are not native to the user's world. Doesn't block the effects of poison. | Price: 1,000 WP

Upgrade Name: Coin Purse | Description: Creates Universal Currency which is stored in a separate slot of the inventory. It can be exchanged to any currency of the current world. Exchange rates vary depending on world. UC value of is tied to the price of gold or other valuable ore, depending on world economy. Currency converted stays with the user upon exiting the world. | Price: 150 WP

Upgrade Name: Extraction| Description: Requires: [Inventory System]. Allows the user to extract items in his inventory or people from doomed worlds. Upon ejecting from a world user can select anything he wants to bring with himself to the main world. Price for items: 1-500 WP Dependent on rarity. Price for peroneal: 2000 WP. Note: People need to agree to be extracted. | Price: 100 WP

Upgrade Name: Editing, Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping| Description: Sometimes the information the user receives can be overwhelming. Allows the user to edit, hide, sort and group different system elements and displayed information. | Price: 100 WP

Upgrade Name: Subordinate System| Description: Allows the user to add another person to his system, the user can determine what functions the second user gains. This can be bought multiple times. The subordinate system doesn't have access to the System Upgrade Shop. Currency can be shared between hosts. | Price: 10,000 WP

Upgrade Name: Applications| Description: Grants the user multiple small applications inside of his system. Clock, Timer, Alarm, Camera, Album, Notebook, Calculator, Internet Browser, Phone. Internet and phone won't work in a world without them. Clock displays local time. | Price: 1,000 WP

~-~-~*** Titles ***~-~-~

[Slime Slayer]

Increases damage dealt towards slime based lifeforms by 25%

[Zombie Slayer]

Increases damage dealt towards zombies by 25%


The size of the explosions you are responsible are 25% larger.

[Master of Death] – Lost

Upon receiving fatal damage, user is brought back to full health and for the next minute his stats are boosted by 50% (Can be used once every 360 days).

[Blessed by Death]

Grants the user positive affection from death related entities.

Increased affinity towards abilities, skills and spells related to death.

Upon receiving fatal damage, user is brought back to full health and for the next minute his stats are boosted by 100% (Can be used once every 100 days).

[Master Blacksmith]

Increase in quality of users blacksmithing products.

Gain total fire immunity, while working with a forge.

Gain 25% boost to strength and dexterity while blacksmithing.

~-~-~*** Skills ***~-~-~

[Muted Steps LVL:1/100]

Decreases the chance of being heard while sneaking by 1%/LVL

[Sneak LVL:1/100]

Decreases the chance of being spotted by 1%/LVL

[Drawing LVL:1/100]

Increases the speed of sketching, painting and coloring by 2%/LVL

[Writing LVL:1/100]

Increases the speed of writing by 2%/LVL

[Dual-wielding LVL:1/100]

While wielding two weapons in both of your hands, usage of your offhand feels 1%/LVL more natural.

[Dodge LVL:1/100]

Increases chances of dodging and attack by 0.3%/LVL

[Small Blade Mastery LVL:1/100]

Increases damage done by small bladed weapons by 5%/LVL

[Deception LVL:1/100]

Increases the chance your lies will not be doubted by 0.5%/LVL

[Counter LVL:1/100]

After dodging or blocking an attack, the next attack deals 10%xLVL damage.

[Large Blade Mastery LVL:1/100]

Increases damage done by large bladed weapons by 7.5%/LVL.

[Pain Tolerance LVL:1/100]

Decreases pain felt by 0.9%/LVL.

[Gun Mastery LVL:1/100]

Increases accuracy with guns by 0.5%/LVL.

[Seduction LVL:1/100]

While actively seducing a target, appear more visually and emotionally appealing to them.

Chances of seducing a target while actively trying, increased by 0.5%/LVL.

[Reading LVL:1/100]

Increases speed of reading by 5%/LVL.

[Cooking LVL:1/100]

Boosts the speed and efficiency of preparing meals by 1%/LVL.

Improves the taste of the food prepared by 0.2%/LVL.

[Acting LVL:1/100]

The user's acting becomes 2.5%/LVL more believable.

[Charms LVL:1/100]

Increases speed and efficiency of casting charms by 1%/LVL.

[Transfiguration LVL:1/100]

Increases speed and efficiency of casting transfiguration spells by 1%/LVL

[Herbology LVL:1/100]

Growing and harvesting plants will always succeed.

Increases the likelihood of correctly identifying a plant 1%/LVL.

[Alchemy LVL:1/100]

Grants the ability to perform alchemical transmutations.

Increases speed of brewing by 1%/LVL.

Increases the chance of successful alchemical creation 0.5%/LVL.

[Runic Language LVL:1/100]

Increases the understanding runes 5%/LVL.

Decreases chances of failure using runes by 1%/LVL.

[Enchanting LVL:1/100]

Grants the ability to enchant items.

Increases speed and efficiency creating lasting enchantments by 1%/LVL.

[Mind Arts LVL:1/100]

The user gains 1 Mind Tether/LVL.

Increases chance of successfully penetrating someone's mind 1%/LVL.

Decreases chances of being discovered when penetrating someone's mind by 0.5%/LVL.

Allows the viewing, editing and the copying of memories over to the user.

Forms a shield around the user's mind, protecting it from intruders.

Forms a mental library, able to store and filter memories and knowledge, allowing instant access to any.

[Spellcode LVL:1/100]

Allows the user to create new spells independently of spell system.

Increases the chances of successfully creating a spell by 1%/LVL.

[Teaching LVL:1/100]

Increases the speed and efficiency of passing on knowledge 10%/LVL.

[Mathematics LVL:1/100]

Increases the user's calculation ability by 7.5%/LVL

[Acrobatics LVL:1/100]

Increases the user's balance by 5%/LVL.

Increases the user's flexibility by 2%/LVL.

[Leadership LVL:1/100]

Making hard decisions, won't have a mental effect on you.

While speaking to a group of entities, they are easier to entice.

Anyone believing in your cause will have stats boosted by 1%/Lvl.

[Mental Wall LVL:1/100]

Decreases all mental trauma the user would suffer 2%/LVL

Allows the user to have a clear head while in stressful situations.

User can suppress emotions he deems unnecessary in combat.

[Sage's Wisdom LVL: Max]

Increases the power of additional spell effects by 50%.

Increases spell range by 100%.

Exponential increase of spell damage depending on shortness of a chant, starts at 500% for a one-word chant and halves the bonus for each additional word.

[Swordsman LVL:1/120]

Increases the damage and speed of your swing while using a sword by 0.5%/LVL.

[Mage LVL:1/120]

Increases the damage of your spells by 2.5%/LVL.

[Sacred Dance LVL: Max]

All enemies in combat with you, are forced to dance by your tune.

Allows you to adjust to the rhythm of the dance with ease.

Gain the ability to predict your dance partners next move.

Gain a feeling for an optimal move while dancing.

[Chain Attack LVL:1/120]

Each consecutive hit on the same target increases damage dealt by 2.5%+(0.1%/Level).

Not attacking for 2 seconds or receiving any form of damage, cancels the chain.

[Spirit Healing LVL:1/120]

Increases mana regeneration by 0.5%/Level.

[Mana's Blessing LVL: Max]

Gain the ability to temporary increase your stats by reinforcing them with mana.

All damage dealt with mana based attacks doubled.

Mana regeneration, while in combat, is tripled.

Chants cannot be interrupted.

[Dancing LVL:1/100]

Increases the fluidity of the user's movements by 0.5%/Level.

[Blacksmithing LVL:1/100]

Increases chances of producing a better quality product 0.25%/Level.

Grants instinctual knowledge about the ore you're working with.

[Focus LVL:1/100]

User gains undivided attention towards the task he is working on.

While active, user enhances their thinking speed by 2%/lvl.

All task performed when focusing have the chances of success increased by 1%/LVL.

While under focus, the user's skill level up speed is increased by 5%/LVL.

[Magic Penetration LVL: Max]

Empower your magical spells to gain 10% magic penetration.

Mana cost of empowered spell doubled.

[Magic Resistance LVL:1/120]

Reduces the effects of magic on the user by 0.125%/Level.

[True Cut LVL: Max]

Your weapon attacks will always damage the enemy even if they are in a form you cannot physically hit.

[Crush LVL:1/120]

Chances of breaking through defense increases by 0.25%/Level.

~-~-~*** Spells ***~-~-~

~-~-~* HP spells *~-~-~

[Telekinesis lvl 1]: Telekinetically move objects around you.

[Accio lvl 1]: Summoning charm.

[Aguamenti lvl 1]: Shoot water from wand.

[Alohomora lvl 1]: Unlocking Charm, unlocks and opens doors and windows.

[Confundo lvl 1]: Makes others easily susceptible to influence.

[Defodio lvl 1]: Carves through stone and steel.

[Deprimo lvl 1]: Creates great downward pressure.

[Diffindo lvl 1]: Cuts or rips material.

[Enervate lvl 1]: Counter Stupefy charm.

[Episkey lvl 1]: Heals minor injuries.

[Evanesco lvl 1]: Vanishing spell.

[Expecto Patronum lvl 1]: Patronus Charm.

[Expelliarmus lvl 1]: Disarming Charm.

[Fallacia lvl 1]: Disillusionment Charm.

[Finite Incantatem lvl 1]: Negates the effects of many spells.

[Homenum Revelio lvl 1]: Reveal people nearby.

[Incendio lvl 1]: Creates fire.

[Muffliato lvl 1]: Keeps others nearby from overhearing conversations.

[Notice-Me-Not lvl 1]: Makes people not notice something.

[Obscuro lvl 1]: Blindfolds target.

[Petrificus Totalus lvl 1]: Renders target completely immobile.

[Point-Me lvl 1]: Points towards the desired target.

[Protego lvl 1]: Shields caster from curses.

[Reducio lvl 1]: Shrinks objects.

[Reducto lvl 1]: Explodes object.

[Reparo lvl 1]: Repairs broken objects.

[Sonorus lvl 1]: Amplifies one's voice.

[Stupefy lvl 1]: Stuns target.

[Tergeo lvl 1]: Cleans off surfaces.

[Obliviate lvl 1]: Erases selected memories

[Apparition lvl 1]: Teleportation to a known location.

[Avada Kedavra lvl 1]: The Killing Curse.

[Crucio lvl 1]: Causes immense pain.

[Imperio lvl 1]: Makes target obey every command.

[Fiendfyre lvl 1]: Makes Cursed Fire

[Portus lvl 1]: Creates a portkey.

[Nexum lvl 1]: Creates a two-way connection between two minds.

[Furtim lvl 1]: Makes the target smell less, unheard, unmemorable and their actions unnoticeable.

[Visus lvl 1]: Grants a 360 view of any location known by the caster.

[Teleport lvl 1]: Teleport to any know location regardless of distance.

[Mortem Mundare lvl 1]: Creates an expanding flame centered around the caster that purifies any undead.

~-~-~* DanMachi *~-~-~

[Umbra Gradus lvl 1]

- User becomes one with the shadows, granting him the ability to move between them.

- While in the shadows user can only be damaged by light base attacks.

{Affinity: Darkness}

{Chant: The one hidden by darkness of the night, heed my call and embrace me, Umbra Gradus.}

[Mistilteinn lvl 1]

- User creates a sword from any of the eight basic elements or their combinations.

- The sword can be used as a weapon or fired off as a projectile.

- The number of swords summoned can be adjusted while casting.

- User has full control of the swords near him, only losing it after firing them off.

{Affinity: None}

{Chant: Purge, Mistilteinn.}

[Void Step lvl 1]

- User can take a step, and appear at any perceived location.

- The caster can take any target he is touching with him.

- Allows the change of momentum and rotation of the caster.

{Affinity: Space}

{Chant: None.}

[Svalinn lvl 1]

- One time cast spell, last until invested mana is exhausted or forcibly shut down by caster.

- Target gets surrounded by a transparent hexagonal shields, blocking any incoming magical or physical damage.

- The area affected by the shield can be adjusted after activation, by investing additional mana.

- The shield is constantly rotating, and any lost hexagon is quickly regenerated using the invested mana.

- When the spell detects any harm done to its target it shifts to regeneration mode, and heals the target.

- Upon detecting that the targets life is in danger, the spell sacrifices all of its mana to attempt a partial time reversal on the wounded area.

{Affinity: Life, Light, Time}

{Chant: Protect, Svalinn.}

[Celestial Eyes lvl 1]

- A continuous pulse of mana travels out of the user going through all obstacles and returning information of what it passed through.

- Grants the user perfect information of everything surrounding him.

- The information is then displayed on a mental map and can be filtered in real time.

{Affinity: Space}

{Chant: Reveal all, Celestial Eyes}

[Alter Orb lvl 1]

- Creates a high density orb of mana that floats above the user, firing off rays of particles toward a chosen location.

- Before firing, rays can be transformed into an element chosen from a pre-programed list.

- Can target multiple things in a circle around the user. Has a continuous upkeep.

{Affinity: None}

{Chant: None}

[Gate lvl 1]

- Creates a portal connecting two points in space.

{Affinity: Space}

{Chant: None}

[Clean lvl 1]

- Allows the user to clean a selected area or target.

- Fluids, dirt or anything deemed unclean will be erased form existence.

{Affinity: Void}

{Chant: Remove the filth, Clean.}

[Infuse lvl 1]

- The caster infused their weapon with mana.

- The infused mana can shift to any affinity based on the user's whim.

- Any target wounded by the infused sword will suffer a debuff based on the current affinity effecting the weapon.

{Affinity: None}

{Chant: None.}

[Gift of Life lvl 1]

- Creates an orb of life infused mana, floating over the user, healing and revitalizing all nearby wounded allies, but prioritizing the heavily wounded.

- Area of effect can be adjusted on the fly.

{Affinity: Life}

{Chant: Save our Souls, Gift of Life.}